Note that this notebook is largely inspired from the excellent tutorials of Jean-Yves Tinevez available at
The goal of this notebook is mainly to help others (the author included) to analyze particle motion through MSD. I also would like to create a Python module that help dealing with all that kind of stuff.
TODO: I am still not sure the way I compute the MSD mean and also SEM and STD... I need to double check this. TODO: I also need to find a way to improve MSD calculation :
In [1]:
# Some classic Python modules import
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 10)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
In [2]:
# Parameters
SPACE_UNITS = '\mu m'
COORDS = ['x', 'y']
cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
COLORS = [cm(i/N_PARTICLES) for i in range(N_PARTICLES)]
# Typical values taken from studies of proteins diffusing in membranes:
# Diffusion coefficient
D = 1e-3 # µm^2/s
# Time step between acquisition; fast acquisition!
dt = 0.05 # s
# Area size, just used to disperse particles in 2D. Has no impact on
# analysis
SIZE = 2 # µm
The Einstein equation tells us that displacements follow a Gaussian PDF with standard deviation given by :
In [3]:
k = np.sqrt(2 * D * dt)
In [4]:
# Generate trajectories
trajs = []
for i in range(N_PARTICLES):
# Generate time vector
time = np.arange(0, N_TIME_STEPS) * dt
# Get random displacement
dp = k * np.random.randn(N_TIME_STEPS, N_DIM)
# Setup custom initial position
initial_position = SIZE * np.random.rand(1, N_DIM)
dp[0] = initial_position
# Get position
p = np.cumsum(dp, axis=0)
# Convert to Dataframe
p = pd.DataFrame({c: p[:, i] for i, c in enumerate(COORDS)})
p['t'] = time
# Plot trajectories
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color, traj in zip(COLORS, trajs):
traj.plot(x='x', y='y', color=color, ax=ax, legend=False)
In [5]:
def compute_msd(trajectory, dt, coords=['x', 'y']):
tau = trajectory['t'].copy()
shifts = np.floor(tau / dt).astype(
msds = pd.DataFrame()
msds = np.zeros(shifts.size)
msds_std = np.zeros(shifts.size)
msds_sem = np.zeros(shifts.size)
weights = np.zeros(shifts.size)
for i, shift in enumerate(shifts):
diffs = trajectory[coords] - trajectory[coords].shift(-shift)
sqdist = np.square(diffs).sum(axis=1)
msds[i] = sqdist.mean()
msds_std[i] = sqdist.std()
msds_sem[i] = sqdist.sem()
weights[i] = len(sqdist.dropna())
msds = pd.DataFrame({'msds': msds, 'tau': tau, 'msds_std': msds_std,
'msds_sem': msds_sem, 'weights': weights})
return msds
def compute_msd_mean(trajs, dt, n_steps, coords=['x', 'y']):
msd_mean = pd.DataFrame()
msd_mean['tau'] = np.arange(0, n_steps) * dt
msd_mean['msds'] = np.zeros(n_steps)
msd_mean['msds_std'] = np.zeros(n_steps)
msd_mean['msds_sem'] = np.zeros(n_steps)
msd_mean['weights'] = np.zeros(n_steps)
all_msd = []
for i, traj in zip(range(len(trajs)), trajs):
msds = compute_msd(traj, dt=dt, coords=coords)
msd_mean['msds'] += msds['msds'] * msds['weights']
msd_mean['msds_std'] += msds['msds_std'] * msds['weights']
msd_mean['msds_sem'] += msds['msds_sem'] * msds['weights']
msd_mean['weights'] += msds['weights']
msd_mean['msds'] /= msd_mean['weights']
msd_mean['msds_std'] /= msd_mean['weights']
msd_mean['msds_sem'] /= msd_mean['weights']
return msd_mean, all_msd
In [6]:
# Compute MSD
msd_mean, all_msd = compute_msd_mean(trajs, dt, N_TIME_STEPS, coords=COORDS)
In [7]:
# Fit model
def model(tau, D):
return 2*D*N_DIM*tau
clip_factor = 0.25# Compute MSD
msd_mean, all_msd = compute_msd_mean(trajs, dt, N_TIME_STEPS, coords=COORDS)
t_stamp = np.round(len(msd_mean) * clip_factor, 0)
(D,), pcov = optimize.curve_fit(model, msd_mean.loc[:t_stamp, 'tau'], msd_mean.loc[:t_stamp, 'msds'])
In [8]:
# Plot all MSD
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color, msd in zip(COLORS, all_msd):
msd.plot(x='tau', y='msds', color=color, ax=ax, legend=False)
ax.set_xlabel("Delay (${}$)".format(TIME_UNITS))
ax.set_ylabel("MSD (${}^2$)".format(SPACE_UNITS))
In [9]:
# Plot MSD mean
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
msd_mean.plot(x='tau', y='msds', color=color, ax=ax, legend=False)
ax.fill_between(msd_mean['tau'], msd_mean['msds'] - msd_mean['msds_sem'],
msd_mean['msds'] + msd_mean['msds_sem'], alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(msd_mean['tau'], model(msd_mean['tau'], D), color='red')
ax.set_xlabel("Delay (${}$)".format(TIME_UNITS))
ax.set_ylabel("MSD (${}^2$)".format(SPACE_UNITS))
In [10]:
# Parameters
SPACE_UNITS = '\mu m'
COORDS = ['x', 'y']
cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
COLORS = [cm(i/N_PARTICLES) for i in range(N_PARTICLES)]
# Typical values taken from studies of proteins diffusing in membranes:
# Diffusion coefficient
D = 1e-3 # µm^2/s
# Time step between acquisition; fast acquisition!
dt = 0.05 # s
# Mean velocity
vm = 0.05 # µm/s
# Area size, just used to disperse particles in 2D. Has no impact on
# analysis
SIZE = 2 # µm
In [11]:
# Generate trajectories
trajs = []
for i in range(N_PARTICLES):
# Generate time vector
time = np.arange(0, N_TIME_STEPS) * dt
# Velocity orientation
theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand()
# Mean velocity
v = vm * (1 + 1/4 * np.random.randn())
# Get random displacement
dp = k * np.random.randn(N_TIME_STEPS, N_DIM)
dp_brownian = k * np.random.randn(N_TIME_STEPS, N_DIM)
dp_directed = v * dt * (np.cos(theta) * np.ones((N_TIME_STEPS, 1)) + np.sin(theta) * np.ones((N_TIME_STEPS, 1)))
dp = dp_brownian + dp_directed
# Setup custom initial position
initial_position = SIZE * np.random.rand(1, N_DIM)
dp[0] = initial_position
# Get position
p = np.cumsum(dp, axis=0)
# Convert to Dataframe
p = pd.DataFrame({c: p[:, i] for i, c in enumerate(COORDS)})
p['t'] = time
# Plot trajectories
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color, traj in zip(COLORS, trajs):
traj.plot(x='x', y='y', color=color, ax=ax, legend=False)
In [12]:
# Compute MSD
msd_mean, all_msd = compute_msd_mean(trajs, dt, N_TIME_STEPS, coords=COORDS)
In [13]:
# Fit model
def model(tau, D, v):
return 2*D*N_DIM*tau + v*tau**2
clip_factor = 1
t_stamp = np.round(len(msd_mean) * clip_factor, 0)
(D, v), pcov = optimize.curve_fit(model, msd_mean.loc[:t_stamp, 'tau'], msd_mean.loc[:t_stamp, 'msds'])
In [14]:
# Plot all MSD
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color, msd in zip(COLORS, all_msd):
msd.plot(x='tau', y='msds', color=color, ax=ax, legend=False)
ax.set_xlabel("Delay (${}$)".format(TIME_UNITS))
ax.set_ylabel("MSD (${}^2$)".format(SPACE_UNITS))
In [15]:
# Plot MSD mean
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
msd_mean.plot(x='tau', y='msds', color=color, ax=ax, legend=False)
ax.fill_between(msd_mean['tau'], msd_mean['msds'] - msd_mean['msds_sem'],
msd_mean['msds'] + msd_mean['msds_sem'], alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(msd_mean['tau'], model(msd_mean['tau'], D, v), color='red')
ax.set_xlabel("Delay (${}$)".format(TIME_UNITS))
ax.set_ylabel("MSD (${}^2$)em".format(SPACE_UNITS))
In [16]:
# Parameters
SPACE_UNITS = '\mu m'
COORDS = ['x', 'y']
cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
COLORS = [cm(i/N_PARTICLES) for i in range(N_PARTICLES)]
# Typical values taken from studies of proteins diffusing in membranes:
# Diffusion coefficient
D = 1e-3 # µm^2/s
# Time step between acquisition; fast acquisition!
dt = 0.05 # s
# Boltzman constant
kt = 4.2821e-21 # kBoltzman x T @ 37ºC
# Area size, just used to disperse particles in 2D. Has no impact on
# analysis
SIZE = 5 # µm
k = np.sqrt(2 * D * dt)
# Confined motion parameters
# Particle in a potential: settings the 'stiffness' of the energy potential
# Typical diameter of the trap (still in micron)
ltrap = 0.05 # µm
ktrap = kt / ltrap**2 # = thermal energy / trap size ^ 2
In [17]:
# Generate trajectories
def Fx(x, initial_position):
return ktrap * (x - initial_position)
trajs = []
for i in range(N_PARTICLES):
# Generate time vector
time = np.arange(0, N_TIME_STEPS) * dt
# Energy potential:
#V = @(x) 0.5 * ktrap * sum (x .^ 2) # Unused, just to show
p = np.zeros((N_TIME_STEPS, N_DIM))
# Setup custom initial position
initial_position = SIZE * np.random.rand(1, N_DIM)
p[0] = initial_position
for j in range(1, N_TIME_STEPS):
dxtrap = D / kt * Fx(p[j-1], initial_position) * dt # ad hoc displacement
dxbrownian = k * np.random.randn(1, N_DIM);
p[j] = p[j-1] + dxtrap + dxbrownian
# Convert to Dataframe
p = pd.DataFrame({c: p[:, i] for i, c in enumerate(COORDS)})
p['t'] = time
# Plot trajectories
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color, traj in zip(COLORS, trajs):
traj.plot(x='x', y='y', color=color, ax=ax, legend=False)
In [18]:
# Compute MSD
msd_mean, all_msd = compute_msd_mean(trajs, dt, N_TIME_STEPS, coords=COORDS)
In [19]:
# Plot all MSD
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color, msd in zip(COLORS, all_msd):
msd.plot(x='tau', y='msds', color=color, ax=ax, legend=False)
ax.set_xlabel("Delay (${}$)".format(TIME_UNITS))
ax.set_ylabel("MSD (${}^2$)".format(SPACE_UNITS))