k-Means In Class / Homework

You enter a room and find rubber ducks scattered throughout. After some careful consideration, you realize that the ducks seem to have been thrown straight up into the air from four points in the room.

You realize that this means the ducks would have been distributed evenly around the places from which they were thrown. You're given 45 minutes to identify the places in the room from which the ducks were thrown.

You vaguely remember a module in GCB535 that described k-means clustering. You exclaim, "EUREKA! The k-means clustering algorithm that we learned would be perfect for this!" You form into four teams and begin performing k-means clustering immediately.

In Class Q: As the class winds down please reflect and report on something that you learned from this exercise in the box below.


We're going to use the demo code again for the homework. Go ahead and run the following cells.

K-Means Demo Code:

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
# crazy line lets us make figures in the notebook

import random
import sys
from math import sqrt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

In [ ]:
def assign_nearest(centroids, point):
    assigns the point to its nearest centroid
    centroids - a list of centroids, each of which has 2 dimensions
    point - a point, which has two dimensions
    the index of the centroid the point is closest to.
    nearest_idx = 0
    nearest_dist = sys.float_info.max  # largest float on your computer
    for i in range(len(centroids)):
        # sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)
        dist = sqrt((centroids[i][0]-point[0])**2 + (centroids[i][1]-point[1])**2)
        if dist < nearest_dist:  # smallest distance thus far
            nearest_idx = i
            nearest_dist = dist
    return nearest_idx

def kmeans(data, k):
    performs k-means clustering for two-dimensional data.
    data - A numpy array of shape N, 2
    k - The number of clusters.
    a dictionary with three elements
        - ['centroids']: a list of the final centroid positions.
        - ['members']: a list [one per centroid] of the points assigned to
          that centroid at the conclusion of clustering.
        - ['paths']: a list [one per centroid] of lists [one per iteration]
          containing the points occupied by each centroid.
    # http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.10.0/reference/generated/numpy.ndarray.shape.html#numpy.ndarray.shape
    # .shape returns the size of the input numpy array in each dimension
    # if there are not 2 dimensions, we can't handle it here.
    if data.shape[1] != 2:
        return 'This implementation only supports two dimensional data.'
    if data.shape[0] < k:
        return 'This implementation requires at least as many points as clusters.'
    # pick random points as initial centroids
    centroids = []
    for x in random.sample(data, k):
        # note the use of tuples here
    paths = []
    for i in range(k):
    # we'll store all previous states
    # so if we ever hit the same point again we know to stop
    previous_states = set()
    # continue until we repeat the same centroid positions
    assignments = None
    while not tuple(centroids) in previous_states:
        assignments = []
        for point in data:
            assignments.append(assign_nearest(centroids, point))
        centroids_sum = [] # Make a list for each centroid to store position sum
        centroids_n = [] # Make a list for each centroid to store counts
        for i in range(k):
        for i in range(len(assignments)):
            centroid = assignments[i]
            centroids_n[centroid] += 1  # found a new member of this centroid
            # add the point
            centroids_sum[centroid] = (centroids_sum[centroid][0] + data[i][0],
                                       centroids_sum[centroid][1] + data[i][1])
        for i in range(k):
            new_centroid = (centroids_sum[i][0]/centroids_n[i], centroids_sum[i][1]/centroids_n[i])
            centroids[i] = new_centroid
    r_dict = {}
    r_dict['centroids'] = centroids
    r_dict['paths'] = paths
    r_dict['members'] = assignments
    return r_dict

In [ ]:
This cell is full of plotting code. It uses something called matplotlib
to show kmeans clustering. Specifically it shows the path centroids took,
where they ended up, and which points were assigned to them. Feel free
to take a look at this, but understanding it goes beyond the scope of the
def plot_km(km, points):
    Plots the results of a kmeans run.
    km - a kmeans result object that contains centroids, paths, and members
    a matplotlib figure object
    (xmin, ymin) = np.amin(points, axis=0)
    (xmax, ymax) = np.amax(points, axis=0)

    plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'k.', markersize=2)
    for path in km['paths']:
        nppath = np.asarray(path)
        plt.plot(nppath[:, 0], nppath[:, 1])

    # Plot the calculated centroids as a red X
    centroids = np.asarray(km['centroids'])
    plt.scatter(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1],
                marker='x', s=169, linewidths=3,
                color='r', zorder=10)

    plt.title('K-means clustering of simulated data.\n'
              'estimated (red), path (lines)')
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)

In [ ]:
pop = np.loadtxt('kmeans-population.csv', delimiter=',')

In [ ]:
km_result = kmeans(pop, 3)

In [ ]:
plot_km(km_result, pop)

Run the k-means code enough times that you observe times where the centroids end up in the three groups of points and times where the clustering method fails to find the centers of the three groups. Save an image from one of each (success as 'success.png' and failure as 'failure.png'). Upload both of these images to this folder (4 pts). Then answer the questions below:

Q1: What conditions cause k-means to fail to find the appropriate centers? Think about perhaps how the data are laid out and where the centroids start when things fail. (3 pts)

Q2: How might you diagnose situations where this has occurred automatically? You don't need to write the code to do this - just provide a conceptual outline for a strategy that you might employ. Think a bit about the distances between data points and their corresponding centroids in the cases where things work and the cases where things failed. (3 pts)