Exports nodes and edges from tweets (Retweets, Mentions, or Replies) [CSV]

Exports nodes and edges from tweets (either from retweets or mentions) in json format that can be exported from SFM, and saves it in a file format compatible with various social network graph tools such as Gephi, Cytoscape, Kumu, etc. These are for directed graphs.

In [137]:
import sys
import json
import re
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd  

tweetfile = '/home/soominpark/sfmproject/Work/Network Graphs/food_security.csv'

tweets = pd.read_csv(tweetfile)

1. Export edges from Retweets, Mentions, or Replies

  • Run one of three blocks of codes below for your purpose.

In [106]:
# 1. Export edges from Retweets

retweets = tweets[tweets['is_retweet'] == 'Yes']
retweets['original_twitter'] = retweets['text'].str.extract('RT @([a-zA-Z0-9]\w{0,}):', expand=True)

edges = retweets[['screen_name', 'original_twitter','created_at']]
edges.columns = ['Source', 'Target', 'Strength']

/home/soominpark/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:3: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy

In [118]:
# 2. Export edges from Mentions

mentions = tweets[tweets['mentions'].notnull()]

edges = pd.DataFrame(columns=('Source','Target','Strength'))

for index, row in mentions.iterrows():
    mention_list = row['mentions'].split(", ")
    for mention in mention_list:
        edges = edges.append(pd.DataFrame([[row['screen_name'],
                                        , columns=('Source','Target','Strength')), ignore_index=True)

In [138]:
# 3. Export edges from Replies

replies = tweets[tweets['in_reply_to_screen_name'].notnull()]

edges = replies[['screen_name', 'in_reply_to_screen_name','created_at']]
edges.columns = ['Source', 'Target', 'Strength']

2. Leave only the tweets whose strength level >= user specified level (directed)

In [139]:
strengthLevel = 3  # Network connection strength level: the number of times in total each of the tweeters responded to or mentioned the other.
                   # If you have 1 as the level, then all tweeters who mentioned or replied to another at least once will be displayed. But if you have 5, only those who have mentioned or responded to a particular tweeter at least 5 times will be displayed, which means that only the strongest bonds are shown.

edges2 = edges.groupby(['Source','Target'])['Strength'].count()
edges2 = edges2.reset_index()
edges2 = edges2[edges2['Strength'] >= strengthLevel]

3. Export nodes

In [144]:
# Export nodes from the edges and add node attributes for both Sources and Targets.

users = tweets[['screen_name','followers_count','friends_count']]
users = users.sort_values(['screen_name','followers_count'], ascending=[True, False])
users = users.drop_duplicates(['screen_name'], keep='first') 

ids = edges2['Source'].append(edges2['Target']).to_frame()
ids['Label'] = ids
ids.columns = ['screen_name', 'Label']
ids = ids.drop_duplicates(['screen_name'], keep='first') 
nodes = pd.merge(ids, users, on='screen_name', how='left')

In [145]:

(463, 4)
(349, 3)

4. Export nodes and edges to csv files

In [114]:
# change column names for Kumu import (Run this when using Kumu)
edges2.columns = ['From','To','Strength']

In [146]:
# Print nodes to check

screen_name Label followers_count friends_count
0 104boild 104boild 3665.0 3641.0
1 AapRajasthan_ AapRajasthan_ 30.0 391.0
2 ActuallyD0NG ActuallyD0NG 415.0 457.0

In [147]:
# Print edges to check

Source Target Strength
45 104boild 104boild 5
604 AapRajasthan_ neelesh403 3
606 AapRajasthan_ sardesairajdeep 3

In [148]:
# Export nodes and edges to csv files
nodes.to_csv('nodes.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)
edges2.to_csv('edges.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)