Lecture 1 and 2: Introduction

Structure of the course

This course consists of the following three Sections:

  1. Parabolic PDEs
  2. Hyperblic PDEs
  3. Elliptic PDEs

What is a Partial Differential Equation (PDE)?

We give the term/acronym PDE a meaning by the following

Definition. (Partial Differential Equation)

Equations which contain the partial derivatives of a function $ u(x,y)\,:\,\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}$ are called $\texttt{Partial Differential Equations}$ (PDEs):

$$ F\Bigl( x,y,u,\frac{\partial u}{\partial x},\frac{\partial u}{\partial y},\frac{\partial u}{\partial x\partial y} \Bigr) = 0 \,. $$


  1. Laplace equation in 1D $$\Delta u = u_{xx} = 0\,.$$
  2. Laplace equation in 2D $$\Delta u = u_{xx}+u_{yy} = 0\,.$$
  3. Heat equation $$u_t-a\Delta u = f\,,$$ where $a$ is the material's heat conductivity and $f$ is a heat source/sink.
  4. Linear transport equation in 1D $$u_t+cu_x=0$$
  5. Wave equation in 1D $$u_{tt}-c^2u_{xx}=0$$

Classification of PDEs

Definition. (Classification of PDEs)

A linear PDE in two variables $(x,y)$ of the form

$ a(x,y)u_{xx}+2b(x,y)u_{x,y}+c(x,y)u_{yy}+d(x,y)u_x +e(x,y)u_y+f(x,y)u=g\,, $

is called

i) $\texttt{elliptic}$ in $(x,y)\in\Omega$, if $ac-b^2>0$,

ii) $\texttt{hyperbolic}$ in $ (x,y)\in\Omega$, if $ac-b^2<0$,

iii) $\texttt{parabolic}$ in $ (x,y)\in\Omega$, if $ac-b^2=0$.

The above linear PDE is $\texttt{elliptic (hyperbolic, parabolic)}$ if it is $\texttt{elliptic (hyperbolic, parabolic)}$ for all $(x,y)\in\Omega$. </em>

Exercise: (Classify PDEs)

Look at the examples 1.-5. above and decide to which class of PDE each example belongs. [Note that the heat equation (Example 3.) is to be considered in one space dimension such that it becomes an equation for the two variables $(t,x)$.]

Finite Difference Method for parabolic PDEs

Let us discretize both time and space as follows:

$$t_n = n \Delta t,~ n = 0, \ldots, N-1,$$$$x_j = j \Delta x,~ j = 0, \ldots, J-1,$$

where $N$ and $J$ are the number of discrete time and space points in our grid respectively. $\Delta t(=k)$ and $\Delta x(=h)$ are the time step and space step respectively and defined as follows:

$$\Delta t = T / N,$$$$\Delta x = L / J,$$

where $T$ is the point in time up to which we will integrate $u$ numerically.

Next, we show how to define a grid in Python using Python libraries such as NumPy and pyplot.

In [25]:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams['font.family'] = 'serif'
rcParams['font.size'] = 16

Physical parameters:

In [26]:
a=0.3         # diffusion constant

Specify spatial grid in Python:

In [27]:
L = 1.                                          # length of domain
J = 41                                          # number of grid points
dx = float(L)/float(J-1)                        # mesh size h = dx
#x_grid = np.array([j*dx for j in range(J)])   # spatial grid points
x_grid = np.linspace(0,1.0,J)                    #

Specify temporal grid in Python:

In [28]:
T = 1.                                       # length of time
N = 20                                       # number of time steps
#dt = float(T)/float(N-1)                    # time step size
sigma = .4  # stability if a dt/dx <= 1/2  ==>  dt <= dx**2/(2*a)
            # hence, sigma < 0.5
dt = sigma*dx**2/a                      # stability: dt <= dx**2/(2*a)

Goal: (Compute discrete approximations $U^n_j$)

To construct a numerical method, which gives a unique discrete solutions $U^n_j:=U(x_j,t_n)$, that reliably approximates the unknonwn analytic solution $u(x,t)$ solution of the general heat equation

$$ u_t(x,t) - au_{xx}(x,t) = f(x,t) $$

in the discrete grid points $(x_j,t_n)$, $n=0,\ldots,N-1$, $j=0,\ldots,J-1$. The function $f(x,t)$ is an external heat source/sink and $a=const.$ the heat conductivity.

Mathematically, one is generally interested in quantifying the error pointwise error $u(x_j,t_n) - U^n_j$ or with respect to a suitable norm $\|\cdot\|_e$, i.e.,

$$ \| u(x_j,t_n) - U^n_j \|_e\,. $$

Step 1: Approximation of the differential operators

Definition. (Three fundamental finite differences)

One defines a

(a) ''forward difference'' operator by $$ D^+_x U^n_j :=\frac{F U^n_j}{h} :=\frac{ U_{j+1}^n - U_j^n}{h}\,, $$ (b) ''backward difference'' operator by $$ D_x^-U_j^n := \frac{B U^n_j}{h} :=\frac{U_{j}^n-U_{j-1}^n}{h}\,, $$ (c) ''central difference'' operator by $$ D_x^0 U_j^n := \frac{D U^n_j}{{\color{red} 2}h} :=\frac{U_{j+1}^n-U_{j-1}^n}{{\color{red} 2}h}\,, $$ (d) and a ''second central difference'' operator by $$ D_x^2 U_j^n := \frac{D^+_x U_j^n - D^-_x U_j^n}{h} := \frac{\delta_{x_j}^2 U^n_j}{{\color{red} h^2}} := \frac{U_{j+1}^n-2U_j^n+U_{j-1}^n}{{\color{red} h^2}}\,. $$ </em>

Approximate $u_t$:

Applying the forward difference $D^+_t$ to approximate $u_t$ in grid point $(j,n)$, we use the values of $U$ in two specific grid points:

$$u_t\Bigg|_{x = j \Delta x, t = n \Delta t}=\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}\Bigg|_{x = j \Delta x, t = n \Delta t} \approx D^+_t f(t) = \frac{U_j^{n+1} - U_j^n}{\Delta t}.$$
Quantifying approximation $D_t^+ U^n_j$ with exact solution $u(x_j,t_n)$:

After applying the Taylor expansion to a funtion $f(t)$ around $t\in\mathbb{R}$, i.e., for $k>0$ small it holds that

$$ f(t+k) = f(t) + f'(t)k + \frac{1}{2}f''(t)k^2 + \text{h.o.t.}\,, $$

where $\text{h.o.t.}$ stands for higher order terms, we can write the forward difference $D_t^+f(t)$ as follows

$$ D^+_t f(t) \approx f'(t) + \frac{1}{2}f''(t)k + {\cal O}(k^2)\,. $$

Similarly, it holds that

$$ D^-_t f(t) \approx f'(t) - \frac{1}{2}f''(t)k + {\cal O}(k^2)\,. $$

Approximate $u_{xx}$:

Applying the second central difference $D^2_x$ to approximate $u_xx$ in grid point $(j,n)$, we use the values of $U$ as follows

$$\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}\Bigg|_{x = x_j, t = t_n} \approx D^2_x U^n_j = \frac{U_{j+1}^n-2U_j^n+U_{j-1}^n}{{h^2}} $$
Quantifying approximation $D_x^2 U^n_j$ with exact solution $u(x_j,t_n)$:
$$ D^2_x U^n_j = \frac{D^+_x U_j^n - D^-_x U_j^n}{h} \approx \frac{[u_x(x_j,t_n)+\frac{1}{2}u_{xx}(x_j,t_n)h+\ldots] - [u_x(x_j,t_n)-\frac{1}{2}u_{xx}(x_j,t_n)h+\ldots]}{h} = u_{xx} + {\cal O}(h^2)\,. $$

Step 2: Putting the discrete operators $D_t^+$ and $D^2_x$ together

With the discrete differential operators $D_t^+$ and $D^2_x$, the 1D diffusion equation turns into the following numerical scheme:

$$ U_{j}^{n+1}=U_{j}^{n}+\frac{ak}{h^2}(U_{j+1}^{n}-2U_{j}^{n}+U_{j-1}^{n}) $$

Step 3: Initial and boundary conditions

We choose an initial condition defined as follows,

\begin{equation} u(x,0)=\begin{cases}2 & \text{where } 0.125\leq x \leq 0.25,\\ 1 & \text{everywhere else in } (0, 1), \end{cases} \end{equation}

We set homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, i.e.,

$$ u(0,t_n)=u(1,t_n) = 1.0 $$

In [29]:
u = np.ones(J)                #numpy function ones()
lbound = np.where(x_grid >= 0.125)
ubound = np.where(x_grid <= 0.25)

That leaves us with two vectors:

'lbound', which has the indices for $x\geq 0.125$ and 'ubound', which has the indices for $ x\leq 0.5$.

To combine these two, we can use an intersection with np.intersect1d().

In [30]:
bounds = np.intersect1d(lbound, ubound)
u[bounds]=2  #setting u = 2 between 0.5 and 1 as per our I.C.s

u0 = np.ones(J)

In [31]:
pyplot.plot(x_grid, u, color='#003366', ls='--', lw=3)

In [32]:
for n in range(N):  
    u0 = u.copy() 
    u[1:-1] = u0[1:-1] + a*dt/dx**2*(u0[2:] -2*u0[1:-1] +u0[0:-2])

    # Set Dirichlet boundary conditions
    u[0] = 1;  u[N] = 1

    if n%3 == 0:
        pyplot.plot(x_grid, u, color='#003366', ls='--', lw=3)
pyplot.plot(x_grid, u, color='#003366', ls='--', lw=3)


Investigate computationally the threshold $\texttt{sigma}<=0.5$, e.g.

(a) what happens for $\texttt{sigma}=0.5$


(b) for $\texttt{sigma}>0.5$ ?

We will see later in the lecture how to analyse stability and convergence of finite differences schemes.

In [ ]: