Information Retrieval

This is a tutorial for the npfl103 package for Information Retrieval assignments.

Big picture

In simple IR systems that we'll build in this lab session, two major things are happening more or less independently on each other. One: the similarity index of documents to retrieve has to be built. Two: the queries are processed and documents get returned.

The first part is all about representing the documents in your collection as points in a vector space.

In the second part, you then convert the queries into the same vector space, and return the documents according to how close to the query point they are represented.

Your job will be mostly to deal with designing a clever vector space, so that the closest documents to a query happen to be the right ones to retrieve.

There are some pesky technicalities that have to be taken care of: reading the documents, writing the outputs, evaluating, etc. This package does its best to help you not to have to deal with these parts, but you kind of have to be aware of them, so the tutorial does go through how they are handled.

The plan

The tutorial goes through the following steps:

  1. Loading documents and queries (topics)
  2. Processing documents and queries into a vector space (!!!)
  3. Transforming the document vectors from one space to another (!!!)
  4. Making queries
  5. Writing the outputs
  6. Evaluating

Points 2 and 3 are where you're supposed to modify things and come up with ideas. The linguistic stuff (lemmatization/stemming, part-of-speech filtering, etc.) comes in step 2, the math (TF-IDF, pivot normalization, topic models...) come up in step 3.

Note that the Python classes you're supposed to use have documentation inside, with quite detailed examples. We don't cover all of that here -- the tutorial focuses on how the library fits together.

In [1]:
import npfl103

Tutorial data

The data for the tutorial lives in the tutorial_assignment subfolder. It mirrors the assignment folder in structure and file types.

In [2]:
import os

dpath = os.path.join('.', 'tutorial-assignment')
dlist = os.path.join(dpath, 'documents.list')
qlist = os.path.join(dpath, 'topics.list')

Loading documents and queries

For loading data, use the module. From the top down, there is a class for representing the entire collection of documents (Collection), a Document class for representing one document and an equivalent Topic class for representing one query topic, a VText class for representing a block of text in one zone of a document/query, and a VToken class for representing one word (or equivalent token) in a zone text.

These classes are nothing interesting: they merely represent the data (both the queries and the documents that should be retrieved). Check out their documentation strings for details on how to operate them.

The main entry point to data loading is the Collection class. Initialize it with the documents.list (or topics.list) file:

In [3]:
from import Collection

coll_docs = Collection(dlist)

Notice that creating the Collection was fast. This is because the whole pipeline in npfl103 is lazy: no document is read until it is actually requested. This helps keep time and especially memory requirements down; the library is designed to have a constant memory footprint.

Collection item classes

A Collection consists of individual documents. There are two implemented document types: the Document class from, and the Topic class. Collections are by default created as collections of Documents; however, for reading the queries, we use the same Collection mechanism and explicitly supply the Topic class.

In [4]:
from import Topic
coll_queries = Collection(qlist, document_cls=Topic)


The constant memory footprint is not exactly true: for speeding up repeated document reads, the Collection caches the documents it read. Eventually, you may run out of memory. In that case, try creating a Collection with nocache=True.

Processing documents and queries into a vector space

To run a vector space information retrieval experiment, we now have to convert the loaded representations of documents and queries into a vector space. For this, we provide the Vectorizer classes.

In [5]:
from import BinaryVectorizer, TermFrequencyVectorizer

The purpose of a Vectorizer is to take a stream of a document's tokens and convert it into one vector representing this document in some vector space. Each token is used as a dimension of the vector space. If your tokens are just part of speech tags (noun, verb, etc.), then your space will have just some 10 dimensions; if your tokens are word forms, then there will be thousands of dimensions.

(The vectors will be sparse vectors, only remembering the nonzero elements -- implemented simply as a dict.)

When we initialize a Vectorizer, we need to specify two things:

  • What the stream of tokens should contain (what the dimensions of the space will be),
  • How the values of the vector items will be computed (binary? frequencies? etc.)

Let's build a term frequency vectorizer that iterates over lemmas.

In [6]:
vectorizer = TermFrequencyVectorizer(field='lemma')

The vectorizer provides a transform method that does the processing.

In [7]:
vdocs = (vectorizer.transform(d) for d in coll_docs)

(Notice that we're still using generator expressions, so nothing really gets computed so far.)

After running through a Vectorizer, there is no implementation difference between what a Document and a Topic look like.

Which tokens?

Not all tokens are relevant. For instance, you might only want to represent a document using its title and headings, not the texts themselves. Or you might want to only use tokens which are "content words" -- usually defined as nouns, adjectives, verbs, or adverbs. The Vectorizers accept some arguments to specify which tokens should be used:

  • Zones (TITLE, HEADING, ...)
  • Field (form, lemma, pos, full_pos, ... - see format specification in the assignment README)
  • Start and end token (e.g. you might only want to read the beginnings of documents)
  • Token filter

We've already seen an example using field. The zones for documents are TITLE, HEADING, and TEXT. The zones for queries (topics) are title, narr, and desc. Take a moment to look into the data, to make sure you know what the roles of the zones are.

Except for zones, make sure you use the same vectorization settings for both the Documents and the Topics!

Token filter

The token filter argument is a function that returns True or False when called with a VToken object. This enables filtering out tokens based on a different field than the one used to build the vector space. For instance, the aforementioned content word filtering would be iplemented as:

In [8]:
cw_vectorizer = TermFrequencyVectorizer(field='lemma', token_filter=lambda t: t.pos in 'NADV')

We can compare the results of the "plain" vectorizer and the content word vectorizer:

In [9]:
vdocs = [vectorizer.transform(d) for d in coll_docs]   # This actually parses the documents.

In [10]:
cw_docs = [cw_vectorizer.transform(d) for d in coll_docs]

In [11]:
d = vdocs[0]
cw_d = cw_docs[0]

# Print the top 10 most frequent tokens
import pprint, operator
print('All words:')
pprint.pprint({w: n for w, n in sorted(d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:10]})
print('----------------------\nContent words:')
pprint.pprint({w: n for w, n in sorted(cw_d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:10]})

All words:
{',': 40,
 '.': 18,
 'a': 10,
 'euro': 9,
 'evropský': 5,
 'měna': 5,
 'na': 7,
 'nový': 5,
 'se': 10,
 'v': 11}
Content words:
{'0': 3,
 'být': 4,
 'euro': 9,
 'evropský': 5,
 'miliarda`1000000000': 3,
 'měna': 5,
 'nový': 5,
 'stát': 3,
 'země': 4,
 'člověk': 2}

We can see that token filtering can make a pretty large difference.

Transforming vectors

While the Vectorizers got us from the raw data to a vector space, we might not be particularly happy with the immediate results. For instance, in the above example, we see very general words like "new" or "be", and we might wish to apply the Inverse Document Frequency transform. Or we want to normalize the frequencies to sum to 1, or use pivot normalization, or... whatever.

To do operations on vector spaces, we use TransformCorpus objects as "pipeline sections" that operate on the flow of data.

In [12]:
from npfl103.transform import TransformCorpus

These "pipeline" components get two parameters: the transformation they should be applying, and the source of the data to apply it on. Let's make an example transformation: normalizing the frequencies to 1.

In [13]:
# This is the transformation we want to apply.
def normalize(vec):
    doc_length = sum(vec.values())
    return {k: v / doc_length for k, v in vec.items()}

normalized_docs = TransformCorpus(corpus=cw_docs, transform=normalize, name='normalized_docs')
  • The corpus is an iterable that contains dictionary-like objects as sparse document vectors.
  • The transform parameter is a callable: either a function, or a class that implements a __call__ method.
  • Notice also the name parameter: this is for yourself, to be able to keep track of what each pipeline component does.

Let's do the same thing for queries:

In [14]:
cw_queries = (cw_vectorizer.transform(q) for q in coll_queries)   # Generator, again
normalized_queries = TransformCorpus(corpus=cw_queries, transform=normalize, name='normalized_queries')

Vectorization as transformation

It is maybe more elegant to implement vectorization also as a pipeline component instead of having lists or generators floating around.

In [15]:
cw_docs = TransformCorpus(corpus=coll_docs, transform=cw_vectorizer.transform, name='vectorized_docs')
cw_queries = TransformCorpus(corpus=coll_queries, transform=cw_vectorizer.transform, name='vectorized_queries')

Chaining transformations

The pipelines can, of course, build on top of each other. Using the previous pipeline stages cw_docs and cw_queries objects of TransformCorpus class as the corpus parameter, we can put the normalization on top of these:

In [16]:
normalized_docs = TransformCorpus(corpus=cw_docs, transform=normalize, name='normalized_docs')
normalized_queries = TransformCorpus(corpus=cw_queries, transform=normalize, name='normalized_docs')

How would you implement TF-IDF in this system?

  1. Vectorize with TermFrequencyVectorizer
  2. Implement IDF as a class with a __call__ method that can be used as a transformation. (Hint: it needs to see the training corpus of documents at initialization time, to initialize the inverse document frequencies for the individual terms.)
  3. Add a TransformCorpus that gets this IDF transformer as a transform method on top of the vectorized corpus (that was also used as input for the IDF transformer's initialization).

Similarity queries

Assuming we're happy with the vector space in which our documents now live, we want to find for a query the similarity scores for all documents.

The same transformation mechanism is used. This time, we transform a query from the same space as the documents into a similarity space: the dimensions of this space are the documents which should be retrieved, and the values are the similarity scores for the query and that given document.

In [17]:
from npfl103.similarity import Similarity

# The similarity is initialized with the document corpus.
similarity = Similarity(corpus=normalized_docs, k=10)       # Returning the top 10 documents. Use None for all docs.
similarity_corpus = TransformCorpus(corpus=normalized_queries, transform=similarity, name='sim')


At this point, the retrieval pipeline is set up. We have:

  • Vectorized and processed the documents which we want to retrieve,
  • We can vectorize and process an incoming query in the same way,
  • We can use the query to compute similarities and return the top K documents.

Now, we only have to worry about recording our retrieval results and evaluating them against human judgments of relevant vs. non-relevant documents.

Writing the outputs

In order to record the outputs, use the Similarity.write_trec static method:

In [18]:
import io   # The system io, not
hdl = io.StringIO()  # Technical workaround, so that the tutorial does not create files at this point.

# This is what writes the output. In practice, you'll probably use "with open(...) as hdl:" to write to a file.
Similarity.write_trec(similarity_corpus, similarity, hdl)


You should already have compiled trec_eval using the instructions in the README in npfl103/eval. The npfl103.evaluation package provides a do_eval() and print_eval() function to run evaluation from within the package.

In [19]:
from npfl103.evaluation import do_eval, print_eval

Since trec_eval (which is called inside these functions) needs an input file, not a stream, we have to dump our results to a file.

In [20]:
results_file = 'tutorial-assignment/tutorial-output.dat'
with open(results_file, 'w') as outstream:
    Similarity.write_trec(similarity_corpus, similarity, outstream)

The tutorial assignment has its ground truth file:

In [21]:
qrels_file = 'tutorial-assignment/qrels.txt'
print_eval(qrels_file, results_file)

runid                 	all	default_run
num_q                 	all	2
num_ret               	all	20
num_rel               	all	51
num_rel_ret           	all	6
map                   	all	0.1238
gm_map                	all	0.1109
Rprec                 	all	0.1739
bpref                 	all	0.1405
recip_rank            	all	1.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.00  	all	1.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.10  	all	0.3333
iprec_at_recall_0.20  	all	0.1500
iprec_at_recall_0.30  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.40  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.50  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.60  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.70  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.80  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.90  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_1.00  	all	0.0000
P_5                   	all	0.5000
P_10                  	all	0.3000
P_15                  	all	0.2000
P_20                  	all	0.1500
P_30                  	all	0.1000
P_100                 	all	0.0300
P_200                 	all	0.0150
P_500                 	all	0.0060
P_1000                	all	0.0030

You can also break down the results by query, by setting results_by_query=True:

In [22]:
print_eval(qrels_file, results_file, results_by_query=True)

num_ret               	10.2452/401-AH	10
num_rel               	10.2452/401-AH	11
num_rel_ret           	10.2452/401-AH	3
map                   	10.2452/401-AH	0.1788
Rprec                 	10.2452/401-AH	0.2727
bpref                 	10.2452/401-AH	0.2066
recip_rank            	10.2452/401-AH	1.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.00  	10.2452/401-AH	1.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.10  	10.2452/401-AH	0.6667
iprec_at_recall_0.20  	10.2452/401-AH	0.3000
iprec_at_recall_0.30  	10.2452/401-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.40  	10.2452/401-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.50  	10.2452/401-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.60  	10.2452/401-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.70  	10.2452/401-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.80  	10.2452/401-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.90  	10.2452/401-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_1.00  	10.2452/401-AH	0.0000
P_5                   	10.2452/401-AH	0.4000
P_10                  	10.2452/401-AH	0.3000
P_15                  	10.2452/401-AH	0.2000
P_20                  	10.2452/401-AH	0.1500
P_30                  	10.2452/401-AH	0.1000
P_100                 	10.2452/401-AH	0.0300
P_200                 	10.2452/401-AH	0.0150
P_500                 	10.2452/401-AH	0.0060
P_1000                	10.2452/401-AH	0.0030
num_ret               	10.2452/402-AH	10
num_rel               	10.2452/402-AH	40
num_rel_ret           	10.2452/402-AH	3
map                   	10.2452/402-AH	0.0688
Rprec                 	10.2452/402-AH	0.0750
bpref                 	10.2452/402-AH	0.0744
recip_rank            	10.2452/402-AH	1.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.00  	10.2452/402-AH	1.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.10  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.20  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.30  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.40  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.50  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.60  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.70  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.80  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.90  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_1.00  	10.2452/402-AH	0.0000
P_5                   	10.2452/402-AH	0.6000
P_10                  	10.2452/402-AH	0.3000
P_15                  	10.2452/402-AH	0.2000
P_20                  	10.2452/402-AH	0.1500
P_30                  	10.2452/402-AH	0.1000
P_100                 	10.2452/402-AH	0.0300
P_200                 	10.2452/402-AH	0.0150
P_500                 	10.2452/402-AH	0.0060
P_1000                	10.2452/402-AH	0.0030
runid                 	all	default_run
num_q                 	all	2
num_ret               	all	20
num_rel               	all	51
num_rel_ret           	all	6
map                   	all	0.1238
gm_map                	all	0.1109
Rprec                 	all	0.1739
bpref                 	all	0.1405
recip_rank            	all	1.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.00  	all	1.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.10  	all	0.3333
iprec_at_recall_0.20  	all	0.1500
iprec_at_recall_0.30  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.40  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.50  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.60  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.70  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.80  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_0.90  	all	0.0000
iprec_at_recall_1.00  	all	0.0000
P_5                   	all	0.5000
P_10                  	all	0.3000
P_15                  	all	0.2000
P_20                  	all	0.1500
P_30                  	all	0.1000
P_100                 	all	0.0300
P_200                 	all	0.0150
P_500                 	all	0.0060
P_1000                	all	0.0030

If you want to do further processing with the results, use do_eval(). Instead of printing results, it returns them as a dictionary. Again, you can request the results by query (it will come in an OrderedDict of OrderedDicts, see do_eval() docstring).

In [25]:
results = do_eval(qrels_file, results_file, results_by_query=True)
pprint.pprint([q for q in results])

['10.2452/401-AH', '10.2452/402-AH', 'all']
OrderedDict([('num_ret', '10'),
             ('num_rel', '11'),
             ('num_rel_ret', '3'),
             ('map', '0.1788'),
             ('Rprec', '0.2727'),
             ('bpref', '0.2066'),
             ('recip_rank', '1.0000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.00', '1.0000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.10', '0.6667'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.20', '0.3000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.30', '0.0000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.40', '0.0000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.50', '0.0000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.60', '0.0000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.70', '0.0000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.80', '0.0000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_0.90', '0.0000'),
             ('iprec_at_recall_1.00', '0.0000'),
             ('P_5', '0.4000'),
             ('P_10', '0.3000'),
             ('P_15', '0.2000'),
             ('P_20', '0.1500'),
             ('P_30', '0.1000'),
             ('P_100', '0.0300'),
             ('P_200', '0.0150'),
             ('P_500', '0.0060'),
             ('P_1000', '0.0030')])

What's next?

Inside the repository, but not inside the npfl103 package, is a script called It's your to play around with and modify. (We strongly suggest putting it into a repository of your own and make multiple copies, according to experimental configurations.) It's basically this tutorial in script form. Comments inside the file should help you get going.

Happy hacking.