In [1]:
import moose
import pylab
import rdesigneur as rd

In [2]:
rdes = rd.rdesigneur(
    chanProto = [['make_HH_Na()', 'Na'], ['make_HH_K()', 'K']], #definitions of the Na and the K channels
    chanDistrib = [
        ['Na', 'soma', 'Gbar', '1200' ], #1:which channel 2:where 3:Gbar = channel density 4:whatis the density in SI units
        ['K', 'soma', 'Gbar', '360' ] #try to change the values of the densities to see different behaviour

    stimList = [['soma', '1', '.', 'inject', '(t>0.1 && t<0.2) * 1e-8' ]],
    plotList = [['soma', '1', '.', 'Vm', 'Membrane potential']
                ,['soma', '1', 'Na', 'Ik', 'Na Channel Current'] 
                ,['soma', '1', 'K', 'Gk', 'K Channel conductance']                

The fields which plotList understands is 'Ik','Ca', 'Im', 'inject', 'conc', 'Gbar', 'Gk', 'Vm', 'n'

In [3]:

In [4]:
moose.start( 0.3 )


Rdesigneur: Elec model has 1 compartments and 0 spines on 0 compartments.

In [5]:

[ /model[0]/elec[0]/soma[0]/Na[0] ]
fieldIndex           = 0
Zpower               = 0.0
X                    = 0.0769388597394
index                = 0
Z                    = 0.0
numData              = 1
Gbar                 = 0.000942477796077
Xpower               = 3.0
modulation           = 1.0
numField             = 1
useConcentration     = 0
Y                    = 0.480462441577
path                 = /model[0]/elec[0]/soma[0]/Na[0]
dt                   = 0.0
tick                 = -2
instant              = 0
name                 = Na
Ek                   = 0.05
Ypower               = 1.0
className            = ZombieHHChannel
idValue              = 478
Ik                   = 2.40809079141e-08
Gk                   = 2.06237581993e-07