In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline


Group Beampy modules to place them easily.

Grouping modules allows to create complex layout in your slide.

In [ ]:
from beampy import *

# Remove quiet=True to get Beampy render outputs
doc = document(quiet=True)

with slide('Grouping elements'):

    # Using with statement:
    with group(y=0.1, background='lightblue', width='90%') as g1:
        text("I'm inside the first group", y=0)
        text('Me too!', y="+0.1")

    # Create two groups (g2 and g4) aligned on top 
    # and with automatic horizontal position
    with group(x='auto', y=0.3, width=400, height=200, background='lightgreen') as g2:
        text('At the group center', x='center', y='center')
        # Add child group to the parent group
        with group(width='50%', background='red', x=g2.left+0, y=g2.bottom+bottom(0)) as g3:
            text('A group in a group')

        with group(width='50%', background='violet', x=g3.right+0, as g3:
            text('A group in a group')

    with group(x='auto',, height=300, width=300) as g4:
        text('''A last group with a bigger height and a lower width.
             The text inside this group has the group width!''')

    # Add a border to the last group


Module arguments

.. autoclass:: :noindex: