Interoperable REST APIs with OpenAPI 3 and Connexion

Welcome to the API-First training!

Intro slides


Bonus tracks:

  • [x] Authorization with JWT


We will adopt an iterative strategy, progressively:

  1. introduce more OAS3 features
  2. write OAS3 specifications
  3. implement the associated code
  4. repeat


is the course environment in your browser.

It's not a way for not doing your homework ;)

You can:

FIXME: Go to the basic python course

Course services and directories

  • IP:8888/notebooks this Jupyter notebook
  • IP:8080 the API Documentation Web UI (Swagger UI)
  • IP:5000 the flask application we will execute during the course

Once you open the terminal you will find all the course under /code.

└── notebooks    # All notebooks!
    ├── oas3     # OpenAPI specifications, files and exercises
    └── startup  # startup files for jupyter, don't touch ;)

Customizing the flask app

To simplify things, during the training we'll run the connexion-flask app with the connexion run command. You can always provide a custom like you normally do with your flask app (eg: enable TLS, ...).

Whenever you complete an exercise, you should run

connexion run /code/notebooks/oas3/openapi.yaml

If you can't do an exercise...

During the course we'll write two files:

  • openapi.yaml with the API specifications;
  • with the API implementation

You can find solutions in the training directory, so if you can't complete your openapi.yaml you can run the solution (which ends with -ok.yaml instead, with

connexion run /code/notebooks/oas3/ex-03-02-path-ok.yaml

In [ ]:
# An API Editor is available at the following address

In [ ]:
# You can evaluate maths and strings
s = 1
print("a string and the number " + str(s))

s = s + 1
print("now s is increased " + str(s))

In [ ]:
# Note: all notebooks preload the definitions in 
!ls -l /root/.ipython/profile_default/startup


Exercise solutions are folded. You can show them clicking on the + sign.

Don't do that :D just try and ...

Setup with digitalocean (if you don't have your server)

Create a docker-18-04 droplet and ssh into it.

Setup example

Docker must listen on

# vim /etc/systemd/system/
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H tcp://

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker

Clone and start

git clone
cd python-course/ansible-101
make course

Connect to jupyter


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