Ported to Python (by Ilan Fridman Rojas) from original R implementation by Rasmus Bååth: http://www.sumsar.net/blog/2015/07/easy-bayesian-bootstrap-in-r/
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv('american_presidents.csv', header=0, index_col=None)
In [3]:
In [4]:
data.plot(x='order',y='height_cm', color='blue')
In [5]:
data.plot('order', kind='hist', color='blue')
In [6]:
import random
import numpy.random as npr
The standard bootstrap method
In [7]:
def bootstrap(data, num_samples, statistic, alpha):
"""Returns the results from num_samples bootstrap samples for an input test statistic and its 100*(1-alpha)% confidence level interval."""
# Generate the indices for the required number of permutations/(resamplings with replacement) required
idx = npr.randint(0, len(data), (num_samples, len(data)))
# Generate the multiple resampled data set from the original one
samples = data[idx]
# Apply the 'statistic' function given to each of the data sets produced by the resampling and order the resulting statistic by decreasing size.
stats = np.sort(statistic(samples, 1))
stat = stats.mean()
# Return the value of the computed statistic at the upper and lower percentiles specified by the alpha parameter given. These are, by definition, the boundaries of the Confidence Interval for that value of alpha. E.g. alpha=0.05 ==> CI 95%
low_ci = stats[int((alpha / 2.0) * num_samples)]
high_ci = stats[int((1 - alpha / 2.0) * num_samples)]
#sd = np.std(stat)
# To include Bessel's correction for unbiased standard deviation:
sd = np.std(stat, ddof=1)
# or manually:
# sd = np.sqrt(len(data) / (len(data) - 1)) * np.std(stats)
return stat, sd, low_ci, high_ci
The Bayesian bootstrap (with a Dirichlet prior)
(See: http://sumsar.net/blog/2015/04/the-non-parametric-bootstrap-as-a-bayesian-model/ and http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1176345338 )
In [8]:
def bayes_bstrp(data, statistic, nbstrp, samplesize):
"""Implements the Bayesian bootstrap method."""
def Dirichlet_sample(m,n):
"""Returns a matrix of values drawn from a Dirichlet distribution with parameters = 1.
'm' rows of values, with 'n' Dirichlet draws in each one."""
# Draw from Gamma distribution
Dirichlet_params = np.ones(m*n) # Set Dirichlet distribution parameters
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet_distribution#Gamma_distribution
Dirichlet_weights = np.asarray([random.gammavariate(a,1) for a in Dirichlet_params])
Dirichlet_weights = Dirichlet_weights.reshape(m,n) # Fold them (row by row) into a matrix
row_sums = Dirichlet_weights.sum(axis=1)
Dirichlet_weights = Dirichlet_weights / row_sums[:, np.newaxis] # Reweight each row to be normalised to 1
return Dirichlet_weights
Dirich_wgts_matrix = Dirichlet_sample(nbstrp, data.shape[0]) #Generate sample of Dirichlet weights
# If statistic can be directly computed using the weights (such as the mean), do this since it will be faster.
if statistic==np.mean or statistic==np.average:
results = np.asarray([np.average(data, weights=Dirich_wgts_matrix[i]) for i in xrange(nbstrp)])
return results
# Otherwise resort to sampling according to the Dirichlet weights and computing the statistic
results = np.zeros(nbstrp)
for i in xrange(nbstrp): #Sample from data according to Dirichlet weights
weighted_sample = np.random.choice(data, samplesize, replace=True, p = Dirich_wgts_matrix[i])
results[i] = statistic(weighted_sample) #Compute the statistic for each sample
return results
Test both the weighted statistic method and the weighted sampling methods
In [9]:
height_data = data['height_cm'].values
posterior_mean = bayes_bstrp(height_data, np.mean, nbstrp=10000, samplesize=1000)
print posterior_mean
posterior_median = bayes_bstrp(height_data, np.median, nbstrp=10000, samplesize=1000)
print posterior_median
Define a function to compute confidence intervals and use it
In [10]:
def CI(sample, alpha=0.05):
"""Returns the 100*(1-alpha)% confidence level interval for a test statistic computed on a bootstrap sample."""
num_samples = sample.shape[0]
low_ci = sample[int((alpha / 2.0) * num_samples)]
high_ci = sample[int((1 - alpha / 2.0) * num_samples)]
return [low_ci, high_ci]
In [11]:
meanCI = CI(posterior_mean, alpha=0.05)
print "The mean of the posterior is:\t{0:.4g}".format(posterior_mean.mean())
print "With confidence interval:\t[{0:.4g}, {1:.4g}]".format(meanCI[0],meanCI[1])
#print posterior_median.mean(), CI(posterior_median)
In [12]:
fig,ax =plt.subplots(2,1, sharex=True)
ax[0].hist(height_data, color='blue')
ax[0].set_xlabel('Heights of American Presidents (in cm)')
ax[1].hist(posterior_mean, color='blue')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Bayesian Bootstrap posterior of the mean (95% CI in red)')
ax[1].plot([meanCI[0], meanCI[1]], [0, 0], 'r', linewidth=8)
In [13]:
from scipy import stats
x = data['order'].values
y = data['height_cm'].values
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x,y)
print slope
print intercept
In [14]:
def bayes_bstrp1(data, statistic, nbstrp, samplesize):
"""Implements the Bayesian bootstrap method."""
"""Input can be a 1D Numpy array, or for test statistics of two variables: a Pandas DataFrame with two columns: x,y"""
def Dirichlet_sample(m,n):
"""Returns a matrix of values drawn from a Dirichlet distribution with parameters = 1.
'm' rows of values, with 'n' Dirichlet draws in each one."""
Dirichlet_params = np.ones(m*n) # Set Dirichlet distribution parameters
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet_distribution#Gamma_distribution
Dirichlet_weights = np.asarray([random.gammavariate(a,1) for a in Dirichlet_params]) # Draw from Gamma distrib
Dirichlet_weights = Dirichlet_weights.reshape(m,n) # Fold them (row by row) into a matrix
row_sums = Dirichlet_weights.sum(axis=1)
Dirichlet_weights = Dirichlet_weights / row_sums[:, np.newaxis] # Reweight each row to be normalised to 1
return Dirichlet_weights
Dirich_wgts_matrix = Dirichlet_sample(nbstrp, data.shape[0]) #Generate sample of Dirichlet weights
if data.ndim==1:
# If statistic can be directly computed using the weights (such as the mean), do this since it will be faster.
if statistic==np.mean or statistic==np.average:
results = np.asarray([np.average(data, weights=Dirich_wgts_matrix[i]) for i in xrange(nbstrp)])
return results
# Otherwise resort to sampling according to the Dirichlet weights and computing the statistic
results = np.zeros(nbstrp)
for i in xrange(nbstrp): #Sample from data according to Dirichlet weights
weighted_sample = np.random.choice(data, samplesize, replace=True, p = Dirich_wgts_matrix[i])
results[i] = statistic(weighted_sample) #Compute the statistic for each sample
return results
elif data.ndim>=2:
# If statistic can be directly computed using the weights (such as the mean), do this since it will be faster.
if statistic==np.mean or statistic==np.average:
results = np.asarray([np.average(data[data.columns[1]].values, weights=Dirich_wgts_matrix[i])
for i in xrange(nbstrp)])
return results
# Otherwise resort to sampling according to the Dirichlet weights and computing the statistic
results = []
for i in xrange(nbstrp): #Sample from data according to Dirichlet weights
# Now instead of sampling data points directly, we sample over their index (i.e. by row number)
# which is exactly equivalent, but which preserves the x,y pairings during the sampling
index_sample[i,:] = np.random.choice(np.arange(data.shape[0]), samplesize, replace=True,
p = Dirich_wgts_matrix[i])
# We index from the DataFrame this way because Pandas does not support slicing like this
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23686561/slice-a-pandas-dataframe-by-an-array-of-indices-and-column-names
return np.array(results)
In [15]:
posterior_mean1 = bayes_bstrp1(height_data, np.mean, nbstrp=10000, samplesize=1000)
print posterior_mean1
posterior_median1 = bayes_bstrp(height_data, np.median, nbstrp=10000, samplesize=1000)
print posterior_median1
In [16]:
# Copy the columns containing x and y (in that order) into a new Pandas DataFrame, to be used for Bayesian bootstrap
test_df = data[['order','height_cm']]
linregres_posterior = bayes_bstrp1(test_df, stats.linregress, nbstrp=100, samplesize=60)
print linregres_posterior
# These 5 values are: slope, intercept, R, p_value, std_err
Below we apply the -Bayesian, but could just as well be classical- bootstrap method to a linear regression by bootstrapping the data.
This is not the only way to apply the bootstrap. One could fix the regressors/covariates $x_i$, as well as the regression coefficients, $\mathbf{\beta}$, of the linear fit to the original dataset, and then bootstrap the residuals $y_i - \hat{y}_i(\mathbf{\beta})$. The former approach is expected to be more conservative (give larger confidence intervals) than the latter, which is more model dependent in that it fixes the coefficients and thereby implicitly assumes the linear model is essentially correct and only the random variation/noise of the data needs to be bootstrapped.
For more on this see the corresponding section in the original work: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=gLlpIUxRntoC&lpg=PA113&ots=A8xyY7Lcz3&dq=regression%20bootstrap%20data%20or%20residuals&pg=PA113#v=onepage&q=regression%20bootstrap%20data%20or%20residuals&f=false
For a short, concise and clear explanation of the pros and cons of each way of bootstrapping regression models see: http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~cshalizi/uADA/13/lectures/which-bootstrap-when.pdf
In [17]:
slopes = linregres_posterior[:,0]
slopemean = slopes.mean()
slopeCI = CI(slopes)
print "The mean slope and its 95% CI are:\t{0:.4g}\t\t[{1:.4g}, {2:.4g}]".format(slopemean,slopeCI[0],slopeCI[1])
intercepts = linregres_posterior[:,1]
interceptmean = intercept.mean()
interceptCI = CI(intercepts)
print "The mean intercept and its 95% CI are:\t{0:.4g}\t\t[{1:.4g}, {2:.4g}]".format(interceptmean,interceptCI[0],
In [18]:
# Plot the data points
plt.scatter(data['order'].values, data['height_cm'].values)
# The linear function we will use to plot fit coefficients
def linfit(x,slope,intercept):
return slope*x + intercept
x = data['order'].values
y = data['height_cm'].values
# Choose linear regressions for 10 of the bootstrap samples at random and plot them
ids = npr.randint(0, linregres_posterior.shape[0], 10)
otherfits = [linfit(x, linregres_posterior[i,0], linregres_posterior[i,1]) for i in ids]
for i in otherfits:
plt.plot(x, i, color='#BBBBBB')
# The fit to the original data
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x,y)
plt.plot(x, linfit(x, slope, intercept), color='black', linewidth=2)
From this plot and the confidence interval on the slope we can confidently say that there is no evidence for a correlation between the two variables.
In [19]:
from statsmodels.nonparametric.smoothers_lowess import lowess
# for some odd reason this loess function takes the y values as the first argument and x as second
test_df = data[['height_cm', 'order']]
posterior_loess = bayes_bstrp1(test_df, lowess, nbstrp=100, samplesize=60)
print posterior_loess
In [20]:
x = data['order'].values
y = data['height_cm'].values
# To see all the loess curves found:
#for i in posterior_loess:
# plt.plot(i[:,0], i[:,1], color='#BBBBBB')
ids = npr.randint(0, posterior_loess.shape[0], 20)
for i in ids:
plt.plot(posterior_loess[i,:,0], posterior_loess[i,:,1], color='#BBBBBB')
plt.scatter(x, y)
original_loess = lowess(y, x)
plt.plot(original_loess[:,0], original_loess[:,1], color='black', linewidth=2)