In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline


Create a boxed group, that could have a title.

In [ ]:
from beampy import *

# Remove quiet=True to get Beampy render outputs
doc = document(quiet=True)

with slide('Add nice boxes to group'):

    with box(x=20, y='center', width=300, height='60%', title='Very very very long box title') as b1:
        text('Box text')

    with box(x=b1.right+10,, width=450,
             title='Change color and drop-shadow', title_align='center',
             color='crimson', shadow=True) as b2:
        text('Box text, with a centered title, and a nice crimson color', width='90%')

    with box(x=b1.right+10, y=b2.bottom+50, width=b2.width, color='darkorange',
             rounded=70, background_color='lightgray', linewidth=4, auto_height_margin=30) as b3:
            Without title for the box, more rounded angle, bigger
            linewidth, and a background color
            ''', align='center', width='90%')


Module arguments

.. autoclass:: :noindex: