Figure 1

This notebook recreates Figure 1 in Rein & Tamayo 2016. The figure illustrates the use of second order variational equations in an $N$-body simulation.

We start by import the REBOUND, numpy and matplotlib packages.

In [3]:
import rebound
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

We setup a planetary system with two Jupiter mass planets. The following function takes that system, integrates it forward in time by 10 orbits and returns the inner planet's $x$ coordinate at the end of the simulation. The $x$ coordinate changes because the planet orbits the star, but also because the planet interacts with the other planet. The function takes the outer planet's initial semi-major axis, $a$, as a parameter. We setup the system using heliocentric coordinates and therefore specify the primary attribute when adding particles to REBOUND (by default REBOUND uses Jacobi coordinates which are not supported by variational equations).

In [4]:
def run_sim(a):
    sim = rebound.Simulation()
    sim.add(primary=sim.particles[0],m=1e-3, a=1)
    sim.add(primary=sim.particles[0],m=1e-3, a=a)
    return sim.particles[1].x

We now run this simulation 400 times for different initial $a$ in the range [1.4, 1.7] and store the final $x$ coordinate of the inner planet in the array x_exact.

In [5]:
x_exact = np.zeros((N))
a_grid = np.linspace(1.4,1.7,N)
for i,a in enumerate(a_grid):
    x_exact[i] = run_sim(a)

Next, we create a function that runs an $N$-body simulation including first and second order differential equations. For that we add two sets of variational particles with the add_variation() command (one for first order and one for second order). We then initialize the variational particles by varying the outer planet's semi-major axis. After integrating the system forward in time, the function returns the $x$ coordinate of the inner planet as well as the $x$ coordinate of the corresponding variational particles: $\partial x/\partial a$ and $\partial^2 x/\partial a^2$. Note that the variational particles' position coordinates are thus unit-less.

In [6]:
def run_sim_var(a):
    sim = rebound.Simulation()
    sim.add(primary=sim.particles[0],m=1e-3, a=1)
    sim.add(primary=sim.particles[0],m=1e-3, a=a)
    var_da = sim.add_variation()
    var_dda = sim.add_variation(order=2, first_order=var_da)
    var_da.vary(2, "a")
    var_dda.vary(2, "a")
    return sim.particles[1].x, var_da.particles[1].x, var_dda.particles[1].x

We run one simulation with variational particles at $a_0=1.56$. We then use the derivates we got from the run_sim_var() function to approximate the final position of the inner planet as a function of the outer planet's initial semi-major axis using a Taylor series: $$x(a) = x(a_0)+\frac{\partial x}{\partial a}\Big|_{a_0} (a-a_0)+\frac 12\frac{\partial^2 x}{\partial a^2}\Big|_{a_0} (a-a_0)^2 + \ldots$$ We do this to both first and second order.

In [7]:
a_0 = 1.56
x, dxda, ddxdda = run_sim_var(a_0)
x_1st_order = np.zeros(N)
x_2nd_order = np.zeros(N)
for i,a in enumerate(a_grid):
    x_1st_order[i] = x + (a-a_0)*dxda
    x_2nd_order[i] = x + (a-a_0)*dxda + 0.5*(a-a_0)*(a-a_0)*ddxdda

Finally, we plot the exact final position that we obtained from running a full $N$-body simulation as well as our approximation near a neighbourhood of $a_0$ which we got from the variational equations.

In [8]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.set_xlabel("initial semi-major axis of outer planet")
ax.set_ylabel("$x$ position of inner planet after 10 orbits")
ax.plot(a_grid, x_exact, "-", color="black", lw=2)
ax.plot(a_grid, x_1st_order, "--", color="green")
ax.plot(a_grid, x_2nd_order, ":", color="blue")
ax.plot(a_0, x, "ro",ms=10);
plt.savefig('paper_test1.pdf',bbox_inches='tight');  # Save to file.

The following code produces an interactive version of this graph where one can change the initial semi-major axis $a_0$ and immediately see the new plot. It uses the ipywidgets tool interact. Move the slider and see how REBOUND accurately calculates the first and second derivate using variational equations.

In [9]:
from ipywidgets import interact
def generate_plot(a_0=1.56):
    x, dxda, ddxdda = run_sim_var(a_0)
    x_1st_order = np.zeros(N)
    x_2nd_order = np.zeros(N)
    for i,a in enumerate(a_grid):
        x_1st_order[i] = x + (a-a_0)*dxda
        x_2nd_order[i] = x + (a-a_0)*dxda + 0.5*(a-a_0)*(a-a_0)*ddxdda
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.set_xlabel("initial semi-major axis of outer planet")
    ax.set_ylabel("$x$ position of inner planet after 10 orbits")
    ax.plot(a_grid, x_exact, "-", color="black", lw=2)
    ax.plot(a_grid, x_1st_order, "--", color="green")
    ax.plot(a_grid, x_2nd_order, ":", color="blue")
    ax.plot(a_0, x, "ro",ms=10)


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