Using LAMMPS with iPython and Jupyter

LAMMPS can be run interactively using iPython easily. This tutorial shows how to set this up.


  1. Download the latest version of LAMMPS into a folder (we will calls this $LAMMPS_DIR from now on)
  2. Compile LAMMPS as a shared library and enable exceptions and PNG support

    cd $LAMMPS_DIR/src
    make mpi mode=shlib LMP_INC="-DLAMMPS_PNG -DLAMMPS_EXCEPTIONS" JPG_LIB="-lpng"
  3. Create a python virtualenv

    virtualenv testing
    source testing/bin/activate
  4. Inside the virtualenv install the lammps package

    (testing) cd $LAMMPS_DIR/python
    (testing) python
    (testing) cd   # move to your working directory
  5. Install jupyter and ipython in the virtualenv

    (testing) pip install ipython jupyter
  6. Run jupyter notebook

    (testing) jupyter notebook


In [ ]:
from lammps import IPyLammps

In [ ]:
L = IPyLammps()

In [ ]:
import math

# 3d Lennard-Jones melt

L.atom_modify("map array")

L.lattice("fcc", 0.8442)
L.region("box", "block", 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4)
L.create_box(1, "box")
L.create_atoms(1, "box")
L.mass(1, 1.0)

L.velocity("all", "create", 1.44, 87287, "loop geom")

L.pair_style("lj/cut", 2.5)
L.pair_coeff(1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 2.5)

L.neighbor(0.3, "bin")
L.neigh_modify("delay", 0, "every", 20, "check no")

L.fix("1 all nve")

L.variable("fx atom fx")"all")

In [ ]: