MNIST digit recognition using Stochastic Gradient Boosting in scikit-learn

> Find the optimal number of trees on a graph

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import os, time, math
import cPickle as pickle
import multiprocessing

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import csv

from sklearn.ensemble         import GradientBoostingClassifier

from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold, KFold
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.grid_search      import GridSearchCV

from sklearn.metrics          import classification_report, confusion_matrix, f1_score
from sklearn.externals        import joblib


%matplotlib inline

In [20]:

Where's the data?

In [3]:
file_path = '../data/'

    train_img_filename = 'train-images_deskewed.csv'
    test_img_filename  = 't10k-images_deskewed.csv'
    train_img_filename = 'train-images.csv'
    test_img_filename  = 't10k-images.csv'
train_label_filename = 'train-labels.csv'
test_label_filename  = 't10k-labels.csv'

How much of the data will we use?

In [4]:
portion = 0.10  # set to 1.0 for all of it

Read the training images and labels

In [5]:
with open(file_path + train_img_filename,'r') as f:
    data_iter = csv.reader(f, delimiter = ',')
    data      = [data for data in data_iter]
trainX = np.asarray(data, dtype = np.float64)  

trainX = trainX[:portion*trainX.shape[0]]

print("trainX shape: {0}".format(trainX.shape))

with open(file_path + train_label_filename,'r') as f:
    data_iter = csv.reader(f, delimiter = ',')
    data      = [data for data in data_iter]
trainY = np.asarray(data, dtype = np.int8) 

trainY = trainY[:portion*trainY.shape[0]].ravel()

print("trainY shape: {0}".format(trainY.shape))

trainX shape: (6000, 784)
trainY shape: (6000,)

Read the test images and labels

In [6]:
with open(file_path + test_img_filename,'r') as f:
    data_iter = csv.reader(f, delimiter = ',')
    data      = [data for data in data_iter]
testX = np.asarray(data, dtype = np.float64)  

testX = testX[:portion*testX.shape[0]]

print("testX shape: {0}".format(testX.shape))

with open(file_path + test_label_filename,'r') as f:
    data_iter = csv.reader(f, delimiter = ',')
    data      = [data for data in data_iter]
testY = np.asarray(data, dtype = np.int8)

testY = testY[:portion*testY.shape[0]].ravel()

print("testY shape: {0}".format(testY.shape))

testX shape: (1000, 784)
testY shape: (1000,)

Use the smaller, fewer images for testing

from sklearn.datasets import load_digits digits = load_digits() trainX, testX, trainY, testY = train_test_split(,, test_size=0.25, random_state=1009)

Function to print a matrix of images

In [7]:
def print_imgs(images, actual_labels, predicted_labels, starting_index = 0, size=6):
    print a grid of images
    showing any differences in predicted values
    images           m x 784 array of pixels
    actual_labels    m x 1 array of the actual labels
    predicted_labels m x 1 of predicted labels
    starting_index   scalar, where in 1...m to start
    size             scalar the grid is size x size
    img_dim  = int(pow(images.shape[1],0.5)) # images assumed to be square
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(size,size, figsize=(img_dim,img_dim), facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
    fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.0001, wspace=.001)
    axs = axs.ravel()
    for grid_i, img_i in enumerate(xrange(starting_index, starting_index+(size*size))):
        # convert from 1 x flat to img_dim x img_dim
        img = np.reshape(images[img_i,:],(img_dim,img_dim))
        axs[grid_i].imshow(img,, interpolation='nearest')
        if actual_labels[img_i] != predicted_labels[img_i]:
            axs[grid_i].set_title("actual: {0}; predicted: {1}" \
                                  .format(actual_labels[img_i], predicted_labels[img_i]), 
            axs[grid_i].set_title("label: {0}" \

In [8]:
print_imgs(images           = trainX, 
           actual_labels    = trainY.ravel(), 
           predicted_labels = trainY.ravel(),#np.random.permutation(trainY), 
           starting_index   = np.random.randint(0, high=trainY.shape[0]-36, size=1)[0],
           size             = 3)

Plot the CV error-per-tree curves

Set up the classifier's parameters

In [9]:
# default parameters for GradientBoostingClassifier
# =================================================
default_gbm_params = {}
default_gbm_params['loss'] = 'deviance'

default_gbm_params['learning_rate'] = 0.01 
default_gbm_params['n_estimators']  = 6000 

default_gbm_params['max_depth']      = 4     # fix the tree size
default_gbm_params['max_leaf_nodes'] = None  # choose tree size by deviance reduction
                                             # Note: these two are mutually exclusive

default_gbm_params['subsample']    = 0.5     # stochastic by observations
default_gbm_params['max_features'] = None    # stochastic by columns (similar to random forest)

default_gbm_params['min_samples_split'] = 2 
default_gbm_params['min_samples_leaf']  = 1 
#default_gbm_params['min_weight_fraction_leaf'] = 0.0

default_gbm_params['init']         = None 
default_gbm_params['random_state'] = 1009    # set a random seed
default_gbm_params['verbose']      = 0 
default_gbm_params['warm_start']   = False

# set parameters for the estimator
gbm_params = dict(default_gbm_params)

Functions to find the score at each step ... parallelized

In [10]:
def heldout_score(clf, X_test, y_test, n_estimators):
    """compute deviance scores on ``X_test`` and ``y_test``. """
    score = np.zeros((n_estimators,), dtype=np.float64)
    for i, y_pred in enumerate(clf.staged_decision_function(X_test)):
        score[i] = clf.loss_(y_test, y_pred)
    return score

def cv_estimate(n_folds=3, params=gbm_params, X_train=trainX, y_train=trainY):
    """Calculate the average scores per tree fitted via 'n_folds' CV"""
    # stratified k-fold cv indexes
    SKFolds = StratifiedKFold(y            = trainY.ravel(), 
                              n_folds      = n_folds, 
                              indices      = None, 
                              shuffle      = True, 
                              random_state = 1009)
    # K-Folds of this function will run in separate processes
    def cv_processes(train, test, out_q, params):
        """One fold of the CV; to be run in parallel"""
        cv_clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(**params)[train], y_train[train])
        out_q.put(heldout_score(cv_clf, X_train[test], y_train[test], params['n_estimators']))
    # the results of each process will be saved in this Queue
    out_q = multiprocessing.Queue()
    # set up and run K-Fold processes
    process_list = []
    for train, test in SKFolds:
        p = multiprocessing.Process(
                args=(train, test, out_q, params))
    # extract the results of each process from the Queue
    process_results = []
    for i in range(n_folds):
    for p in process_list:
    # return the K-Fold results
    return {'mean': np.mean(np.array(process_results),axis=0),
            'min':  np.min (np.array(process_results),axis=0),
            'max':  np.max (np.array(process_results),axis=0)}

Compute the loss curve by n_folds-CV on the training set

In [11]:
t0 = time.time()

cv_score = cv_estimate(n_folds=5, params=gbm_params)

print("time in minutes {0:.2f}".format((time.time()-t0)/60))

time in seconds 8375.88

Plot the curve(s)

In [22]:
x = np.arange(gbm_params['n_estimators']) + 1

cv_max_iter  = x[np.argmin(cv_score['max'])]
cv_max_loss  = np.min(cv_score['max'])

cv_mean_iter = x[np.argmin(cv_score['mean'])]
cv_mean_loss = np.min(cv_score['mean'])

cv_min_iter  = x[np.argmin(cv_score['min'])]
cv_min_loss  = np.min(cv_score['min'])

print("\nMinimum max  CV loss {0:.2f}, trees {1}".format(cv_max_loss, cv_max_iter))
print("Minimum mean CV loss {0:.2f}, trees {1}".format(cv_mean_loss, cv_mean_iter))
print("Minimum min  CV loss {0:.2f}, trees {1}\n".format(cv_min_loss, cv_min_iter))

max_color  = list(map(lambda x: x / 256.0, (127, 201, 127)))
mean_color = list(map(lambda x: x / 256.0, (253, 192, 134)))
min_color  = list(map(lambda x: x / 256.0, (190, 174, 212)))

# skip the first third of the curves to focus on the section that reaches
# a minimum and then turns up with overfitting
one_third = math.floor(np.min([cv_min_iter, cv_mean_iter, cv_max_iter])/3)

plt.plot(x[one_third:], cv_score['max'][one_third:],  label='max',  color=max_color)
plt.plot(x[one_third:], cv_score['mean'][one_third:], label='mean', color=mean_color)
plt.axvline(x=cv_mean_iter,                 color=mean_color)
plt.plot(x[one_third:], cv_score['min'][one_third:],  label='min',  color=min_color)

plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('number of iterations')
plt.title('Cross Validated Loss Curves')

Minimum max  CV loss 278.28, trees 1507
Minimum mean CV loss 221.11, trees 1650
Minimum min  CV loss 176.68, trees 1665

4, 0.01, 1650 => minimum mean loss 221.11

In [ ]: