An example with small data, to understand user-based collaborative recommendations

In [1]:
import os

In [2]:
# Import all the packages we need to generate recommendations
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import src.utils as utils
import src.recommenders as recommenders
import src.similarity as similarity

# Enable logging on Jupyter notebook
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()

In [3]:
# imports necesary for plotting
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Here, we create some fake data with fo users and 4 items; see that some ratings are missing, something common in a real recommender system

In [4]:
data=[[1, 1, 5],[1, 2, 4],[1, 3, 3],
      [2, 1, 3], [2, 2, 4],[2, 3, 5],[2, 4, 2],
      [3, 2, 2], [3, 3, 4],[3, 4, 4]]
ratings = pd.DataFrame(columns=["customer", "movie", "rating"], data=data)

customer movie rating
0 1 1 5
1 1 2 4
2 1 3 3
3 2 1 3
4 2 2 4
5 2 3 5
6 2 4 2
7 3 2 2
8 3 3 4
9 3 4 4

We then need to transform the data into a customer x movie rating matrix

In [5]:
# the data is stored in a long pandas dataframe
# we need to pivot the data to create a [user x movie] matrix
ratings_matrix = ratings.pivot_table(index='customer', columns='movie', values='rating', fill_value=0)

movie 1 2 3 4
1 5 4 3 0
2 3 4 5 2
3 0 2 4 4

Computing similarity

  • target_customer : the customer we want to make recommendations for
  • similarity metric: How do we want to measure similarity between customers
  • K : the number of neigbhours to consider (in this case K > number customers, therefore we will use all)

In [6]:
target_customer = 3
similarity_metric = "cosine"
K = 10

In [7]:
# get the nearest neighbours and compute the total distance
# only compute from [1:K] to avoid self correlation (index 0)
neighbours = similarity.compute_nearest_neighbours(target_customer, ratings_matrix, similarity_metric)[1:K+1]

item similarity
1 2 0.816497
0 1 0.471405

Compute Recommendations for target customer

In [8]:
recommendations = {}
simSums = {}
supportRatings = {}

# Iterate through the k nearest neighbors, accumulating their ratings
for neighbour in neighbours.item.unique():

    weight = neighbours.similarity[neighbours.item == neighbour]
    neighbour_ratings = ratings.ix[ratings.customer == neighbour]

    # calculate the predicted rating for each recommendations
    for movie in
        prediction = neighbour_ratings.rating[ == movie]*weight.values[0]
        # if there is a new movie, set the similarity and sums to 0
        recommendations.setdefault(movie, 0)
        simSums.setdefault(movie, 0)
        supportRatings.setdefault(movie, 0)
        recommendations[movie] += prediction.values[0]
        simSums[movie] += weight.values[0]
        supportRatings[movie] += 1

In [9]:

{1: 4.8065123467383364,
 2: 5.1516044068750304,
 3: 5.4966964670117253,
 4: 1.6329931618554521}

The normalization can be done by the sum of the weights for each movie.However, as you can see, this might lead to recommendations with high values being promoted by a single neighbour

In [10]:
# normalise so that the sum of weights for each movie adds to 1
recs_normalized = [(recommendations/simSums[movie], movie) for movie, recommendations in recommendations.items()]

[(3.7320508075688776, 1), (4.0, 2), (4.2679491924311233, 3), (2.0, 4)]

To mitigate this, we can add a threshold, so we only get recommendations from movies for which we have a minimum evidence

In [11]:
# normalise so that the sum of weights for each movie adds to 1 and we have a threshold in place
threshold = 2 
recs_normalized = [(recommendations/simSums[movie]*min(supportRatings[movie]-(threshold-1), 1), movie) for movie, recommendations in recommendations.items()]

[(3.7320508075688776, 1), (4.0, 2), (4.2679491924311233, 3), (0.0, 4)]

 Lets see an example in detail :

In [12]:
# for example the recommendation for item 1 would be calculated as 
rec_item_1 = (0.471405*5 + 0.816497*3)/(0.816497+0.471405)
