We use a Poisson distribution to model the arrival and departure times.
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import random
#define and initialize the parameters of the Poisson distributions
lambd_in = 0.5
lambd_out = 0.4
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#bank variables
closing_time = 100 #initialize the bank closing time
overtime = 0 #overtime the employees need to be paid for
#queue variables
num_arrivals = 0 #number of people in the que
num_departures = 0 #number of people who have been served
n = 0 #length of the queue
max_line_length = 0 #the maximum length of the waiting line:
#time variables
t = 0 #set the time of first arrival to 0
time_depart = float('inf') #set the first time of departure to infinity
time_arrive = random.expovariate(lambd_in) #generate the first arrival
Next we initialize two arrays to keep track of the customers who arrive and who depart:
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departures = []
arrivals = []
We simulate the arrivals and departures in a bank branch using a while loop
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while t < closing_time or n >= 0:
# case 1 - within business hours, a customer arrives before any customer leaves the queue
if time_arrive <= time_depart and time_arrive <= closing_time:
t = time_arrive # move time along to the time of the new arrival
num_arrivals += 1 # increase the number of customers with the additional arrival
n += 1 # we have an additional customer, increase the size of the waiting line by 1
# generate time of next arrival
time_arrive = random.expovariate(lambd_in) + t
#append the new customer to the arrival list
print("Arrival ", num_arrivals, "at time ", t)
# generate time of departure
if n == 1:
Y = random.expovariate(lambd_out)
time_depart = t + Y
print('Arrivals', arrivals)
print('Departures', departures)
# case 2 - within business hours, a customer departs before the next arrival
elif time_depart < time_arrive and time_depart <= closing_time:
# advance time to the next departure time
t = time_depart
# one more person served -> increase the count of clients who have been served
num_departures += 1
#update the departure list
print("Departure ", num_departures, "at time ", t)
# one less person in line -> decrease the size of the waiting line
n -= 1
# if the queue is empt -> set the time of the next departure to infinity
if n == 0:
time_depart = float('inf')
# if the queue isn't empty, generate the next time of departure
Y = random.expovariate(lambd_out)
time_depart = t + Y
print('Arrivals', arrivals)
print('Departures', departures)
# case 3 - next arrival/departure happens after closing time and there are people still in the queue
elif min(time_arrive, time_depart) > closing_time and n > 0:
# advance time to next departure
t = time_depart
#update the departure list
#update the number of departures/clients served
num_departures += 1 # one more person served
print("Departure ", num_departures, "at time ", t)
#update the queue
n -= 1 # one less person in the waiting line
# if line isn't empty, generate the time of the next departure
if n > 0:
Y = random.expovariate(lambd_out)
time_depart = t + Y
print('Arrivals', arrivals)
print('Departures', departures)
# case 4 - next arrival/departure happens after closing time and there is nobody left in the queue
elif min(time_arrive, time_depart) > closing_time and n == 0:
# calculate overtime
overtime = max(t - closing_time, 0)
print('Overtime = ', overtime)
print('Arrivals', arrivals)
print('Departures', departures)
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