Section 5.3: Reverts per page (setup and exploratory)

This is a data analysis script used to produce findings in the paper, which you can run based entirely off the files in this GitHub repository. This notebook produces part of the analysis for all languages, and the notebook 4-3-reverts-per-page-enwiki-plots is an independent replication of this analysis in R that contains plots for the English Wikipedia, which are included in the paper. Note that the R notebook cannot be run on mybinder due to memory requirements, while this one can be.

This entire notebook can be run from the beginning with Kernel -> Restart & Run All in the menu bar. It takes less than 1 minute to run on a laptop running a Core i5-2540M processor.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import glob
import datetime
import pickle
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
start =

Load data

In [3]:
!unxz --keep --force ../../datasets/parsed_dataframes/df_all_2016.pickle.xz

In [4]:
!ls ../../datasets/parsed_dataframes/*.pickle


In [5]:
with open("../../datasets/parsed_dataframes/df_all_2016.pickle", "rb") as f:
    df_all = pickle.load(f)

In [6]:

368803 502072
archived False False
language en en
page_namespace 4 14
rev_deleted False False
rev_id 414658262 321587772
rev_minor_edit False True
rev_page 4626266 21490082
rev_parent_id 4.14656e+08 2.70317e+08
rev_revert_offset 1 2
rev_sha1 b7q4j3lf6nvbgdxpcioi5th06y4zvjd 20jlq5xvki3aa9pq17i7tiklcylri18
rev_timestamp 20110218185506 20091023153323
rev_user 13286072 3171782
rev_user_text ClueBot NG TXiKiBoT
reverted_to_rev_id 414655598 270316918
reverting_archived False False
reverting_comment Empty. rm [[Special:Contributions/ [[User:Addbot|Bot:]] Migrating 2 interwiki lin...
reverting_deleted False False
reverting_id 414658788 546727520
reverting_minor_edit True True
reverting_page 4626266 21490082
reverting_parent_id 4.14658e+08 3.98948e+08
reverting_sha1 fdq6jlab7kr949hd0g4f1gw15hd1qhg ivhmt840igobwhtqfphygca81t8pxhl
reverting_timestamp 20110218185852 20130324130609
reverting_user 6327251 6569922
reverting_user_text HBC AIV helperbot7 Addbot
revisions_reverted 1 2
namespace_type other page category
reverted_timestamp_dt 2011-02-18 18:55:06 2009-10-23 15:33:23
reverting_timestamp_dt 2011-02-18 18:58:52 2013-03-24 13:06:09
time_to_revert 0 days 00:03:46 1247 days 21:32:46
time_to_revert_hrs 0.0627778 29949.5
time_to_revert_days 0.00261574 1247.9
reverting_year 2011 2013
time_to_revert_days_log10 -2.58241 3.09618
time_to_revert_hrs_log10 -1.20219 4.47639
reverting_comment_nobracket Empty. rm . Migrating 2 interwiki links, now provided by on
botpair HBC AIV helperbot7 rv ClueBot NG Addbot rv TXiKiBoT
botpair_sorted ['ClueBot NG', 'HBC AIV helperbot7'] ['Addbot', 'TXiKiBoT']
reverts_per_page_botpair 10473 1
reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted 10473 1

Number of reverts per page per bot pair

Group by language, page ID, and botpair_sorted

Grouping by these three columns creates a very simple and useful intersection for this metric. If there is only one revert for a language/page ID/botpair_sorted set, then the reverting bot's revert was for sure unreciprocated by the reverted bot. If there are two reverts, then the most likely outcome is that the reverting bot's revert was followed by a revert by the reverted bot, although this could also mean that the reverting bot reverted the reverted bot twice. Higher counts imply heavy back-and-forth reverts between two bots on a single page.

We count the number of reverts with the same language, page ID, and sorted botpair, then assign that value to reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted for every revert matching these three columns. Note that this initial analysis is conducted in 0-load-process-data.ipynb, but we have included it again for clarity.

In [7]:
groupby_lang_page_bps = df_all.groupby(["language", "rev_page", "botpair_sorted"])

In [8]:
df_groupby = pd.DataFrame(groupby_lang_page_bps['rev_id'].count()).reset_index().rename(columns={"rev_id":"reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted"})

language rev_page botpair_sorted reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted
413723 en 33088615 ['KLBot2', 'Thijs!bot'] 1
608235 fr 3232951 ['ChuispastonBot', 'EmausBot'] 1
221343 en 13258304 ['AvicBot', 'Xqbot'] 1
1742 de 11128 ['MerlIwBot', 'Xqbot'] 2
611017 fr 3637910 ['Addbot', 'YFdyh-bot'] 1
780878 zh 1421963 ['Addbot', 'Mjbmrbot'] 1
2115 de 15235 ['MerlIwBot', 'PixelBot'] 2
698010 pt 241700 ['EmausBot', 'MerlIwBot'] 1
710941 pt 1028990 ['CommonsDelinker', 'Rei-bot'] 1
593680 fr 1718027 ['HerculeBot', 'Ptbotgourou'] 1
788657 zh 2901471 ['Addbot', 'YFdyh-bot'] 1
428405 en 35013778 ['Addbot', 'JackieBot'] 1
729655 pt 2301901 ['Alph Bot', 'VolkovBot'] 1
474453 es 432456 ['Zwobot', 'タチコマ robot'] 1
184979 en 9412215 ['Redirect fixer', 'RussBot'] 1
65994 en 14276 ['ArthurBot', 'EmausBot'] 1
313140 en 23276084 ['Addbot', 'EmausBot'] 1
360230 en 27577677 ['Addbot', 'EmausBot'] 1
555603 fr 263068 ['EmausBot', 'MerlIwBot'] 1
556326 fr 279009 ['EmausBot', 'Escarbot'] 1
334821 en 25228834 ['Addbot', 'EmausBot'] 1
436730 en 36211570 ['EmausBot', 'KLBot2'] 1
723634 pt 1823034 ['EmausBot', 'MastiBot'] 1
153609 en 6185714 ['Addbot', 'EmausBot'] 1
110433 en 2371167 ['PbBot', 'Yobot'] 1

Add reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted to df_all

In [9]:
df_all = df_all.drop("reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted",1)

df_all = pd.merge(df_all, df_groupby, how='left',
         left_on=["language", "rev_page", "botpair_sorted"],
         right_on=["language", "rev_page", "botpair_sorted"])


Number of reverts by revert_per_page_botpair_sorted, all languages, articles only

For example, 528,104 reverts were not reciprocated at all. 25,528 reverts were part of a two-bot revert chain on the same page in the same language lasting 2 reverts. 3,987 reverts were part of a two-bot revert chain in the same page in the same language lasting 3 reverts, and so on.

In [10]:
df_all.query("page_namespace == 0").reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted.value_counts().sort_index()

1     528104
2      25528
3       3987
4       1212
5        540
6        336
7        259
8        176
9        135
10        60
11        44
12        96
13       143
14        70
15        90
16        80
17        85
18        54
19        95
20        20
21        42
22        88
23       138
24        72
28        56
29        87
30        90
31        93
35        35
39        39
41        82
Name: reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted, dtype: int64

In [11]:
df_all.query("page_namespace == 0").reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted.value_counts().sum()


In [12]:
import matplotlib.ticker

sns.set(font_scale=1.5, style="whitegrid")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[8,6])
df_all.query("page_namespace == 0").reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted.value_counts().sort_index().plot(kind='bar', ax=ax)
ax.set_ylabel("Number of articles (log scale)")
ax.set_xlabel("Number of reverts on page between the same two bots")

Number of reverts by revert_per_page_botpair_sorted, English only, articles only

In [13]:
df_all.query("page_namespace == 0 and language=='en'").reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted.value_counts().sort_index()

1     228198
2      13012
3       1860
4        476
5        120
6         24
7         28
8         32
9         27
10        10
11        11
13        39
14        28
15        60
16        16
17        51
18        54
19        38
20        20
21        21
22        22
23        92
24        72
28        56
29        87
30        90
31        93
35        35
39        39
41        82
Name: reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted, dtype: int64

In [14]:
sns.set(font_scale=1.5, style="whitegrid")
df_all.query("page_namespace == 0 and language == 'en'").reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted.value_counts().sort_index().plot(kind='bar')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1168d585c0>

Checking that the sum of the counts and the total number of reverts are the same

In [15]:
df_all.query("page_namespace == 0 and language=='en'").reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted.value_counts().sum()


In [16]:
len(df_all.query("page_namespace == 0 and language=='en'"))


Finding pages with more than 500 reverts by/on the same bots

In [17]:
gb = df_all.query("reverts_per_page_botpair_sorted > 500").groupby(["language", "page_namespace", "rev_page", "botpair_sorted"])

In [18]:

language  page_namespace  rev_page  botpair_sorted                              
en        4               974956    ['AnomieBOT', 'Legobot']                          521
                          4626266   ['ClueBot NG', 'HBC AIV helperbot']              2047
                                    ['ClueBot NG', 'HBC AIV helperbot11']            2538
                                    ['ClueBot NG', 'HBC AIV helperbot5']             8723
                                    ['ClueBot NG', 'HBC AIV helperbot7']            10473
                                    ['ClueBot', 'HBC AIV helperbot2']                1002
                                    ['ClueBot', 'HBC AIV helperbot3']                5822
                                    ['ClueBot', 'HBC AIV helperbot4']                1545
                                    ['ClueBot', 'HBC AIV helperbot5']                3007
                                    ['ClueBot', 'HBC AIV helperbot7']                4110
                                    ['DatBot', 'HBC AIV helperbot5']                  753
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot', 'Mr.Z-bot']                 753
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot3', 'VoABot II']              1889
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot5', 'Mr.Z-bot']               2235
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot7', 'Mr.Z-bot']               4504
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot7', 'VoABot II']               687
                          5964327   ['ClueBot II', 'CorenSearchBot']                 3551
                          11005908  ['EssjayBot', 'Sandbot']                          508
                          11238105  ['DeltaQuadBot', 'HBC AIV helperbot5']            694
                                    ['DeltaQuadBot', 'HBC AIV helperbot7']           3227
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot2', 'HBC NameWatcherBot']      966
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot3', 'HBC NameWatcherBot']     4507
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot4', 'HBC NameWatcherBot']     1064
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot5', 'HBC NameWatcherBot']     2020
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot5', 'SoxBot']                  628
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot7', 'HBC NameWatcherBot']     2620
                                    ['HBC AIV helperbot7', 'SoxBot']                 1639
Name: rev_id, dtype: int64

How many total bot-bot reverts in these pages?

In [19]:
len(df_all.query("language == 'en' and rev_page == 4626266"))


In [20]:
len(df_all.query("language == 'en' and rev_page == 11238105"))


In [21]:
len(df_all.query("language == 'en' and rev_page == 5964327"))


Median time to revert for a Mathbot-curated list

In [22]:
df_all.query("language == 'en' and rev_page == 5971841").groupby("botpair")['time_to_revert_days'].median()

FrescoBot rv Mathbot    36.399456
Mathbot rv DrilBot       0.556840
Mathbot rv FrescoBot     0.670440
Mathbot rv Yobot         0.944352
Yobot rv Mathbot        12.057517
Name: time_to_revert_days, dtype: float64


In [23]:
end =

time_to_run = end - start
minutes = int(time_to_run.seconds/60)
seconds = time_to_run.seconds % 60
print("Total runtime: ", minutes, "minutes, ", seconds, "seconds")

Total runtime:  0 minutes,  16 seconds