This notebook was made for the purposes of quickly introducing the theoretical groundwork of Linear Algebra for Data Scientists. To that end, we will be primarily making the computer do the hard work of doing the tedious calculations for us. Specifically, this notebook will be using numpy as the backend for the computations.
This notebook will just ensure that your environment is loaded and all basic operations are supported.
In [6]:
import numpy as np
In [7]:
# Create numpy arrays like this.
print("A 1 row by 4 column numpy matrix\n{}".format(np.array(range(4))))
In [8]:
# Create a 2 by 2 matrix like this.
A = np.array(range(4)).reshape(2,2) # Reshape into an array of two rows and 2 columns.
print("A 2 row by 2 column numpy matrix\n{}".format(A))
In [9]:
# Create a 3 by 2 matrix.
A = np.array(range(6)).reshape(3,2)
print("A 3 row by 2 column numpy matrix\n{}".format(A))
# Note the ordering of how it reshapes. It places items item by item until the row is filled.
In [10]:
# Be careful to match the number of elements to the shape you give to reshape!
np.array(range(6)).reshape(2,4) # Size of the inputs must equal the product of the dimensions.
For our purposes, a matrix
will be a numpy array of shape (m, n) where m, n > 0 and are integers
. The matrix may consist of fractions, floats, or complex numbers.
A vector
will be a matrix of shape (m, 1).
Algebraically speaking a matrix of integers is a module
and is a generalization of linear Algebra. We will not speak of such things again. If a matrix of integers is provided, presume we meant either floats, fractions, or complex numbers as deduced from context.
In [11]:
# Create a (1,3) vector
In [12]:
# You can use this to create larger tensors, but we will not discuss tensors further in this tutorial.
print("A tensor!\n{}".format(np.array(range(24)).reshape(2,3,4)))
# Golly gee whiz! Looks like two 3 by 4 matrices!
In [13]:
A = np.array([2,3,4,5]).reshape(2,2)
2 * A
In [14]:
# Numpy dynamically casts to floats, etc.
0.5 * A
In [15]:
# Careful to multiply matrices, vectors, etc with the np.matmul operation.
A = np.array(range(4)).reshape(2,2)
b = np.array([2,5]).reshape(2,1)
element_wise_multiplication = A * b
matrix_multiplication = np.matmul(A, b)
print("Element-wise multiplication:\nA .* b = \n{}\n".format(element_wise_multiplication))
print("Matrix-Multiplication:\nA * b = \n{}".format(matrix_multiplication))
In [16]:
# Take a Matrix and use it's .transpose method.
We will frequently write vectors as $[1,2]^T$ so we can write them in line.
In [18]:
a = np.array([1,2]).reshape(2,1) # Or declare them like this in numpy.
Taken from the Ikkipedia
The main structures of linear algebra are vector spaces. A vector space over a field F (often the field of the real numbers) is a set V equipped with two binary operations satisfying the following axioms. Elements of V are called vectors, and elements of F are called scalars. The first operation, vector addition, takes any two vectors v and w and outputs a third vector v + w. The second operation, scalar multiplication, takes any scalar a and any vector v and outputs a new vector av. The operations of addition and multiplication in a vector space must satisfy the following axioms.[15] In the list below, let u, v and w be arbitrary vectors in V, and a and b scalars in F.
The first four axioms are those of V being an abelian group under vector addition. Elements of a vector space may have various nature; for example, they can be sequences, functions, polynomials or matrices. Linear algebra is concerned with properties common to all vector spaces.
In [ ]:
# Fix vectors u, v, w
# Fix scalars a, b
u = np.array([2,3,4]).reshape(3,1)
v = np.array([-2,3,4.5]).reshape(3,1)
w = np.array([-3.2, 5, 12]).reshape(3,1)
zero = np.array([0,0,0]).reshape(3,1)
a = 3.2
b = 4
print("Check associativity:\n {} \n== \n{}\n True!".format(u + (v + w),(u + v) + w))
print("Check commutativity:\n {}\n ==\n {}".format(u + v, v + u))
print("Check addition has an identity element:\n {}\n+\n{}\n==\n{}".format(v, -v, zero))
print("You're getting the picture...")
We are dealing with a situation analogous to one where we can stretch things along a number of dimensions.
Basically it states that given a vector from a vector space we are allowed to...
Some interesting examples include.
In [ ]: