Deriva Ermrest Catalog Examples

This notebook gives examples of creating and connecting to ERMrest catalogs.

In [1]:
from deriva.core import DerivaServer, get_credential

Fill in your desired scheme, hostname and catalog number.

In [2]:
scheme = 'https'
hostname = ''
catalog_number = 1

Use DERIVA-Auth to get a credential or use None if your catalog allows anonymous access.

In [3]:
#credential = None
credential = get_credential(hostname)

Get a handle representing your server.

In [4]:
server = DerivaServer(scheme, hostname, credential)

Connect to a catalog, and list its schemas.

In [5]:
catalog = server.connect_ermrest(catalog_number)
pb = catalog.getPathBuilder()

['legacy', 'isa', 'load_temp', 'vocabulary', 'metadata_raw', 'public']

Create a new catalog.

In [6]:
new_catalog = server.create_ermrest_catalog()
new_catalog_pb = new_catalog.getPathBuilder()


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