VIZBI Tutorial Session

Part 2: Cytoscape, IPython, Docker, and reproducible network data visualization workflows

Tuesday, 3/24/2015

Lesson 2: Working with Graph Libraries

by Keiichiro Ono


Cytoscape is an all-in-one package for network data integration, analysys, and visualization. However, there are several powerful graph abnalysis tools designed for advanced users. They usually have command-line interface and are not easy to use for interactive data visualization. By using cyREST, you can access the best of the two worlds!

Cytoscape vs Other Graph Libraries


  • Easy-to-use GUI
  • All-in-one
  • Advanced visualization features
  • GUI operation...
    • Not easy to integrate it into automated workflows
  • Scalability
    • Designed to run on workstations

Command-Line Graph Analysis Tools

  • Lots of graph analysis algorithms
  • High performance
    • Not always true, but some of them use C/C++ modules for optimization
  • Limited visualization features
  • Hard to use for people with limited computing literacy

Use Cytoscape as an external visualization engine

In this section, you will learn the following:

  • Load network data sets to NetworkX graph object
  • Calculate basic statistics of the graph
  • Visualize it in Cytoscape


One of the most popular graph analysis library in Python community. It is easy to install, but a bit slower than the other two.


Very popular library in R programmers, but also available for Python. Lots of graph analysis functions and popular in social network analysis community.


In most cases, this is the fastest graph analysis library. Optimization is done by calling external Boost C++ library.

In this container, all of these three are installed and ready to use!

In [1]:
import requests
import json
import networkx as nx
from IPython.display import Image

from py2cytoscape import util as cy 

from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from bokeh.charts import Bar
from bokeh.plotting import *

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline


import pandas as pd

IP = ''
BASE = 'http://' + IP +  ':' + str(PORT_NUMBER) + '/v1/'
HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

# Start from a clean slate!
requests.delete(BASE + 'session')

!pip show py2cytoscape

BokehJS successfully loaded.
Name: py2cytoscape
Version: 0.3.0
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages

Load a sample JSON network from file

In [2]:
# Create dictionary object from JSON file
f = open('data/yeast.json', 'r')
cyjs_network = json.load(f)

# Set network name
cyjs_network['data']['name'] = 'Yeast Sample 1' 

res = + 'networks', data=json.dumps(cyjs_network), headers=HEADERS)
new_suid = res.json()['networkSUID']

# Apply style and layout
requests.get(BASE + 'apply/layouts/force-directed/' + str(new_suid))
requests.get(BASE + 'apply/styles/default/' + str(new_suid))

Image(BASE+'networks/' + str(new_suid) + '/views/first.png')


Data Round-Trip between Cytoscape and NetworkX

Basic data exchange format for cyREST is Cytoscape.js JSON. To use objects in Cytoscape.js JSON format in other network libraries, we need to write a converter code for data rounndtrip.


This is still an ongoing project, but we are developing utility library named py2cytoscape which includes data conversion utilities and other usiful functions for Python users. Aa of today (March 2015), data roundtrip between Cytoscape,js JSOB and NetworkX is supported.

Here is the simplest example:

In [3]:
# Convert Python dictionary in Cytoscape.js format into NetworkX object
nx_network = cy.to_networkx(cyjs_network)

# Draw it with NetworkX renderer 

Well, now you can see why we want to use Cytoscape as an external rendering engine...

Generate graph with NetworkX

NetworkX has many graph generators. It is usuful when you need to create some random graphs for statistical analysis. Let's learn how to use some of the generators.

In [4]:
# Generate graphs with NetworkX

# Scale-Free graph wiht 100 nodes (Directed)
scale_free_graph = nx.scale_free_graph(100)
scale_free_graph.graph['name'] = 'Scale-Free Graph'
mst = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(scale_free_graph.to_undirected())

# Convert it into Cytoscape.js format

def post_nx(nx_graph, layout='force-directed'):
    # Convert into Cytoscape.js JSON
    cyjs_network = cy.from_networkx(nx_graph)
    # POST it!
    res = + 'networks', data=json.dumps(cyjs_network), headers=HEADERS)
    suid = res.json()['networkSUID']
    requests.get(BASE + 'apply/layouts/' + layout + '/' + str(suid))
    return Image(url=BASE+'networks/' + str(suid) + '/views/first.png', embed=True)

network_images = []


In [5]:


In [6]:
# ...And other graph generators

graphs = {}

# Add Converted Cytoscape network
graphs['yeast'] = nx_network

# Complete
graphs['complete'] = nx.complete_graph(NUMBER_OF_NODES)

# Circular Ladder
graphs['circular ladder'] = nx.circular_ladder_graph(NUMBER_OF_NODES)

# Binominal
graphs['binominal'] = nx.binomial_graph(NUMBER_OF_NODES, 0.3)

Calculate some basic statistics with NetworkX

In [7]:
for key in graphs.keys():
    g = graphs[key]
    # Perform simple graph analysis
    # Node statistics
    bc = nx.betweenness_centrality(g)
    degree =
    cc = nx.closeness_centrality(g)
#     mst = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(g.to_undirected())
    nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'betweenness', bc)
    nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'closeness', cc)
    nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'degree', degree)
    # Network statistics
    g.graph["avg_shortest_path_len"] = nx.average_shortest_path_length(g)
    g.graph["density"] = nx.density(g)
    network_images.append(post_nx(g, 'circular'))

In [8]:


Use libraries as file format converter

Cytoscape supports many standard graph file formats, including GML, GraphML, or XGMML, but there several more standad formats like DOT used in Graphviz. You can use graph-tools and other libraries as a data converter.

DOT to GraphML

In [9]:
import graph_tool as gt
import graph_tool.collection as collection

dot_graph = gt.load_graph('data/')'data/sample.graphml', fmt='graphml')

def create_from_list(network_list):
    payload = {'source': 'url', 'collection': 'Dot Sample'}
    server_res = + 'networks', data=json.dumps(network_list), headers=HEADERS, params=payload)
    return server_res.json()
network_file = 'file:////Users/kono/prog/git/vizbi-2015/tutorials/data/sample.graphml'
id_json = create_from_list([network_file])

# Apply layout
suid = id_json[0]['networkSUID'][0]
requests.get(BASE + 'apply/layouts/force-directed/' + str(suid))
Image(url=BASE+'networks/' + str(suid) + '/views/first.png', embed=True)


Use igraph for network analysis

In [10]:
import igraph

gal= igraph.Graph.Read_GML('data/galFiltered.gml')
dend = gal.community_edge_betweenness()

clusters = dend.as_clustering()
gal.vs['clusters'] = clusters.membership

df = pd.DataFrame(gal.vs['clusters'], gal.vs['label'], columns=['cluster'])

YKR026C 0
YGL122C 0
YMR146C 1
YDR429C 1
YFL017C 1
YOL123W 2
YGL044C 2
YGR203W 1
YIL061C 1
YCR084C 1

Homework: Visualize the clusters in Cytoscape

Data mangling with Pandas

What is Pandas?

Pandas is a standard library in Python data scientists community. It provids several data structures and functions for data preparation and analysis. It is a fairly large library with a lot of features and we do not have enough time to cover all feattures. There is a great book written by the author of the library. If you are intereted in Pandas, please read the following book:

  • Python Data Analysis

Using DataFrame for Data Editing and Conversions

In [11]:
df1 = pd.read_csv('*?format=tab27', 
                  delimiter='\t', header=None)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
0 uniprotkb:Q9Y385 uniprotkb:P38398 intact:EBI-988826|uniprotkb:Q53F25|uniprotkb:A... intact:EBI-349905|uniprotkb:Q1RMC1|uniprotkb:Q... psi-mi:ub2j1_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:Non... psi-mi:brca1_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:BRC... psi-mi:"MI:0397"(two hybrid array) - imex:IM-9597|pubmed:19690564 taxid:9606(human)|taxid:9606(Homo sapiens) ... rogid:nc3+V3Qxy1ZDhTWgTPLakJukxPM9606 rogid:Tx+5uS8dERqc0lhPZ0ZIKQaifXM9606 intact-crc:88DA48E32D6776A3|rigid:EBTmW/sLTONK... False - - - - psi-mi:"MI:0396"(predetermined participant) psi-mi:"MI:0396"(predetermined participant)
1 uniprotkb:Q5VVX9 uniprotkb:Q99728 intact:EBI-2130181|uniprotkb:Q8N1D4 intact:EBI-473181|uniprotkb:F6MDH9|uniprotkb:F... psi-mi:ube2u_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:UBE... psi-mi:bard1_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:BAR... psi-mi:"MI:0397"(two hybrid array) - imex:IM-9597|pubmed:19690564 taxid:9606(human)|taxid:9606(Homo sapiens) ... rogid:onw4DUslrZLhQZp8FtqY6s6Q/u09606 rogid:5dT1T3GUceuvwPpiTv5QW/QEDgE9606 intact-crc:35FBF5E49A9671E0|rigid:EvuHsiDjMeWq... False - - - - psi-mi:"MI:0396"(predetermined participant) psi-mi:"MI:0396"(predetermined participant)
2 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587 intact:EBI-297202|intact:EBI-1059207|uniprotkb... intact:EBI-79792|uniprotkb:Q13879|uniprotkb:O1... psi-mi:rad51_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:RAD... psi-mi:brca2_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:BRC... psi-mi:"MI:0413"(electrophoretic mobility shif... Carreira et al. (2009) pubmed:19303847|imex:IM-20288 taxid:9606(human)|taxid:9606(Homo sapiens) ... rogid:B7WPMU7tZuNcA2qjsTR+7i/OwFw9606 rogid:UcdngwpTSS6hG/pvQGgpp40u67I9606 intact-crc:72C657CC1BAB693B False - mutation decreasing interaction:1526-1526|glut... - - psi-mi:"MI:0821"(molecular weight estimation b... psi-mi:"MI:0821"(molecular weight estimation b...
3 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587 intact:EBI-297202|intact:EBI-1059207|uniprotkb... intact:EBI-79792|uniprotkb:Q13879|uniprotkb:O1... psi-mi:rad51_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:RAD... psi-mi:brca2_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:BRC... psi-mi:"MI:0413"(electrophoretic mobility shif... Carreira et al. (2009) pubmed:19303847|imex:IM-20288 taxid:9606(human)|taxid:9606(Homo sapiens) ... rogid:B7WPMU7tZuNcA2qjsTR+7i/OwFw9606 rogid:UcdngwpTSS6hG/pvQGgpp40u67I9606 intact-crc:29B545670D1E5C62 False - mutation decreasing interaction:1526-1526|glut... - - psi-mi:"MI:0821"(molecular weight estimation b... psi-mi:"MI:0821"(molecular weight estimation b...
4 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587 intact:EBI-297202|intact:EBI-1059207|uniprotkb... intact:EBI-79792|uniprotkb:Q13879|uniprotkb:O1... psi-mi:rad51_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:RAD... psi-mi:brca2_human(display_long)|uniprotkb:BRC... psi-mi:"MI:0413"(electrophoretic mobility shif... Carreira et al. (2009) pubmed:19303847|imex:IM-20288 taxid:9606(human)|taxid:9606(Homo sapiens) ... rogid:B7WPMU7tZuNcA2qjsTR+7i/OwFw9606 rogid:UcdngwpTSS6hG/pvQGgpp40u67I9606 intact-crc:FDB2287FC7FF8835 False - necessary binding region:1525-1530 - - psi-mi:"MI:0821"(molecular weight estimation b... psi-mi:"MI:0821"(molecular weight estimation b...

5 rows × 42 columns

In [12]:
brca_df = pd.DataFrame()
brca_df['source'] = df1[0]
brca_df['target'] = df1[1]

source target
0 uniprotkb:Q9Y385 uniprotkb:P38398
1 uniprotkb:Q5VVX9 uniprotkb:Q99728
2 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587
3 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587
4 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587

Functional Style Coding

This is a bit beyond scope of this tutorial, but it is a good idea to use functional style coding when manipulating data objects instead of writing a lot of for loops.

In [13]:
brca_df['source_uniprot'] = brca_df['source'].apply(lambda x: x.split(':', 1)[1])
brca_df['target_uniprot'] = brca_df['target'].apply(lambda x: x.split(':', 1)[1])


source target source_uniprot target_uniprot
0 uniprotkb:Q9Y385 uniprotkb:P38398 Q9Y385 P38398
1 uniprotkb:Q5VVX9 uniprotkb:Q99728 Q5VVX9 Q99728
2 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587 Q06609 P51587
3 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587 Q06609 P51587
4 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587 Q06609 P51587
5 uniprotkb:Q06609 uniprotkb:P51587 Q06609 P51587
6 chebi:"CHEBI:15422" uniprotkb:P51587 "CHEBI:15422" P51587
7 chebi:"CHEBI:15422" uniprotkb:P51587 "CHEBI:15422" P51587
8 chebi:"CHEBI:15422" uniprotkb:P51587 "CHEBI:15422" P51587
9 chebi:"CHEBI:15422" uniprotkb:P51587 "CHEBI:15422" P51587

Generate graphs

In [14]:
# Small function to create NetworkX graph from DataFrame
net = nx.MultiGraph()

for i in range(len(brca_df)):
    row = brca_df.ix[i]
    source = net.add_node(row['source_uniprot'])
    target = net.add_node(row['target_uniprot'])
    net.add_edge(row['source_uniprot'], row['target_uniprot'])

res = + 'networks', data=json.dumps(cy.from_networkx(net)), headers=HEADERS)
suid = res.json()['networkSUID']

requests.get(BASE + 'apply/layouts/force-directed/' + str(suid))
Image(url=BASE+'networks/' + str(suid) + '/views/first.png', embed=True)


In [15]:
# Generate a unique list of nodes
node_table = pd.DataFrame(net.nodes(), columns=['name'])

# Assign type for CHEBI nodes
node_table['type'] = node_table['name'].apply(lambda x: 'compound' if 'CHEBI' in x else 'protein')

name type
0 Q4VCS5 protein
1 Q81TW1 protein
2 P48149 protein
3 Q9Y3C5 protein
4 O75486 protein
5 Q8CIH5 protein
6 O43583 protein
7 O00410 protein
8 P49840 protein
9 EBI-539895 protein

In [16]:
nodes_url = BASE + 'networks/' + str(suid) + '/tables/defaultnode'
df_nodes = pd.DataFrame(requests.get(nodes_url).json()['rows'])
SUID id name selected shared_name
0 78324 Q4VCS5 Q4VCS5 False Q4VCS5
1 78325 Q81TW1 Q81TW1 False Q81TW1
2 78326 P48149 P48149 False P48149
3 78327 Q9Y3C5 Q9Y3C5 False Q9Y3C5
4 78328 O75486 O75486 False O75486

In [17]:
merged = df_nodes.merge(node_table, on='name')

SUID id name selected shared_name type
0 78324 Q4VCS5 Q4VCS5 False Q4VCS5 protein
1 78325 Q81TW1 Q81TW1 False Q81TW1 protein
2 78326 P48149 P48149 False P48149 protein
3 78327 Q9Y3C5 Q9Y3C5 False Q9Y3C5 protein
4 78328 O75486 O75486 False O75486 protein
5 78329 Q8CIH5 Q8CIH5 False Q8CIH5 protein
6 78330 O43583 O43583 False O43583 protein
7 78331 O00410 O00410 False O00410 protein
8 78332 P49840 P49840 False P49840 protein
9 78333 EBI-539895 EBI-539895 False EBI-539895 protein

Add Table Data to Existing Network

In [ ]:
# First, create new column
type_column = {
    'name' : 'type',
    'type' : 'String'
} + 'networks/' + str(suid) + '/tables/defaultnode/columns', data=json.dumps(type_column), headers=HEADERS)

def append_new_value(row, new_values):
    new_val ={
        'SUID': row['SUID'],
        'value' : row['type']
values = []
merged.apply(lambda row: append_new_value(row, values), axis=1)

# Now update it!
requests.put(BASE + 'networks/' + str(suid) + '/tables/defaultnode/columns/type', data=json.dumps(values), headers=HEADERS)

Out[ ]:
<Response [200]>

Now you can use new values under type column to create new visualization. Actual visualization code examples will be discussed in the next lesson, but here is an example:

Use layout algorithms in graph-tool

In [ ]:
import as community
import graph_tool.draw as draw

g = gt.load_graph('data/galFiltered.gml')

pos = draw.arf_layout(g, max_iter=0)
draw.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output_size=(950, 1000), inline=True)

Homework: Use graph-tool's layouts in Cytoscape

  • Pick x, y location of nodes
  • PUT it to Cytoscape View