
This Notebook will help you to identify anomalies in your historical timeseries data (IoT data) in simple steps. Also, derive the threshold value for your historical data. This threshold value can be used to set rules in Watson IoT Platform, such that you get an alert when your IoT device reports an abnormal reading in the future.

Accepted file format

Note that, this Notebook accepts the CSV file in one of the following file formats:

2 column format: <Date and time in DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format, Numeric value>
1 column format: <Numeric value>

Sample data

In case if you don’t have any file, try downloading the sample file from this link. The sample file contains a temperature data updated for ever 15 minutes. Also, the sample data contains spikes to demonstrate the danger situation.

Load data

Drag and drop your CSV file into this Notebook. Once the file is uploaded successfully, you can see the file in the Recent Data section. Also, expand the file name and click on Insert Path link to get the location of the file. It must be like, /resources/file-name.

The next step is to create the SQL DataFrame from the CSV file. Instead of specifying the schema for a Spark DataFrame programmatically, you can use the pyspark-csv module. It is an external PySpark module and works like the pandas read_csv function.

Enter the following lines of code into your Notebook to create Spark SQL DataFrame from the given CSV file. Modify the path of the file if its different and click Run. And observe that it prints the schema.

In [1]:
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
# adding the PySpark module to SparkContext
import pyspark_csv as pycsv

# you may need to modify this line if the filename or path is different.
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
data = sc.textFile("/resources/sample-data.csv")

def skip_header(idx, iterator):
    if (idx == 0):
    return iterator

body = data.mapPartitionsWithIndex(skip_header)
header = data.first()
header_list = header.split(",")
# create Spark DataFrame using pyspark-csv
data_df = pycsv.csvToDataFrame(sqlContext, body, sep=",", columns=header_list)

 |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- temperature: double (nullable = true)

Enter the following command in the next cell to look at the first record and click Run

In [2]:
# retrieve the first row

[Row(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 5, 0, 15), temperature=42.89)]

Enter the following command in the next cell to get the number of rows in the CSV file (DataFrame) and click Run,

In [3]:
# retrieve the number of rows


Create Pandas DataFrame

Enter the following commands in the next cell to create a Pandas DataFrame from the Spark SQL DataFrame and click Run. This line prints the schema of the newly created Pandas DataFrame which will be same as the Spark SQL DataFrame.

The Python Data Analysis Library (a.k.a. pandas) provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools that are designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both easy and intuitive. Also, plotting is very easy with Pandas DataFrame.

In [4]:
# create a pandas dataframe from the SQL dataframe
import pprint
import pandas as pd
pandaDF = data_df.toPandas()
#Fill NA/NaN values to 0
pandaDF.fillna(0, inplace=True)

Index([u'timestamp', u'temperature'], dtype='object')

Enter the following commands in the next cell to set timestamp as the index if its present and click Run,

In [5]:
# change index to time if its present
valueHeaderName = 'value'
timeHeaderName = 'null'
if (len(header_list) == 2):
    timeHeaderName = header_list[0]
    valueHeaderName = header_list[1]
    valueHeaderName = header_list[0]
# Drop the timestamp column as the index is replaced with timestamp now
if (len(header_list) == 2):
    pandaDF.index = pandaDF[timeHeaderName]
    pandaDF = pandaDF.drop([timeHeaderName], axis=1)
    # Also, sort the index with the timestamp

2016-01-05 00:15:00 42.89
2016-01-05 00:30:00 53.20
2016-01-05 00:45:00 44.96
2016-01-05 01:00:00 48.05
2016-01-05 01:15:00 50.52

Calculate z-score

We detect the anomaly events using z-score, aka, a standard score indicating how many standard deviations an element is from the mean.

Enter the following commands to calculate z-score for each of the values and add it as a new column in the same DataFrame,

In [6]:
# calculate z-score and populate a new column
pandaDF['zscore'] = (pandaDF[valueHeaderName] - pandaDF[valueHeaderName].mean())/pandaDF[valueHeaderName].std(ddof=0)

temperature zscore
2016-01-05 00:15:00 42.89 -0.290168
2016-01-05 00:30:00 53.20 0.933940
2016-01-05 00:45:00 44.96 -0.044397
2016-01-05 01:00:00 48.05 0.322479
2016-01-05 01:15:00 50.52 0.615743

Plot Anomalies

When we work in notebooks, we can decide how to present your anlysis results and derived information. So far, we have used normal print functions, which are informative. However, we can also show the results in a visual way by using the popular matplotlib package to create plots.

Enter the following snippet of the code in the next cell to view the anomaly events in your data and click Run. Observe that the values for which the z-score is above 3 or below -3, marked as abnormal events in the graph shown below,

In [7]:
# ignore warnings if any
import warnings

# render the results as inline charts:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

This function detects the spike and dip by returning a non-zero value 
when the z-score is above 3 (spike) and below -3(dip). Incase if you 
want to capture the smaller spikes and dips, lower the zscore value from 
3 to 2 in this function.
def spike(row):
    if(row['zscore'] >=3 or row['zscore'] <=-3):
        return row[valueHeaderName]
        return 0
pandaDF['spike'] = pandaDF.apply(spike, axis=1)
# select rows that are required for plotting
plotDF = pandaDF[[valueHeaderName,'spike']]
#calculate the y minimum value
y_min = (pandaDF[valueHeaderName].max() - pandaDF[valueHeaderName].min()) / 10
fig, ax = plt.subplots(num=None, figsize=(14, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ax.set_ylim(plotDF[valueHeaderName].min() - y_min, plotDF[valueHeaderName].max() + y_min)
x_filt = plotDF.index[plotDF.spike != 0]
plotDF['xyvaluexy'] = plotDF[valueHeaderName]
y_filt = plotDF.xyvaluexy[plotDF.spike != 0]
#Plot the raw data in blue colour
line1 = ax.plot(plotDF.index, plotDF[valueHeaderName], '-', color='blue', animated = True, linewidth=1)
#plot the anomalies in red circle
line2 = ax.plot(x_filt, y_filt, 'ro', color='red', linewidth=2, animated = True)
#Fill the raw area
ax.fill_between(plotDF.index, (pandaDF[valueHeaderName].min() - y_min), plotDF[valueHeaderName], interpolate=True, color='blue',alpha=0.6)

# Label the axis


As shown, the red marks are the unexpected spikes and dips whose z-score value is greater than 3 or less than -3. Incase if you want to detect the lower spikes, modify the value to 2 or even lower and run. Similarly, if you want to detect only the higher spikes, try increasing the z-score value from 3 to 4 and beyond.

Derive thresholds

Enter the following command into the next cell to derive the Spike threshold value corresponding to z-score value 3 and click Run.

In [8]:
# calculate the value that is corresponding to z-score 3
(pandaDF[valueHeaderName].std(ddof=0) * 3) + pandaDF[valueHeaderName].mean()


Similarly, Enter the following command into the next cell to derive the dip threshold value corresponding to z-score value -3.

In [9]:
# calculate the value that is corresponding to z-score -3
(pandaDF[valueHeaderName].std(ddof=0) * -3) + pandaDF[valueHeaderName].mean()


This threshold value can be used to create a rule in the Watson IoT Platform to detect anomalies in the current IoT device events in realtime. This will create an alert in realtime when the current sensor reading crosses the threshold value.


This Notebook showed how to use the z-score to detect anomalies in the historical timeseries data in simple steps. Also, showed how one can derive the threshold values for the given historical data to create rules accordingly in IBM Watson IoT Platform. Developers can consider this Notebook as a template for detecting anomalies in their historical IoT data and modify the python code depending upon the use case.