In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import re
DATA_PATH = 'merged.pickle'
The input files contains preselected features from CMS 2010B open data. The features were generated from original root in following way:
As the result each lumisection is described by percentiles, means and stds of distributions of physical features of particles of particular quantiles within particular channel within particular stream.
Some additional features were added like total momentum of all particles of particular channel within event
In [2]:
import cPickle as pickle
with open(DATA_PATH, 'r') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
labels = np.load('labels.npy')
In [3]:
def load_subsystem_labels(data_dir, name_patten=r'Cert_13TeV_2010_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[.]txt'):
import os
import re
import json
pattern = re.compile(name_patten)
labels = dict()
for p in os.listdir(data_dir):
name = pattern.findall(p)[0]
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, p)) as f:
data = json.load(f)
good_data = set()
for run in data:
for a, b in data[run]:
a = int(a)
b = int(b)
for lb in range(a, b + 1):
good_data.add((int(run), lb))
labels[name] = good_data
return labels
In [4]:
subsystem_labels_dict = load_subsystem_labels(SUBSYSTEM_LABELS_PATH)
In [5]:
subsystems = subsystem_labels_dict.keys()
In [6]:
subsystem_labels = np.zeros(shape=(len(data), len(subsystem_labels_dict)), dtype='float32')
indx = data[['_run', '_luminosityBlock']]
for i, sub_name in enumerate(subsystems):
good_set = subsystem_labels_dict[sub_name]
for j in xrange(len(data)):
run, lumiblock = indx.iloc[j]
subsystem_labels[j, i] = 1.0 if ((run, lumiblock) in good_set) else 0.0
In [7]:
In [8]:
np.mean(np.min(subsystem_labels) == labels)
In [9]:
for i in xrange(subsystem_labels.shape[1]):
print "%s: %.3f" % (subsystems[i], np.mean(subsystem_labels[:, i] == labels))
In [10]:
for i in xrange(subsystem_labels.shape[1]):
s = subsystem_labels[:, i]
print "%s: %.3f" % (subsystems[i], np.mean(labels[s == 0.0]))
In [11]:
lumi = np.maximum(
np.maximum(data['_instantLumi_minibias'].get_values(), data['_instantLumi_muons']).get_values(),
In [12]:
### technical columns
not_features = [
### columns that correspond to actual features
features = sorted(set(data.columns) - set(not_features))
In [13]:
In [14]:
for f in features + ['_instantLumi_minibias', '_instantLumi_muons', '_instantLumi_photons']:
xs = data[f].values
if np.std(xs) > 0.0:
data[f] = (xs - np.mean(xs)) / np.std(xs)
In [15]:
In [16]:
nonempty = np.where(lumi > 0.0)[0]
data = data.iloc[nonempty]
labels = labels[nonempty]
lumi = lumi[nonempty]
subsystem_labels = subsystem_labels[nonempty]
In [17]:
_ = plt.hist(lumi, bins=25)
In [18]:
In [19]:
### utility functions
def insert(keys, d, f):
key = keys[0]
if len(keys) == 1:
d[key] = f
if not d.has_key(key):
d[key] = dict()
return insert(keys[1:], d[key], f)
def levels(features, n_levels = 5):
dicts = [features]
levels = list()
for level in range(n_levels):
set([ k for d in dicts for k in d ])
dicts = [ d[k] for d in dicts for k in d ]
return levels
def get_feature_groups(feature_list, re_exp):
1. hierachical dictionary feature groups -> feature full name
2. feature levels
3. unprocessed features
features = dict()
rest = list()
n_levels = set()
for f in feature_list:
matches = re.findall(re_exp, f)
if len(matches) == 1:
insert(matches[0], features, f)
elif len(matches) == 0:
raise Exception('Very suspicious feature: %s -> %s' % (f, matches))
assert len(n_levels) == 1
return features, levels(features, n_levels=list(n_levels)[0]), rest
In [20]:
def insert_fake_path(d, level, path = 'general'):
if level == 0:
return { path : d }
r = dict()
for k in d:
r[k] = insert_fake_path(d[k], level - 1, path)
return r
In [21]:
particle_f_re = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+)[_]([a-zA-Z]+)[_]([a-zA-Z]+)[_]+(q[12345])[_](\w+)')
particle_features, particle_levels, rest = get_feature_groups(features, particle_f_re)
In [22]:
for level in particle_levels:
print ' '.join(list(level))
In [23]:
particle_type_f_re = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+)[_]([a-zA-Z]+)[_]([a-zA-Z]+)[_]+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)')
particle_type_features, particle_type_levels, rest = get_feature_groups(rest, particle_type_f_re)
In [24]:
for level in particle_type_levels:
print ' '.join(list(level))
In [25]:
particle_type_features = insert_fake_path(particle_type_features, level = 2, path='allParticles')
for level in levels(particle_type_features, n_levels=5):
print ' '.join(list(level))
The features above are components of momentum of particles of particular type (channel) within event.
In [26]:
event_f_re = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+)[_]([a-zA-Z]+)[_]+(\w+)')
event_features, event_levels, rest = get_feature_groups(rest, event_f_re)
In [27]:
for level in event_levels:
print ' '.join(list(level))
In [28]:
f = insert_fake_path(event_features, level = 1, path='allChannels')
f = insert_fake_path(f, level = 2, path='allParticles')
event_features = f
for level in levels(event_features, n_levels=5):
print ' '.join(list(level))
Which are instant luminosity of each event.
In [29]:
In [30]:
stream_f_re = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+)[_]([a-zA-Z]+)')
stream_features, stream_levels, rest = get_feature_groups(rest, stream_f_re)
In [31]:
for level in stream_levels:
print ' '.join(list(level))
Number of events and fration of non-zero features for lumisection (all NA's are replaced with zeros).
In [32]:
In [33]:
from collections import defaultdict
def flatten(a_dict):
for k in a_dict:
if hasattr(a_dict[k], 'keys'):
for path, value in flatten(a_dict[k]):
yield (k, ) + path, value
yield (k, ), a_dict[k]
def merge(dicts):
result = dict()
for d in dicts:
for path, value in flatten(d):
insert(path, result, value)
return result
def flatten_dict(d):
r = dict()
for paths, v in flatten(d):
k = '_'.join(paths)
r[k] = v
return r
def squezze(d, depth = 5, last=2):
dc = d.copy()
if depth - 1 == last:
for k in d:
dc[k] = flatten_dict(d[k])
return d
for k in d:
dc[k] = squezze(d[k], depth-1, last)
return dc
def group(d, level=2):
gd = defaultdict(lambda: list())
for path, k in flatten(d):
gk = path[:level]
return gd
In [34]:
feature_hierarchy = merge([
particle_features, particle_type_features, event_features
In [35]:
grouped = group(feature_hierarchy, level=2)
In [36]:
In [37]:
[ (g, len(fs)) for g, fs in grouped.items() ]
In [38]:
channels = set([ k[1] for k in grouped ]) - set(['allChannels'])
print channels
In [39]:
for stream, channel in grouped.keys():
if channel not in channels:
for c in channels:
grouped[(stream, c)].extend(grouped[(stream, channel)])
del grouped[(stream, channel)]
In [40]:
[ (g, len(fs)) for g, fs in grouped.items() ]
In [41]:
%env THEANO_FLAGS='device=gpu0', 'floatX=float32'
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from lasagne import *
import crayimage
from crayimage.nn import Expression
In [42]:
class AE(Expression):
def __init__(self, n_input_features, nums_units=(50, 10)):
X_batch = T.fmatrix('X')
self.input = layers.InputLayer(shape=(None, n_input_features), input_var=X_batch)
self.drop = layers.DropoutLayer(self.input, p=0.1)
net = self.input
for n in nums_units:
net = layers.DenseLayer(net, num_units=n, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid)
code = layers.get_output(net, deterministic=True)
self.code_layer = net
for n in nums_units[:-1][::-1]:
net = layers.DenseLayer(net, num_units=n, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid)
net = layers.DenseLayer(net, num_units=n_input_features, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.linear) = net
X_reconstructed = layers.get_output(net)
X_reconstructed_det = layers.get_output(net, deterministic=True)
self.X_reconstructed = X_reconstructed
super(AE, self).__init__(self.input,
weights = T.fvector('weights')
reconstruction_error = T.sum((X_reconstructed - X_batch) ** 2, axis=1)
reconstruction_error_det = T.sum((X_reconstructed_det - X_batch) ** 2, axis=1)
mse_loss = T.sum(weights * reconstruction_error) / T.sum(weights)
reg = regularization.regularize_network_params(net, regularization.l2)
reg_C = T.fscalar('reg_c')
loss = mse_loss + reg_C * reg
learning_rate = T.fscalar('learning rate')
params = layers.get_all_params(net)
upd = updates.adadelta(loss, params, learning_rate=learning_rate)
self.train = theano.function([X_batch, weights, reg_C, learning_rate], mse_loss, updates=upd)
self.get_error = theano.function([X_batch], reconstruction_error_det)
self.encode = theano.function([X_batch], code)
given_code = T.fmatrix('given code')
X_decoded = layers.get_output(net, inputs={self.code_layer : given_code})
self.decode = theano.function([given_code], X_decoded)
def batch_stream(X, weights, batch_size=32):
indx = np.random.permutation(X.shape[0])
n_batches = X.shape[0] / batch_size
for i in xrange(n_batches):
batch_indx = indx[(i * batch_size):(i * batch_size + batch_size)]
yield X[batch_indx], weights[batch_indx]
def fit(self, X, weights, n_epoches = 1, batch_size=32, learning_rate = 1.0, regularization_c = 1.0e-3):
n_batches = X.shape[0] / batch_size
learning_rate = np.float32(learning_rate)
regularization_c = np.float32(regularization_c)
losses = np.zeros(shape=(n_epoches, n_batches), dtype='float32')
for epoch in xrange(n_epoches):
batch_stream = self.batch_stream(X, weights, batch_size)
for i, (X_batch, w_batch) in enumerate(batch_stream):
assert np.sum(w_batch) > 0.0
losses[epoch, i] = self.train(X_batch, w_batch, regularization_c, learning_rate)
yield losses[:(epoch + 1)]
In [43]:
def plot_hist(xs, ws, n_bins=50,
labels=tuple(), colors=('green', 'red', 'blue'),
title='', xlabel='', legend_loc='upper right',
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
ws = [ w / np.sum(w) for w in ws ]
hs, _, _ = plt.hist(
xs, bins=n_bins, weights=ws, histtype='step', label=labels, color=colors[:len(xs)]
plt.title(title, fontsize=24)
plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=20)
if vline is not None:
plt.plot([vline, vline], [0.0, np.max([np.max(h) for h in hs])], '--', label='well reconstruction cut')
In [44]:
from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM
In [45]:
for g in [('muons', 'muons'), ('photons', 'photons'), ('minibias', 'PF'), ('minibias', 'calo')]:
if len(g) < 1:
X = data[grouped[g]].get_values().astype('float32')
X_good = X[labels == 1.0]
X_bad = X[labels == 0.0]
weights_good = lumi[labels == 1.0].astype('float32')
weights_bad = lumi[labels == 0.0].astype('float32')
ae = AE(X.shape[1], nums_units=(150, 20))
for l in, weights_good, n_epoches=128,
batch_size=128, learning_rate=1.0,
#print np.mean(l)
X_mean = np.sum(weights_good[:, None] * X_good, axis=0) / np.sum(weights_good)
mean_error = np.sum(np.sum((X_good - X_mean) ** 2, axis=1) * weights_good) / np.sum(weights_good)
AE_error = np.sum(ae.get_error(X_good) * weights_good) / np.sum(weights_good)
print 'Feature group', g
print 'Mean field estimation error: %.2e' % mean_error
print 'AE error: %.2e' % AE_error
log_E_good = np.log(ae.get_error(X_good) / mean_error)
log_E_bad = np.log(ae.get_error(X_bad) / mean_error)
cut = np.percentile(log_E_good, q = 95)
[log_E_good, log_E_bad], [weights_good, weights_bad],
labels = ['Good lumisections', 'Bad lumisections'],
xlabel = '$\log E_{\mathrm{reconstruction}}$',
title = 'Reconstruction error for %s %s' % g,
vline = cut
well_approximated_bad = log_E_bad < cut
badly_approximated_bad = log_E_bad >= cut
svm = OneClassSVM(nu=0.1, cache_size=128, gamma = 2.0 / X_good.shape[1]), sample_weight=weights_good)
score_good = svm.decision_function(ae.encode(X_good))[:, 0]
score_bad = svm.decision_function(ae.encode(X_bad[well_approximated_bad]))[:, 0]
score_badly_bad = svm.decision_function(ae.encode(X_bad[badly_approximated_bad]))[:, 0]
[score_good, score_bad, score_badly_bad],
[weights_good, weights_bad[well_approximated_bad], weights_bad[badly_approximated_bad]],
labels=['Good lumisections', 'Well reconstructed bad lumisections', 'Poorly reconstructed bad lumisections'],
title = 'Good lumisection support estimation %s %s' % g,
xlabel = "distance to the $\\nu$-SVM's decision function",
legend_loc='upper left'
In [46]:
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc, roc_auc_score
In [47]:
channels = [('muons', 'muons'), ('photons', 'photons'), ('minibias', 'PF'), ('minibias', 'calo')]
reconstruction_error = np.ndarray(shape=(len(data), len(channels)), dtype='float32')
for i, g in enumerate(channels):
X = data[grouped[g]].get_values().astype('float32')
X_good = X[labels == 1.0]
X_bad = X[labels == 0.0]
weights_good = lumi[labels == 1.0].astype('float32')
weights_bad = lumi[labels == 0.0].astype('float32')
ae = AE(X.shape[1], nums_units=(150, 20))
for l in, weights_good, n_epoches=256,
batch_size=128, learning_rate=1.0,
#print np.mean(l)
print 'AE for %s is fit' % (g, )
reconstruction_error[:, i] = ae.get_error(X)
In [48]:
for i, g in enumerate(channels):
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.title('ROC AUC of reconstruction error for %s against subsystems.' % (g, ))
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], '--')
for j, sub in enumerate(subsystems):
fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(subsystem_labels[:, j], -reconstruction_error[:, i])
score = auc(fpr, tpr, reorder=True)
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label='against %s: %.2f' % (sub, score))
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
In [49]:
aucs = np.ones(shape=(reconstruction_error.shape[1], subsystem_labels.shape[1])) / 2.0
for i in xrange(reconstruction_error.shape[1]):
for j in xrange(subsystem_labels.shape[1]):
aucs[i, j] = roc_auc_score(subsystem_labels[:, j], -reconstruction_error[:, i])
In [52]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.xticks(np.arange(len(subsystems)), subsystems)
plt.yticks(np.arange(4), [ "%s_%s" % g for g in channels ])
In [ ]: