In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import animation
from IPython.display import HTML
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from numpy.linalg import inv, det
from scipy.optimize import brentq
In [19]:
# set gravity and adiabatic index
g = 1.
gamma = 5./3.
# define grids
nx = 500
nt = 2000
ng = 2
xmin = 0.
xmax = 10.
r = 2 # refinement ratio
cfl = 0.1
df = 0.4 # size of fine grid as a fraction of coarse grid size
rho = 1.
# coarse grid
xc = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, num=nx, endpoint=False) # values of x at boundaries
qc = np.zeros((nt+1, nx, 2))
dxc = xc[1] - xc[0]
dtc = cfl * dxc
# now shift to centres
xc += 0.5 * dxc
# fine grid for inner quarter
xf = np.linspace(0.5*(1.-df)*(xmax-xmin)+xmin, 0.5*(1.+df)*(xmax-xmin)+xmin, num=int(r*df*nx), endpoint=False)
qf = np.zeros((nt+1, int(r*df*nx), 3))
dxf = xf[1] - xf[0]
dtf = cfl * dxf
# now shift to centres
xf += 0.5 * dxf
dt = min(dtc, r*dtf) # dt for coarse grid - fine grid subcycles r times per coarse timestep
print('dxc: {}, dxf: {}'.format(dxc, dxf))
# indices in coarse grid of cells at start of fine grid and right of end of fine grid
matching_indices = [int(np.ceil(nx*0.5*(1-df))), int(np.ceil(nx*0.5*(1+df)))]
print(matching_indices, xc[matching_indices[0]], xf[0], xc[matching_indices[1]], xf[-1])
In [20]:
def bcs(grid):
# outflow boundary conditions
grid[:ng,:] = grid[ng,:]
grid[-ng:,:] = grid[-ng-1,:]
In [21]:
# Start off with an initial water hill
qc[0,:,0] = 1. + 0.4 * np.exp(-(xc-5.)**2*2) #0.01 * np.sin(0.25 * np.pi + 2. * np.pi * x / (xmax - xmin)) + 1.
In [ ]:
def phi(r):
#ph = np.zeros_like(r)
# MC limiter
return np.maximum(0.0, np.minimum(1,2.*r), np.minimum(2., r))
# superbee limiter is not symmetric?
"""for i, rr in enumerate(r):
if rr >= 1.:
ph[i] = np.minimum(2., np.minimum(rr, 2./(1.+rr)))
elif rr >= 0.5:
ph[i] = 1.
elif rr > 0:
ph[i] = 2. * rr
ph[i] = 0.
return ph"""
def prolong(q_c, q_f):
# coarse to fine
# first convert from SWE conserved variables to compressible conserved variables
# (h, hu) -> (rho, rho u, E)
qc_comp = np.zeros((nx, 3))
qc_comp[:,0] = rho
qc_comp[:,1] = rho * q_c[:,1] / q_c[:,0]
qc_comp[:,2] = 0.5 * rho * (g * q_c[:,0]**2 / (gamma - 1.) + q_c[:,1]**2/q_c[:,0]**2)
# need to use slope limited upwinding to predict
for s, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[0], matching_indices[1])):
# average slope
S_upwind = (qc_comp[c+1,:] - qc_comp[c,:]) /dxc
S_downwind = (qc_comp[c,:] - qc_comp[c-1,:]) / dxc
S = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
# ratio of slopes
r = np.ones_like(S) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
# limit the slope
S *= phi(r)
q_f[2*s,:] = qc_comp[c,:] - 0.25 * dxc * S
q_f[2*s+1,:] = qc_comp[c,:] + 0.25 * dxc * S
def restrict(q_c, q_f):
# fine to coarse
# first convert from compressible conserved variables to SWE conserved variables
# (rho, rho u, E) -> (h, hu)
qf_sw = np.zeros((len(q_f[:,0]), 2))
qf_sw[:,0] = np.sqrt(2. * (gamma - 1.) * (q_f[:,2] - 0.5 * q_f[:,1]**2 / q_f[:,0]) / (q_f[:,0] * g))
qf_sw[:,1] = qf_sw[:,0] * q_f[:,1] / q_f[:,0]
# don't copy back the outermost 2 cells - treat these as ghost cells
for f, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[0]+1, matching_indices[1]-1)):
# just use simple averaging
q_c[c,:] = 0.5 * (qf_sw[(f+1)*2,:] + qf_sw[(f+1)*2+1,:])
In [ ]:
def evolve(q, flux_func, dx):
# shallow water
q_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,:])
q_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,:])
f_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,:])
f_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,:])
S_upwind = (q[2:,:] - q[1:-1,:]) / dx
S_downwind = (q[1:-1,:] - q[:-2,:]) / dx
S = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
r = np.ones_like(S) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
ph = np.zeros_like(r)
for i in range(len(ph[:,0])):
ph[i,:] = phi(r[i,:])
S *= ph
q_p = q[1:-1,:] + S * 0.5 * dx
q_m = q[1:-1,:] - S * 0.5 * dx
# calculate fluxes at boundaries
f_p = flux_func(q_p)
f_m = flux_func(q_m)
alpha = cfl * dx / dt
# Lax-Friedrichs flux
F_m = 0.5 * (f_p[:-2,:] + f_m[1:-1,:] + alpha * (q_p[:-2,:] - q_m[1:-1,:]))
F_p = 0.5 * (f_p[1:-1,:] + f_m[2:,:] + alpha * (q_p[1:-1,:] - q_m[2:,:]))
F = np.zeros_like(q)
F[2:-2,:] = -alpha * (F_p - F_m) / dx
#if flux_func == shallow_water_fluxes:
return F
In [ ]:
def shallow_water_fluxes(q):
# f = (hu, hu**2 + 0.5*g*h**2)
f = np.zeros_like(q)
f[:,0] = q[:,1]
f[:,1] = q[:,1]**2 / q[:,0] + 0.5 * g * q[:,0]**2
return f
def compressible_fluxes(q):
# f = (rho*u, rho*u**2 + p, (E+p)*u)
f = np.zeros_like(q)
p = (gamma - 1.) * (q[:,2] - 0.5 * q[:,1]**2 / q[:,0])
f[:,0] = q[:,1]
f[:,1] = q[:,1]**2 / q[:,0] + p
f[:,2] = (q[:,2] + p) * q[:,1] / q[:,0]
return f
In [ ]:
def rk3(q, d_t, flux_func, dx):
# third order runge-kutta
F = evolve(q[:,:], flux_func, dx)
q_temp = q[:,:] + d_t * F
F = evolve(q_temp, flux_func, dx)
q_temp = 0.25 * (3. * q[:,:] + q_temp + d_t * F)
F = evolve(q_temp, flux_func, dx)
return (q[:,:] + 2. * q_temp + 2. * d_t * F) / 3.
In [ ]:
prolong(qc[0,:,:], qf[0,:,:])
for t in range(nt):
# prolong to fine grid
prolong(qc[t,:,:], qf[t+1,:,:])
# evolve fine grid through 2 subcycles
for i in range(r):
qf[t+1,:,:] = rk3(qf[t+1,:,:], dt/r, compressible_fluxes, dxf)
# restrict to coarse grid
qc[t+1,:,:] = qc[t,:,:]
restrict(qc[t+1,:,:], qf[t+1,:,:])
# evolve coarse grid
#qc[t+1,:,:] = qc[t,:,:]
qc[t+1,:,:] = rk3(qc[t+1,:,:], dt, shallow_water_fluxes, dxc)
In [ ]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(3,7), ylim=(0.9995, 1.0005))#xlim=(0,10)), ylim=(1.,1.4))
line = ax.plot([],[], lw=2)[0]
def animate(i):
line.set_data(xf, qf[i*10,:,0])
#return line
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(nt/10), interval=25)#, blit=True)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
#for t in range(nt):
# qc[t+1,:,:] = qc[t,:,:]
# restrict(qc[t+1,:,:], qf[t+1,:,:])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0,10), ylim=(1.,1.4))
line = ax.plot([],[], lw=2)[0]
def animate(i):
line.set_data(xc, qc[i*10,:,0])
#return line
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(nt/10), interval=25)#, blit=True)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# check prolong and restrict work
prolong(qc[0,:,:], qf[0,:,:])
restrict(qc[0,:,:], qf[0,:,:])
In [42]:
# set gravity and adiabatic index
g = 1.
gamma = 5./3.
# define grids
nx = 150
ny = 150
nt = 800
ng = 2
xmin = 0.
xmax = 10.
ymin = 0.
ymax = 10.
r = 2 # refinement ratio
cfl = 0.1
df = 0.4 # size of fine grid as a fraction of coarse grid size
rho = 1.
# coarse grid
xc = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, num=nx, endpoint=False) # values of x at left boundaries
yc = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, num=ny, endpoint=False) # values of y at top boundaries
qc = np.zeros((nt+1, nx, ny, 3))
dxc = xc[1] - xc[0]
dyc = yc[1] - yc[0]
dtc = cfl * min(dxc, dyc)
# now shift to centres
xc += 0.5 * dxc
yc += 0.5 * dyc
# fine grid
xf = np.linspace(0.5*(1.-df)*(xmax-xmin)+xmin, 0.5*(1.+df)*(xmax-xmin)+xmin, num=int(r*df*nx), endpoint=False)
yf = np.linspace(0.5*(1.-df)*(ymax-ymin)+ymin, 0.5*(1.+df)*(ymax-ymin)+ymin, num=int(r*df*ny), endpoint=False)
qf = np.zeros((nt+1, int(r*df*nx), int(r*df*ny), 4))
dxf = xf[1] - xf[0]
dyf = yf[1] - yf[0]
dtf = cfl * min(dxf, dyf)
nxf = len(xf)
nyf = len(yf)
# now shift to centres
xf += 0.5 * dxf
yf += 0.5 * dyf
dt = min(dtc, r*dtf) # dt for coarse grid - fine grid subcycles r times per coarse timestep
#print('dxc: {}, dxf: {}'.format(dxc, dxf))
# indices in coarse grid of cells at start of fine grid and right of end of fine grid
matching_indices = np.array([[int(np.ceil(nx*0.5*(1-df))), int(np.ceil(nx*0.5*(1+df)))],
[int(np.ceil(ny*0.5*(1-df))), int(np.ceil(ny*0.5*(1+df)))]])
#print(matching_indices, xc[matching_indices[0]], xf[0], xc[matching_indices[1]], xf[-1])
def bcs(grid):
# outflow boundary conditions
grid[:ng,:,:] = grid[ng,:,:]
grid[-ng:,:,:] = grid[-ng-1,:,:]
grid[:,:ng,:] = grid[:,ng,np.newaxis,:]
grid[:,-ng:,:] = grid[:,-ng-1,np.newaxis,:]
# Start off with an initial water hill
qc[0,:,:,0] = 1. + 0.4 * np.exp(-((xc[:,np.newaxis]-5.)**2 + (yc[np.newaxis,:]-5.)**2)*2) #0.01 * np.sin(0.25 * np.pi + 2. * np.pi * x / (xmax - xmin)) + 1.
In [3]:
def evolve(q, flux_func, dx, dy):
# shallow water
qx_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
qx_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
fx_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
fx_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
qy_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
qy_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
fy_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
fy_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
# x-direction
S_upwind = (q[2:,1:-1,:] - q[1:-1,1:-1,:]) / dx
S_downwind = (q[1:-1,1:-1,:] - q[:-2,1:-1,:]) / dx
S = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
r = np.ones_like(S) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
ph = np.zeros_like(r)
for i in range(len(ph[:,0])):
ph[i,:] = phi(r[i,:])
S *= ph
qx_p = q[1:-1,1:-1,:] + S * 0.5 * dx
qx_m = q[1:-1,1:-1,:] - S * 0.5 * dx
# y-direction
S_upwind = (q[1:-1,2:,:] - q[1:-1,1:-1,:]) / dy
S_downwind = (q[1:-1,1:-1,:] - q[1:-1,:-2,:]) / dy
S = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
r = np.ones_like(S) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
ph = np.zeros_like(r)
for i in range(len(ph[:,0])):
ph[i,:] = phi(r[i,:])
S *= ph
qy_p = q[1:-1,1:-1,:] + S * 0.5 * dy
qy_m = q[1:-1,1:-1,:] - S * 0.5 * dy
# calculate fluxes at boundaries
fx_p = flux_func(qx_p)
fx_m = flux_func(qx_m)
fy_p = flux_func(qy_p, x_dir=False)
fy_m = flux_func(qy_m, x_dir=False)
alpha = cfl * min(dx, dy) / dt
# Lax-Friedrichs flux
Fx_m = 0.5 * (fx_p[:-2,1:-1,:] + fx_m[1:-1,1:-1,:] + alpha * (qx_p[:-2,1:-1,:] - qx_m[1:-1,1:-1,:]))
Fx_p = 0.5 * (fx_p[1:-1,1:-1,:] + fx_m[2:,1:-1,:] + alpha * (qx_p[1:-1,1:-1,:] - qx_m[2:,1:-1,:]))
Fy_m = 0.5 * (fy_p[1:-1,:-2,:] + fy_m[1:-1,1:-1,:] + alpha * (qy_p[1:-1,:-2,:] - qy_m[1:-1,1:-1,:]))
Fy_p = 0.5 * (fy_p[1:-1,1:-1,:] + fy_m[1:-1,2:,:] + alpha * (qy_p[1:-1,1:-1,:] - qy_m[1:-1,2:,:]))
F = np.zeros_like(q)
F[2:-2,2:-2,:] = -alpha * ((Fx_p - Fx_m) / dx + (Fy_p - Fy_m) / dy)
#if flux_func == shallow_water_fluxes:
return F
In [4]:
def shallow_water_fluxes(q, x_dir=True):
# f = (hu, hu**2 + 0.5*g*h**2, huv)
f = np.zeros_like(q)
if x_dir:
f[:,:,0] = q[:,:,1]
f[:,:,1] = q[:,:,1]**2 / q[:,:,0] + 0.5 * g * q[:,:,0]**2
f[:,:,2] = q[:,:,1]*q[:,:,2] / q[:,:,0]
f[:,:,0] = q[:,:,2]
f[:,:,1] = q[:,:,1]*q[:,:,2] / q[:,:,0]
f[:,:,2] = q[:,:,2]**2 / q[:,:,0] + 0.5 * g * q[:,:,0]**2
return f
def compressible_fluxes(q, x_dir=True):
# f = (rho*u, rho*u**2 + p, (E+p)*u)
f = np.zeros_like(q)
p = (gamma - 1.) * (q[:,:,3] - 0.5 * (q[:,:,1]**2 + q[:,:,2]**2) / q[:,:,0])
if x_dir:
f[:,:,0] = q[:,:,1]
f[:,:,1] = q[:,:,1]**2 / q[:,:,0] + p
f[:,:,2] = q[:,:,1]*q[:,:,2] / q[:,:,0]
f[:,:,3] = (q[:,:,3] + p) * q[:,:,1] / q[:,:,0]
f[:,:,0] = q[:,:,1]
f[:,:,1] = q[:,:,1]*q[:,:,2] / q[:,:,0]
f[:,:,2] = q[:,:,2]**2 / q[:,:,0] + p
f[:,:,3] = (q[:,:,3] + p) * q[:,:,1] / q[:,:,0]
return f
In [5]:
def rk3(q, d_t, flux_func, dx, dy):
# third order runge-kutta
F = evolve(q, flux_func, dx, dy)
q_temp = q + d_t * F
F = evolve(q_temp, flux_func, dx, dy)
q_temp = 0.25 * (3. * q + q_temp + d_t * F)
F = evolve(q_temp, flux_func, dx, dy)
return (q + 2. * q_temp + 2. * d_t * F) / 3.
In [6]:
def phi(r):
# MC limiter
return np.maximum(0.0, np.minimum(1,2.*r), np.minimum(2., r))
def prolong(q_c, q_f):
# coarse to fine
# first convert from SWE conserved variables to compressible conserved variables
# (h, hu, hv) -> (rho, rho u, rho v, E)
qc_comp = np.zeros((nx, ny, 4))
qc_comp[:,:,0] = rho
qc_comp[:,:,1] = rho * q_c[:,:,1] / q_c[:,:,0]
qc_comp[:,:,2] = rho * q_c[:,:,2] / q_c[:,:,0]
qc_comp[:,:,3] = 0.5 * rho * (g * q_c[:,:,0]**2 / (gamma - 1.) + (q_c[:,:,1]**2 + q_c[:,:,2]**2)/q_c[:,:,0]**2)
# need to use slope limited upwinding to predict
# x-dir
Sx = np.zeros_like(qc_comp)
for s, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[0,0], matching_indices[0,1])):
# average slope
S_upwind = (qc_comp[c+1,:,:] - qc_comp[c,:,:]) /dxc
S_downwind = (qc_comp[c,:,:] - qc_comp[c-1,:,:]) / dxc
Sx[c,:,:] = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
# ratio of slopes
r = np.ones_like(Sx[0,:,:]) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
# limit the slope
Sx[c,:,:] *= phi(r)
# y-dir
Sy = np.zeros_like(qc_comp)
for s, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[1,0], matching_indices[1,1])):
# average slope
S_upwind = (qc_comp[:,c+1,:] - qc_comp[:,c,:]) / dyc
S_downwind = (qc_comp[:,c,:] - qc_comp[:,c-1,:]) / dyc
Sy[:,c,:] = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
# ratio of slopes
r = np.ones_like(Sy[:,0,:]) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
# limit the slope
Sy[:,c,:] *= phi(r)
for s, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[0,0], matching_indices[0,1])):
for t, d in enumerate(range(matching_indices[1,0], matching_indices[1,1])):
# is this correct or should I be adding in quadrature somehow???
q_f[2*s,2*t,:] = qc_comp[c,d,:] - 0.25 * (dxc * Sx[c,d,:] + dyc * Sy[c,d,:])
q_f[2*s+1,2*t,:] = qc_comp[c,d,:] + 0.25 * (dxc * Sx[c,d,:] - dyc * Sy[c,d,:])
q_f[2*s,2*t+1,:] = qc_comp[c,d,:] + 0.25 * (-dxc * Sx[c,d,:] + dyc * Sy[c,d,:])
q_f[2*s+1,2*t+1,:] = qc_comp[c,d,:] + 0.25 * (dxc * Sx[c,d,:] + dyc * Sy[c,d,:])
def restrict(q_c, q_f):
# fine to coarse
# first convert from compressible conserved variables to SWE conserved variables
# (rho, rho u, rho v, E) -> (h, hu, hv)
qf_sw = np.zeros((len(q_f[:,0,0]), len(q_f[0,:,0]), 3))
qf_sw[:,:,0] = np.sqrt(2. * (gamma - 1.) * (q_f[:,:,3] - 0.5 * (q_f[:,:,1]**2 + q_f[:,:,2]**2) / q_f[:,:,0])
/ (q_f[:,:,0] * g))
qf_sw[:,:,1] = qf_sw[:,:,0] * q_f[:,:,1] / q_f[:,:,0]
qf_sw[:,:,2] = qf_sw[:,:,0] * q_f[:,:,2] / q_f[:,:,0]
# don't copy back the outermost 2 cells - treat these as ghost cells
for f, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[0,0]+1, matching_indices[0,1]-1)):
for a, d in enumerate(range(matching_indices[1,0]+1, matching_indices[1,1]-1)):
# just use simple averaging
q_c[c,d,:] = 0.25 * (qf_sw[(f+1)*2,(a+1)*2,:] + qf_sw[(f+1)*2+1,(a+1)*2,:] +
qf_sw[(f+1)*2,(a+1)*2+1,:] + qf_sw[(f+1)*2+1,(a+1)*2+1,:])
In [7]:
prolong(qc[0,:,:,:], qf[0,:,:,:])
for t in range(nt):
# prolong to fine grid
prolong(qc[t,:,:,:], qf[t+1,:,:,:])
# evolve fine grid through 2 subcycles
for i in range(r):
qf[t+1,:,:,:] = rk3(qf[t+1,:,:,:], dt/r, compressible_fluxes, dxf, dyf)
# restrict to coarse grid
qc[t+1,:,:,:] = qc[t,:,:,:]
restrict(qc[t+1,:,:,:], qf[t+1,:,:,:])
# evolve coarse grid
#qc[t+1,:,:] = qc[t,:,:]
qc[t+1,:,:,:] = rk3(qc[t+1,:,:,:], dt, shallow_water_fluxes, dxc, dyc)
In [8]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
X,Y = np.meshgrid(xc, yc)
surface_1 = ax.plot_surface(X,Y,qc[0,:,:,0], rstride=1, cstride=2, lw=0, cmap=cm.viridis, antialiased=True)
def animate(i):
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,qc[i*10,:,:,0], rstride=1, cstride=2, lw=0, cmap=cm.viridis, antialiased=True)
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(nt/10), interval=40)
In [9]:
In [22]:
alpha = 1.
beta = [0., 0.]
gamma_down = 1. / alpha**2 * np.eye(2)
gamma_up = inv(gamma_down)
gamma = 5./3.
# define grids
nx = 80
ny = 80
nt = 300
ng = 2
xmin = 0.
xmax = 10.
ymin = 0.
ymax = 10.
r = 2 # refinement ratio
cfl = 0.1
df = 0.4 # size of fine grid as a fraction of coarse grid size
rho = 1.
# coarse grid
xc = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, num=nx, endpoint=False) # values of x at left boundaries
yc = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, num=ny, endpoint=False) # values of y at top boundaries
qc = np.zeros((nt+1, nx, ny, 3))
dxc = xc[1] - xc[0]
dyc = yc[1] - yc[0]
dtc = cfl * min(dxc, dyc)
# now shift to centres
xc += 0.5 * dxc
yc += 0.5 * dyc
# fine grid
xf = np.linspace(0.5*(1.-df)*(xmax-xmin)+xmin, 0.5*(1.+df)*(xmax-xmin)+xmin, num=int(r*df*nx), endpoint=False)
yf = np.linspace(0.5*(1.-df)*(ymax-ymin)+ymin, 0.5*(1.+df)*(ymax-ymin)+ymin, num=int(r*df*ny), endpoint=False)
qf = np.zeros((nt+1, int(r*df*nx), int(r*df*ny), 4))
dxf = xf[1] - xf[0]
dyf = yf[1] - yf[0]
dtf = cfl * min(dxf, dyf)
nxf = len(xf)
nyf = len(yf)
# now shift to centres
xf += 0.5 * dxf
yf += 0.5 * dyf
dt = min(dtc, r*dtf) # dt for coarse grid - fine grid subcycles r times per coarse timestep
#print('dxc: {}, dxf: {}'.format(dxc, dxf))
# indices in coarse grid of cells at start of fine grid and right of end of fine grid
matching_indices = np.array([[int(np.ceil(nx*0.5*(1-df))), int(np.ceil(nx*0.5*(1+df)))],
[int(np.ceil(ny*0.5*(1-df))), int(np.ceil(ny*0.5*(1+df)))]])
#print(matching_indices, xc[matching_indices[0]], xf[0], xc[matching_indices[1]], xf[-1])
def bcs(grid):
# outflow boundary conditions
grid[:ng,:,:] = grid[ng,:,:]
grid[-ng:,:,:] = grid[-ng-1,:,:]
grid[:,:ng,:] = grid[:,ng,np.newaxis,:]
grid[:,-ng:,:] = grid[:,-ng-1,np.newaxis,:]
# Start off with an initial water hill
qc[0,:,:,0] = 1. + 0.4 * np.exp(-((xc[:,np.newaxis]-5.)**2 + (yc[np.newaxis,:]-5.)**2)*2) #0.01 * np.sin(0.25 * np.pi + 2. * np.pi * x / (xmax - xmin)) + 1.
In [28]:
def gr_shallow_water_fluxes(q, x_dir=True):
# f = (Phi W (v-beta/alpha), Phi W**2 u (v-beta/alpha) - 0.5*Phi**2 delta_ij)
f = np.zeros_like(q)
W = np.sqrt((q[:,:,1]**2 * gamma_up[0,0] + 2. * q[:,:,1] * q[:,:,2] * gamma_up[0,1] +
q[:,:,2]**2 * gamma_up[1,1]) / q[:,:,0]**2 + 1.)
u = q[:,:,1] / (q[:,:,0] * W)
v = q[:,:,2] / (q[:,:,0] * W)
if x_dir:
qx = u * gamma_up[0,0] + v * gamma_up[1,0] - beta[0]/alpha
f[:,:,0] = q[:,:,0] * qx
f[:,:,1] = q[:,:,1] * qx + 0.5 * q[:,:,0]**2 / W**2
f[:,:,2] = q[:,:,2] * qx
qy = v * gamma_up[1,1] + u * gamma_up[1,0] - beta[1]/alpha
f[:,:,0] = q[:,:,0] * qy
f[:,:,1] = q[:,:,1] * qy
f[:,:,2] = q[:,:,2] * qy + 0.5 * q[:,:,0]**2 / W**2
return f
def cons_to_prim(q_cons):
# Given the conserved variables (D, Sx, Sy, tau), returns the
# primitive variables (rho, vx, vy, epsilon)
q_prim = np.zeros_like(q_cons)
D = q_cons[:,:,0]
Sx = q_cons[:,:,1]
Sy = q_cons[:,:,2]
tau = q_cons[:,:,3]
Ssq = Sx**2 * gamma_up[0,0] + 2. * Sx * Sy * gamma_up[0,1] + Sy**2 * gamma_up[1,1]
def f_of_p(p, i, j):
sq = np.sqrt((tau[i,j] + p + D[i,j])**2 - Ssq[i,j])
_rho = D[i,j] * sq / (tau[i,j] + p + D[i,j])
eps = (sq - p * (tau[i,j] + p + D[i,j]) / sq - D[i,j]) / D[i,j]
return (gamma - 1.) * _rho * eps - p
p = np.zeros_like(D)
for i in range(len(Sx[:,0])):
for j in range(len(Sx[0,:])):
pmin = (1. - Ssq[i,j])**2 * tau[i,j] * (gamma - 1.)
pmax = (gamma - 1.) * (tau[i,j] + D[i,j]) / (2. - gamma)
#print('shapes of pmin, pmax: {}, {}'.format(np.shape(pmin), np.shape(pmax)))
if pmin < 0.:
pmin = 0.
if pmax < 0. or pmax < pmin:
pmax = 1.
if f_of_p(pmin, i, j) * f_of_p(pmax, i, j) > 0.:
pmin = -1.e6
p[i,j] = brentq(f_of_p, pmin, pmax, args=(i,j))
assert np.isfinite(p[i,j]), 'p is not finite :()'
sq = np.sqrt((tau + p + D)**2 - Ssq)
_rho = D * sq / (tau + p + D)
eps = (sq - p * (tau + p + D) / sq - D) / D
h = 1. + gamma * eps
W = np.sqrt(1. + Ssq / (D*h)**2)
q_prim[:,:,0] = _rho
q_prim[:,:,1] = Sx / (W**2 * h * _rho)
q_prim[:,:,2] = Sy / (W**2 * h * _rho)
q_prim[:,:,3] = eps
return q_prim
def p_from_swe(q):
# given SWE state vector, returns the pressure
# note: may need to do some root finding here to regain primitive variables, as for compressible case
W = np.sqrt((q[:,:,1]**2 * gamma_up[0,0] + 2. * q[:,:,1] * q[:,:,2] * gamma_up[0,1] +
q[:,:,2]**2 * gamma_up[1,1]) / q[:,:,0]**2 + 1.)
phi = q[:,:,0] / W
return rho * (gamma -1.) / gamma * (np.exp(gamma * (phi - 1.) / (gamma - 1.)) - 1)
def rhoh_from_p(p):
return rho + gamma / (gamma - 1.) * p
def p_from_rhoh(rhoh):
return (rhoh - rho) * (gamma - 1.) / gamma
def p_from_rho_eps(rho, eps):
return (gamma - 1.) * rho * eps
def phi_from_p(p):
# calculate Phi from p
return 1. + (gamma - 1.) / gamma * np.log(1. + gamma * p / ((gamma - 1.) * rho))
def gr_compressible_fluxes(q, x_dir=True):
# f = (rho W (v-beta/alpha),
# rho h W**2 u(v-beta/alpha) + p*delta_ij,
# tau * (v-beta/alpha) + p u)
f = np.zeros_like(q)
#p = (gamma - 1.) * (q[:,:,3] - 0.5 * (q[:,:,1]**2 + q[:,:,2]**2) / q[:,:,0])
#h = 1
#u = q[:,:,1] / (q[:,:,0] * W)
#v = q[:,:,2] / (q[:,:,0] * W)
q_prim = cons_to_prim(q)
rho_f = q_prim[:,:,0]
u = q_prim[:,:,1]
v = q_prim[:,:,2]
epsilon = q_prim[:,:,3]
p = p_from_rho_eps(rho_f, epsilon)
if x_dir:
qx = u * gamma_up[0,0] + v * gamma_up[1,0] - beta[0]/alpha
f[:,:,0] = q[:,:,0] * qx
f[:,:,1] = q[:,:,1] * qx + p
f[:,:,2] = q[:,:,2] * qx
f[:,:,3] = q[:,:,3] * qx + p * u
qy = v * gamma_up[1,1] + u * gamma_up[1,0] - beta[1]/alpha
f[:,:,0] = q[:,:,0] * qy
f[:,:,1] = q[:,:,1] * qy
f[:,:,2] = q[:,:,2] * qy + p
f[:,:,3] = q[:,:,3] * qy + p * v
return f
In [29]:
def phi(r):
# MC limiter
return np.maximum(0.0, np.minimum(1,2.*r), np.minimum(2., r))
def gr_prolong(q_c, q_f):
# coarse to fine
# first convert from SWE conserved variables to compressible conserved variables
# (Phi W, Phi W**2 u, Phi W**2 v) -> (rho W, rho h W**2 u, rho h W**2 v, rho W * (h W - 1) - p)
W = np.sqrt((q_c[:,:,1]**2 * gamma_up[0,0] + 2. * q_c[:,:,1] * q_c[:,:,2] * gamma_up[0,1] +
q_c[:,:,2]**2 * gamma_up[1,1]) / q_c[:,:,0]**2 + 1.)
p = p_from_swe(q_c)
rhoh = rhoh_from_p(p)
qc_comp = np.zeros((nx, ny, 4))
qc_comp[:,:,0] = rho * W
qc_comp[:,:,1] = rhoh * W * q_c[:,:,1] / q_c[:,:,0]
qc_comp[:,:,2] = rhoh * W * q_c[:,:,2] / q_c[:,:,0]
qc_comp[:,:,3] = rhoh * W**2 - p - qc_comp[:,:,0] #rhoh * W**2 - p
# need to use slope limited upwinding to predict
# x-dir
Sx = np.zeros_like(qc_comp)
for s, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[0,0], matching_indices[0,1])):
# average slope
S_upwind = (qc_comp[c+1,:,:] - qc_comp[c,:,:]) /dxc
S_downwind = (qc_comp[c,:,:] - qc_comp[c-1,:,:]) / dxc
Sx[c,:,:] = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
# ratio of slopes
r = np.ones_like(Sx[0,:,:]) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
# limit the slope
Sx[c,:,:] *= phi(r)
# y-dir
Sy = np.zeros_like(qc_comp)
for s, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[1,0], matching_indices[1,1])):
# average slope
S_upwind = (qc_comp[:,c+1,:] - qc_comp[:,c,:]) / dyc
S_downwind = (qc_comp[:,c,:] - qc_comp[:,c-1,:]) / dyc
Sy[:,c,:] = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
# ratio of slopes
r = np.ones_like(Sy[:,0,:]) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
# limit the slope
Sy[:,c,:] *= phi(r)
for s, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[0,0], matching_indices[0,1])):
for t, d in enumerate(range(matching_indices[1,0], matching_indices[1,1])):
# is this correct or should I be adding in quadrature somehow???
q_f[2*s,2*t,:] = qc_comp[c,d,:] - 0.25 * (dxc * Sx[c,d,:] + dyc * Sy[c,d,:])
q_f[2*s+1,2*t,:] = qc_comp[c,d,:] + 0.25 * (dxc * Sx[c,d,:] - dyc * Sy[c,d,:])
q_f[2*s,2*t+1,:] = qc_comp[c,d,:] + 0.25 * (-dxc * Sx[c,d,:] + dyc * Sy[c,d,:])
q_f[2*s+1,2*t+1,:] = qc_comp[c,d,:] + 0.25 * (dxc * Sx[c,d,:] + dyc * Sy[c,d,:])
def gr_restrict(q_c, q_f):
# fine to coarse
# first convert from compressible conserved variables to SWE conserved variables
# (rho W, rho h W**2 u, rho h W**2 v, rho h W**2 - p) -> (Phi W, Phi W**2 u, Phi W**2 v)
qf_sw = np.zeros((len(q_f[:,0,0]), len(q_f[0,:,0]), 3))
q_prim = cons_to_prim(q_f)
rho_f = q_prim[:,:,0]
u = q_prim[:,:,1]
v = q_prim[:,:,2]
epsilon = q_prim[:,:,3]
p = p_from_rho_eps(rho_f, epsilon)
phi = phi_from_p(p)
W = 1. / np.sqrt(1. - u**2 * gamma_up[0,0] - 2. * u * v * gamma_up[0,1] - v**2 * gamma_up[1,1])
qf_sw[:,:,0] = phi * W
qf_sw[:,:,1] = phi * W**2 * u
qf_sw[:,:,2] = phi * W**2 * v
# don't copy back the outermost 2 cells - treat these as ghost cells
for f, c in enumerate(range(matching_indices[0,0]+1, matching_indices[0,1]-1)):
for a, d in enumerate(range(matching_indices[1,0]+1, matching_indices[1,1]-1)):
# just use simple averaging
q_c[c,d,:] = 0.25 * (qf_sw[(f+1)*2,(a+1)*2,:] + qf_sw[(f+1)*2+1,(a+1)*2,:] +
qf_sw[(f+1)*2,(a+1)*2+1,:] + qf_sw[(f+1)*2+1,(a+1)*2+1,:])
In [30]:
def evolve(q, flux_func, dx, dy):
qx_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
qx_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
fx_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
fx_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
qy_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
qy_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
fy_p = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
fy_m = np.zeros_like(q[1:-1,1:-1,:])
# x-direction
S_upwind = (q[2:,1:-1,:] - q[1:-1,1:-1,:]) / dx
S_downwind = (q[1:-1,1:-1,:] - q[:-2,1:-1,:]) / dx
S = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
r = np.ones_like(S) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
ph = np.zeros_like(r)
for i in range(len(ph[:,0])):
ph[i,:] = phi(r[i,:])
S *= ph
qx_p = q[1:-1,1:-1,:] + S * 0.5 * dx
qx_m = q[1:-1,1:-1,:] - S * 0.5 * dx
# y-direction
S_upwind = (q[1:-1,2:,:] - q[1:-1,1:-1,:]) / dy
S_downwind = (q[1:-1,1:-1,:] - q[1:-1,:-2,:]) / dy
S = 0.5 * (S_upwind + S_downwind)
r = np.ones_like(S) * 1.e6
r[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] = S_upwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10] / S_downwind[np.abs(S_downwind) > 1.e-10]
ph = np.zeros_like(r)
for i in range(len(ph[:,0])):
ph[i,:] = phi(r[i,:])
S *= ph
qy_p = q[1:-1,1:-1,:] + S * 0.5 * dy
qy_m = q[1:-1,1:-1,:] - S * 0.5 * dy
# calculate fluxes at cell boundaries
fx_p = flux_func(qx_p)
fx_m = flux_func(qx_m)
fy_p = flux_func(qy_p, x_dir=False)
fy_m = flux_func(qy_m, x_dir=False)
a = cfl * min(dx, dy) / dt
# Lax-Friedrichs flux
Fx_m = 0.5 * (fx_p[:-2,1:-1,:] + fx_m[1:-1,1:-1,:] + a * (qx_p[:-2,1:-1,:] - qx_m[1:-1,1:-1,:]))
Fx_p = 0.5 * (fx_p[1:-1,1:-1,:] + fx_m[2:,1:-1,:] + a * (qx_p[1:-1,1:-1,:] - qx_m[2:,1:-1,:]))
Fy_m = 0.5 * (fy_p[1:-1,:-2,:] + fy_m[1:-1,1:-1,:] + a * (qy_p[1:-1,:-2,:] - qy_m[1:-1,1:-1,:]))
Fy_p = 0.5 * (fy_p[1:-1,1:-1,:] + fy_m[1:-1,2:,:] + a * (qy_p[1:-1,1:-1,:] - qy_m[1:-1,2:,:]))
F = np.zeros_like(q)
# just * alpha = sqrt(-g) / sqrt(gamma) here as these are both const in x, y
F[2:-2,2:-2,:] = -a * alpha * ((Fx_p - Fx_m) / dx + (Fy_p - Fy_m) / dy)
#if flux_func == shallow_water_fluxes:
return F
In [31]:
def rk3(q, d_t, flux_func, dx, dy):
# third order runge-kutta
F = evolve(q, flux_func, dx, dy)
q_temp = q + d_t * F
F = evolve(q_temp, flux_func, dx, dy)
q_temp = 0.25 * (3. * q + q_temp + d_t * F)
F = evolve(q_temp, flux_func, dx, dy)
return (q + 2. * q_temp + 2. * d_t * F) / 3.
In [32]:
gr_prolong(qc[0,:,:,:], qf[0,:,:,:])
for t in range(nt):
# prolong to fine grid
gr_prolong(qc[t,:,:,:], qf[t+1,:,:,:])
# evolve fine grid through 2 subcycles
for i in range(r):
qf[t+1,:,:,:] = rk3(qf[t+1,:,:,:], dt/r, gr_compressible_fluxes, dxf, dyf)
# restrict to coarse grid
qc[t+1,:,:,:] = qc[t,:,:,:]
gr_restrict(qc[t+1,:,:,:], qf[t+1,:,:,:])
# evolve coarse grid
#qc[t+1,:,:] = qc[t,:,:]
qc[t+1,:,:,:] = rk3(qc[t+1,:,:,:], dt, gr_shallow_water_fluxes, dxc, dyc)
In [33]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
X,Y = np.meshgrid(xc, yc)
surface_1 = ax.plot_surface(X,Y,qc[0,:,:,0], rstride=1, cstride=2, lw=0, cmap=cm.viridis, antialiased=True)
def animate(i):
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,qc[i*5,:,:,0], rstride=1, cstride=2, lw=0, cmap=cm.viridis, antialiased=True)
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(nt/5), interval=40)
In [34]:
In [ ]: