Constrained Local Models - Basics

The aim of this notebook is to showcase how one can build and fit CLMs to images using menpofit.

Note that this notebook assumes that the user has previously gone through the AAMs Basics notebook and he/she is already familiar with the basics of Menpo's Deformable Model Fitting framework explained in there.

1. Loading data

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from pathlib import Path

path_to_lfpw = Path('/vol/atlas/databases/lfpw')

In [2]:
import as mio

training_images = []
# load landmarked images
for i in mio.import_images(path_to_lfpw / 'trainset', verbose=True):
    # crop image
    i = i.crop_to_landmarks_proportion(0.1)
    # convert it to grayscale if needed
    if i.n_channels == 3:
        i = i.as_greyscale(mode='luminosity')
    # append it to the list

Found 811 assets, index the returned LazyList to import.

In [3]:
from menpowidgets import visualize_images


2. Build a CLM with default parameters

Building a CLM using Menpo can be done using a single line of code.

In [4]:
from menpofit.clm import CLM

clm = CLM(

- Computing reference shape                                                     Computing batch 0
- Training models
  - Scale 0: Done
  - Scale 1: Done

In [5]:

Constrained Local Model
 - Images scaled to diagonal: 200.00
 - Scales: [0.5, 1]
   - Scale 0.5
     - Holistic feature: no_op
     - Ensemble of experts class: CorrelationFilterExpertEnsemble
       - 68 experts
       - IncrementalCorrelationFilterThinWrapper class
       - Patch shape: 17 x 17
       - Patch normalisation: no_op
       - Context shape: 34 x 34
       - Cosine mask: True
     - Shape model class: OrthoPDM
       - 132 shape components
       - 4 similarity transform parameters
   - Scale 1
     - Holistic feature: no_op
     - Ensemble of experts class: CorrelationFilterExpertEnsemble
       - 68 experts
       - IncrementalCorrelationFilterThinWrapper class
       - Patch shape: 17 x 17
       - Patch normalisation: no_op
       - Context shape: 34 x 34
       - Cosine mask: True
     - Shape model class: OrthoPDM
       - 132 shape components
       - 4 similarity transform parameters

In [6]:

3. Fit the previous CLM

In Menpo, CLMs can be fitted to images by creating Fitter objects around them.

One of the most popular algorithms for fitting CLMs is the Regularized Landmark Mean-Shift algorithm. In order to fit our CLM using this algorithm using Menpo, the user needs to define a GradientDescentCLMFitter object. This can be done again using a single line of code!!!

In [7]:
from menpofit.clm import GradientDescentCLMFitter

fitter = GradientDescentCLMFitter(clm, n_shape=[6, 12])

Fitting a GradientDescentCLMFitter to an image is as simple as calling its fit method. Let's try it by fitting some images of the LFPW database test set!!!

In [8]:
import as mio

# load test images
test_images = []
for i in mio.import_images(path_to_lfpw / 'testset', max_images=5, verbose=True):
    # crop image
    i = i.crop_to_landmarks_proportion(0.5)
    # convert it to grayscale if needed
    if i.n_channels == 3:
        i = i.as_greyscale(mode='luminosity')
    # append it to the list

Found 5 assets, index the returned LazyList to import.

Note that for the purpose of this simple fitting demonstration we will just fit the first 5 images of the LFPW test set.

In [9]:
from menpofit.fitter import noisy_shape_from_bounding_box

fitting_results = []

for i in test_images:
    gt_s = i.landmarks['PTS'].lms
    # generate perturbed landmarks
    s = noisy_shape_from_bounding_box(gt_s, gt_s.bounding_box())
    # fit image
    fr = fitter.fit_from_shape(i, s, gt_shape=gt_s) 

    # print fitting error

Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0610
Final error: 0.0534
Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0490
Final error: 0.0398
Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0541
Final error: 0.0514
Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0627
Final error: 0.0431
Fitting result of 68 landmark points.
Initial error: 0.0648
Final error: 0.0635

In [10]:
from menpowidgets import visualize_fitting_result
