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import numpy
from numpy.random import rand
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
from scipy.integrate import quad
import unittest
In the code below, we demonstrate the importance of testing edge cases. The code takes a vector $\mathbf{v}$ and normalises it $\hat{\mathbf{v}} = \frac{\mathbf{v} }{ |\mathbf{v}|}$. We see that if the code is run for the vector $(0,0)$, a RuntimeWarning
is raised as the function is attempting to divide by zero.
In [9]:
def normalise(v):
norm = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v**2))
return v / norm
We therefore need to amend our function for the case where the norm of the vector is zero. A possible solution is the function below.
In [10]:
def improved_normalise(v):
norm = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v**2))
if norm == 0.:
return v
return v / norm
Our improved function now tests to see if the norm is zero - if so, it returns the original vector rather than attempting to divide by zero.
In [11]:
improved_normalise("I am a string")
Python correctly spots that it cannot perform the power operation on a string and raises a TypeError
exception. However, it would probably be more useful to implement some kind of type checking of the function inputs before this (e.g. using numpy.isnumeric
), and/or make sure that the code that calls this function is capable of catching such exceptions.
In the example below, we have three (very simple) functions: squared
which returns the square of its input, add_2
which adds 2 to its input and square_plus_2
which calls the two previous functions to return $x^2+2$. To test this code, we could therefore write unit tests for the first two functions to check they are working correctly. We've used the unittest
module here as it allows us to test that functions correctly raise exceptions when given invalid data.
In [13]:
def squared(x):
return x*x
def add_2(x):
return x + 2
def square_plus_2(x):
return add_2(squared(x))
class test_units(unittest.TestCase):
def test_squared(self):
self.assertTrue(squared(-5) == 5)
self.assertTrue(squared(1e5) == 1e10)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, squared, "A string")
def test_add_2(self):
self.assertTrue(add_2(-5) == -3)
self.assertTrue(add_2(1e5) == 100002)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, add_2, "A string")
In the above example, we can add an integration test by writing a test for square_plus_2
- this calls the other two functions, so we'll test that it does this properly.
In [15]:
class test_integration(unittest.TestCase):
def test_square_plus_2(self):
self.assertTrue(square_plus_2(-5) == 7)
self.assertTrue(square_plus_2(1e5) == 10000000002)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, square_plus_2, "A string")
In the example below, we will demonstrate this by using the trapezium rule to approximate the integral of $\sin (x)$ with various different step sizes, $h$. By comparing the calculated errors to a line of gradient $h^2$, it can be seen that the numerical approximation is converging as expected at $O(h^2)$.
In [16]:
hs = numpy.array([1. / (4. * 2.**n) for n in range(8)])
errors = numpy.zeros_like(hs)
for i, h in enumerate(hs):
xs = numpy.arange(0., 1.+h, h)
ys = numpy.sin(xs)
# use trapezium rule to approximate integral
integral_approx = sum((xs[1:] - xs[:-1]) * 0.5 * (ys[1:] + ys[:-1]))
errors[i] = -numpy.cos(1) + numpy.cos(0) - integral_approx
plt.loglog(hs, errors, 'x', label='Error')
plt.plot(hs, 0.1*hs**2, label=r'$h^2$')
plt.xlabel(r'$h$'); plt.ylabel('error'); plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=[1.0, 0.5]);
In the code below, we generate an array of random data and apply some function to it before plotting the results. It can be seen that the output is different every time the code is run.
In [19]:
data = rand(50,50)
def func(a):
return a**2 * numpy.sin(a)
output = func(data)
The output of this code changes every time the code is run, however we can still write some tests for it. We know that all values in the output array must be $0\leq x \leq 1$. In some circumstances, such as in this case, we may know the statistical distribution of the random data. We can therefore calculate what the average output value should be and compare this to our code's output. In our case, the data is generated from a uniform distribution of numbers between 0 and 1, so the average value of the output is given by $\int_0^1 f(x) dx \simeq 0.22$
In [20]:
def test_limits(a):
if numpy.all(a >= 0.) and numpy.all(a <= 1.):
return True
return False
def test_average(a):
if numpy.isclose(numpy.average(a), 0.22, rtol=5.e-2):
return True
return False
if test_limits(output):
print('Function output within correct limits')
print('Function output is not within correct limits')
if test_average(output):
print('Function output has correct average')
print('Function output does not have correct average')
In the below example, we look at a black box function - scipy.integrate.quad
. Here, this function will stand in for a bit of code that we have written and want to test. Say we wish to use quad
to calculate the integral of some complicated function and we have little idea what the solution will be. Before we use it on the complicated function, we will test that it behaves correctly for a function whose integral we already know: $f(x) = \sin(x)$.
In [21]:
xs = numpy.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * numpy.pi)
integrals = numpy.zeros_like(xs)
for i in range(len(xs)):
integrals[i] = quad(numpy.sin, 0.0, xs[i])[0]
plt.plot(xs, -numpy.cos(xs)+1, '-', label=r'$\int f(x)$')
plt.plot(xs, integrals, 'x', label='quad')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=[1.0, 0.5])
As hoped, quad gives the correct solution:
$$ \int^\alpha_0 \sin(x)\, dx = -\cos(\alpha) + 1 $$In python, we can use numpy.isclose
and numpy.allclose
to do this. In the example below, we take some data and add a small amount of random noise to it. This random noise is supposed to represent numerical errors that are introduced over the course of a simulation. If we test that the output array is equal to the original array, python correctly tells us that it is not. However, if we test that the output array is close to the original array, we find that this is true.
In [22]:
x = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, num=500); initial_data = x**2 * numpy.cos(5*x)
noisey_data = initial_data + (rand(len(x)) - 0.5) * 4 # add noise
plt.plot(x, initial_data, label='initial data'); plt.plot(x, noisey_data, label='noisey data')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=[1.0, 0.5]); plt.xlim(x[0], x[-1])
if numpy.array_equal(initial_data, noisey_data):
print('Noisey data exactly equal to initial data')
print('Noisey data is not exactly equal to initial data')
if numpy.allclose(initial_data, noisey_data, atol=2):
print('Noisey data is close to initial data')
print('Noisey data is not close to initial data')
As mentioned above, if our tests only cover a small fraction of our code, then we still cannot trust our code's output. Fortunately, there are tools out there that make the job of analysing test coverage easier. In python, we can use the coverage
module, for C/C++ there is gcov
, and for C/C++/fortran tcov
can be used. Tools like Codecov can be used to integrate these tools with continuous integration, providing an easy-to-use interface to analyse code coverage and keep track of code coverage as code is developed. These tools are also particularly useful if code is written in multiple languages, as they will combine reports produced for each of the different languages.
So you've written a set of tests for your code, you run them and everything passes - great! However, you then go back to work on your code and quickly forget about testing it. Eventually, a few months later after implementing several new features, you remember to try testing your code again. You run the set of tests, only to find that they fail.
This unfortunate experience could have been prevented if you'd been using continuous integration from the start. This will run your tests for you regularly (e.g. every night, every time you push changes to a repository) and report back to you the results. This means that you can now spot (almost) instantly when a change is implemented that causes the code to break. Bugs can therefore be fixed before they become too entrenched in the code.
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