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from IPython.display import display, HTML
HTML("<style>.container { width:98% !important; }</style>")
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%pylab inline
import numpy as np
from pyemto.EOS import EOS
from pyemto.emto_parser import EMTOPARSER
In [ ]:
lat = 'fcc'
ry2J = 2.1798741e-18
A2m = 1e-10
bohr2A = 0.529177249
deltas = np.linspace(0, 0.05, 6)
deltas[0] = 0.001
In [ ]:
# Equilibrium lattice constant output files
vol_data = EMTOPARSER('eq_vol_bmod/kgrn/*', 'eq_vol_bmod/kfcd/*', suffix='prn', DLM=True)
vol_df = vol_data.main_df
# Elastic constants output files
ec_data = EMTOPARSER('elastic_constants/kgrn/*', 'elastic_constants/kfcd/*', suffix='prn', DLM=True)
ec_df = ec_data.main_df
In [ ]:
eos = EOS('test', method='morse')
# Bmod = 187 (previous EMTO)
#indMin = 3
#indMax = -7#len(vol_df.SWS)
# Bmod = 160 (previous VASP)
indMin = 4
indMax = -2#len(vol_df.SWS)
SWS0, E0, B0, grun0, error0 =[indMin:indMax], vol_df.EPBE[indMin:indMax], show_plot=True)
vol0 = 4./3*np.pi*(SWS0*bohr2A)**3
In [ ]:
for i in range(vol_df.Mag.values.shape[1]):
if np.mean(vol_df.Mag.values[:,i]) > 0:
plot(vol_df.SWS, vol_df.Mag.values[:,i], '-o', label=vol_df.Elem.values[0,i])
plot(vol_df.SWS, vol_df.Mag.values[:,i], '--d', label=vol_df.Elem.values[0,i])
plot([SWS0, SWS0], [-100, 100], '--')
ylim(vol_df.Mag.values.min()-0.1, vol_df.Mag.values.max()+0.1)
legend(fontsize=22, loc='upper left')
title('Magnetic moments', fontsize=22)
In [ ]:
# d1 is the c' distortion
d1 = np.asarray(ec_df[ec_df.Struc.str.contains('d1')].EPBE)
plot(deltas, d1, 'o-')
# d2 is the c44 distortion
d2 = np.asarray(ec_df[ec_df.Struc.str.contains('d2')].EPBE)
plot(deltas, d2, 'o-')
xlabel('$\delta$', fontsize=22)
title('Energy vs. delta', fontsize=22)
In [ ]:
cprime_coeffs, cprime_error = eos.distortion_fit(deltas, d1, num=1)
c44_coeffs, c44_error = eos.distortion_fit(deltas, d2, num=1)
# Change units to GPa
cprime_coeffs = cprime_coeffs[0] * ry2J / (vol0*A2m**3) / 2 / 1e9
c44_coeffs = c44_coeffs[0] * ry2J / (vol0*A2m**3) / 2 / 1e9
print('SWS = ', SWS0)
print('B = ', B0)
print('c\' = ', cprime_coeffs)
print('c44 = ', c44_coeffs)
print('CP = ', B0 - 2./3*cprime_coeffs - c44_coeffs)