Discourse-semantics of risk in the New York Times, 1963–2014

SUMMARY: This IPython Notebook demonstrates the findings from our investigation of risk in the NYT, as well as the code used to generate these findings. If you have the necessary dependencies installed, you can also use this notebook to interrogate and visualise the corpus yourself.


If you haven't already done so, the first things we need to do are install corpkit, download data for NLTK's tokeniser, and unzip our corpus.

In [ ]:
# install corpkit with either pip or easy_install
! easy_install -u corpkit

In [ ]:
# download nltk tokeniser data
import nltk

In [ ]:
# unzip and untar our data
! gzip -dc data/nyt.tar.gz | tar -xf - -C data

Great! Now we have everything we need to start.


Let's import the functions we'll be using to investigate the corpus.

Function name Purpose
interrogator() interrogate parsed corpora
editor() edit interrogator() results
plotter() visualise interrogator() results
quickview() view interrogator() results
conc() complex concordancing of subcorpora
keywords() get keywords and ngrams from conc() output

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import clear_output
import mpld3

import corpkit
from corpkit import (interrogator, editor, plotter, quickview, conc, 
                     save_result, load_result, load_all_results)

# show figures in browser
% matplotlib inline

Next, let's set the path to our corpus. If you were using this interface for your own corpora, you would change this to the path to your data.

In [2]:
# corpus of every article, with annual subcorpora
annual_trees = 'data/nyt/years'

Let's also quickly set some options for displaying raw data:

In [3]:
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 8)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
pd.set_option('expand_frame_repr', False)

We can also quickly load all of our saved results as a dictionary. It's handy to make the name short:

In [4]:
r = load_all_results('data/saved_interrogations')

10:32:28: adj_modifiers.p loaded as adj_modifiers.
10:32:28: adj_riskwords.p loaded as adj_riskwords.
10:32:29: all_govs.p loaded as all_govs.
10:32:29: allwords.p loaded as allwords.
10:32:29: at_risk_things.p loaded as at_risk_things.
10:32:29: baseline.p loaded as baseline.
10:32:29: edited_adj_riskwords.p loaded as edited_adj_riskwords.
10:32:30: health-processes.p loaded as health-processes.
10:32:39: health-social-actors-w-risk-in-sent.p loaded as health-social-actors-w-risk-in-sent.
10:32:47: health_kwds.p loaded as health_kwds.
10:33:10: health_kwds_compared_to_nyt.p loaded as health_kwds_compared_to_nyt.
10:33:10: health_ngrams.p loaded as health_ngrams.
10:33:11: kwds.p loaded as kwds.
10:33:11: modals.p loaded as modals.
10:33:11: modals_lemmatised.p loaded as modals_lemmatised.
10:33:11: modifiers.p loaded as modifiers.
10:33:11: n_atrisk_n.p loaded as n_atrisk_n.
10:33:17: ngms.p loaded as ngms.
10:33:26: noun_lemmata.p loaded as noun_lemmata.
10:33:26: predicators.p loaded as predicators.
10:33:27: proc_w_risk_part.p loaded as proc_w_risk_part.
10:33:27: processes.p failed to load. Try using load_result to find out the matter.
10:33:32: propernouns.p loaded as propernouns.
10:33:32: relationals.p loaded as relationals.
10:33:32: risk_as_part_process_mod.p loaded as risk_as_part_process_mod.
10:33:32: risk_objects.p loaded as risk_objects.
10:33:33: risk_of.p loaded as risk_of.
10:33:33: risk_verbing.p loaded as risk_verbing.
10:33:33: riskpos.p loaded as riskpos.
10:33:33: riskwords.p loaded as riskwords.
10:33:40: sayers.p loaded as sayers.
10:33:40: social-actors-w-risk-in-sent.p loaded as social-actors-w-risk-in-sent.
10:33:40: subj_of_risk_process.p loaded as subj_of_risk_process.
10:33:40: terror_heart.p loaded as terror_heart.
10:33:42: uniques.p loaded as uniques.
10:33:42: x_subj_of_risk_process.p loaded as x_subj_of_risk_process.


Let's start off with some quick examples. By the end of this Notebook, you should be more than capable of reproducing even the most complex examples!

Interrogating the corpus (and saving the result)

In [19]:
# interrogate
modals = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', 'MD < __')
# save
save_result(modals, 'modals')
# view

 00:20:20: Finished! 17 unique results, 280433 total.

00:20:20: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/modals.p

  0: would (n=65161)
  1: will (n=49031)
  2: can (n=44432)
  3: could (n=37139)
  4: may (n=26869)
  5: should (n=20450)
  6: might (n=16907)
  7: must (n=9083)
  8: ca (n=3838)
  9: 'll (n=2506)
 10: 'd (n=2196)
 11: wo (n=1948)
 12: ought (n=547)
 13: need (n=182)
 14: shall (n=133)
 15: dare (n=6)
 16: shalt (n=5)

Edit results

In [5]:
# if using loaded results:
modals = r['modals']

# simple stuff: make relative frequencies for individual or total results
rel_modals = editor(modals.results, '%', modals.totals)

# trickier: make an 'others' result from low-total entries
low_indices = [i for i, w in enumerate(list(modals.results.index)) if i > 6]
each_modal_total = editor(modals.results, '%', modals.totals, merge_entries = low_indices, 
                          newname = 'other', just_totals = True)

# complex stuff: merge results
entries_to_merge = [r'(^w|\'ll|\'d)', r'^c', r'^m[^d]', r'^sh']
for regex in entries_to_merge:
    modals = editor(modals.results, merge_entries = regex)
# complex stuff: merge subcorpora
subcorpora_to_merge = [('1960s', r'^196'), ('1980s', r'^198'), ('1990s', r'^199'), 
                       ('2000s', r'^200'), ('2010s', r'^201')]
for subcorp, search in subcorpora_to_merge:
    modals = editor(modals.results, merge_subcorpora = search, new_subcorpus_name=subcorp)
# make relative, sort, remove what we don't want
modals = editor(modals.results, '%', modals.totals,
                 just_subcorpora = [n for n, s in subcorpora_to_merge], sort_by = 'total', keep_top = 4)

# clear output and show results
print rel_modals.results, '\n', each_modal_total.results, '\n', modals.results

          would       will        can      could  ...        need     shall      dare  shalt
1963  22.326833  23.537323  17.955615   6.590451  ...    0.000000  0.537996  0.000000      0
1987  24.750614  18.505132  15.512505  11.117537  ...    0.072286  0.260228  0.014457      0
1988  23.138986  19.257117  16.182067  11.219364  ...    0.091338  0.060892  0.000000      0
1989  22.766053  19.368358  15.371950  11.749738  ...    0.134710  0.014968  0.014968      0
1990  24.631154  18.061811  15.716726  12.253456  ...    0.062121  0.046591  0.000000      0
...         ...        ...        ...        ...  ...         ...       ...       ...    ...
2010  24.989858  17.200811  15.388776  14.171738  ...    0.108181  0.067613  0.000000      0
2011  23.185818  17.574289  15.584747  14.577222  ...    0.089274  0.000000  0.000000      0
2012  23.097345  16.283186  15.132743  15.353982  ...    0.029499  0.029499  0.000000      0
2013  22.136269  17.286522  16.349301  15.620351  ...    0.029753  0.029753  0.000000      0
2014  21.618357  17.101449  16.908213  14.347826  ...    0.024155  0.000000  0.000000      0

[29 rows x 17 columns] 
would     23.235853
will      17.484034
can       15.844070
could     13.243449
may        9.581255
should     7.292294
might      6.028891
other      7.290155
Name: Combined total, dtype: float64 
       would/will/'ll...  can/could/ca  may/might/must  should/shall/shalt
1960s          47.276395     25.016812       19.569603            7.800941
1980s          44.756285     28.050776       19.224476            7.566817
1990s          44.481957     29.142571       19.140310            6.892708
2000s          42.386571     30.710739       19.182867            7.485681
2010s          42.581666     32.045745       17.777845            7.397044

Plot results

In [8]:
# line chart
plotter('Common modals in the NYT', rel_modals.results.drop('1963'), y_label = 'Percentage of all modals', 
        style = 'fivethirtyeight', num_to_plot = 8, legend_pos = 'outside upper right', 
        show_totals = 'both')

# pie chart
plotter('Pie chart of common modals', each_modal_total.results, explode = ['other'], shadow = True,
    num_to_plot = 'all', kind = 'pie', colours = 'Accent', figsize = (8, 8), show_totals = 'plot')

# stacked area chart
plotter('An ocean of modals: \emph{The New York Times}, 1987--2014', rel_modals.results.drop('1963'), kind = 'area', 
    stacked = True, colours = 'summer', figsize = (8, 10), num_to_plot = 'all', 
    legend_pos = 'lower right', y_label = 'Percentage of all modals')

# bar chart, transposing and reversing the data
plotter('Modal use by decade', modals.results.iloc[::-1].T.iloc[::-1], kind = 'barh',
    x_label = 'Percentage of all modals', y_label = 'Modal group', style = 'bmh')

Some plots may also be viewed interactively: you can simply add interactive = True and get a version that can be scrolled through, zoomed, hovered over, or lit up:

In [6]:
import mpld3

In [10]:
plotter('Common modals in the NYT', rel_modals.results.drop('1963'), y_label = 'Percentage of all modals', 
        style = 'fivethirtyeight', num_to_plot = 8, legend_pos = 'outside upper right', 
        show_totals = 'both', interactive=True)


This uses mpld3, which is still under a great deal of development. As such, its use here is currently poorly documented and largely experimental. Many features, such as legend placement, use of TeX, etc., will not work.

Anyway, as you can see, there's a lot to do. These results all came from one very simple query! So, let's begin.

The report

The focus of this notebook is our methodology and findings during our 2014 research project. These parts of the project are contextualised and elaborated upon in our written report. Depending on your browser's capabilities/settings, the following will download or display our report:

In [ ]:
from corpkit import report_display

The data

Our main corpus is comprised of paragraphs from New York Times articles that contain a risk word, which we have defined by regular expression as '(?i)'.?\brisk.?\b'. This includes low-risk, or risk/reward as single tokens, but excludes brisk or asterisk.

The data comes from a number of sources.

  • 1963 editions were downloaded from ProQuest Newsstand as PDFs. Optical character recognition and manual processing was used to create a set of 1200 risk sentences.
  • The 1987–2006 editions were taken from the NYT Annotated Corpus.
  • 2007–2014 editions were downloaded from ProQuest Newsstand as HTML.

In total, 149,504 documents were processed. The corpus from which the risk corpus was made is over 150 million words in length!

The texts have been parsed for part of speech and grammatical structure by `Stanford CoreNLP*. In this Notebook, we are only working with the parsed versions of the texts. We rely on Tregex to interrogate the corpora. Tregex allows very complex searching of parsed trees, in combination with Java Regular Expressions. It's definitely worthwhile to learn the Tregex syntax, but in case you're time-poor, at the end of this notebook are a series of Tregex queries that you can copy and paste into interrogator() and conc() queries.

Interrogating the corpus

So, let's start by finding out how many words we have in each subcorpus. To do this, we'll interrogate the corpus using interrogator(). Its most important arguments are:

  1. path to corpus
  2. search options
  3. a search query

There are many kinds of search options available:

Option Function
b get tag and word of Tregex match
c count Tregex match
d get dependent of regular expression match and the r/ship
f get dependency function of regular expression match
g get governor of regular expression match and the r/ship
i get dependency index of regular expression match
k Find keywords
n find n-grams
p get part-of-speech tag with Tregex
r regular expression, for plaintext corpora
s simple search string or list of strings for plaintext corpora
w get word(s)returned by Tregex/keywords/ngrams

Right now, we only need to count tokens, so we can use the c option. The cell below will run interrogator() over each subcorpus and count the number of matches for the query.

In [4]:
allwords = interrogator(annual_trees, 'count', 'any')

When the interrogation has finished, we can view our results:

In [55]:
# from the allwords results, print the totals

1963     83325
1987    481830
1988    450872
2012    995546
2013    978308
2014    623268
Name: Total, Length: 29, dtype: int64

If you want to see the query and options that created the results, you can use:

In [60]:

{'datatype': numpy.int64,
 'dep_type': 'basic-dependencies',
 'dictionary': 'bnc.p',
 'function_filter': False,
 'lemmatag': False,
 'lemmatise': False,
 'options': 'count',
 'path': 'data/nyt/years',
 'phrases': False,
 'plaintext': False,
 'query': '/.?[A-Za-z0-9].?/ !< __',
 'quicksave': False,
 'spelling': False,
 'table_size': 50,
 'time_ended': '2015-06=09 18:04:32',
 'time_started': '2015-06=09 17:55:03',
 'titlefilter': False,
 'translated_options': 'C'}

You could even run the same query again by passing this dictionary back into interrogator():

In [ ]:
# again = interrogator(**allwords.query)

Plotting results

Lists of years and totals are pretty dry. Luckily, we can use the plotter() function to visualise our results. At minimum, plotter() needs two arguments:

  1. a title (in quotation marks)
  2. a list of results to plot

In [6]:
plotter('Word counts in each subcorpus', allwords.totals)

Because we have smaller samples for 1963 and 2014, we might want to project them. To do that, we can pass subcorpus names and projection values to editor():

In [147]:
proj_vals = [(1963, 5), (2014, 1.37)]
projected = editor(allwords.totals, projection = proj_vals)
plotter('Word counts in each subcorpus (projected)', projected.totals, style = 'bmh')

***Processing results***

Projection: 1963 * 5
Projection: 2014 * 1.37


Great! So, we can see that the number of words per year varies quite a lot, even after projection. That's worth keeping in mind.

Frequency of risk words in the NYT

Next, let's count the total number of risk words. Notice that we are using the 'both' flag, instead of the 'count' flag, because we want both the word and its tag.

In [10]:
# our query:
riskwords_query = r'__ < /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/' # any risk word and its word class/part of speech
# get all risk words and their tags :
riskwords = interrogator(annual_trees, 'both', riskwords_query)

 21:50:17: Finished! 565 unique results, 356542 total.

Even when do not use the count flag, we can access the total number of matches as before:

In [11]:

1963     1476
1987     7511
1988     7226
1989     7559
1990     7841
1991     7005
1992     6861
1993     6921
1994     7024
1995     7074
1996     6942
1997     7014
1998     7996
1999     7827
2000     8057
2001    10412
2002    19802
2003    19222
2004    19126
2005    19290
2006    19032
2007    18342
2008    19516
2009    18752
2010    19510
2011    20738
2012    18606
2013    18454
2014    11406
Name: Total, dtype: int64

At the moment, it's hard to tell whether or not these counts are simply because our annual NYT samples are different sizes. To account for this, we can calculate the percentage of parsed words that are risk words. This means combining the two interrogations we have already performed.

We can do this by using editor():

In [149]:
rel_riskwords = editor(riskwords.totals, '%', allwords.totals)
print rel_riskwords.totals

***Processing results***


1963    1.771377
1987    1.558849
1988    1.602672
2012    1.868924
2013    1.886318
2014    1.830031
Name: Total, Length: 29, dtype: float64

In [9]:
plotter('Relative frequency of risk words', rel_riskwords.totals)

That's more helpful. We can now see some interesting peaks and troughs in the proportion of risk words. We can also see that 1963 contains the highest proportion of risk words. This is because the manual corrector of 1963 OCR entries preserved only the sentence containing risk words, rather than the paragraph.

Here are two methods for excluding 1963 from the chart:

In [152]:
# using Pandas syntax:
plotter('Relative frequency of risk words', rel_riskwords.totals.drop('1963'), 
        legend = True, style = 'fivethirtyeight')

# the other way: using editor()
#rel_riskwords = editor(rel_riskwords.totals, skip_subcorpora = [1963])
#plotter('Relative frequency of risk words', rel_riskwords.totals)

Perhaps we're interested in not only the frequency of risk words, but the frequency of different kinds of risk words. We actually already collected this data during our last interrogator() query.

We can print just the first few entries of the results list, rather than the totals list.

In [40]:
# using Pandas syntax:

(nn risk) (nns risks) (jj risky) (vb risk) ... (nn risk-evaluation) (nn risk-gd) (nn risk-hedging) (cd 410-risk)
1963 740 404 65 142 ... 0 1 0 1
1987 4116 1612 549 493 ... 0 0 0 0
1988 4049 1453 511 450 ... 0 0 1 0
1989 4164 1534 543 512 ... 0 0 0 0
1990 4223 1508 612 530 ... 0 0 0 0
1991 3825 1372 530 483 ... 0 0 0 0
1992 3578 1533 545 492 ... 0 0 0 0
1993 3822 1426 546 444 ... 0 0 0 0
1994 3837 1507 604 447 ... 0 0 0 0
1995 3905 1429 632 400 ... 0 0 0 0

10 rows × 565 columns

In [41]:
# using quickview
from corpkit import quickview
quickview(riskwords.results, n = 10)

  0: (nn risk) (n=204305)
  1: (nns risks) (n=76105)
  2: (jj risky) (n=22134)
  3: (vb risk) (n=19621)
  4: (jj high-risk) (n=7951)
  5: (vbp risk) (n=4294)
  6: (vbz risks) (n=3414)
  7: (nn risk-taking) (n=2204)
  8: (nnp risk) (n=1843)
  9: (jj low-risk) (n=1657)

So, let's use this data to do some more serious plotting:

In [12]:
frac1 = editor(riskwords.results, '%', riskwords.totals)
# alternative syntax:
# frac1 = editor(riskwords.results, '%', 'self')

***Processing results***


In [13]:
# colormap is used for > 7 results
plotter('Risk word / all risk words', frac1.results, num_to_plot = 9)

If plotter() can't find a good spot for the legend, you can explicitly move it:

In [14]:
plotter('Risk word / all risk words', frac1.results, num_to_plot = 9, legend_pos = 'lower right', figsize = (8, 4))
plotter('Risk word / all risk words', frac1.results, num_to_plot = 9, legend_pos = 'outside right', figsize = (8, 4)) # 'o r' for short

In [154]:
frac2 = editor(riskwords.results, '%', allwords.totals, sort_by = 'total')

***Processing results***


In [16]:
plotter('Risk word / all words', frac2.results, legend_pos = 'outside right')

Another neat feature is the .table attribute of interrogations, which shows the most common n results in each subcorpus:

In [55]:

1963 1987 1988 1989 ... 2011 2012 2013 2014
0 (nn risk) (nn risk) (nn risk) (nn risk) ... (nn risk) (nn risk) (nn risk) (nn risk)
1 (nns risks) (nns risks) (nns risks) (nns risks) ... (nns risks) (nns risks) (nns risks) (nns risks)
2 (vb risk) (jj risky) (jj risky) (jj risky) ... (vb risk) (vb risk) (vb risk) (vb risk)
3 (jj risky) (vb risk) (vb risk) (vb risk) ... (jj risky) (jj risky) (jj risky) (jj risky)
4 (vbp risk) (jj high-risk) (jj high-risk) (jj high-risk) ... (jj high-risk) (jj high-risk) (jj high-risk) (jj high-risk)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
45 (nnps risks) (nn risk-taker.) (nn risk-sharing) ... (jj risk-hungry) (jj value-at-risk) (nnp at-risk) (jj risk-increasing)
46 (nn risk-assessment) (jj risk-control) (jj risk-factor) ... (nns risk-models) (jj market-risk) (vb de-risk) (nn risk-prediction)
47 (jj risk-adverse) (nn risk-hedging) (jj risk-waiver) ... (nnp low-risk) (jj lowest-risk) (jj risk-wary) (nn risk/benefit)
48 (nn risk-management) (nn less-risky) (nn risk-to-reward) ... (jj risk-to-capital) (nnp at-risk) (jj risk-on) (jj risk-damping)
49 (nn political-risk) (jj risk-adjustment) (jj risk-adverse) ... (jj risk-tolerant) (jj average-risk) (jj risk-style) (jj zero-risk)

50 rows × 29 columns

Customising visualisations

By default, plotter() plots the seven most frequent results, including 1963.

We can use other plotter() arguments to customise what our chart shows. plotter()'s possible arguments are:

plotter() argument Mandatory/default? Use Type
title mandatory A title for your plot string
results mandatory the results you want to plot interrogator() or editor() output
num_to_plot 7 Number of top entries to show int
x_label False custom label for the x-axis str
y_label False custom label for the y-axis str
figsize (13, 6) set the size of the figure tuple: (length, width)
tex 'try' use TeX to generate image text boolean
style 'ggplot' use Matplotlib styles str: 'dark_background', 'bmh', 'grayscale', 'ggplot', 'fivethirtyeight'
legend_pos 'default' legend position str: 'outside right' to move legend outside chart
show_totals False Print totals on legend or plot where possible str: 'legend', 'plot', 'both', or 'False'
save False Save to file True: save as title.png. str: save as str
colours 'Paired' plot colours str: any of Matpltlib's colormaps
cumulative False plot entries cumulatively bool
**kwargs False pass other options to Pandas plot/Matplotlib rot = 45, subplots = True, fontsize = 16, etc.

In [17]:
plotter('Risk words', frac2.results, num_to_plot = 5, y_label = 'Percentage of all words')

Keyword arguments for Pandas and matplotlib can also be used:

In [103]:
plotter('Risk words', frac2.results.drop('1963').T.head(5), subplots = True, 
        layout = (4,4), figsize = (10, 10), num_to_plot = 16, kind='pie', pie_legend = True, save = True)

23:33:18: images/risk-words.png created.

In [22]:
plotter('Risk words', frac2.results.drop('1963'), kind = 'bar', stacked = True, legend_pos = 'o r')

In [156]:
plotter('Verbal risk words', editor(frac2.results, just_entries= r'^\(v', print_info = False).results, 
        kind = 'area', stacked = True, legend_pos = 'o r', colours = 'Oranges', num_to_plot = 'all', 
        fontsize = 16, tex = False, figsize = (8, 6), style = 'bmh')

In [38]:
letters = [('Adjective', 'j'),
           ('Noun', 'n'),
           ('Verb', 'v')]

for label, letter in letters:
    riskwords = editor(riskwords.results, merge_entries = r'^\(' + letter, newname = label, print_info = False)
wordclasses = editor(riskwords.results, '%', riskwords.totals, just_entries = [n for n, l in letters], sort_by = 'total', print_info = False)

plotter('Nominalisation of risk: \emph{The New York Times}, 1987--2014', wordclasses.results.drop('1963'), 
        kind = 'area', stacked = True, figsize = (8, 10), num_to_plot = 'all', 
        legend_pos = 'lower right', y_label = 'Percentage of all risk words', save = True)

08:36:30: images/nominalisation-of-risk-emphthe-new-york-times-19872014.png created.

Those already proficient with Python can use Pandas' plot() function (docs) if they like.

Another neat thing you can do is save the results of an interrogation, so they don't have to be run the next time you load this notebook:

In [31]:
# specify what to save, and a name for the file.
from corpkit import save_result, load_result
save_result(allwords, 'allwords')

 08:35:20: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/allwords.p

You can then load these results:

In [32]:
fromfile_allwords = load_result('allwords')

1963     83325
1987    481830
1988    450872
2012    995546
2013    978308
2014    623268
Name: Total, Length: 29, dtype: int64

... or erase them from memory:

In [35]:
fromfile_allwords = None


quickview() is a function that quickly shows the n most frequent items in a list. Its arguments are:

  1. interrogator() or editor() output (preferably, the whole interrogation, not just the .results branch.)
  2. number of results to show (default = 25)

In [39]:
quickview(riskwords, n = 15)

  0: (nn risk) (n=204305)
  1: (nns risks) (n=76105)
  2: (jj risky) (n=22134)
  3: (vb risk) (n=19621)
  4: (jj high-risk) (n=7951)
  5: (vbp risk) (n=4294)
  6: (vbz risks) (n=3414)
  7: (nn risk-taking) (n=2204)
  8: (nnp risk) (n=1843)
  9: (jj low-risk) (n=1657)
 10: (jj at-risk) (n=1498)
 11: (jj risk-free) (n=1347)
 12: (jj risk-averse) (n=1258)
 13: (jj risk-taking) (n=1242)
 14: (nnp risky) (n=1198)

The number shown next to the item is its index. You can use this number to refer to an entry when editing results.


Results lists can be edited quickly with editor(). It has a lot of different options:

editor() argument Mandatory/default? Use Type
df mandatory the results you want to edit interrogator() or editor output
operation '%' if using second list, what operation to perform '+', '-', '/', '*' or '%'
df2 False Results to comine in some way with df interrogator() or editor output (usually, a .totals branch)
just_subcorpora False Subcorpora to keep list
skip_subcorpora False Subcorpora to skip list
merge_subcorpora False Subcorpora to merge list
new_subcorpus_name False name for merged subcorpora index/str
just_entries False Entries to keep list
skip_entries False Entries to skip list
merge_entries False Entries to merge list of words or indices/a regex to match
sort_by False sort results str: 'total', 'infreq', 'name', 'increase', 'decrease'
keep_top False Keep only top n results after sorting int
just_totals False Collapse all subcorpora, return Series bool
projection False project smaller subcorpora list of tuples: [(subcorpus_name, projection_value)]
**kwargs False pass options to Pandas' plot() function, Matplotlib various

First, we can select specific subcorpora to keep, remove or span:

Let's try these out on a new interrogation. The query below will get adjectival risk words:

In [42]:
adj = r'/JJ.?/ < /(?i)\brisk/'
adj_riskwords = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', adj, quicksave = 'adj_riskwords')

 08:47:32: Finished! 355 unique results, 45604 total.

 08:47:32: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/adj_riskwords.p

In [43]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, skip_subcorpora = [1963, 1987, 1988]).results

***Processing results***

Skipping 3 subcorpora:


risky high-risk riskier low-risk ... medical-risk ultra-high-risk middle-risk risk-and-profit-sharing
1989 543 283 65 35 ... 0 0 0 0
1990 612 347 84 40 ... 0 0 0 0
1991 530 282 81 46 ... 0 0 0 0
1992 545 201 53 28 ... 1 1 0 0
1993 546 209 78 42 ... 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2010 872 444 194 90 ... 0 0 0 0
2011 798 376 162 110 ... 0 0 0 0
2012 770 274 172 154 ... 0 0 0 0
2013 710 430 148 106 ... 0 0 0 0
2014 380 172 86 84 ... 0 0 0 0

26 rows × 355 columns

In [44]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, just_subcorpora = [1963, 1987, 1988]).results

***Processing results***

Keeping 3 subcorpora:


risky high-risk riskier low-risk ... medical-risk ultra-high-risk middle-risk risk-and-profit-sharing
1963 65 2 3 1 ... 0 0 0 0
1987 549 265 49 43 ... 0 0 0 0
1988 511 251 44 38 ... 0 0 0 0

3 rows × 355 columns

In [45]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, span_subcorpora = [2000, 2010]).results

***Processing results***

Keeping subcorpora:


risky high-risk riskier low-risk ... medical-risk ultra-high-risk middle-risk risk-and-profit-sharing
2000 784 166 75 25 ... 0 0 0 0
2001 834 215 98 50 ... 0 0 0 0
2002 1302 302 174 68 ... 0 0 0 0
2003 1430 402 190 54 ... 0 0 0 0
2004 1284 448 186 72 ... 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2006 1296 326 184 80 ... 0 0 0 0
2007 758 398 140 60 ... 0 0 0 0
2008 930 338 176 82 ... 0 0 0 0
2009 850 464 200 82 ... 0 0 0 0
2010 872 444 194 90 ... 0 0 0 0

11 rows × 355 columns

We can do similar kinds of things with each result:

In [46]:

  0: risky (n=22134)
  1: high-risk (n=7951)
  2: riskier (n=3221)
  3: low-risk (n=1657)
  4: at-risk (n=1498)
  5: risk-free (n=1347)
  6: risk-averse (n=1258)
  7: risk-taking (n=1242)
  8: riskiest (n=995)
  9: risk-based (n=361)
 10: higher-risk (n=337)
 11: risk-management (n=324)
 12: risk-adjusted (n=256)
 13: risk-reward (n=240)
 14: risk-weighted (n=186)
 15: risk-benefit (n=151)
 16: no-risk (n=151)
 17: lower-risk (n=148)
 18: highest-risk (n=148)
 19: riskless (n=128)
 20: moderate-risk (n=58)
 21: assigned-risk (n=54)
 22: risk-off (n=52)
 23: risk-sharing (n=49)
 24: reduced-risk (n=47)

In [47]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, skip_entries = [2, 5, 6]).results

***Processing results***

Skipping 3 entries:


risky high-risk low-risk at-risk ... medical-risk ultra-high-risk middle-risk risk-and-profit-sharing
1963 65 2 1 0 ... 0 0 0 0
1987 549 265 43 12 ... 0 0 0 0
1988 511 251 38 27 ... 0 0 0 0
1989 543 283 35 10 ... 0 0 0 0
1990 612 347 40 19 ... 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2010 872 444 90 102 ... 0 0 0 0
2011 798 376 110 106 ... 0 0 0 0
2012 770 274 154 118 ... 0 0 0 0
2013 710 430 106 132 ... 0 0 0 0
2014 380 172 84 78 ... 0 0 0 0

29 rows × 352 columns

In [48]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, just_entries = [2, 5, 6]).results

***Processing results***

Keeping 3 entries:


riskier risk-free risk-averse
1963 3 3 0
1987 49 29 10
1988 44 31 11
1989 65 21 8
1990 84 23 9
... ... ... ...
2010 194 112 72
2011 162 134 90
2012 172 56 90
2013 148 58 70
2014 86 42 36

29 rows × 3 columns

We can also use the words themselves, rather than indices, for all of these operations:

In [49]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, just_entries = ['risky', 'riskier', 'riskiest']).results

***Processing results***

Keeping 3 entries:


risky riskier riskiest
1963 65 3 0
1987 549 49 16
1988 511 44 12
1989 543 65 15
1990 612 84 14
... ... ... ...
2010 872 194 38
2011 798 162 32
2012 770 172 36
2013 710 148 54
2014 380 86 34

29 rows × 3 columns

Or, we can use Regular Expressions:

In [50]:
# skip any that start with 'r'
editor(adj_riskwords.results, skip_entries = r'^r').results

***Processing results***

Skipping 176 entries:
... and 166 more ... 


high-risk low-risk at-risk higher-risk ... ultra-low-risk medical-risk ultra-high-risk middle-risk
1963 2 1 0 1 ... 0 0 0 0
1987 265 43 12 4 ... 0 0 0 0
1988 251 38 27 8 ... 0 0 0 0
1989 283 35 10 8 ... 0 0 0 0
1990 347 40 19 8 ... 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2010 444 90 102 22 ... 0 0 0 0
2011 376 110 106 22 ... 0 0 0 0
2012 274 154 118 26 ... 0 0 0 0
2013 430 106 132 26 ... 0 0 0 0
2014 172 84 78 14 ... 0 0 0 0

29 rows × 179 columns

We can also merge entries, and specify a new name for the merged items. In lieu of a name, we can pass an index.

In [51]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, merge_entries = [2, 5, 6], newname = 'New name').results

***Processing results***

Merging 3 entries as "New name":


risky high-risk low-risk at-risk ... ultra-high-risk middle-risk risk-and-profit-sharing New name
1963 65 2 1 0 ... 0 0 0 6
1987 549 265 43 12 ... 0 0 0 88
1988 511 251 38 27 ... 0 0 0 86
1989 543 283 35 10 ... 0 0 0 94
1990 612 347 40 19 ... 0 0 0 116
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2010 872 444 90 102 ... 0 0 0 378
2011 798 376 110 106 ... 0 0 0 386
2012 770 274 154 118 ... 0 0 0 318
2013 710 430 106 132 ... 0 0 0 276
2014 380 172 84 78 ... 0 0 0 164

29 rows × 353 columns

In [52]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, merge_entries = ['risky', 'riskier', 'riskiest'], newname = 'risky').results

***Processing results***

Merging 3 entries as "risky":


high-risk low-risk at-risk risk-free ... ultra-high-risk middle-risk risk-and-profit-sharing risky
1963 2 1 0 3 ... 0 0 0 68
1987 265 43 12 29 ... 0 0 0 614
1988 251 38 27 31 ... 0 0 0 567
1989 283 35 10 21 ... 0 0 0 623
1990 347 40 19 23 ... 0 0 0 710
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2010 444 90 102 112 ... 0 0 0 1104
2011 376 110 106 134 ... 0 0 0 992
2012 274 154 118 56 ... 0 0 0 978
2013 430 106 132 58 ... 0 0 0 912
2014 172 84 78 42 ... 0 0 0 500

29 rows × 353 columns

Notice how the merged result appears as the final column. To reorder the columns by total frequency, we can use sort_by = 'total'.

In [53]:
# if we don't specify a new name, editor makes one for us
generated_name = editor(adj_riskwords.results, merge_entries = ['risky', 'riskier', 'riskiest'], sort_by = 'total')

***Processing results***

Merging 3 entries as "risky/riskier/riskiest":


  0: risky/riskier/riskiest (n=26350)
  1: high-risk (n=7951)
  2: low-risk (n=1657)
  3: at-risk (n=1498)
  4: risk-free (n=1347)
  5: risk-averse (n=1258)
  6: risk-taking (n=1242)
  7: risk-based (n=361)
  8: higher-risk (n=337)
  9: risk-management (n=324)
 10: risk-adjusted (n=256)
 11: risk-reward (n=240)
 12: risk-weighted (n=186)
 13: risk-benefit (n=151)
 14: no-risk (n=151)
 15: lower-risk (n=148)
 16: highest-risk (n=148)
 17: riskless (n=128)
 18: moderate-risk (n=58)
 19: assigned-risk (n=54)
 20: risk-off (n=52)
 21: risk-sharing (n=49)
 22: reduced-risk (n=47)
 23: lowest-risk (n=45)
 24: risk-control (n=42)

editor() can sort also sort alphabetically, or by least frequent:

In [54]:
# alphabetically
editor(adj_riskwords.results, sort_by = 'name').results

***Processing results***


acceptable-risk advanced-risk aids-risk all-risk ... weather-risk youth-at-risk zero-political-risk zero-risk
1963 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0
1987 0 0 0 2 ... 0 0 0 0
1988 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1
1989 0 0 0 1 ... 0 0 0 1
1990 0 0 1 0 ... 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2010 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 2
2011 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 2
2012 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 2
2013 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0
2014 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 2

29 rows × 355 columns

In [55]:
# least frequent
editor(adj_riskwords.results, sort_by = 'infreq').results

***Processing results***


middle-risk risk-waiver risk-swapping crime-risk ... low-risk riskier high-risk risky
1963 0 0 0 0 ... 1 3 2 65
1987 0 0 0 0 ... 43 49 265 549
1988 0 0 0 0 ... 38 44 251 511
1989 0 1 0 0 ... 35 65 283 543
1990 0 0 0 0 ... 40 84 347 612
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2010 0 0 0 0 ... 90 194 444 872
2011 0 0 0 0 ... 110 162 376 798
2012 0 0 0 0 ... 154 172 274 770
2013 0 0 0 0 ... 106 148 430 710
2014 0 0 0 0 ... 84 86 172 380

29 rows × 355 columns

Particularly cool is sorting by 'increase' or 'decrease': this calculates the trend lines of each result, and sort by the slope.

In [56]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, sort_by = 'increase').results

***Processing results***


risky high-risk riskier at-risk ... risk-arbitrage standard-risk riskless assigned-risk
1963 65 2 3 0 ... 0 7 3 0
1987 549 265 49 12 ... 4 0 9 0
1988 511 251 44 27 ... 1 0 12 7
1989 543 283 65 10 ... 2 0 6 7
1990 612 347 84 19 ... 3 0 8 13
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2010 872 444 194 102 ... 0 0 6 0
2011 798 376 162 106 ... 0 0 2 0
2012 770 274 172 118 ... 0 0 4 0
2013 710 430 148 132 ... 0 0 2 0
2014 380 172 86 78 ... 0 0 2 0

29 rows × 355 columns

We can use just_totals to output just the sum of occurrences in each subcorpus:

In [11]:
adj_riskwords = load_result('adj_riskwords')
just_tot = editor(adj_riskwords.results, just_totals = True, keep_top = 20)

***Processing results***


risky        22134
high-risk     7951
riskier       3221
lower-risk      148
highest-risk    148
riskless        128
Name: Combined total, Length: 20, dtype: int64

Any edited result also has a .query branch, which is a dictionary containing everything used to generate the result. This even includes the original data!

In [12]:
print just_tot.query['time_started']

2015-06=09 18:08:22
{'dataframe1':       risky  high-risk  riskier  low-risk           ...             medical-risk  ultra-high-risk  middle-risk  risk-and-profit-sharing
 1963     65          2        3         1           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 1987    549        265       49        43           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 1988    511        251       44        38           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 1989    543        283       65        35           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 1990    612        347       84        40           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 ...     ...        ...      ...       ...           ...                      ...              ...          ...                      ...
 2010    872        444      194        90           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 2011    798        376      162       110           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 2012    770        274      172       154           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 2013    710        430      148       106           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 2014    380        172       86        84           ...                        0                0            0                        0
 [29 rows x 355 columns],
 'dataframe2': False,
 'datatype': numpy.int64,
 'function': 'editor',
 'just_entries': False,
 'just_subcorpora': False,
 'just_totals': True,
 'keep_stats': False,
 'merge_entries': False,
 'merge_subcorpora': False,
 'new_subcorpus_name': False,
 'newname': 'combine',
 'operation': 'none',
 'p': 0.05,
 'print_info': True,
 'projection': False,
 'remove_above_p': False,
 'revert_year': True,
 'skip_entries': False,
 'skip_subcorpora': False,
 'sort_by': False,
 'span_subcorpora': False,
 'threshold': 'medium',
 'time_started': '2015-06=09 18:08:22'}

You can save and load edited interrogations the same as you would an interrogator() result:

In [40]:
#save_result(just_tot, 'edited_adj_riskwords')
just_tot = None
just_tot = load_result('edited_adj_riskwords')
quickview(just_tot, 5)

  0: risky (n=22134)
  1: high-risk (n=7951)
  2: riskier (n=3221)
  3: low-risk (n=1657)
  4: at-risk (n=1498)

Working with editor() output

A handy thing about working with Pandas DataFrames is that we can easily translate our results to other formats:

In [41]:
deceasing = editor(adj_riskwords.results, sort_by = 'decrease')

***Processing results***


In [42]:
# tranpose with T, get just top 5 results, print as CSV
print deceasing.results.T.head().to_csv()


In [43]:
# or, print to latex markup:
print deceasing.results.T.head().to_latex()

{} &  1963 &  1987 &  1988 &  1989 &  1990 &  1991 &  1992 &  1993 &  1994 &  1995 &  1996 &  1997 &  1998 &  1999 &  2000 &  2001 &  2002 &  2003 &  2004 &  2005 &  2006 &  2007 &  2008 &  2009 &  2010 &  2011 &  2012 &  2013 &  2014 \\
assigned-risk  &     0 &     0 &     7 &     7 &    13 &     4 &     5 &     2 &     5 &     2 &     0 &     3 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     2 &     0 &     0 &     4 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 \\
riskless       &     3 &     9 &    12 &     6 &     8 &     4 &     4 &     5 &     5 &     5 &     5 &     2 &     3 &     5 &     4 &     4 &     4 &     0 &     4 &     2 &     4 &     8 &     2 &     4 &     6 &     2 &     4 &     2 &     2 \\
standard-risk  &     7 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 \\
risk-arbitrage &     0 &     4 &     1 &     2 &     3 &     1 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     1 &     0 &     1 &     0 &     1 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 \\
event-risk     &     0 &     0 &     0 &     9 &     5 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     0 &     2 &     0 &     0 &     0 \\

Of course, you can perform many of these operations at the same time. Problems may arise, however, especially if your options contradict.

In [44]:
editor(adj_riskwords.results, '%', adj_riskwords.totals, span_subcorpora = [1990, 2000], 
    just_entries = r'^[^r]', merge_entries = r'er$', newname = 'risk-comparative?', sort_by = 'total').results

***Processing results***

Merging 6 entries as "risk-comparative?":

Keeping subcorpora:

Keeping 177 entries:
... and 167 more ... 


high-risk low-risk at-risk higher-risk ... mine-risk medium-low-risk low-risk-pass carbon-risk
1990 26.795367 3.088803 1.467181 0.617761 ... 0 0 0 0
1991 24.479167 3.993056 1.475694 1.302083 ... 0 0 0 0
1992 19.881306 2.769535 1.285856 0.890208 ... 0 0 0 0
1993 19.496269 3.917910 1.492537 1.399254 ... 0 0 0 0
1994 15.076336 2.194656 2.290076 0.763359 ... 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1996 14.602588 2.865065 2.402957 0.739372 ... 0 0 0 0
1997 13.540622 2.607823 3.209629 0.501505 ... 0 0 0 0
1998 14.030819 2.838605 1.216545 0.486618 ... 0 0 0 0
1999 14.383562 2.226027 2.140411 0.428082 ... 0 0 0 0
2000 13.301282 2.003205 3.365385 0.400641 ... 0 0 0 0

11 rows × 177 columns

Diversity of risk words

It's important to note that the kind of results we generate are hackable. We could count the number of unique risk words in each subcorpus by changing any count over 1 to 1.

In [45]:
import numpy as np
# copy our list
uniques = riskwords.results.copy()
# divide every result by itself
for f in uniques:
    uniques[f] = uniques[f] / uniques[f]
# get rid of inf scores (i.e. 0 / 0) using numpy
uniques = uniques.replace(np.inf, 0)
# sum the results
u = uniques.T.sum()
# give our data a name
u.name = 'Unique risk words'

In [53]:
plotter('Unique risk words', u.drop(['1963', '2014']), y_label = 'Number of unique risk words', legend = True,
       num_to_plot = 'all')

So, we can see a generally upward trajectory, with more risk words constantly being used. Many of these results appear once, however, and many are nonwords. Can you figure out how to remove words that appear only once per year?


conc() produces concordances of a subcorpus based on a Tregex query. Its main arguments are:

  1. A subcorpus to search (remember to put it in quotation marks!)
  2. A Tregex query

In [132]:
# here, we use a subcorpus of politics articles,
# rather than the total annual editions.
adj_lines = conc('data/nyt/topics/politics/1999', r'/JJ.?/ << /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/') # adj containing a risk word

23:51:14: Getting concordances for data/nyt/topics/politics/1999 ... 
          Query: /JJ.?/ << /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/

0          , Mr. Wahid seems to be playing a       risky   game of free-rein leadership            
1     after making disastrous investments in       risky   securities , has a lower rating among   
2                         That was the least       risky   course but one that left the initiative 
3     A party-line vote on witnesses is more       risky   politically for Republicans than        
4     decision to fire General Musharraf was       risky   ; in Pakistan , generals have ruled for 
5                                   It was a       risky   strategy , but Mr. Lee apparently       
6                 As Indonesia undergoes its       risky   on-the-job training in democracy in the 
7     -- said creative legal arguments and a       risky   strategy of challenging some facts in   
8   electoral setbacks produced increasingly       risky   financial decisions by the county 's    
9           That morning , as he pursued the       risky   hobby of stunt flying , his plane failed
10    for office , blaming the public can be       risky   , particularly in an age when           
11  focused entirely on New York City may be       risky   considering the audience is upstate     
12     The post-war problems '' will be very       risky   for him , '' especially in a difficult  
13              , continuing the lie was too       risky   of a strategy even for the most         
14                                  It was a   high-risk   gamble that ultimately paid off ; Mexico
15     head and sharp analytical mind in the       risky   business of bond trading                
16    American Jews and Israel , it would be       risky   to draw too many long-term conclusions  
17                          We think it 's a   high-risk   roll of the dice , '' he said , adding  
18   Queens Democrat , it is an effortless ,   risk-free   way of keeping their names before the   
19    In the Milosevic era , it 's much less       risky   to hide money in a mattress than to     
20        her to this much pressure was very       risky   , '' one adviser said                   
21   Putting him in that context seems a bit       risky   , since the image could remind viewers  
22                           Availability is       risky   , his advisers say , and if not         
23                         Englewood is less       risky   than Indonesia                          
24    to the former Communists amounted to a   high-risk   political gamble                        
25       Talking up the market was extremely       risky   , '' said Shawn Xu , chief of research  
26   on Belgrade from Serbian cities as both       risky   and likely to fail , and his aides are  
27     have once again begun undertaking the       risky   journey in leaky boats to Florida       
28               Naturally , that would be a       risky   move for Mr. Giuliani                   
29       rebuffed , leading them to take the       risky   step of discussing their problem with a 
30                                   It is a       risky   battle plan -- a pursuit of Islamic     
31                       The easier and less       risky   plan is to call the Department of       
32      as individual as a thumb print -- is       risky   , but Government officials say the new  
33       he said , recalling how he made his       risky   trip with a threat of American bombing  
34            But vote counting like this is       risky   , as long as the leanings of pivotal    
35  the 1980 's that committed Pakistan to a       risky   partnership with the United States in   
36                        I will not allow a       risky   plan to become law                      
37      adequate time or resources to such a       risky   project                                 

You can set conc() to print only the first ten examples with n = 10, or ten random these with the n = 15, random = True parameter.

In [99]:
lines = conc('data/nyt/years/2007', r'/VB.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/', n = 15, random = True)

19:23:10: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2007 ... 
          Query: /VB.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/

0     'll have to fight them alone and then    risk   having to live under the thumb of Iran  
1       's branch system was meant to shift    risk   away from the company to the federal    
2      beat four spades and did not want to    risk   taking a phantom sacrifice -- going down
3     rates and sweeten the repayment -- or    risk   having to withdraw the offerings        
4    and helplessness : residents refuse to    risk   their lives by helping a police force   
5   automakers get back on stable ground or    risk   further cutbacks at General Motors , the
6         When rooms are n't ready , hotels    risk   their reputations and make guests feel  
7        could be as they caved rather than    risk   drawing demagogic fire from the gun     
8          legitimacy even in cases when it   risks   the possibility of losing the prize     
9    Bank of Richmond , said in a speech to    risk   managers in North Carolina on Tuesday   
10                                 systemic    risk   , is a main focus for the regulator     
11   and pay $ 3.7 billion in taxes owed or    risk   being prosecuted by the government      
12  to get into diamonds and not willing to    risk   partner 's raising one spade to two     
13                                   But to    risk   the government for something unclear    
14     that to achieve great art , you must    risk   embarrassment                           

conc() takes another argument, window, which alters the amount of co-text appearing either side of the match. The default is 50 characters

In [100]:
lines = conc('data/nyt/topics/health/2013', r'/VB.?/ << /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/', n = 15, random = True, window = 20)

19:23:57: Getting concordances for data/nyt/topics/health/2013 ... 
          Query: /VB.?/ << /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/

0       like yours would            risk   damaging its        
1     should not have to            risk   their health        
2         , they can not            risk   having their        
3    care law intact and            risk   a conservative      
4       back years after   risk-reducing   surgery with uterine
5    prolonged pain , to            risk   grave injury and    
6    HealthCare.gov that            risk   the private         
7   what they want , you            risk   reigniting the      
8      warning that they            risk   scrambling hormones 
9         the rights and            risk   the well-being of   
10       what they do or            risk   having cost controls
11  they were willing to            risk   a shutdown over it  
12   legislators , would            risk   being thwarted yet  
13             This case           risks   doing so            
14        happens , they            risk   a lawsuit like the  

conc() also allows you to view parse trees. By default, it's false:

In [107]:
lines = conc('data/nyt/years/2013', r'/VB.?/ < /(?i)\btrad.?/', trees = True)

19:25:39: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2013 ... 
          Query: /VB.?/ < /(?i)\btrad.?/

0   ) (PP (IN as) (S (ADVP (RB simply)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NP (CD one) (NN risk)) (PP (IN for
1   curities)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP     (VBP trade)   (CC and) (VBP hold))))))))))))) (. .)))
2   S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBD started) (NP   (VBG trading)   (NNS options))))))) (. .)))            
3   S (NP (DT a) (JJ German) (NN bank)) (VP    (VBN traded)   (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP New) (NNP York
4   P (WDT which))) (S (NP (NNS banks)) (VP     (VBP trade)   (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ own) 
5   NP (NP (DT some) (NNS derivatives)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (JJ separate) (NN
6   (S (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD might) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (DT a) (JJ small)) (PP (CC plus) (P
7   were) (VP (ADVP (RBR more) (RB easily))    (VBN traded)   (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (JJ public) (N
8   ) (, ,) (VP (VBP say)))))) (, ,) (S (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NNS securities)))) (, ,) (S (VP (T
9        (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Stocks)) (VP (VP    (VBD traded)   (ADJP (RB steadily) (JJR higher)) (PP (
10  )) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP    (VBD traded)   (ADJP (JJR higher))))))))))) (, ,) (NP 
11  NP (JJR more) (NNS derivatives)) (S (VP   (VBG trading)   (PRT (IN out)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the)
12  NP (PRP We)) (VP (MD will) (RB not) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (NNP Dwight) (NNP Howard)))) (. .) 
13  shares)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP    (VBN traded)   (ADVP (RB here)))))))) (, ,) (RB so) (S
14  NN process))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (VP    (VBD traded)   (S (NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NN star) (NN c
15  DT which)) (S (ADVP (RB generally)) (VP     (VBP trade)   (PP (IN on) (S (VP (VBG developing) (NP
16  or) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP     (VBP trade)   (NP (PRP them))))))) (. .)))           
17  panies)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP    (VBD traded)   (PP (IN in) (NP (UCP (NN oil) (CC and) 
18  VP (VBD became) (NP (ADJP (RB publicly)    (VBN traded)  ) (NNS companies)))))) (. .)))          
19  (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP have) (VP    (VBN traded)   (PP (RB exclusively) (IN in) (ADJP (JJ 
20  (NP (NNS investors)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (NNS options)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP
21  DT the) (NNS bonds)) (VP (VBD were) (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NP (QP (RB around) (CD 70)) (NNS c
22  or)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP    (VBD traded)   (NP (NN equity) (NNS derivatives) (NNS 
23  SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (VP   (VBG trading)   (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB hedge) (NP (PRP$
24  ) (ADJP (ADVP (RB still) (RB publicly))    (VBN traded)  ) (NN company)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) 
25   (VP (VB slump) (ADVP (RB once)) (S (VP   (VBG trading)   (VP (VBZ begins)))))))))))))))))))))) (
26   (IN in) (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB publicly)    (VBN traded)  ) (NNP Dell))) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP (
27   (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS derivatives)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NP (NNS markets)) 
28  ) (JJ collateralized)) (, ,) (S (VP (VP    (VBN traded)   (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ liquid) (NNS market
29  P (NP (JJ risky) (NNS derivatives)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ big) (NNS banks))) 
30  that) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS shares)) (VP     (VBP trade)   (ADVP (RB well)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ 
31  (NP (NP (NNP Iran) (POS 's)) (JJ other)   (VBG trading)   (NNS partners)) (SBAR (S (VP (TO to) (V
32   ,) (NP (NNS creditors)) (, ,))) (S (VP   (VBG trading)   (SBAR (S (NP (NNS partners) (CC and) (N
33  )) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NNS banks)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ own) 
34   (DT the) (NN stock)) (VP (VBD was) (VP   (VBG trading)   (SBAR (IN before) (S (NP (NP (NN word))
35   in) (NP (DT a) (NNS derivatives))) (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NN debacle)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP 
36  )) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB already)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ low) (NNS yields)))
37  s)) (NN willingness) (S (VP (TO to) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (NP (DT a) (NN player)) (SBAR (S (N
38  J open) (NN access)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP      (VB trade)   (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Cont
39   (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (UCP (JJ secon

Just like our other data, conc lines can be edited with editor(), or outputted as CSV.

In [108]:
lines = editor(lines, skip_entries = [1, 2, 4, 5])
print lines

***Processing results***

   l                                         m              r                                        
0   ) (PP (IN as) (S (ADVP (RB simply)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NP (CD one) (NN risk)) (PP (IN for
1   S (NP (DT a) (JJ German) (NN bank)) (VP    (VBN traded)   (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP New) (NNP York
2   (S (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD might) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (DT a) (JJ small)) (PP (CC plus) (P
3   were) (VP (ADVP (RBR more) (RB easily))    (VBN traded)   (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (JJ public) (N
4   ) (, ,) (VP (VBP say)))))) (, ,) (S (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NNS securities)))) (, ,) (S (VP (T
..                                       ...            ...                                       ...
31   in) (NP (DT a) (NNS derivatives))) (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NN debacle)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP 
32  )) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB already)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ low) (NNS yields)))
33  s)) (NN willingness) (S (VP (TO to) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (NP (DT a) (NN player)) (SBAR (S (N
34  J open) (NN access)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP      (VB trade)   (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Cont
35   (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (UCP (JJ secon

[36 rows x 3 columns]

If the concordance lines aren't print well, you can use concprinter():

In [109]:
from corpkit import concprinter

0   ) (PP (IN as) (S (ADVP (RB simply)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NP (CD one) (NN risk)) (PP (IN for
1   S (NP (DT a) (JJ German) (NN bank)) (VP    (VBN traded)   (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP New) (NNP York
2   (S (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD might) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (DT a) (JJ small)) (PP (CC plus) (P
3   were) (VP (ADVP (RBR more) (RB easily))    (VBN traded)   (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (JJ public) (N
4   ) (, ,) (VP (VBP say)))))) (, ,) (S (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NNS securities)))) (, ,) (S (VP (T
5        (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Stocks)) (VP (VP    (VBD traded)   (ADJP (RB steadily) (JJR higher)) (PP (
6   )) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP    (VBD traded)   (ADJP (JJR higher))))))))))) (, ,) (NP 
7   NP (JJR more) (NNS derivatives)) (S (VP   (VBG trading)   (PRT (IN out)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the)
8   NP (PRP We)) (VP (MD will) (RB not) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (NNP Dwight) (NNP Howard)))) (. .) 
9   shares)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP    (VBN traded)   (ADVP (RB here)))))))) (, ,) (RB so) (S
10  NN process))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (VP    (VBD traded)   (S (NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NN star) (NN c
11  DT which)) (S (ADVP (RB generally)) (VP     (VBP trade)   (PP (IN on) (S (VP (VBG developing) (NP
12  or) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP     (VBP trade)   (NP (PRP them))))))) (. .)))           
13  panies)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP    (VBD traded)   (PP (IN in) (NP (UCP (NN oil) (CC and) 
14  VP (VBD became) (NP (ADJP (RB publicly)    (VBN traded)  ) (NNS companies)))))) (. .)))          
15  (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP have) (VP    (VBN traded)   (PP (RB exclusively) (IN in) (ADJP (JJ 
16  (NP (NNS investors)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (NNS options)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP
17  DT the) (NNS bonds)) (VP (VBD were) (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NP (QP (RB around) (CD 70)) (NNS c
18  or)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP    (VBD traded)   (NP (NN equity) (NNS derivatives) (NNS 
19  SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (VP   (VBG trading)   (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB hedge) (NP (PRP$
20  ) (ADJP (ADVP (RB still) (RB publicly))    (VBN traded)  ) (NN company)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) 
21   (VP (VB slump) (ADVP (RB once)) (S (VP   (VBG trading)   (VP (VBZ begins)))))))))))))))))))))) (
22   (IN in) (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB publicly)    (VBN traded)  ) (NNP Dell))) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP (
23   (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS derivatives)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NP (NNS markets)) 
24  ) (JJ collateralized)) (, ,) (S (VP (VP    (VBN traded)   (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ liquid) (NNS market
25  P (NP (JJ risky) (NNS derivatives)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ big) (NNS banks))) 
26  that) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS shares)) (VP     (VBP trade)   (ADVP (RB well)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ 
27  (NP (NP (NNP Iran) (POS 's)) (JJ other)   (VBG trading)   (NNS partners)) (SBAR (S (VP (TO to) (V
28   ,) (NP (NNS creditors)) (, ,))) (S (VP   (VBG trading)   (SBAR (S (NP (NNS partners) (CC and) (N
29  )) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NNS banks)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ own) 
30   (DT the) (NN stock)) (VP (VBD was) (VP   (VBG trading)   (SBAR (IN before) (S (NP (NP (NN word))
31   in) (NP (DT a) (NNS derivatives))) (VP   (VBG trading)   (NP (NN debacle)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP 
32  )) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB already)) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ low) (NNS yields)))
33  s)) (NN willingness) (S (VP (TO to) (VP      (VB trade)   (NP (NP (DT a) (NN player)) (SBAR (S (N
34  J open) (NN access)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP      (VB trade)   (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Cont
35   (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (VP   (VBG trading)   (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (UCP (JJ secon

Or, you can just use Pandas syntax:

In [110]:
# Because there may be commas in the concordance lines, 
# it's better to generate a tab-separated CSV:
print lines.to_csv(sep = '\t')

	l	m	r
0	) (PP (IN as) (S (ADVP (RB simply)) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (NP (NP (CD one) (NN risk)) (PP (IN for
1	S (NP (DT a) (JJ German) (NN bank)) (VP 	(VBN traded)	 (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP New) (NNP York
2	(S (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD might) (VP 	(VB trade)	 (NP (DT a) (JJ small)) (PP (CC plus) (P
3	were) (VP (ADVP (RBR more) (RB easily)) 	(VBN traded)	 (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (JJ public) (N
4	) (, ,) (VP (VBP say)))))) (, ,) (S (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (NP (NNS securities)))) (, ,) (S (VP (T
5	(ROOT (S (NP (NNS Stocks)) (VP (VP 	(VBD traded)	 (ADJP (RB steadily) (JJR higher)) (PP (
6	)) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP 	(VBD traded)	 (ADJP (JJR higher))))))))))) (, ,) (NP 
7	NP (JJR more) (NNS derivatives)) (S (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (PRT (IN out)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the)
8	NP (PRP We)) (VP (MD will) (RB not) (VP 	(VB trade)	 (NP (NNP Dwight) (NNP Howard)))) (. .) 
9	shares)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP 	(VBN traded)	 (ADVP (RB here)))))))) (, ,) (RB so) (S
10	NN process))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (VP 	(VBD traded)	 (S (NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NN star) (NN c
11	DT which)) (S (ADVP (RB generally)) (VP 	(VBP trade)	 (PP (IN on) (S (VP (VBG developing) (NP
12	or) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP 	(VBP trade)	 (NP (PRP them))))))) (. .)))
13	panies)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP 	(VBD traded)	 (PP (IN in) (NP (UCP (NN oil) (CC and) 
14	VP (VBD became) (NP (ADJP (RB publicly) 	(VBN traded)	) (NNS companies)))))) (. .)))
15	(WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP have) (VP 	(VBN traded)	 (PP (RB exclusively) (IN in) (ADJP (JJ 
16	(NP (NNS investors)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP 	(VB trade)	 (NP (NNS options)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP
17	DT the) (NNS bonds)) (VP (VBD were) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (NP (NP (QP (RB around) (CD 70)) (NNS c
18	or)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP 	(VBD traded)	 (NP (NN equity) (NNS derivatives) (NNS 
19	SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB hedge) (NP (PRP$
20	) (ADJP (ADVP (RB still) (RB publicly)) 	(VBN traded)	) (NN company)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) 
21	 (VP (VB slump) (ADVP (RB once)) (S (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (VP (VBZ begins)))))))))))))))))))))) (
22	 (IN in) (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB publicly) 	(VBN traded)	) (NNP Dell))) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP (
23	 (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS derivatives)) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NP (NNS markets)) 
24	) (JJ collateralized)) (, ,) (S (VP (VP 	(VBN traded)	 (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ liquid) (NNS market
25	P (NP (JJ risky) (NNS derivatives)) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ big) (NNS banks))) 
26	that) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS shares)) (VP 	(VBP trade)	 (ADVP (RB well)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ 
27	(NP (NP (NNP Iran) (POS 's)) (JJ other) 	(VBG trading)	 (NNS partners)) (SBAR (S (VP (TO to) (V
28	 ,) (NP (NNS creditors)) (, ,))) (S (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (SBAR (S (NP (NNS partners) (CC and) (N
29	)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NNS banks)) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ own) 
30	 (DT the) (NN stock)) (VP (VBD was) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (SBAR (IN before) (S (NP (NP (NN word))
31	 in) (NP (DT a) (NNS derivatives))) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (NP (NN debacle)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP 
32	)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB already)) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ low) (NNS yields)))
33	s)) (NN willingness) (S (VP (TO to) (VP 	(VB trade)	 (NP (NP (DT a) (NN player)) (SBAR (S (N
34	J open) (NN access)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP 	(VB trade)	 (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Cont
35	 (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (VP 	(VBG trading)	 (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (UCP (JJ secon

You can also print some TeX, if you're that way inclined:

In [111]:
print lines.to_latex()

{} & l                                         & m              & r                                         \\
0  &  ) (PP (IN as) (S (ADVP (RB simply)) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (NP (NP (CD one) (NN risk)) (PP (IN for \\
1  &  S (NP (DT a) (JJ German) (NN bank)) (VP  &   (VBN traded) &   (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP New) (NNP York \\
2  &  (S (S (NP (PRP You)) (VP (MD might) (VP  &     (VB trade) &   (NP (DT a) (JJ small)) (PP (CC plus) (P \\
3  &  were) (VP (ADVP (RBR more) (RB easily))  &   (VBN traded) &   (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (JJ public) (N \\
4  &  ) (, ,) (VP (VBP say)))))) (, ,) (S (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (NP (NNS securities)))) (, ,) (S (VP (T \\
5  &       (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Stocks)) (VP (VP  &   (VBD traded) &   (ADJP (RB steadily) (JJR higher)) (PP ( \\
6  &  )) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP  &   (VBD traded) &   (ADJP (JJR higher))))))))))) (, ,) (NP  \\
7  &  NP (JJR more) (NNS derivatives)) (S (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (PRT (IN out)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) \\
8  &  NP (PRP We)) (VP (MD will) (RB not) (VP  &     (VB trade) &   (NP (NNP Dwight) (NNP Howard)))) (. .)  \\
9  &  shares)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP  &   (VBN traded) &   (ADVP (RB here)))))))) (, ,) (RB so) (S \\
10 &  NN process))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (VP  &   (VBD traded) &   (S (NP (NP (PRP\$ their) (NN star) (NN c \\
11 &  DT which)) (S (ADVP (RB generally)) (VP  &    (VBP trade) &   (PP (IN on) (S (VP (VBG developing) (NP \\
12 &  or) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP  &    (VBP trade) &              (NP (PRP them))))))) (. .))) \\
13 &  panies)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP  &   (VBD traded) &   (PP (IN in) (NP (UCP (NN oil) (CC and)  \\
14 &  VP (VBD became) (NP (ADJP (RB publicly)  &   (VBN traded) &            ) (NNS companies)))))) (. .))) \\
15 &  (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP have) (VP  &   (VBN traded) &   (PP (RB exclusively) (IN in) (ADJP (JJ  \\
16 &  (NP (NNS investors)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP  &     (VB trade) &   (NP (NNS options)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP \\
17 &  DT the) (NNS bonds)) (VP (VBD were) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (NP (NP (QP (RB around) (CD 70)) (NNS c \\
18 &  or)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP  &   (VBD traded) &   (NP (NN equity) (NNS derivatives) (NNS  \\
19 &  SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB hedge) (NP (PRP\$ \\
20 &  ) (ADJP (ADVP (RB still) (RB publicly))  &   (VBN traded) &  ) (NN company)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that))  \\
21 &   (VP (VB slump) (ADVP (RB once)) (S (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (VP (VBZ begins)))))))))))))))))))))) ( \\
22 &   (IN in) (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB publicly)  &   (VBN traded) &  ) (NNP Dell))) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP ( \\
23 &   (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS derivatives)) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NP (NNS markets))  \\
24 &  ) (JJ collateralized)) (, ,) (S (VP (VP  &   (VBN traded) &   (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ liquid) (NNS market \\
25 &  P (NP (JJ risky) (NNS derivatives)) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ big) (NNS banks)))  \\
26 &  that) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS shares)) (VP  &    (VBP trade) &   (ADVP (RB well)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP\$  \\
27 &  (NP (NP (NNP Iran) (POS 's)) (JJ other)  &  (VBG trading) &   (NNS partners)) (SBAR (S (VP (TO to) (V \\
28 &   ,) (NP (NNS creditors)) (, ,))) (S (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (SBAR (S (NP (NNS partners) (CC and) (N \\
29 &  )) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NNS banks)) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP\$ their) (JJ own)  \\
30 &   (DT the) (NN stock)) (VP (VBD was) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (SBAR (IN before) (S (NP (NP (NN word)) \\
31 &   in) (NP (DT a) (NNS derivatives))) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (NP (NN debacle)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP  \\
32 &  )) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB already)) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ low) (NNS yields))) \\
33 &  s)) (NN willingness) (S (VP (TO to) (VP  &     (VB trade) &   (NP (NP (DT a) (NN player)) (SBAR (S (N \\
34 &  J open) (NN access)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP  &     (VB trade) &   (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Cont \\
35 &   (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (VP  &  (VBG trading) &   (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (UCP (JJ secon \\

Keywords and ngrams

corpkit has some functions for keywording, ngramming and collocation. Each can take a number of kinds of input data:

  1. a path to a subcorpus (of either parse trees or raw text)
  2. conc() output
  3. a string of text

keywords() produces both keywords and ngrams. It relies on code from the Spindle project.

In [133]:
from corpkit import keywords
keys, ngrams = keywords(adj_lines, dictionary = 'bnc.p')
for key in keys[:10]:
    print key

[0, 'risky', 508.7348199144787]
[1, 'indonesia', 24.915426549820793]
[2, 'gamble', 21.245832356241603]
[3, 'pakistan', 20.047208167974258]
[4, 'wahid', 17.22379545224529]
[5, 'englewood', 17.22379545224529]
[6, 'belgrade', 17.22379545224529]
[7, 'undergoes', 17.22379545224529]
[8, 'milosevic', 17.22379545224529]
[9, 'musharraf', 17.22379545224529]

You can also use interrogator() to search for keywords or ngrams. To do this, instead of a Tregex query, pass 'keywords' or 'ngrams'. You should also specify a dictionary to use as the reference corpus. If you specify dictionary = 'self', a dictionary will be made of the entire corpus, saved, and used.

In [ ]:
kwds_bnc = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', 'keywords', dictionary = 'bnc.p')

In [128]:
kwds = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', 'keywords', dictionary = 'self', quicksave = 'kwds')

Now, rather than a frequency count, you will be given the keyness of each word.

In [86]:

  0: bank (n=9630)
  1: bush (n=5000)
  2: clinton (n=4590)
  3: aid (n=4280)
  4: obama (n=4030)
  5: financial (n=3830)
  6: mortgage (n=3710)
  7: iraq (n=3370)
  8: soviet (n=3310)
  9: vioxx (n=3260)
 10: enron (n=3260)
 11: crisis (n=3230)
 12: amp (n=2980)
 13: loan (n=2500)
 14: merck (n=2370)
 15: risk (n=2280)
 16: euro (n=2110)
 17: drug (n=2030)
 18: debt (n=1990)
 19: yesterday (n=1940)
 20: mccain (n=1910)
 21: security (n=1890)
 22: regulator (n=1840)
 23: subprime (n=1740)
 24: gore (n=1690)

In [65]:

1963 1987 1988 1989 ... 2011 2012 2013 2014
0 soviet aid dukakis soviet ... bank romney jpmorgan ukraine
1 communist reagan aid saving ... debt bank amp marijuana
2 treaty mallet radon gorbachev ... amp euro bank email
3 kennedy homosexual soviet pill ... crisis jpmorgan syria russia
4 nuclear soviet virus iraq ... euro obama bush bush
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
45 free heterosexual saving hedge ... ubs banking euro ackman
46 west class license bonn ... iodine mallet soviet lab
47 selected hostage cocaine depositor ... loan iraqi futter data
48 berlin ship contra hungary ... contagion country guideline concussion
49 guarantee admiral infected mikhail ... clinton adoboli law online

50 rows × 29 columns

Let's sort these, based on those increasing/decreasing frequency:

In [66]:
inc = editor(kwds.results, sort_by = 'increase')
dec = editor(kwds.results, sort_by = 'decrease')

***Processing results***


***Processing results***


... and have a look:

In [67]:
quickview(inc, 15)

  0: bank (n=9630)
  1: obama (n=4030)
  2: amp (n=2980)
  3: bush (n=5000)
  4: mortgage (n=3710)
  5: vioxx (n=3260)
  6: financial (n=3830)
  7: crisis (n=3230)
  8: yesterday (n=1940)
  9: euro (n=2110)
 10: jpmorgan (n=1390)
 11: debt (n=1990)
 12: tiger (n=1370)
 13: romney (n=1120)
 14: mccain (n=1910)

In [68]:
quickview(dec, 15)

  0: soviet (n=3310)
  1: aid (n=4280)
  2: communist (n=510)
  3: reagan (n=1510)
  4: treaty (n=430)
  5: kennedy (n=350)
  6: clinton (n=4590)
  7: peking (n=230)
  8: exp (n=220)
  9: gorbachev (n=990)
 10: cent (n=270)
 11: khrushchev (n=210)
 12: fare (n=210)
 13: junk (n=1230)
 14: homosexual (n=630)

As expected. Defunct states and former politicans are on the way out, while newer politicans are on the way in. We can do the same with n-grams, of course:

In [7]:
ngms = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', 'ngrams', quicksave = 'ngms')

 04:08:41: Finished! 53594 unique results, 870715 total.

 04:08:46: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/ngms.p

Neat. Now, let's make some thematic categories. This time, we'll make a list of tuples, containing regexes to match, and the result names:

In [69]:
regexes = [(r'\b(legislature|medicaid|republican|democrat|federal|council)\b', 'Government organisations'),
(r'\b(empire|merck|commerical)\b', 'Companies'),
(r'\b(athlete|policyholder|patient|yorkers|worker|infant|woman|man|child|children|individual|person)\b', 'People, everyday'),
(r'\b(marrow|blood|lung|ovarian|breast|heart|hormone|testosterone|estrogen|pregnancy|prostate|cardiovascular)\b', 'The body'),
(r'\b(reagan|clinton|obama|koch|slaney|starzl)\b', 'Specific people'),
(r'\b(implant|ect|procedure|abortion|radiation|hormone|vaccine|medication)\b', 'Treatments'),
(r'\b(addiction|medication|drug|statin|vioxx)\b', 'Drugs'),
(r'\b(addiction|coronary|aneurysm|mutation|injury|fracture|cholesterol|obesity|cardiovascular|seizure|suicide)\b', 'Symptoms'),
(r'\b(worker|physician|doctor|midwife|dentist)\b', 'Healthcare professional'),
(r'\b(transmission|infected|hepatitis|virus|hiv|lung|aids|asbestos|malaria|rabies)\b', 'Infectious disease'),
(r'\b(huntington|lung|prostate|breast|heart|obesity)\b', 'Non-infectious disease'), 
(r'\b(policyholder|reinsurance|applicant|capitation|insured|insurer|insurance|uninsured)\b', 'Finance'),
(r'\b(experiment|council|journal|research|university|researcher|clinical)\b', 'Research')]

Now, let's loop through out list and merge keyword and n-gram entries:

In [71]:
# NOTE: you can use `print_info = False` if you don't want all this stuff printed.
for regex, name in regexes:
    kwds = editor(kwds.results, merge_entries = regex, newname = name, print_info = False)
    ngms = editor(ngms.results, merge_entries = regex, newname = name, print_info = False)

# now, remove all other entries
kwds = editor(kwds.results, just_entries = [name for regex, name in regexes])
ngms = editor(ngms.results, '%', ngms.totals, just_entries = [name for regex, name in regexes])

***Processing results***

Keeping 13 entries:
    Government organisations
    People, everyday
    The body
    Specific people
    Healthcare professional
    Infectious disease
... and 3 more ... 


***Processing results***

Keeping 13 entries:
    Government organisations
    People, everyday
    The body
    Specific people
    Healthcare professional
    Infectious disease
... and 3 more ... 


Pretty nifty, eh? Welp, let's plot them:

In [72]:
plotter('Key themes: keywords', kwds.results.drop('1963'), y_label = 'L/L Keyness', legend_pos = 'upper left')
plotter('Key themes: n-grams', ngms.results, y_label = 'Percentage of all n-grams')

So, we can now do some pretty cool stuff in just a few lines of code. Let's concordance the top five keywords, looking at the year in which they are most key:

In [782]:
import os
# iterate through results
for index, w in enumerate(list(kwds.results)[:5]):
    # get the year with most occurrences
    top_year = kwds.results[w].idxmax()
    # print some info
    print '\n%d: %s, %s' % (index + 1, w, str(top_year))
    # get path to that subcorpus
    top_dir = os.path.join(annual_trees, str(top_year))
    # make a tregex query with token start and end defined
    query = r'/(?i)^' + w + r'/'
    # do concordancing
    lines = conc(top_dir, query, random = True, n = 10)

1: bank, 2010

22:05:52: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2010 ... 
          Query: /(?i)^bank/

0         world , can we demand of European     banks   three times more capital to cover their 
1   have a high risk profile and that other     banks   should beware                           
2    of credit-default swaps on Anglo Irish      Bank   debt and would hold an auction of       
3                                   Federal      bank   regulators have set an April 24 deadline
4  banks from moving their most risk-hungry   bankers   and operations to the least-regulated   
5    Deposit Insurance Corporation shut the      bank   down                                    
6    is low , and some Citigroup investment   bankers   and traders are threatening to leave for
7        threats to `` fight '' unspecified   bankers   some indeterminate day                  
8    an April 24 deadline by which Broadway      Bank   -- his family business turned political 
9                                       The     banks   are also eager to preserve their ability

2: bush, 2003

22:07:51: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2003 ... 
          Query: /(?i)^bush/

0       or worse , the concept animates Mr.   Bush   's broadest thinking about a world that 
1                                       The   Bush   administration , which sees General     
2  His spokesman , Ari Fleischer , said Mr.   Bush   would continue working to '' put spine  
3    of experts has strongly criticized the   Bush   administration 's proposed research plan
4                                       Mr.   Bush   regards this as an honor reserved for   
5      a significant political risk for the   Bush   administration                          
6                                       The   Bush   administration has softened its demand  
7                                One of Mr.   Bush   's strengths as a politician is his     
8         into the political appeals of Mr.   Bush   and his Democratic opponent             
9         his close alliance with President   Bush   today and warned opponents of war in    

3: clinton, 1993

22:09:44: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/1993 ... 
          Query: /(?i)^clinton/

0      month of Joycelyn Elders , President      Clinton   's nominee for Surgeon General          
1                               '' : '' ' A      Clinton  -Gore Administration will encourage small
2      CARS In its clean-auto program , the      Clinton   Administration is pursuing a new way of 
3                                        A1      CLINTON   'S PLAN FOR RUSSIA President Clinton    
4        power to help Mr. Yeltsin ; as Mr.      Clinton   said today , it will be the Russians who
5  report , the organization criticized the      Clinton   Administration 's efforts to pressure   
6         said , is the conviction that Mr.      Clinton   's proposed policy amounts to doing the 
7                                 While the     Clintons   ' plan will try to moderate the most    
8     say both Mr. Izetbegovic and Bush and      Clinton   Administration officials , validating   
9    from a public health standpoint , as a   Clintonite   -- is containing health costs , '' he   

4: aid, 1987

22:10:52: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/1987 ... 
          Query: /(?i)^aid/

0   Federal experts say that blood from all   AIDS   virus carriers must be handled with     
1   one-third of the population gets public    aid   , officials say they can not meet       
2          Clearly , the combination of the   AIDS   epidemic and medical testing            
3    will be visiting neighborhoods of high   AIDS   incidence to warn against risky behavior
4   and might drive people most at risk for   AIDS   away from the health care system        
5         New Yorkers are infected with the   AIDS   virus , officials estimate , and more   
6         account for the largest number of   AIDS   cases and face the highest risk of      
7     joins the chorus with '' She Took the   AIDS   Test                                    
8  them at high risk for infection with the   AIDS   virus , according to a new study        
9    to reduce the risk of transmitting the   AIDS   virus in sexual relations               

5: obama, 2009

22:12:10: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2009 ... 
          Query: /(?i)^obama/

0    when it comes to making his case , Mr.   Obama   should remember that `` body language   
1       it is absolutely necessary , '' Mr.   Obama   said                                    
2  Mr. Chavez 's taunts holds risks for Mr.   Obama   , particularly if information comes to  
3     bills to win Republican support , Mr.   Obama   and his advisers risk alienating        
4         on his committee before President   Obama   puts new pressure on lawmakers in an    
5                                       Mr.   Obama   's response : to risk more such         
6                                       Mr.   Obama   is not usually one to avoid high-risk   
7     the cheering crowds may have left Mr.   Obama   underestimating the differences         
8                                 Now , Mr.   Obama   is in a tough spot                      
9  Bank of New York -LRB- and now President   Obama   's Treasury secretary -RRB- , Mr. Wessel


You can easily generate collocates for corpora, subcorpora or concordance lines:

In [135]:
from corpkit import collocates
conc_colls = collocates(adj_lines)
for coll in conc_colls:
    print coll

subc_colls = collocates('data/nyt/years/2003')
for coll in subc_colls:
    if 'risk' not in coll:
        print coll

[0, u'blood', u'pressure']
[1, u'breast', u'cancer']
[2, u'bush', u'administration']
[4, u'heart', u'disease']
[9, u'last', u'week']
[10, u'last', u'year']
[11, u'new', u'york']
[12, u'officials', u'said']
[14, u'president', u'bush']
[24, u'said', u'would']
[26, u'take', u'risks']
[27, u'united', u'states']
[29, u'years', u'ago']

With the collocates() function, you can specify the maximum distance at which two tokens will be considered collocates.

In [136]:
colls = collocates(adj_lines, window = 3)
for coll in colls:
    print coll

[0, u'less', u'risky']
[1, u'risky', u'plan']
[2, u'risky', u'strategy']

quicktree() and searchtree()

The two functions are useful for visualising and searching individual syntax trees. They have proven useful as a way to practice your Tregex queries.

You could get trees by using conc() with a very large window and trees set to True. Alternatively, you can open files in the data directory directly, and paste them in.

quicktree() generates a visual representation of a parse tree. Here's one from 1989:

In [138]:
tree = '(ROOT (S (NP (NN Pre-conviction) (NN attachment)) (VP (VBZ carries) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP it))) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ obvious) (NN risk)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG imposing) (NP (JJ drastic) (NN punishment)) (PP (IN before) (NP (NN conviction)))))))) (. .)))'
# currently broken!
# quicktree(tree)

searchtree() requires a tree and a Tregex query. It will return a list of query matches.

In [139]:
from corpkit import searchtree
print searchtree(tree, r'/VB.?/ >># (VP $ NP)')
print searchtree(tree, r'NP')

['Pre-conviction attachment', 'it', 'the obvious risk of imposing drastic punishment before conviction', 'the obvious risk', 'drastic punishment', 'conviction']

Now you're familiar with the corpus and functions. In the sections below, we'll perform a formal, followed by a functional, analysis of risk. Let's start with the formal side of things:

Word classes of risk words in the NYT

In formal grammar, as we saw earlier, risk words can be nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Though we've seen that there are a lot of nouns, and that nouns are becoming more frequent, we don't yet know whether or not nouns are becoming more frequent in the NYT generally. To test this, we can do as follows:

In [87]:
# 'any' is a special query, which finds any tag if 'pos'
# and any word if 'words'.
baseline = interrogator(annual_trees, 'pos', 'any', lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'baseline')
riskpos = interrogator(annual_trees, 'pos', r'__ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/', lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'riskpos')

 09:38:19: Finished! 6 unique results, 376266 total.

 09:38:19: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/riskpos.p

In the cell above, the lemmatise = True option will convert tags like 'NNS' to 'Noun'.

In [88]:
quickview(baseline.results, n = 10)

  0: Noun (n=6164445)
  1: Verb (n=3299115)
  2: Preposition (n=2521695)
  3: Determiner (n=2047470)
  4: Adjective (n=1716147)
  5: Adverb (n=884301)
  6: Pronoun (n=833389)
  7: Coordinating conjunction (n=663931)
  8: to (n=543740)
  9: Cardinal number (n=317706)

In [89]:

  0: Noun (n=289209)
  1: Adjective (n=45604)
  2: Verb (n=41395)
  3: Adverb (n=49)
  4: Cardinal number (n=5)
  5: x (n=4)

Now, we can calculate the percentage of the time that a noun is a risk noun (and so on).

In [15]:
open_words = ['Noun', 'Verb', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']
maths_done = editor(riskpos.results, '%', baseline.results, sort_by = 'total', just_entries = open_words, skip_subcorpora = [1963])

***Processing results***

Skipping 1 subcorpora:

Keeping 4 entries:


In [21]:
plotter('Percentage of open word classes that are risk words', maths_done.results, 
        y_label = 'Percentage', legend_pos = 'lower left')
plotter('Percentage of open word classes that are risk words', maths_done.results, 
        y_label = 'Percentage', legend_pos = 'lower left', kind = 'area', stacked = True)

Neat, huh? We can see that nominalisation of risk is a very real thing.

Our problem, however, is that formal categories like noun and verb only take us so far: in the phrase "risk metrics", risk is a noun, but performs a modifier function, for example. In the next section, we interrogate the corpus for functional, rather than formal categorisations of risk words.

Before we start our corpus interrogation, we'll also present a very brief explanation of Systemic Functional Linguistics—the theory of language that underlies our analytical approach.

Functional linguistics

Functional linguistics is a research area concerned with how realised language (lexis and grammar) work to achieve meaningful social functions. One functional linguistic theory is Systemic Functional Linguistics, developed by Michael Halliday.

In [145]:
from IPython.display import HTML
HTML('<iframe src=http://en.mobile.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Halliday?useformat=mobile width=700 height=350></iframe>')


Central to the theory is a division between experiential meanings and interpersonal meanings.

  • Experiential meanings communicate what happened to whom, under what circumstances.
  • Interpersonal meanings negotiate identities and role relationships between speakers

Halliday argues that these two kinds of meaning are realised simultaneously through different parts of English grammar.

  • Experiential meanings are made through transitivity choices.
  • Interpersonal meanings are made through mood choices

Here's one visualisation of it. We're concerned with the two left-hand columns. Each level is an abstraction of the one below it.

Transitivity choices include fitting together configurations of:

  • Participants (a man, green bikes)
  • Processes (sleep, has always been, is considering)
  • Circumstances (on the weekend, in Australia)

Mood features of a language include:

  • Mood types (declarative, interrogative, imperative)
  • Modality (would, can, might)
  • Lexical density—the number of words per clause, the number of content to non-content words, etc.

Lexical density is usually a good indicator of the general tone of texts. The language of academia, for example, often has a huge number of nouns to verbs. We can approximate an academic tone simply by making nominally dense clauses:

  The consideration of interest is the potential for a participant of a certain demographic to be in Group A or Group B.

Notice how not only are there many nouns (consideration, interest, potential, etc.), but that the verbs are very simple (is, to be).

In comparison, informal speech is characterised by smaller clauses, and thus more verbs.

  A: Did you feel like dropping by?
  B: I thought I did, but now I don't think I want to

Here, we have only a few, simple nouns (you, I), with more expressive verbs (feel, dropping by, think, want)

Note: SFL argues that through grammatical metaphor, one linguistic feature can stand in for another. Would you please shut the door? is an interrogative, but it functions as a command. invitation is a nominalisation of a process, invite. We don't have time to deal with these kinds of realisations, unfortunately.

Functional roles of risk in the NYT

A discourse analysis that is not based on grammar is not an analysis at all, but simply a running commentary on a text. - M.A.K. Halliday, 1994

Our analysis proceeded according to the description of the transitivity system in systemic functional grammar (SFG: see Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004).

The main elements of the transitivity system are participants (the arguments of main verbs) and processes (the verbal group). Broadly speaking, processes can be modified by circumstances (adverbs and prepositional phrases, and participants can be modified through epithets, classifiers (determiners, adjectives, etc).

This is an oversimplification, of course. Grab a copy of the Introduction to Functional Grammar to find out more.

Risk words can potentially be participants, processes or modifiers.

Risk-as-participant: any nominal argument of a process that is headed by a risk word. Examples:

  • the big risk
  • considerable risk
  • the risk of cancer
  • risk-management

Risk-as-process: risk word as the rightmost component of a VP. Examples:

  • he risked his life
  • the company could potentially risk it

Risk-as-modifier: any risk word that modifies a participant or process. This includes many adjectival risk words and many risk words appearing within prepositional or adverbial phrases. Examples:

  • the chance of risk
  • risky business
  • they riskily arranged to meet

To find the distributions of these, we define three (very long and complicated) Tregex queries as sublists of titles and patterns under query. We then use multiquery() to search for each query in turn.

In [4]:
from corpkit import multiquery
query = (['Participant', r'/(?i).?\brisk.?/ > (/NN.?/ >># (NP !> PP !> (VP <<# (/VB.?/ < '
        '/(?i)\b(take|takes|taking|took|taken|run|runs|running|ran|pose|poses|posed|posing)\b/)))) | >># (ADJP > VP)'], 
    ['Process', r'VP !> VP << (/VB.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/) | > VP <+(VP) (/VB.?/ < '
        '>># (VP < (NP <<# (/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))'], 
    ['Modifier', r'/(?i).?\brisk.?/ !> (/NN.?/ >># (NP !> PP !> (VP <<# (/VB.?/ < '
        '/(?i)\b(take|takes|taking|took|taken|run|runs|running|ran|pose|poses|posed|posing)\b/)))) & !>># '
        '(ADJP > VP) & !> (/VB.?/ >># VP) & !> (/NN.?/ >># (NP > (VP <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i)\b('
functional_role = multiquery(annual_trees, query, quicksave = 'functional_role')

 10:25:36: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/functional_role.p

In [5]:
ppm = editor(functional_role.results, '%', allwords.totals)

***Processing results***


In [6]:
plotter('Risk as participant, process and modifier', ppm.results)

Here we can see that modifier forms are become more frequent over time, and have overtaken risk processes. Later, we determine which modifier forms in particular are becoming more common.

In [7]:
# Perhaps you want to see the result without 1963?
plotter('Risk as participant, process and modifier', ppm.results.drop('1963'))

Risk as participant

You shall know a word by the company it keeps. - J.R. Firth, 1957

Functionally, risk is most commonly a participant in the NYT. This gives us a lot of potential areas of interest. We'll go through a few here, but there are plenty of other things that we have to leave out for reasons of space.

Process types for participant risk

Here, we need to import verbose regular expressions that match any relational, verbal or mental process.

In [8]:
from dictionaries.process_types import processes
print processes.relational
print processes.verbal


We can use these in our Tregex queries to look for the kinds of processes participant risks are involved in. First, let's get a count for all processes with risk participants:

In [9]:
# get total number of processes with risk participant
query = r'/VB.?/ ># (VP ( < (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/) | >+(/.P$/) (VP $ (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))'
proc_w_risk_part = interrogator(annual_trees, 'count', query, quicksave = 'proc_w_risk_part')

 10:35:23: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/proc_w_risk_part.p

Relational processes with risk participant

In [10]:
# subj_query = r'/VB.?/ < %s ># (VP >+(/.P$/) (VP $ (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/)))' % processes.relational
# obj_query = r'/VB.?/ < %s ># (VP < (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/))'  % processes.relational
query = r'/VB.?/ < /%s/ ># (VP ( < (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/) | >+(/.P$/) (VP $ (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))' % processes.relational
relationals = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'relationals')

 10:45:21: Finished! 9 unique results, 23937 total.

 10:45:21: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/relationals.p

In [11]:
rels = editor(relationals.results, '%', proc_w_risk_part.totals)

***Processing results***


In [12]:
plotter('Relational processes', rels.results)

Adjectives modifying risk

First, we can look at adjectives that modify a participant risk.

In [14]:
query = r'/JJ.?/ > (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/)'
adj_modifiers = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'adj_modifiers')

 08:02:40: Finished! 1856 unique results, 67571 total.

 08:02:40: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/adj_modifiers.p

In [13]:
adj_modifiers = load_result('adj_modifiers')
adj = editor(adj_modifiers.results, '%', adj_modifiers.totals)
plotter('Adjectives modifying nominal risk (lemmatised)', adj.results, num_to_plot = 7)

***Processing results***


Yuck! That doesn't tell us much. Let's try visualising the data in a few different ways. First, let's see what the top results look like...

In [14]:

  0: high (n=7278)
  1: great (n=5143)
  2: big (n=2637)
  3: political (n=2226)
  4: potential (n=2177)
  5: financial (n=1774)
  6: more (n=1674)
  7: low (n=1636)
  8: significant (n=1588)
  9: serious (n=1422)
 10: real (n=1354)
 11: little (n=1125)
 12: own (n=1095)
 13: less (n=855)
 14: substantial (n=811)
 15: systemic (n=808)
 16: such (n=754)
 17: possible (n=693)
 18: considerable (n=673)
 19: other (n=669)
 20: calculated (n=668)
 21: huge (n=624)
 22: excessive (n=611)
 23: environmental (n=590)
 24: risky (n=560)

OK, here are some ideas:

In [15]:
# remove words with five or more letters
small_adjs = editor(adj_modifiers.results, '%', adj_modifiers.totals, skip_entries = r'.{5,}')

plotter('Adjectives modifying nominal risk (lemmatised)', small_adjs.results, num_to_plot = 6)

#get results with seven or more letters
big_adjs = editor(adj_modifiers.results, '%', adj_modifiers.totals, just_entries = '.{10,}')
plotter('Adjectives modifying nominal risk (lemmatised)', big_adjs.results, num_to_plot = 4)

#get a few interesting points
lst = ['more', 'high', 'calculated', 'potential']
select_adjs = editor(adj_modifiers.results, '%', adj_modifiers.totals, just_entries = lst)
plotter('Adjectives modifying nominal risk (lemmatised)', select_adjs.results, 
    num_to_plot = 4)

***Processing results***

Skipping 1760 entries:
... and 1750 more ... 


***Processing results***

Keeping 827 entries:
... and 817 more ... 


***Processing results***

Keeping 4 entries:


Wow! What's happening with calculated risk in 1963? Let's modify the original Tregex query a little and use conc() to find out.

In [171]:
### old query: r'/JJ.?/ > (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/ ( > VP | $ VP))'
calculated_risk = r'/JJ.?/ < /(?i)calculated/> (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/ ( > VP | $ VP))'
# remove '( > VP | $ VP)' from the line above to get more instances
lines = conc('data/nyt/years/1963', calculated_risk)

08:26:59: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/1963 ... 
          Query: /JJ.?/ < /(?i)calculated/> (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/ ( > VP | $ VP))

0   , in Cuba , Chairman Khrushchev took a   calculated   risk by installing long-range missiles  
1                      Kennedy has taken a   calculated   risk here                               
2         , the foreman last year , took a   calculated   risk and rebuilt the pitching staff with
3     a study in depth had been made was a   calculated   risk                                    
4                                This is a   calculated   risk , but in the light of recent       
5                  U A.M. , `` Prayer Is a   Calculated   Risk                                    
6     Unite '' States is still surrounding   Calculated   Risk some basic forms of economic       
7                            London took a   calculated   risk in gambling everything on success  
8                                 It was a   calculated   risk                                    
9                                It took a   calculated   risk and its members , State Department 

Risk of ... ?

Next, we'll look at risk of (noun) constructions, as in:

In [17]:
riskofsomething = r'/NN.?/ >># (NP > (PP <<# /(?i)of/ > (NP <<# (/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))'
lines = conc('data/nyt/years/1988', riskofsomething, n = 25, random = True)

11:16:24: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/1988 ... 
          Query: /NN.?/ >># (NP > (PP <<# /(?i)of/ > (NP <<# (/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))

0       and curettage , carry risks of blood          loss   , perforation of the uterus             
1    at many hospitals point to the risks of     infection   posed by crowding the sick together     
2         can not be corrected , the risk of          loss   to the department is so high that       
3     generalize about the relative risks of          food   , except in one case : '' Any food of   
4                                The risk of     hepatitis   is higher , he said , because the virus 
5          about possible long-term risks of     tretinoin   used indefinitely                       
6     industry - the risk of severe economic         jolts   continues to mount                      
7        wo n't return home with the risk of         chaos   after a Soviet withdrawal               
8   supply is seriously threatened by hidden          AIDS   infections because people at high risk  
9              to lowering the risk of heart       disease   and preventing back problems            
10         insisted that the risks of a slow      response   to the destruction of the ozone layer   
11  with sons have a 9 percent lower risk of       divorce   or separation than parents with         
12                        Though the risk of         death   remains high - the percentages vary with
13         Build-to-suit reduces the risk of   development   to a manageable level , '' said G. Tyson
14   and inattention to the rising risk of a       failure   of the shuttle 's rockets               
15   be aware of the increased risk of blood         clots   associated with bed rest                
16         is that there is now less risk of        strain   with a carry-on load                    
17          to us says that the risk of this     infection   being transmitted in the normal course  
18  fraudulently misrepresented the risks of       smoking   and had conspired to misrepresent facts 
19      than seven million people at risk of    starvation   , appealed for aid for the refugees     
20  runs the risk of embarrassing Mikhail S.     Gorbachev   and thus slowing the very               
21  levels of HDL are at lower risk of heart       disease   , researchers have found , leading some 
22         worse and worse , and the risk of       default   is rising                               
23                    With less risk of side       effects   and the high prices commanded by        
24        assault and five counts of risk of        injury   to a minor                              

Notice that singular and plural forms may be in the results: both substance and substances are returned, and would be counted as unique items.

If we want to ignore the difference between singular and plural (or different inflections of a verb), we need to use a lemmatiser. Luckily, interrogator() has one built in.

When lemmatisation is necessary, we can pass a lemmatise = True parameter to interrogator().

Lemmatisation requires knowing the part of speech of the input. interrogator() determines this by looking at the first part of the Tregex query: if it's /JJ.?/, the lemmatiser will be told that the word is an adjective. If the part of speech cannot be located, noun is used as a default. You can also manually pass a tag to the lemmatiser with a lemmatag = 'n/v/r/a' option.

In [18]:
# Risk of (noun)
risk_of = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', riskofsomething, lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'risk_of')

 12:26:07: Finished! 3302 unique results, 50062 total.

 12:26:08: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/risk_of.p

In [20]:
rel_riskof = editor(risk_of.results, '%', risk_of.totals, print_info = False)
plotter('Risk of (noun)', rel_riskof.results, y_label = 'Percentage of all results', 
        legend_pos = 'upper right', kind = 'bar')
plotter('Risk of (noun), 1999-2013', editor(rel_riskof.results, span_subcorpora = [1999,2013], print_info = False).results)

A cautionary tale ...

At one point in our investigation, we looked specifically for military risks. From these results, we saw that risk of attack and risk of war were common. So, we plotted them:

In [21]:
quickview(risk_of, n = 20)

  0: cancer (n=3354)
  1: attack (n=2699)
  2: disease (n=2665)
  3: death (n=1604)
  4: injury (n=1294)
  5: infection (n=1170)
  6: loss (n=591)
  7: failure (n=588)
  8: problem (n=576)
  9: default (n=558)
 10: inflation (n=528)
 11: war (n=512)
 12: stroke (n=489)
 13: complication (n=460)
 14: damage (n=385)
 15: harm (n=376)
 16: transmission (n=330)
 17: diabetes (n=320)
 18: recession (n=318)
 19: suicide (n=317)

In [22]:
military = editor(risk_of.results, '%', risk_of.totals, just_entries = ['attack', 'war'])
plotter('Risk of (noun)', military.results)
# barh, just for fun
plotter('Risk of (noun)', military.results, kind = 'barh')

***Processing results***

Keeping 2 entries:


We thought it was interesting how risk of attack rose in frequency shortly after 9/11. So, we decided to look more closely at risk of attack:

In [177]:
attackrisk = r'/NN.?/ < /(?i)attack.?/ >># (NP > (PP <<# /(?i)of/ > (NP <<# (/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))'
lines = conc('data/nyt/years/2004', attackrisk, n = 15, random = True)

08:38:29: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2004 ... 
          Query: /NN.?/ < /(?i)attack.?/ >># (NP > (PP <<# /(?i)of/ > (NP <<# (/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))

0       The group says the risk of terrorist   attacks   justifies more spending , and it is busy
1    angina can reduce their risk of a heart    attack   with a variety of medications           
2     Re '' U.S. Warns of High Risk of Qaeda    Attack   '' -LRB- front page , Aug. 2 -RRB       
3       also bringing down the risk of heart    attack   , progressive heart failure and other   
4         , may increase the risk of a heart    attack   or stroke in heart bypass surgery       
5     Vioxx might increase the risk of heart   attacks   first emerged three years ago , in a    
6       the drug increased the risk of heart   attacks   and strokes in some patients            
7         , might increase the risk of heart    attack   or stroke in coronary artery bypass     
8    that Vioxx increased the risks of heart   attacks   '' supervisors immediately recognized   
9   a patch stood an increased risk of heart    attack   proved unfounded years ago              
10  channel said there was a greater risk of    attack   this month and next -- the period       
11     a gene that doubles the risk of heart    attack   and stroke among Icelanders who carry it
12   assessing where the risk of a terrorist    attack   is greatest                             
13       American women to the risk of heart    attack   and stroke , with their devastating     
14      a significantly higher risk of heart   attacks   and strokes than patients taking        

Whoops. We were wrong. Almost all occurrences actually referred to heart attack!

In [23]:
query = r'/NN.?/ < /(?i)\b(heart|terror).?/ $ (/NN.?/ < /(?i)\battack.?/ >># (NP > (PP <<# /(?i)of/ > (NP <<# (/NN.?/ < /().?\brisk.?/)))))' 
terror_heart = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'terror_heart')

 13:05:26: Finished! 2 unique results, 1949 total.

 13:05:26: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/terror_heart.p

In [24]:
plotter('Risk of heart and terror* attack', terror_heart.results, num_to_plot = 2, legend_pos = 'upper left')
plotter('Risk of heart and terror* attack', terror_heart.results, num_to_plot = 2, kind = 'area', stacked = True)

So, we were a long way off-base. This is an ever-present danger in corpus linguistics. The decontextualisation needed to investigate the lexicogrammar of texts makes it easy to misunderstand (or worse, misrepresent) the data. Though concordancing is one of the oldest tasks in the corpus linguistic playbook, it remains a fundamental one, especially in discourse-analytic investigations.

... why did heart attacks become a big deal in 2004, you ask? Stay tuned ...

Processes in which risk is subject/object

Here, we look at the kinds of predicators that occur when risk subject or object. Note that we remove run/take/pose risk, as these are actually verbal risks (see below).

By navigating parse trees in more complex ways, we can learn the kinds of processes risk as a participant is involved in.

In [25]:
query = (r'/VB.?/ !< /(?i)(take|taking|takes|taken|took|run|running|runs|ran|put|putting|puts|pose|poses|posing|posed)/' \
    r' > (VP ( < (NP <<# (/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))) | >+(VP) (VP $ (NP <<# (/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))')
predicators = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'predicators')

 13:16:10: Finished! 1491 unique results, 99218 total.

 13:16:10: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/predicators.p

In [26]:
# Processes in which risk is subject/object
plotter('Processes in which risk is subject or object', editor(predicators.results, '%', predicators.totals).results, num_to_plot = 7)
# skip be:
plotter('Processes in which risk is subject or object', editor(predicators.results, 
'%', predicators.totals, skip_entries = ['be']).results, num_to_plot = 5)

***Processing results***


***Processing results***

Skipping 1 entries:



Risk as process

When risk is the main verb in a clause (e.g. don't risk it), it is the process. There are other kinds of risk processes, however: when risk occurs as the first object argument of certain nouns, it may be classified as a process-range configuration (an SFL term). Searching the data reveals four other main kinds of risk process:

  1. to take risk
  2. to run risk
  3. to put at risk
  4. to pose a risk

In these cases, the expression is more or less idiomatic, and the main verb carries little semantic weight (Eggins, 2004).

We tracked the relative frequency of each construction over time.

In [28]:
query = ([u'risk', r'VP <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/)'], 
    [u'take risk', r'VP <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i)\b(take|takes|taking|took|taken)+\b/) < (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/)'], 
    [u'run risk', r'VP <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i)\b(run|runs|running|ran)+\b/) < (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/)'], 
    [u'put at risk', r'VP <<# /(?i)(put|puts|putting)\b/ << (PP <<# /(?i)at/ < (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/))'], 
    [u'pose risk', r'VP <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i)\b(pose|poses|posed|posing)+\b/) < (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/)'])
processes = multiquery(annual_trees, query, quicksave = 'processes')

 14:16:27: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/processes.p

In [29]:
proc_rel = editor(processes.results, '%', processes.totals)

***Processing results***


In [30]:
plotter('Risk processes', proc_rel.results)

Subordinate processes are often embedded within clauses containing a risk predicator, as in Obama risks alienating voters.

In [31]:
# to risk losing/being/having etc
query = r'VBG >># (VP > (S > (VP <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))'
risk_verbing = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, quicksave = 'risk_verbing')

 14:34:24: Finished! 966 unique results, 13906 total.

 14:34:24: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/risk_verbing.p

In [32]:
r_verbing = editor(risk_verbing.results, '%', risk_verbing.totals)
plotter('Process as risked thing', r_verbing.results, y_label = 'Percentage of all occurrences')

***Processing results***


In this kind of risk process, the risker is typically a powerful member of society. While this is rather explicit in some cases (it's hard to image that a mechanic would risk alienating his/her apprentice), we can observe that this is the case for less obvious examples, like to risk becoming:

In [33]:
lines = conc('data/nyt/years/2013', r'VBG < /(?i)becom/ >># (VP > (S > (VP <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))', n = 15, random = True)

14:34:26: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2013 ... 
          Query: VBG < /(?i)becom/ >># (VP > (S > (VP <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))

0         the step as significant , it risks   becoming   the latest of many tentative moves      
1        , the stage scene could have risked   becoming   an embarrassment for the brand , but Mr 
2         crisis in the European Union risks   becoming   a crisis of liberal democracy itself    
3      's new remarks that the church risked   becoming   a `` small chapel '' overly fixated on  
4          savings in this area , `` we risk   becoming   an unbalanced force , one that is well  
5     left unaddressed , such practices risk   becoming   more and more entrenched , '' Ann       
6      , '' or else the Vatican offices risk   becoming   `` institutions of censorship           
7                          Switzerland risks   becoming   one of the most restrictive places for  
8   than race the clock to Bed-Stuy and risk   becoming   an early bike-share casualty , I stopped
9       turning to what , strangely , risked   becoming   the most marginalized group of all : the
10       , warning that the euro area risked   becoming   mired in the same kind of economic      
11   which the experience depends -- or risk   becoming   irrelevant to future generations , Mr   
12         concerns that unemployment risked   becoming   endemic and could eventually cause      
13   What was the exception before now risks   becoming   the standard practice                   

Subjects of risk processes

In [34]:
query = r'/NN.?/ !< /(?i).?\brisk.?/ >># (@NP $ (VP <+(VP) (VP ( <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/) | <<# (/VB.?/ < /(?i)(take|taking|takes|taken|took|run|running|runs|ran|put|putting|puts|pose|poses|posed|posing)/) < (NP <<# (/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))))))'
subj_of_risk_process = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, 
                                    lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'subj_of_risk_process')

 14:45:55: Finished! 2491 unique results, 10049 total.

 14:45:55: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/subj_of_risk_process.p

In [61]:

  0: person (n=287)
  1: company (n=214)
  2: bank (n=143)
  3: investor (n=101)
  4: state (n=101)
  5: government (n=101)
  6: man (n=74)
  7: leader (n=71)
  8: president (n=61)
  9: woman (n=60)
 10: official (n=58)
 11: player (n=58)
 12: administration (n=53)
 13: bush (n=52)
 14: obama (n=50)
 15: democrat (n=48)
 16: republican (n=46)
 17: american (n=46)
 18: firm (n=46)
 19: member (n=44)
 20: team (n=44)
 21: fund (n=43)
 22: failure (n=42)
 23: worker (n=41)
 24: israel (n=40)

In [65]:
for s in ['total', 'increase', 'decrease']:
    with_sort = editor(subj_of_risk_process.results, '%', subj_of_risk_process.totals,
                       sort_by = s, skip_subcorpora = [1963], print_info = False)
    plotter('Subjects of risk processes', with_sort.results, num_to_plot = 10)

In [66]:
inst = ['government', 'bank', 'senator', 'republican', 
        'democrat', 'senate', 'congress', 'agency', 'firm']
peop = ['man', 'person', 'woman', 'child', 'baby', 'worker', 'consumer']
cats = editor(subj_of_risk_process.results, merge_entries = inst, newname = 'Institutions')
cats = editor(cats.results, merge_entries = peop, newname = 'People', 
              just_entries = ['Institutions', 'People'], sort_by = 'total')

***Processing results***

Merging 9 entries as "Institutions":


***Processing results***

Merging 7 entries as "People":

Keeping 2 entries:


In [67]:
for k in ['bar', 'line']:
    plotter('People vs. institutions', cats.results.drop('1963'), kind = k)

Risker value

A novel thing we can do with our data is determine the amount of time a word occurs in a given role. We know that Bush, Clinton, woman, bank, and child are common nouns in the corpus, but we do not yet know what percentage of the time they are playing a specific role in the risk frame.

To determine what percentage of the time these words take the role of risker, we start by counting their occurrences as risker, and in the corpus as a whole:

In [64]:
n_query = r'/NN.?/ !< /(?i).?\brisk.?/ >># NP'
noun_lemmata = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', n_query, lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'noun_lemmata')

 10:05:47: Finished! 78755 unique results, 4297593 total.

 10:06:04: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/noun_lemmata.p

Then, we pass editor() a second list of results, rather than just totals, and use the just_totals = True' argument:

In [35]:
subj_of_risk_process = load_result('subj_of_risk_process')
noun_lemmata = load_result('noun_lemmata')
rel_risker = editor(subj_of_risk_process.results, '%', noun_lemmata.results, just_totals = True, sort_by = 'total')

***Processing results***

Threshold: 859

Removing 77822 entries below threshold:
... and 77812 more ... 


Note that a threshold was printed. This number represents the minimum number of times an entry must occur in noun_lemmata.totals in order for the result to count.

We can pass in a threshold of our own. Note that if we set it to zero, unusual words are at the top of the results list:

In [71]:
rel_risker = editor(subj_of_risk_process.results, '%', noun_lemmata.results, 
             just_totals = True, threshold = 1, sort_by = 'total')
print rel_risker.results

***Processing results***

Threshold: 1


u.n.h.c.r.    100
passie        100
kamensky      100
point    0.014100
stock    0.012872
cost     0.011546
Name: Combined total, Length: 2491, dtype: float64

Aside from giving it an integer value, you can pass it 'low', 'medium' or 'high'. editor() then creates thresholds based on the total total of noun_lemmata.totals. Passing no threshold results in 'medium being used as the default (total words in second list / 5000):

In [72]:
#total / 10,000
tmp = editor(subj_of_risk_process.results, '%', noun_lemmata.results, 
    just_totals = True, threshold = 'low', sort_by = 'total')
#total / 5,000
tmp = editor(subj_of_risk_process.results, '%', noun_lemmata.results, 
    just_totals = True, threshold = 'medium', sort_by = 'total')
#total / 2,500
rel_risker = editor(subj_of_risk_process.results, '%', noun_lemmata.results, 
    just_totals = True, threshold = 'high', sort_by = 'total')

***Processing results***

Threshold: 429

Removing 77126 entries below threshold:
... and 77116 more ... 


***Processing results***

Threshold: 859

Removing 77822 entries below threshold:
... and 77812 more ... 


***Processing results***

Threshold: 1718

Removing 78262 entries below threshold:
... and 78252 more ... 


OK, let's see what we have:

In [45]:
riskobject_regex = (r'(?i)^\b(life|everything|money|career|health|reputation|capital|future|'
riskedthings = editor(risk_objects.results, skip_entries = riskobject_regex)
potentialharm = editor(risk_objects.results, just_entries = riskobject_regex)
plotter('Risked things', potentialharm.results, num_to_plot = 7)

# a method for quickly removing entries from the plot:
plotter('Risked things (minus life)', potentialharm.results.drop('life', axis = 1), num_to_plot = 3)
plotter('Potential harm', riskedthings.results, num_to_plot = 7)

***Processing results***

Skipping 16 entries:
... and 6 more ... 


***Processing results***

Keeping 16 entries:
... and 6 more ... 


It's interesting how powerful people risk losing and alienating electorates, fanbases or contracts, while less powerful people risk their jobs and safety, or their life or neck.

Risk as modifier

Risk words can serve as modifiers in a number of ways. We divided risk as modifier into five main types.

Modifier type Example
Adjectival modifiers of participants the riskiest decision
Pre-head nominal modifiers of participants risk management
Post-head nominal modifiers of participants the money to risk
Adverbial modifiers of processes it riskily moved
As head of NP that is head of a cirumstance she was at risk

In [64]:
query = ([u'Adjectival modifier', r'/NN.?/ >># (NP < (/JJ.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))'],
    [u'Pre-head nominal modifier', r'/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/ $ (/NN.?/ >># NP !> CC)'], 
    [u'Post-head modifier', r'/NN.?/ >># (NP < (PP < (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/)))'], 
    [u'Adverbial modifier', r'RB < /(?i).?\brisk.?/'],
    [u'Circumstance head', r'/NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/ >># (NP > (PP > (VP > /\b(S|SBAR|ROOT)\b/)))'])
modifiers = multiquery(annual_trees, query, quicksave = 'modifiers')

 20:46:29: Finished! 5 unique results, 107208 total.

 20:46:29: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/modifiers.p

Here are a few examples of each type:

In [28]:
for name, q in query:
    print '\n%s:' % name
    l = conc('data/nyt/years/2012', q, n = 5, random = True)

Adjectival modifier:

15:12:58: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2012 ... 
          Query: /NN.?/ >># (NP < (/JJ.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/))

0    roped borrowers into risky , high-cost        loans   they could not understand or afford     
1  back to 2008 , when Wall Street 's risky   activities   nearly toppled the financial system and 
2  risk managers need to shed risk-weighted       assets   , and that makes these types of         
3   extensive investigations about low-risk    employees   like themselves who did not have        
4  encouraging localities to treat low-risk    offenders   in community-based programs             

Pre-head nominal modifier:

15:15:13: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2012 ... 
          Query: /NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/ $ (/NN.?/ >># NP !> CC)

0    to have firsthand knowledge about the   risk   factors among offenders , which gives   
1     a higher body mass index was a major   risk   factor for acne , `` especially         
2                          evidence , a ``   risk   perception gap '' that can be a risk in 
3        Achilles 's traders , '' a former   risk   officer said                            
4   even appears to override a very strong   risk   factor for Alzheimer 's disease in old  

Post-head modifier:

15:17:18: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2012 ... 
          Query: /NN.?/ >># (NP < (PP < (NP <<# /(?i).?\brisk.?/)))

0          The 800 billion figure agreed to        Friday   could help to placate Germany and       
1  clients , Societe Generale said that the    connection   `` between bank risk and sovereign risk 
2     managers must weigh Apple 's distinct   performance   and potential against some equally      
3         to the crisis -- and that takes a           lot   of risk out of the equation , '' said   
4  Because the board did not demand regular     reporting   of these risks , '' Mr. Freeh wrote , Mr

Adverbial modifier:

15:19:24: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2012 ... 
          Query: RB < /(?i).?\brisk.?/

No matches found.

Circumstance head:

15:21:15: Getting concordances for data/nyt/years/2012 ... 
          Query: /NN.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/ >># (NP > (PP > (VP > /\b(S|SBAR|ROOT)\b/)))

0     published , alerting the world to the   risks   of sugar                                
1  on the street , New Yorkers are still at    risk   of being shot : the 1,821 shootings in  
2         for release against the potential    risk   to public safety of freeing the prisoner
3      the researchers controlled for those   risks   , the data showed that the more coffee a
4  and companies that put their business at    risk   if they fail to meet that expectation   

In [484]:
plotter('Types of risk modifiers', editor(modifiers.results, '%', modifiers.totals, skip_subcorpora = [1963]).results)

***Processing results***

Skipping 1 subcorpora:


This is very interesting: the most common form in 1987 has become the least common in 2014!

We can also pull out words modified by adjectival risk:

In [421]:
# Participants modified by risk word
query = r'/NN.?/ >># (NP < (/JJ.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/) ( > VP | $ VP))'
mod_by_adj_risk = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, 
    lemmatise = True, titlefilter = False, quicksave = 'mod_by_adj_risk')

 20:47:48: Finished! 897 unique results, 8705 total.

In [68]:
mod_by_adj_risk = load_result('mod_by_adj_risk')
plotter('Participants modified by risk', mod_by_adj_risk.results, 
    num_to_plot = 7)

IOError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-68-2a6fc7816445> in <module>()
----> 1 mod_by_adj_risk = load_result('mod_by_adj_risk')
      2 plotter('Participants modified by risk', mod_by_adj_risk.results, 
      3     num_to_plot = 7)

<ipython-input-62-75ff62b7f1b6> in load_result(savename, loaddir)
    156     if not savename.endswith('.p'):
    157         savename = savename + '.p'
--> 158     unpickled = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(loaddir, savename), 'rb'))
    160     if type(unpickled) == pandas.core.frame.DataFrame or type(unpickled) == pandas.core.series.Series:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/saved_interrogations/mod_by_adj_risk.p'

We looked at the most common adjectival risks already. We can load that now, and look at the query to make sure:

In [47]:
#query = r'/JJ.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?/'
#adjrisks = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, 
    #lemmatise = False, quicksave = 'adjrisks')
adjrisks = load_result('adj_riskwords')

In [48]:
arisk = editor(adjrisks.results, '%', allwords.totals)

***Processing results***


In [49]:
# remember that we can still plot using all words/all risk words 
plotter('Most common adjectival risks', arisk.results, y_label = 'Percentage of all words', num_to_plot = 5)

Given the increasing frequency of at-risk constructions, we then looked at what it is that this modifier typically modifies.

In [786]:
# At-risk thing
query = r'/NN.?/ >># (NP < (/JJ.?/ < /(?i).?\bat-risk/) ( > VP | $ VP))'
at_risk_things = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, lemmatise = True, quicksave = 'at_risk_things')

 22:26:20: Finished! 61 unique results, 377 total.

 22:26:20: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/at_risk_things.p

In [134]:
at_risk_things = load_result('at_risk_things')
a_r_t = editor(at_risk_things.results, '%', at_risk_things.totals, skip_subcorpora = [1963], just_totals = True)

***Processing results***

Skipping 1 subcorpora:


In [143]:
plotter('At-risk things', a_r_t.results, kind = 'pie', num_to_plot = 8, partial_pie = True, 
        show_totals = 'legend', shadow = True)
plotter('At-risk things', a_r_t.results, kind = 'pie', num_to_plot = 'all',
        colours = 'summer', show_totals = False, pie_legend = False, fontsize = 15, figsize = (7, 8))
plotter('At-risk things', a_r_t.results, kind = 'bar', num_to_plot = 20, cumulative = True, colours = 'autumn')

The query below finds both thing at risk and at-risk thing.

In [50]:
# at-risk person / person at risk combined
query = r'/NN.?/ ( >># (NP < (PP <<# /(?i)at/ << (NP <<# /(?i)\brisk.?/))) | ( >># (NP < (/JJ.?/ < /(?i)at-risk.?/))))'
n_atrisk_n = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, 
    lemmatise = False, titlefilter = False, quicksave = 'n_atrisk_n')

 15:52:59: Finished! 1225 unique results, 7044 total.

 15:52:59: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/n_atrisk_n.p

In [ ]:
n_atrisk_n = load_result('n_atrisk_n')
plotter('At-risk thing or thing at risk', n_atrisk_n.results, legend_pos = 'upper left')

Vulnerable human populations are the main theme of this category: indeed, it's difficult to imagine at-risk corporations or at-risk leaders.

Proper nouns and risk sentences

We searched to find the most common proper noun strings.

interrogator()'s titlefilter option removes common titles, first names and determiners to make for more accurate counts. It is useful when the results being returned are groups/phrases, rather than single words.

In [65]:
# Most common proper noun phrases
query = r'NP <# NNP >> (ROOT << /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/)'
propernouns = interrogator(annual_trees, 'words', query, 
    titlefilter = True, quicksave = 'propernouns')

 16:32:33: Finished! 68004 unique results, 280355 total.

 16:32:38: Data saved: data/saved_interrogations/propernouns.p

In [ ]:
propernouns = load_result('propernouns')
for s in ['total', 'increase', 'decrease']:
    r = editor(propernouns.results, '%', propernouns.totals, skip_subcorpora=[1963], sort_by = s, print_info = False)
    plotter('Most common proper noun phrases', r.results, num_to_plot = 9)

In [491]:
quickview(propernouns, n = 200)

  0: new york (n=2215)
  1: congress (n=1869)
  2: washington (n=1639)
  3: iraq (n=1583)
  4: university (n=1519)
  5: bush (n=1517)
  6: china (n=1207)
  7: fed (n=1173)
  8: europe (n=1090)
  9: obama (n=1032)
 10: america (n=970)
 11: f.d.a . (n=956)
 12: wall street (n=926)
 13: clinton (n=887)
 14: israel (n=873)
 15: tuesday (n=839)
 16: vioxx (n=805)
 17: russia (n=765)
 18: wednesday (n=761)
 19: food and drug administration (n=724)
 20: thursday (n=695)
 21: merck (n=683)
 22: white house (n=683)
 23: aids (n=674)
 24: japan (n=663)
 25: friday (n=643)
 26: california (n=608)
 27: london (n=608)
 28: monday (n=602)
 29: iran (n=577)
 30: federal reserve (n=562)
 31: medicine (n=536)
 32: greenspan (n=516)
 33: manhattan (n=515)
 34: afghanistan (n=502)
 35: bank (n=487)
 36: new york city (n=483)
 37: president (n=474)
 38: u.s . (n=470)
 39: department (n=466)
 40: britain (n=452)
 41: germany (n=394)
 42: democrat (n=394)
 43: center (n=388)
 44: senate (n=372)
 45: france (n=370)
 46: sunday (n=370)
 47: west (n=357)
 48: middle east (n=350)
 49: journal (n=342)
 50: mexico (n=339)
 51: new jersey (n=332)
 52: avandia (n=328)
 53: nasa (n=326)
 54: health (n=323)
 55: risky (n=322)
 56: chicago (n=322)
 57: house (n=321)
 58: pentagon (n=319)
 59: citigroup (n=318)
 60: e.p.a . (n=317)
 61: a.i.g . (n=313)
 62: s.e.c . (n=311)
 63: san francisco (n=306)
 64: disease control and prevention (n=303)
 65: enron (n=301)
 66: hussein (n=300)
 67: january (n=296)
 68: pfizer (n=296)
 69: syria (n=294)
 70: boston (n=294)
 71: pakistan (n=285)
 72: greece (n=282)
 73: state department (n=280)
 74: goldman (n=278)
 75: may (n=277)
 76: india (n=275)
 77: italy (n=268)
 78: september (n=267)
 79: march (n=265)
 80: north korea (n=265)
 81: los angeles (n=264)
 82: new york times (n=263)
 83: new england journal (n=260)
 84: november (n=258)
 85: december (n=257)
 86: celebrex (n=256)
 87: re (n=255)
 88: africa (n=253)
 89: bernanke (n=250)
 90: mccain (n=248)
 91: republican (n=246)
 92: qaeda (n=241)
 93: johnson (n=240)
 94: beijing (n=239)
 95: asia (n=238)
 96: june (n=236)
 97: saturday (n=234)
 98: american medical association (n=231)
 99: july (n=230)
 100: morgan stanley (n=229)
 101: soviet union (n=223)
 102: texas (n=222)
 103: kerry (n=221)
 104: spain (n=221)
 105: florida (n=220)
 106: april (n=219)
 107: european union (n=219)
 108: canada (n=217)
 109: broadway (n=216)
 110: baghdad (n=212)
 111: social security (n=210)
 112: lynch (n=209)
 113: risky business (n=209)
 114: gore (n=208)
 115: study (n=207)
 116: goldman sachs (n=207)
 117: securities and exchange commission (n=206)
 118: smith (n=206)
 119: moscow (n=204)
 120: brazil (n=204)
 121: february (n=203)
 122: supreme court (n=202)
 123: risk (n=200)
 124: eurasia group (n=198)
 125: october (n=196)
 126: national cancer institute (n=195)
 127: medicare (n=195)
 128: fannie mae (n=195)
 129: environmental protection agency (n=195)
 130: ubs (n=192)
 131: williams (n=189)
 132: merrill (n=187)
 133: office (n=186)
 134: august (n=184)
 135: pennsylvania (n=184)
 136: government (n=180)
 137: public health (n=178)
 138: microsoft (n=178)
 139: times (n=178)
 140: institute (n=177)
 141: n.f.l . (n=173)
 142: treasury (n=172)
 143: nato (n=172)
 144: brown (n=171)
 145: harvard (n=170)
 146: parliament (n=170)
 147: connecticut (n=170)
 148: bloomberg (n=169)
 149: calif . (n=168)
 150: miller (n=168)
 151: atlanta (n=168)
 152: long island (n=165)
 153: cuomo (n=163)
 154: brooklyn (n=163)
 155: england (n=160)
 156: king (n=159)
 157: council (n=158)
 158: nbc (n=158)
 159: european central bank (n=156)
 160: sept. 11 (n=154)
 161: . (n=152)
 162: g.m . (n=148)
 163: mayor (n=148)
 164: bosnia (n=145)
 165: education (n=145)
 166: army (n=145)
 167: hong kong (n=145)
 168: houston (n=144)
 169: new orleans (n=144)
 170: c.i.a . (n=143)
 171: davis (n=142)
 172: taliban (n=142)
 173: international monetary fund (n=142)
 174: boeing (n=141)
 175: apple (n=140)
 176: national institute (n=139)
 177: children (n=138)
 178: paris (n=138)
 179: disease control (n=138)
 180: i.m.f . (n=137)
 181: hollywood (n=136)
 182: ford (n=134)
 183: research (n=134)
 184: i.b.m . (n=134)
 185: tokyo (n=134)
 186: reagan (n=133)
 187: legislature (n=133)
 188: michigan (n=133)
 189: romney (n=132)
 190: giuliani (n=131)
 191: lebanon (n=131)
 192: secretary (n=131)
 193: national academy (n=130)
 194: world health organization (n=129)
 195: q . (n=129)
 196: seattle (n=129)
 197: south (n=129)
 198: columbia (n=129)
 199: cbs (n=128)

Notice that there are a few entries here that refer to the same group. (f.d.a. and food and drug administration, for example). We can use editor() to fix these.

In [1]:
to_merge = [("f.d.a .", "food and drug administration"),
    ("fed", "federal reserve"),
    ("s.e.c .", "securities and exchange commission"),
    ("disease control", "disease control and prevention"),
    ("goldman sachs", "goldman"),
    ("e.p.a .", "envi,ronmental protection agency"),
    ("calif .", "california"),
    ("i.m.f .", "international monetary fund")]
propernouns = load_result('propernouns') # just in case
for short, lon in to_merge:
    propernouns = editor(propernouns.results, '%', propernouns.totals, merge_entries = [short, lon], 
                         newname = short, print_info = False)
propernouns = editor(propernouns.results, sort_by = 'total', print_info = False)

new york congress washington fed ... jerry flum teknecon energy risk advisors ray mercer richard p. howard
1963 1.010101 0.589226 0.336700 0.000000 ... 0 0 0 0
1987 0.604458 1.057801 0.604458 0.453343 ... 0 0 0 0
1988 0.805802 0.906527 0.342466 0.483481 ... 0 0 0 0
1989 0.866183 0.866183 0.512639 0.618702 ... 0 0 0 0
1990 0.896179 0.659452 0.591816 0.507271 ... 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2010 0.979880 0.862294 0.770839 1.215051 ... 0 0 0 0
2011 0.475475 0.625626 0.800801 0.750751 ... 0 0 0 0
2012 0.856760 0.589023 0.709505 0.495315 ... 0 0 0 0
2013 0.404858 0.558425 0.991205 0.767835 ... 0 0 0 0
2014 0.800890 0.422692 0.823137 0.956618 ... 0 0 0 0

29 rows × 67997 columns

Now that we've merged some common results, we can build some basic thematic categories. Let's make a list of lists:

In [2]:
theme_list = [['People', r'(?i)^\b(bush|clinton|obama|greenspan|gore|johnson|mccain|romney|kennedy|giuliani|reagan)$\b'],
    ['Nations', r'(?i)^\b(iraq|china|america|israel|russia|japan|frace|germany|iran|britain|u\.s\.|afghanistan|australia|canada|spain|mexico|pakistan|soviet union|india)$\b'],
    ['Geopolitical entities', r'(?i)^\b(middle east|asia|europe|america|soviet union|european union)$\b'],
    ['US places', r'(?i)^\b(new york|washington|wall street|california|manhattan|new york city|new jersey|north korea|italy|greece|bosniaboston|los angeles|broadway|texas)$\b'],
    ['Companies', r'(?i)^\b(merck|avandia|citigroup|pfizer|bayer|enron|apple|microsoft|empire)$\b'],
    ['Organisations', r'(?i)^\b(white house|congress|federal reserve|nasa|pentagon|f\.d\.a \.|c\.i\.a \.|f\.b\.i \.|e\.p\.a \.)$'],
    ['Medical', r'(?i)^\b(vioxx|aids|aid|celebrex|f\.d\.a \.|pfizer|bayer|merck|avandia)$']]

We can add each result to its entry in theme_list, and give the totals a name:

In [3]:
# add data to our sublists
for entry in theme_list:
    entry.append(editor(propernouns.results, '%', propernouns.totals, 
                  just_entries = entry[1], print_info = False))
    # rename the newly created data
    entry[2].totals.name = entry[0]

In [4]:
# plot some results
ystring = 'Percentage of all proper noun groups'
for name, query, data in theme_list:
    plotter(name, data.results, y_label = ystring, legend_pos = 'upper left')

Let's compare these topics in the same chart, using Pandas to join everything together:

In [5]:
import pandas
# get the totals from each theme and put them together
them_comp = pandas.concat([data.totals for name, query, data in theme_list], axis=1)
them_comp = editor(them_comp, sort_by = 'total')

***Processing results***


  0: Nations
  1: US places
  2: People
  3: Organisations
  4: Medical
  5: Geopolitical entities
  6: Companies

In [8]:
plotter('Themes', them_comp.results, y_label = 'Percentage of all words')
plotter('Themes', them_comp.results, kind = 'area', stacked = True, y_label = 'Percentage of all words')
plotter('Themes', them_comp.results, subplots = True, y_label = 'Percentage of all words', figsize = (8, 16))

These charts reveal some interesting patterns.

  • We can clearly see presidencies and rival candidates come and go
  • Similarly, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are easy to spot
  • Naturally, the Soviet Union is a very frequent topic in 1963. It rises in frequency until its collapse. More recently, Russia can be seen as more frequently co-occurring with risk words.
  • The Eurozone crisis is visible
  • From the Organisations and Things, we can see the appearance of Merck and Vioxx in 2004, as well as Empire...

In [158]:
vioxx = editor(propernouns.results, '%', propernouns.totals, just_entries = r'(?i)^\b(vioxx|merck)\b$', skip_subcorpora=1963)
plotter('Merck and Vioxx', vioxx.results)

***Processing results***

Skipping 1 subcorpora:

Keeping 2 entries:


Vioxx was removed from shelves following the discovery that it increased the risk of heart attack. It's interesting how even though terrorism and war may come to mind when thinking of risk in the past 15 years, this health topic is easily more prominent in the data.


OK, that's enough interrogating and plotting for now. Future documents will demonstrate how we can use Stanford Dependencies, instead of parse trees, to understand change in the risk semantic.


A key challenge accounting for the diverse ways in which a semantic meaning can be made in lexis and grammar. If we are interested in how often money is the risked thing, we have to design searches that find:

 She risked her money
 She risked losing her money
 Money was risked
 It was risked money
 The risk of money loss was there
 She took her money from her purse and risked it.

Though we can design queries to match any of these, it is very difficult to automate this process for every possible 'risked thing'. It's also very hard to know when we have finally developed a query that matches everything we want.

An added issue is how to treat things like:

 She didn't risk her money
 She risked no money
 She could risk money

Here, the semantic meanings are very different (the risking of money did not occur), but each would match the queries we designed for the above.

Should these results be counted or excluded? Why?


Eggins, S. (2004). Introduction to systemic functional linguistics. Continuum International Publishing Group.

Firth, J. (1957). A Synopsis of Linguistic Theory 1930-1955. In: Studies in Linguistic Analysis, Philological Society, Oxford; reprinted in Palmer, F. (ed.) 1968 Selected Papers of J. R. Firth, Longman, Harlow.

Halliday, M., & Matthiessen, C. (2004). An Introduction to Functional Grammar. Routledge.

Work in progress

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Data to load

In [4]:
modals = load_result('modals')
allwords = load_result('allwords')
edited_adj_riskwords = load_result('edited_adj_riskwords')
propernouns = load_result('propernouns')
n_atrisk_n = load_result('n_atrisk_n')
risk_objects = load_result('risk_objects')
subj_of_risk_process = load_result('subj_of_risk_process')
risk_verbing = load_result('risk_verbing')
processes = load_result('processes')
predicators = load_result('predicators')
terror_heart = load_result('terror_heart')
risk_of = load_result('risk_of')
relationals = load_result('relationals')
proc_w_risk_part = load_result('proc_w_risk_part')
functional_role = load_result('functional_role')
riskpos = load_result('riskpos')
baseline = load_result('baseline')
adj_riskwords = load_result('adj_riskwords')
at_risk_things = load_result('at_risk_things')
sayers = load_result('sayers')
noun_lemmata = load_result('noun_lemmata')
x_subj_of_risk_process = load_result('x_subj_of_risk_process')
adj_modifiers = load_result('adj_modifiers')
ngms = load_result('ngms')
modals_lemmatised = load_result('modals_lemmatised')
riskwords = load_result('riskwords')
kwds = load_result('kwds')

In [5]:
from corpkit import load_all_results
r = load_all_results()

12:25:11: adj_modifiers.p loaded as adj_modifiers.
12:25:11: adj_riskwords.p loaded as adj_riskwords.
12:25:13: all_govs.p loaded as all_govs.
12:25:13: allwords.p loaded as allwords.
12:25:13: at_risk_things.p loaded as at_risk_things.
12:25:13: baseline.p loaded as baseline.
12:25:13: edited_adj_riskwords.p loaded as edited_adj_riskwords.
12:25:13: functional_role.p loaded as functional_role.
12:25:14: kwds.p loaded as kwds.
12:25:14: modals.p loaded as modals.
12:25:14: modals_lemmatised.p loaded as modals_lemmatised.
12:25:14: modifiers.p loaded as modifiers.
12:25:14: n_atrisk_n.p loaded as n_atrisk_n.
12:25:19: ngms.p loaded as ngms.
12:25:27: noun_lemmata.p loaded as noun_lemmata.
12:25:27: predicators.p loaded as predicators.
12:25:27: proc_w_risk_part.p loaded as proc_w_risk_part.
12:25:27: processes.p loaded as processes.
12:25:31: propernouns.p loaded as propernouns.
12:25:31: relationals.p loaded as relationals.
12:25:32: risk_objects.p loaded as risk_objects.
12:25:32: risk_of.p loaded as risk_of.
12:25:32: risk_verbing.p loaded as risk_verbing.
12:25:32: riskpos.p loaded as riskpos.
12:25:32: riskwords.p loaded as riskwords.
12:25:33: sayers.p loaded as sayers.
12:25:33: subj_of_risk_process.p loaded as subj_of_risk_process.
12:25:33: terror_heart.p loaded as terror_heart.
12:25:34: uniques.p loaded as uniques.
12:25:34: x_subj_of_risk_process.p loaded as x_subj_of_risk_process.

In [ ]: