Grade = 8/10

In [65]:
import pandas as pd

%matplotlib inline

In [66]:
df_codes = pd.read_csv("DOF_Parking_Violation_Codes.csv")

In [67]:

CODE DEFINITION Manhattan  96th St. & below All Other Areas
0 10 Stopping, standing or parking where a sign, st... $115 $115
1 11 Hotel Loading/Unloading: Standing or parking w... $115 $115
2 12 Snow Emergency: Standing or parking where stan... $95 $95
3 13 Taxi Stand: Standing or parking where standing... $115 $115
4 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115

In [68]:
df = pd.read_csv("violations.csv", nrows=100000, low_memory=False, parse_dates=True)

In [69]:

Summons Number Plate ID Registration State Plate Type Issue Date Violation Code Vehicle Body Type Vehicle Make Issuing Agency Street Code1 ... Vehicle Color Unregistered Vehicle? Vehicle Year Meter Number Feet From Curb Violation Post Code Violation Description No Standing or Stopping Violation Hydrant Violation Double Parking Violation
0 1283294138 GBB9093 NY PAS 08/04/2013 46 SUBN AUDI P 37250 ... GY 0.0 2013 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 1283294151 62416MB NY COM 08/04/2013 46 VAN FORD P 37290 ... WH 0.0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 1283294163 78755JZ NY COM 08/05/2013 46 P-U CHEVR P 37030 ... NaN 0.0 0 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1283294175 63009MA NY COM 08/05/2013 46 VAN FORD P 37270 ... WH 0.0 2010 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 1283294187 91648MC NY COM 08/08/2013 41 TRLR GMC P 37240 ... BR 0.0 2012 - 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 43 columns

In [ ]:

Soma's List of Awesome Questions

  1. I want to make sure my Plate ID is a string. Can't lose the leading zeroes!
  2. I don't think anyone's car was built in 0AD. Discard the '0's as NaN.
  3. I want the dates to be dates! Read the read_csv documentation to find out how to make pandas automatically parse dates.
  4. "Date first observed" is a pretty weird column, but it seems like it has a date hiding inside. Using a function with .apply, transform the string (e.g. "20140324") into a Python date. Make the 0's show up as NaN.
  5. "Violation time" is... not a time. Make it a time.
  6. There sure are a lot of colors of cars, too bad so many of them are the same. Make "BLK" and "BLACK", "WT" and "WHITE", and any other combinations that you notice.
  7. Join the data with the Parking Violations Code dataset from the NYC Open Data site.
  8. How much money did NYC make off of parking violations?
  9. What's the most lucrative kind of parking violation? The most frequent?
  10. New Jersey has bad drivers, but does it have bad parkers, too? How much money does NYC make off of all non-New York vehicles?
  11. Make a chart of the top few.
  12. What time of day do people usually get their tickets? You can break the day up into several blocks - for example 12am-6am, 6am-12pm, 12pm-6pm, 6pm-12am.
  13. What's the average ticket cost in NYC?
  14. Make a graph of the number of tickets per day.
  15. Make a graph of the amount of revenue collected per day.
  16. Manually construct a dataframe out of (only NYC boroughts - bronx, queens, manhattan, staten island, brooklyn), having columns for borough name, abbreviation, and number of licensed drivers.
  17. What's the parking-ticket-$-per-licensed-driver in each borough of NYC? Do this with pandas and the dataframe you just made, not with your head!1

In [70]:

Index(['Summons Number', 'Plate ID', 'Registration State', 'Plate Type',
       'Issue Date', 'Violation Code', 'Vehicle Body Type', 'Vehicle Make',
       'Issuing Agency', 'Street Code1', 'Street Code2', 'Street Code3',
       'Vehicle Expiration Date', 'Violation Location', 'Violation Precinct',
       'Issuer Precinct', 'Issuer Code', 'Issuer Command', 'Issuer Squad',
       'Violation Time', 'Time First Observed', 'Violation County',
       'Violation In Front Of Or Opposite', 'House Number', 'Street Name',
       'Intersecting Street', 'Date First Observed', 'Law Section',
       'Sub Division', 'Violation Legal Code', 'Days Parking In Effect    ',
       'From Hours In Effect', 'To Hours In Effect', 'Vehicle Color',
       'Unregistered Vehicle?', 'Vehicle Year', 'Meter Number',
       'Feet From Curb', 'Violation Post Code', 'Violation Description',
       'No Standing or Stopping Violation', 'Hydrant Violation',
       'Double Parking Violation'],

In [71]:
# I want to make sure my Plate ID is a string. Can't lose the leading zeroes!

df['Plate ID'] = df['Plate ID'].astype(str)

In [72]:
type(df['Plate ID'][0])



In [73]:
#I don't think anyone's car was built in 0AD. Discard the '0's as NaN.
#df['Vehicle Year'].head() --> OK there are some 0s

df['Vehicle Year'] = df['Vehicle Year'].replace('0','NaN')

In [74]:
df['Vehicle Year'].head()


0    2013
1    2012
2     NaN
3    2010
4    2012
Name: Vehicle Year, dtype: object

In [75]:
#I want the dates to be dates! Read the read_csv documentation to find out how to make pandas 
#automatically parse dates.

#Added parse_dates=True to the dataframe

In [76]:
df['Date First Observed'] = df['Date First Observed'].astype(str)

In [77]:
#"Date first observed" is a pretty weird column, but it seems like it has a date hiding inside. 
#Using a function with .apply, transform the string (e.g. "20140324") into a Python date. Make the 0's show up as NaN.

def date_observed_python(date_observed):
    if date_observed == '0':
        return ('NaN')
        return date_observed[:4] + '-' + date_observed[4:6] + '-' + date_observed[6:8]

#df['Date First Observed'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date First Observed'].astype(str), format='%Y%m%d')

In [78]:
df['Date First Observed'] = df['Date First Observed'].apply(date_observed_python)

In [79]:
df['Date First Observed'].head(200)

0             NaN
1             NaN
2             NaN
3             NaN
4             NaN
5             NaN
6             NaN
7             NaN
8             NaN
9             NaN
10            NaN
11            NaN
12            NaN
13            NaN
14            NaN
15            NaN
16            NaN
17            NaN
18            NaN
19            NaN
20            NaN
21            NaN
22            NaN
23            NaN
24            NaN
25            NaN
26            NaN
27            NaN
28            NaN
29            NaN
170           NaN
171           NaN
172           NaN
173           NaN
174           NaN
175           NaN
176    2013-07-26
177           NaN
178           NaN
179           NaN
180           NaN
181           NaN
182           NaN
183           NaN
184           NaN
185           NaN
186           NaN
187           NaN
188           NaN
189           NaN
190           NaN
191           NaN
192           NaN
193           NaN
194           NaN
195           NaN
196           NaN
197           NaN
198           NaN
199           NaN
Name: Date First Observed, dtype: object

In [80]:
#"Violation time" is... not a time. Make it a time.
df['Violation Time'].head()

0    0752A
1    1240P
2    1243P
3    0232P
4    1239P
Name: Violation Time, dtype: object

In [81]:
import datetime
import numpy as np

def violation_time(str_violation_time):
        if str_violation_time == 'TrueM':
            return np.nan
        with_pm = str_violation_time + 'M'
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(with_pm,"%I%M%p")
        return np.nan

1900-01-01 07:52:00

In [82]:
df['converted_violation_time'] = df['Violation Time'].apply(violation_time)

In [83]:

0   1900-01-01 07:52:00
1   1900-01-01 12:40:00
2   1900-01-01 12:43:00
3   1900-01-01 14:32:00
4   1900-01-01 12:39:00
Name: converted_violation_time, dtype: datetime64[ns]

In [84]:
import datetime

df['Issue Date'].head().astype(datetime.datetime)

0    08/04/2013
1    08/04/2013
2    08/05/2013
3    08/05/2013
4    08/08/2013
Name: Issue Date, dtype: object

In [85]:
#There sure are a lot of colors of cars, too bad so many of them are the same. 
#Make "BLK" and "BLACK", "WT" and "WHITE", and any other combinations that you notice.

df['Vehicle Color'].head()

0     GY
1     WH
2    NaN
3     WH
4     BR
Name: Vehicle Color, dtype: object

In [86]:
df['Vehicle Color'] = df['Vehicle Color'].astype(str)

In [87]:
def vehicle_color_str(vehicle_color):
    return str(vehicle_color.replace('WH','WHITE').replace('GY','GREY').replace('RD','RED').replace('YELL','YELLOW').replace('BR','BROWN').replace('BK','BLACK').replace('BL','BLUE'))

In [88]:
df['Vehicle Color'] = df['Vehicle Color'].apply(vehicle_color_str)

In [89]:
df['Vehicle Color'].head()

0     GREY
1    WHITE
2      nan
3    WHITE
4    BROWN
Name: Vehicle Color, dtype: object

In [90]:
#Join the data with the Parking Violations Code dataset from 
#the NYC Open Data site.

df['Violation Code'] = df['Violation Code'].astype(str)

In [91]:
new_df = df.merge(df_codes, left_on='Violation Code', right_on='CODE', how='left')

Summons Number Plate ID Registration State Plate Type Issue Date Violation Code Vehicle Body Type Vehicle Make Issuing Agency Street Code1 ... Violation Post Code Violation Description No Standing or Stopping Violation Hydrant Violation Double Parking Violation converted_violation_time CODE DEFINITION Manhattan  96th St. & below All Other Areas
0 1283294138 GBB9093 NY PAS 08/04/2013 46 SUBN AUDI P 37250 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:52:00 46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a v... $115 $115
1 1283294151 62416MB NY COM 08/04/2013 46 VAN FORD P 37290 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 12:40:00 46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a v... $115 $115
2 1283294163 78755JZ NY COM 08/05/2013 46 P-U CHEVR P 37030 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 12:43:00 46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a v... $115 $115
3 1283294175 63009MA NY COM 08/05/2013 46 VAN FORD P 37270 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 14:32:00 46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a v... $115 $115
4 1283294187 91648MC NY COM 08/08/2013 41 TRLR GMC P 37240 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 12:39:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 1283294217 T60DAR NJ PAS 08/11/2013 14 P-U DODGE P 37250 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 18:17:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115
6 1283294229 GCR2838 NY PAS 08/11/2013 14 VAN NaN P 37250 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 19:41:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115
7 1283983620 XZ764G NJ PAS 08/07/2013 24 DELV FORD X 63430 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 04:25:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60
8 1283983631 GBH9379 NY PAS 08/07/2013 24 SDN TOYOT X 63430 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 04:37:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60
9 1283983667 MCL78B NJ PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN SUBAR H 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:39:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60
10 1283983679 M367CN NY PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN HYUND H 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:45:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60
11 1283983734 GAR6813 NY PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN TOYOT H 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 09:07:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60
12 1283983771 GEN8674 NY PAS 07/31/2013 24 SDN AUDI X 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 17:14:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60
13 1283983825 GAC2703 NY PAS 08/12/2013 24 SDN NISSA X 23230 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 18:56:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60
14 1286036800 40793JY NY COM 07/05/2013 14 VAN CHEVR P 34190 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 23:45:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115
15 1286123550 GAD1485 NY PAS 08/12/2013 20 SDN VOLKS T 28930 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 17:46:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60
16 1286246398 GFC5338 NY PAS 07/26/2013 14 SDN TOYOT T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:42:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115
17 1286246416 815M342 MD PAS 07/30/2013 20 SUBN SATUR T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:24:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60
18 1286248000 GJA3452 NY PAS 07/23/2013 14 SDN KIA T 73690 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:58:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115
19 1286282330 YZY6476 NC PAS 07/29/2013 20 SDN NISSA T 32030 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:36:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60
20 1286282342 WBJ819 LA PAS 08/07/2013 17 SUBN HONDA T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:47:00 17 Authorized Vehicles Only: Standing or parking ... $95 $95
21 1286289841 GAV9235 NY PAS 07/20/2013 50 SDN HONDA T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:20:00 50 Stopping, standing or parking in a crosswalk. ... $115 $115
22 1286654920 ZTR66R NJ PAS 07/18/2013 50 SDN N/S T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:20:00 50 Stopping, standing or parking in a crosswalk. ... $115 $115
23 1286799648 GDE3973 NY PAS 07/20/2013 40 SDN TOYOT T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 15:24:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115
24 1286807062 P193871 IL PAS 08/10/2013 40 SDN SCIO T 26630 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:18:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115
25 1286807475 GGL6608 NY PAS 07/26/2013 40 SDN NISSA T 73650 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:43:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115
26 1286807633 84301JU NY COM 07/19/2013 14 P-U DODGE X 63030 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:50:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115
27 1286808807 HHG3545 PA PAS 08/06/2013 20 SDN TOYOT T 21130 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 09:15:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60
28 1287320491 50097JX NY COM 08/07/2013 40 VAN MERCU T 23190 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:23:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115
29 1287320570 GEJ9154 NY PAS 08/06/2013 51 VAN TOYOT X 93230 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:20:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99970 7021661666 GCN6488 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 SUBN DODGE T 50290 ... F - 21-No Parking (street clean) NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:06:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45
99971 7021661678 PD861B FL PAS 08/26/2013 21 4DSD HONDA T 25240 ... F - 21-No Parking (street clean) NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:10:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45
99972 7021661708 GEM5459 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 4DSD TOYOT T 25240 ... F - 21-No Parking (street clean) NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:15:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45
99973 7021661733 GHL3207 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 2DSD HONDA T 24540 ... F - 21-No Parking (street clean) NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:37:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45
99974 7021661745 GGP4922 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 4DSD TOYOT T 24440 ... F - 21-No Parking (street clean) NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:39:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45
99975 7021661769 GED9571 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 4DSD NISSA T 24590 ... F - 21-No Parking (street clean) NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:43:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45
99976 7021661782 nan NY 999 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... 02 - 74-Missing Display Plate NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:47:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65
99977 7021661794 nan NY 999 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... 02 - 51-Sidewalk NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:59:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
99978 7021661800 nan NY 999 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... 02 - 51-Sidewalk NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:17:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
99979 7021661812 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... 02 - 74-Missing Display Plate NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:40:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65
99980 7021661824 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... 02 - 51-Sidewalk NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:49:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
99981 7021661848 T491409C NY OMT 08/27/2013 37 4DSD LINCO T 23290 ... 02 - 37-Expired Muni Meter NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:02:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN
99982 7021661861 67733MC8 NY COM 08/27/2013 38 R/RD INTER T 49690 ... 02 - 38-Failure to Display Muni Rec NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:14:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN
99983 7021661873 R418032 IL PAS 08/27/2013 37 SUBN FORD T 23040 ... 02 - 37-Expired Muni Meter NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:25:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN
99984 7021661885 GHW1112 NY PAS 08/27/2013 70 4DSD NISSA T 22940 ... 02 - 70A-Reg. Sticker Expired (NYS) NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:58:00 70 Standing or parking a vehicle without showing ... $65 $65
99985 7021661897 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 70 NaN NaN T 22940 ... 02 - 70A-Reg. Sticker Expired (NYS) NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:23:00 70 Standing or parking a vehicle without showing ... $65 $65
99986 7021661915 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... 02 - 51-Sidewalk NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:34:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
99987 7021661927 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... 02 - 74-Missing Display Plate NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:37:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65
99988 7021661939 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... 02 - 51-Sidewalk NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:39:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
99989 7021661940 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... 02 - 74-Missing Display Plate NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:41:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65
99990 7021661952 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... 02 - 51-Sidewalk NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:44:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
99991 7021661964 42103JM NY COM 08/27/2013 19 DELV FRUEH T 49690 ... 02 - 19-No Stand (bus stop) NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:51:00 19 Bus Stop: Standing or parking where standing i... $115 $115
99992 7021661976 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 24090 ... 02 - 74-Missing Display Plate NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 12:00:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65
99993 7021661988 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 24090 ... 02 - 51-Sidewalk NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 12:03:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
99994 7021661990 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD HONDA T 24090 ... 02 - 74-Missing Display Plate NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 12:06:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65
99995 7021662002 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD HONDA T 24090 ... 02 - 51-Sidewalk NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 12:08:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115
99996 7021662014 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD HONDA T 24090 ... 02 - 74-Missing Display Plate NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 12:10:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65
99997 7021662040 GJA3569 NY PAS 08/27/2013 38 2DSD ME/BE T 57790 ... H - 38-Failure to Display Muni Rec NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 20:51:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN
99998 7021662051 GJS8022 NY PAS 08/27/2013 38 SUBN TOYOT T 57790 ... H - 38-Failure to Display Muni Rec NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 20:54:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN
99999 7021662063 GFT2577 NY PAS 08/27/2013 38 SUBN CADIL T 57790 ... H - 38-Failure to Display Muni Rec NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 20:56:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN

100000 rows × 48 columns

In [92]:
#How much money did NYC make off of parking violations?



In [93]:
#new_df['Manhattan\xa0 96th St. & below']
new_df['Manhattan\xa0 96th St. & below'] = new_df['Manhattan\xa0 96th St. & below'].astype(str)

def fine_int(fine_str):
    return fine_str.replace("$","")
new_df['fine_int'] = new_df['Manhattan\xa0 96th St. & below'].apply(fine_int)

fine_sum = 0
for item in new_df['fine_int']:
    if item != 'nan' and item != '100\n(Regular Tow, plus violation fine)' and item != 'vary':
        int_item = int(item)
        fine_sum = fine_sum + int_item 


In [94]:
#What's the most lucrative kind of parking violation? 
#The most frequent?

def all_fines(fines):
    return int(fines.replace("nan","0").replace('100\n(Regular Tow, plus violation fine)',"0").replace('vary','0'))
new_df['Fines'] = new_df['fine_int'].apply(all_fines)

In [95]:


In [96]:

115    38346
0      32170
65     24719
95      3187
165      934
180      339
60       305
Name: Fines, dtype: int64

In [97]:
#New Jersey has bad drivers, but does it have bad parkers, too? 
#How much money does NYC make off of all non-New York vehicles?

is_not_stateless = new_df['Registration State'].notnull()
df[is_not_stateless]['Registration State']

is_not_NY = ~df[is_not_stateless]['Registration State'].str.contains('NY')
new_df[is_not_stateless & is_not_NY]

Summons Number Plate ID Registration State Plate Type Issue Date Violation Code Vehicle Body Type Vehicle Make Issuing Agency Street Code1 ... No Standing or Stopping Violation Hydrant Violation Double Parking Violation converted_violation_time CODE DEFINITION Manhattan  96th St. & below All Other Areas fine_int Fines
5 1283294217 T60DAR NJ PAS 08/11/2013 14 P-U DODGE P 37250 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 18:17:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115 115 115
7 1283983620 XZ764G NJ PAS 08/07/2013 24 DELV FORD X 63430 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 04:25:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60 65 65
9 1283983667 MCL78B NJ PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN SUBAR H 0 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:39:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60 65 65
17 1286246416 815M342 MD PAS 07/30/2013 20 SUBN SATUR T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:24:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60 65 65
19 1286282330 YZY6476 NC PAS 07/29/2013 20 SDN NISSA T 32030 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:36:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60 65 65
20 1286282342 WBJ819 LA PAS 08/07/2013 17 SUBN HONDA T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:47:00 17 Authorized Vehicles Only: Standing or parking ... $95 $95 95 95
22 1286654920 ZTR66R NJ PAS 07/18/2013 50 SDN N/S T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:20:00 50 Stopping, standing or parking in a crosswalk. ... $115 $115 115 115
24 1286807062 P193871 IL PAS 08/10/2013 40 SDN SCIO T 26630 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:18:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115
27 1286808807 HHG3545 PA PAS 08/06/2013 20 SDN TOYOT T 21130 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 09:15:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60 65 65
30 1287517304 6B22924 ID PAS 07/22/2013 20 SDN VOLKS T 36250 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 17:21:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60 65 65
31 1287517316 4135TE ME PAS 07/22/2013 14 SDN TOYOT T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 14:51:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115 115 115
32 1287518126 WMI CT PAS 07/24/2013 31 SUBN ME/BE T 34510 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 16:10:00 31 Standing of a non-commercial vehicle in a comm... $115 $115 115 115
33 1287603671 P752957 99 999 07/20/2013 85 DELV VOLVO T 17330 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 02:46:00 85 Parking a Commercial Vehicle more than 3 hours... $65 $65 65 65
34 1287603683 P774757 IL PAS 03/20/2013 85 TRLR VOLVO T 17330 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 03:00:00 85 Parking a Commercial Vehicle more than 3 hours... $65 $65 65 65
37 1288360800 HYM4303 PA PAS 08/06/2013 41 SDN MITSU P 29090 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 18:18:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0
38 1289971754 XDB4574 VA PAS 08/01/2013 40 VAN TOYOT P 13610 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 19:30:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115
43 1290834386 SES174 NB PAS 08/15/2013 19 SDN NISSA P 49690 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:50:00 19 Bus Stop: Standing or parking where standing i... $115 $115 115 115
44 1291204167 JCE3366 PA PAS 07/24/2013 74 SUBN FORD P 14980 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:15:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65 65 65
47 1291896399 G24BLB NJ PAS 07/19/2013 40 SDN INFIN P 41900 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:35:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115
51 6020309034 GEW4836 99 PAS 07/18/2013 94 SDN ACURA X 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaT 94 Vehicle Release Agreement code associated with... 100\n(Regular Tow, plus violation fine) $200 (Heavy Tow, plus violation fine) 100\n(Regular Tow, plus violation fine) 0
52 1292755064 904YDS CT PAS 07/14/2013 19 SDN VOLVO X 54580 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 18:10:00 19 Bus Stop: Standing or parking where standing i... $115 $115 115 115
53 1292756792 GDX8921 99 PAS 07/15/2013 19 SDN HONDA X 28790 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:53:00 19 Bus Stop: Standing or parking where standing i... $115 $115 115 115
54 1292757050 S206498 IL PAS 07/24/2013 19 NaN BMW X 0 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:14:00 19 Bus Stop: Standing or parking where standing i... $115 $115 115 115
57 1293094389 GDS9810 NJ PAS 06/20/2013 31 SDN BMW P 24890 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 17:32:00 31 Standing of a non-commercial vehicle in a comm... $115 $115 115 115
66 1294202492 XD377T NJ PAS 07/25/2013 46 TRLR MITSU X 0 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 09:53:00 46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a v... $115 $115 115 115
67 1294364133 4BXK89 MD PAS 08/13/2013 21 SDN CHEVR S 56590 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:45:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
68 1294364145 IHR526 SC PAS 08/13/2013 21 SDN INFIN S 50303 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 11:55:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
69 1294712196 V71CRE NJ PAS 07/02/2013 17 SDN TOYOT P 14510 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 01:45:00 17 Authorized Vehicles Only: Standing or parking ... $95 $95 95 95
70 1294712202 U95CLJ 99 PAS 08/04/2013 17 SDN HONDA P 14510 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 14:20:00 17 Authorized Vehicles Only: Standing or parking ... $95 $95 95 95
71 1294712627 482YAO CT PAS 08/07/2013 17 SDN ACURA P 14510 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 09:20:00 17 Authorized Vehicles Only: Standing or parking ... $95 $95 95 95
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99879 7020980650 950ZRU CT PAS 08/23/2013 21 4DSD ME/BE T 40930 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 03:09:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99880 7020980685 YBG95A NJ PAS 08/23/2013 40 SUBN FORD T 35030 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 23:11:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115
99883 7020980739 517GT7 MA PAS 08/24/2013 21 4DSD LEXUS T 28830 ... NaN NaN NaN NaT 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99884 7020980740 XAE7887 VA PAS 08/24/2013 21 SUBN FORD T 28830 ... NaN NaN NaN NaT 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99885 7020980764 MAN930 FL PAS 08/24/2013 21 4DSD CADIL T 28830 ... NaN NaN NaN NaT 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99887 7020980790 L924413 IL PAS 08/24/2013 21 SUBN ME/BE T 28830 ... NaN NaN NaN NaT 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99888 7020980806 4703DLC NJ PAS 08/24/2013 21 SUBN HONDA T 28830 ... NaN NaN NaN NaT 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99892 7020980880 W24CXJ NJ PAS 08/24/2013 21 4DSD BMW T 28830 ... NaN NaN NaN NaT 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99894 7020980910 526ZJV CT PAS 08/24/2013 21 SUBN HONDA T 26230 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 01:16:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99895 7020980946 S05FCR TX PAS 08/24/2013 21 4DSD KIA T 69530 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 01:35:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99896 7020980958 595YDK FL PAS 08/24/2013 21 4DSD BMW T 69530 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 01:38:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99898 7020981008 V65DFJ NJ PAS 08/24/2013 21 4DSD NISSA T 40930 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 03:17:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99899 7020981033 WVZ6982 VA PAS 08/27/2013 38 4DSD HONDA T 13230 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 21:11:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0
99903 7020981082 XY769K NJ PAS 08/27/2013 78 DELV FORD T 26730 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 22:24:00 78 Parking a Commercial Vehicle on a residential ... $65 $65 65 65
99906 7020981136 TAW82C NJ PAS 08/27/2013 66 TRLR NS/OT T 93230 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 23:21:00 66 Parking a trailer or semi-trailer which is not... $65 $45 65 65
99912 7021659910 JFJ5373 PA PAS 07/29/2013 21 4DSD HONDA T 24040 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:38:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99913 7021659921 XCB9739 VA PAS 07/29/2013 21 4DSD TOYOT T 15940 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:41:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99926 7021660212 463TKM CT PAS 08/03/2013 21 4DSD NISSA T 51090 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:42:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99927 7021660248 6XKN019 CA PAS 08/03/2013 21 2DSD MINI T 51090 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:46:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99929 7021660285 JCT7880 PA PAS 08/03/2013 21 4DSD SUBAR T 53490 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 09:38:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99938 7021660522 797RBR CT PAS 08/05/2013 21 4DSD HONDA T 47195 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:37:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99941 7021660613 STL3800 NC PAS 08/08/2013 50 SUBN TOYOT T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 21:04:00 50 Stopping, standing or parking in a crosswalk. ... $115 $115 115 115
99945 7021660716 503ICU FL PAS 08/08/2013 50 SUBN FORD T 0 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 22:07:00 50 Stopping, standing or parking in a crosswalk. ... $115 $115 115 115
99952 7021660972 KHD9569 VA PAS 08/12/2013 21 4DSD CHRYS T 47195 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:45:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99954 7021661010 6WPH966 CA PAS 08/19/2013 40 4DSD TOYOT T 15740 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 05:50:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115
99958 7021661216 JFJ9595 PR PAS 08/19/2013 40 4DSD MERCU T 24440 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 09:18:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115
99966 7021661400 WX6BJH GA PAS 08/24/2013 51 VAN CHEVR T 20240 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 07:57:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115
99967 7021661411 H487RA FL PAS 08/24/2013 51 SUBN LINCO T 20240 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:01:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115
99971 7021661678 PD861B FL PAS 08/26/2013 21 4DSD HONDA T 25240 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 08:10:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65
99983 7021661873 R418032 IL PAS 08/27/2013 37 SUBN FORD T 23040 ... NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 10:25:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0

28939 rows × 50 columns

In [98]:
new_df[is_not_stateless & is_not_NY]['Fines']

5        115
7         65
9         65
17        65
19        65
20        95
22       115
24       115
27        65
30        65
31       115
32       115
33        65
34        65
37         0
38       115
43       115
44        65
47       115
51         0
52       115
53       115
54       115
57       115
66       115
67        65
68        65
69        95
70        95
71        95
99879     65
99880    115
99883     65
99884     65
99885     65
99887     65
99888     65
99892     65
99894     65
99895     65
99896     65
99898     65
99899      0
99903     65
99906     65
99912     65
99913     65
99926     65
99927     65
99929     65
99938     65
99941    115
99945    115
99952     65
99954    115
99958    115
99966    115
99967    115
99971     65
99983      0
Name: Fines, dtype: int64

In [99]:
#Make a chart of the top few.
new_df[is_not_stateless & is_not_NY]['Fines'].sort_values(ascending=False)

#Why aren't the $180 lumped together?

21302    180
41663    180
37952    180
47071    180
26289    180
1718     180
7671     180
8005     180
62578    180
35382    180
5686     180
40367    180
16719    180
28409    180
20021    180
28408    180
36298    180
28407    180
8711     180
26330    180
63662    180
1963     180
17800    180
8648     180
35107    180
9986     180
20938    180
20949    180
17819    180
17201    180
81714      0
81741      0
81413      0
81412      0
81411      0
81395      0
81166      0
81168      0
81174      0
81175      0
81184      0
39579      0
81213      0
39558      0
81215      0
39553      0
81216      0
81219      0
81221      0
81234      0
81246      0
39511      0
81247      0
81302      0
81318      0
81327      0
81352      0
81354      0
81393      0
99983      0
Name: Fines, dtype: int64

In [100]:
#What time of day do people usually get their tickets? 
#You can break the day up into several blocks - 
#for example 12am-6am, 6am-12pm, 12pm-6pm, 6pm-12am.

#new_df['Violation Time']

In [101]:
#What's the average ticket cost in NYC?


count    100000.000000
mean         65.527200
std          49.845475
min           0.000000
25%           0.000000
50%          65.000000
75%         115.000000
max         180.000000
Name: Fines, dtype: float64

In [102]:
#Make a graph of the number of tickets per day.

new_df['Issue Date'].value_counts().head().plot(kind='barh')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x12189e4a8>

In [103]:
#Make a graph of the amount of revenue collected per day.

new_df.groupby('Issue Date')['Fines'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False).head().plot(kind='barh')

#What is groupby again?

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1218a3ba8>

In [104]:
#Manually construct a dataframe out of 
#(only NYC boroughts - bronx, queens, manhattan, staten island, brooklyn), having columns for borough name, abbreviation, 
#and number of licensed drivers.

df_dmv = pd.read_csv("dmv.csv")

#How to get the full name of each borough?

In [105]:

Borough Total
0 BX 456847
1 K 983769
2 NY 748583
3 Q 1134064
4 R 304250

In [106]:
#What's the parking-ticket-$-per-licensed-driver in 
#each borough of NYC? Do this with pandas and the 
#dataframe you just made, not with your head!


In [107]:
newest_df = new_df.merge(df_dmv, left_on='Violation County', right_on='Borough', how='left')

Summons Number Plate ID Registration State Plate Type Issue Date Violation Code Vehicle Body Type Vehicle Make Issuing Agency Street Code1 ... Double Parking Violation converted_violation_time CODE DEFINITION Manhattan  96th St. & below All Other Areas fine_int Fines Borough Total
0 1283294138 GBB9093 NY PAS 08/04/2013 46 SUBN AUDI P 37250 ... NaN 1900-01-01 07:52:00 46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a v... $115 $115 115 115 NaN NaN
1 1283294151 62416MB NY COM 08/04/2013 46 VAN FORD P 37290 ... NaN 1900-01-01 12:40:00 46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a v... $115 $115 115 115 NY 748583.0
2 1283294163 78755JZ NY COM 08/05/2013 46 P-U CHEVR P 37030 ... NaN 1900-01-01 12:43:00 46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a v... $115 $115 115 115 NY 748583.0
3 1283294175 63009MA NY COM 08/05/2013 46 VAN FORD P 37270 ... NaN 1900-01-01 14:32:00 46 Standing or parking on the roadway side of a v... $115 $115 115 115 NY 748583.0
4 1283294187 91648MC NY COM 08/08/2013 41 TRLR GMC P 37240 ... NaN 1900-01-01 12:39:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0 NY 748583.0
5 1283294217 T60DAR NJ PAS 08/11/2013 14 P-U DODGE P 37250 ... NaN 1900-01-01 18:17:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115 115 115 NY 748583.0
6 1283294229 GCR2838 NY PAS 08/11/2013 14 VAN NaN P 37250 ... NaN 1900-01-01 19:41:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115 115 115 NY 748583.0
7 1283983620 XZ764G NJ PAS 08/07/2013 24 DELV FORD X 63430 ... NaN 1900-01-01 04:25:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
8 1283983631 GBH9379 NY PAS 08/07/2013 24 SDN TOYOT X 63430 ... NaN 1900-01-01 04:37:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
9 1283983667 MCL78B NJ PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN SUBAR H 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:39:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
10 1283983679 M367CN NY PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN HYUND H 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:45:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
11 1283983734 GAR6813 NY PAS 07/18/2013 24 SDN TOYOT H 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 09:07:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
12 1283983771 GEN8674 NY PAS 07/31/2013 24 SDN AUDI X 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 17:14:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
13 1283983825 GAC2703 NY PAS 08/12/2013 24 SDN NISSA X 23230 ... NaN 1900-01-01 18:56:00 24 Authorized Vehicles Only: No parking where par... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
14 1286036800 40793JY NY COM 07/05/2013 14 VAN CHEVR P 34190 ... NaN 1900-01-01 23:45:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115 115 115 NaN NaN
15 1286123550 GAD1485 NY PAS 08/12/2013 20 SDN VOLKS T 28930 ... NaN 1900-01-01 17:46:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
16 1286246398 GFC5338 NY PAS 07/26/2013 14 SDN TOYOT T 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:42:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115 115 115 K 983769.0
17 1286246416 815M342 MD PAS 07/30/2013 20 SUBN SATUR T 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 07:24:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
18 1286248000 GJA3452 NY PAS 07/23/2013 14 SDN KIA T 73690 ... NaN 1900-01-01 07:58:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115 115 115 K 983769.0
19 1286282330 YZY6476 NC PAS 07/29/2013 20 SDN NISSA T 32030 ... NaN 1900-01-01 07:36:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
20 1286282342 WBJ819 LA PAS 08/07/2013 17 SUBN HONDA T 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:47:00 17 Authorized Vehicles Only: Standing or parking ... $95 $95 95 95 K 983769.0
21 1286289841 GAV9235 NY PAS 07/20/2013 50 SDN HONDA T 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:20:00 50 Stopping, standing or parking in a crosswalk. ... $115 $115 115 115 K 983769.0
22 1286654920 ZTR66R NJ PAS 07/18/2013 50 SDN N/S T 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 10:20:00 50 Stopping, standing or parking in a crosswalk. ... $115 $115 115 115 NY 748583.0
23 1286799648 GDE3973 NY PAS 07/20/2013 40 SDN TOYOT T 0 ... NaN 1900-01-01 15:24:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115 NY 748583.0
24 1286807062 P193871 IL PAS 08/10/2013 40 SDN SCIO T 26630 ... NaN 1900-01-01 10:18:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115 K 983769.0
25 1286807475 GGL6608 NY PAS 07/26/2013 40 SDN NISSA T 73650 ... NaN 1900-01-01 07:43:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115 K 983769.0
26 1286807633 84301JU NY COM 07/19/2013 14 P-U DODGE X 63030 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:50:00 14 General No Standing: Standing or parking where... $115 $115 115 115 K 983769.0
27 1286808807 HHG3545 PA PAS 08/06/2013 20 SDN TOYOT T 21130 ... NaN 1900-01-01 09:15:00 20 General No Parking: No parking where parking i... $65 $60 65 65 K 983769.0
28 1287320491 50097JX NY COM 08/07/2013 40 VAN MERCU T 23190 ... NaN 1900-01-01 10:23:00 40 Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 f... $115 $115 115 115 NY 748583.0
29 1287320570 GEJ9154 NY PAS 08/06/2013 51 VAN TOYOT X 93230 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:20:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115 K 983769.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99970 7021661666 GCN6488 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 SUBN DODGE T 50290 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:06:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99971 7021661678 PD861B FL PAS 08/26/2013 21 4DSD HONDA T 25240 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:10:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99972 7021661708 GEM5459 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 4DSD TOYOT T 25240 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:15:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99973 7021661733 GHL3207 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 2DSD HONDA T 24540 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:37:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99974 7021661745 GGP4922 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 4DSD TOYOT T 24440 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:39:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99975 7021661769 GED9571 NY PAS 08/26/2013 21 4DSD NISSA T 24590 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:43:00 21 Street Cleaning: No parking where parking is n... $65 $45 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99976 7021661782 nan NY 999 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... NaN 1900-01-01 07:47:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99977 7021661794 nan NY 999 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... NaN 1900-01-01 07:59:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115 Q 1134064.0
99978 7021661800 nan NY 999 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:17:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115 Q 1134064.0
99979 7021661812 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:40:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99980 7021661824 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 49690 ... NaN 1900-01-01 08:49:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115 Q 1134064.0
99981 7021661848 T491409C NY OMT 08/27/2013 37 4DSD LINCO T 23290 ... NaN 1900-01-01 10:02:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0 Q 1134064.0
99982 7021661861 67733MC8 NY COM 08/27/2013 38 R/RD INTER T 49690 ... NaN 1900-01-01 10:14:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0 Q 1134064.0
99983 7021661873 R418032 IL PAS 08/27/2013 37 SUBN FORD T 23040 ... NaN 1900-01-01 10:25:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0 Q 1134064.0
99984 7021661885 GHW1112 NY PAS 08/27/2013 70 4DSD NISSA T 22940 ... NaN 1900-01-01 10:58:00 70 Standing or parking a vehicle without showing ... $65 $65 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99985 7021661897 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 70 NaN NaN T 22940 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:23:00 70 Standing or parking a vehicle without showing ... $65 $65 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99986 7021661915 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:34:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115 Q 1134064.0
99987 7021661927 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:37:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99988 7021661939 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:39:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115 Q 1134064.0
99989 7021661940 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:41:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99990 7021661952 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 23490 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:44:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115 Q 1134064.0
99991 7021661964 42103JM NY COM 08/27/2013 19 DELV FRUEH T 49690 ... NaN 1900-01-01 11:51:00 19 Bus Stop: Standing or parking where standing i... $115 $115 115 115 Q 1134064.0
99992 7021661976 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD NISSA T 24090 ... NaN 1900-01-01 12:00:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99993 7021661988 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD NISSA T 24090 ... NaN 1900-01-01 12:03:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115 Q 1134064.0
99994 7021661990 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD HONDA T 24090 ... NaN 1900-01-01 12:06:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99995 7021662002 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 51 4DSD HONDA T 24090 ... NaN 1900-01-01 12:08:00 51 Stopping, standing or parking on a sidewalk. $115 $115 115 115 Q 1134064.0
99996 7021662014 nan NY PAS 08/27/2013 74 4DSD HONDA T 24090 ... NaN 1900-01-01 12:10:00 74 Standing or parking a vehicle without properly... $65 $65 65 65 Q 1134064.0
99997 7021662040 GJA3569 NY PAS 08/27/2013 38 2DSD ME/BE T 57790 ... NaN 1900-01-01 20:51:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0 Q 1134064.0
99998 7021662051 GJS8022 NY PAS 08/27/2013 38 SUBN TOYOT T 57790 ... NaN 1900-01-01 20:54:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0 Q 1134064.0
99999 7021662063 GFT2577 NY PAS 08/27/2013 38 SUBN CADIL T 57790 ... NaN 1900-01-01 20:56:00 NaN NaN nan NaN nan 0 Q 1134064.0

100000 rows × 52 columns

In [108]:
newest_df['Violation County'].value_counts()

NY       31083
K        15794
Q        12943
BX        8760
R         2504
RICH         1
BRONX        1
Name: Violation County, dtype: int64

In [121]:


In [ ]: