Copy code from the in-class assignment Gene Expr. II, from: Q1. These are the steps that correspond to: (i) loading R libraries, (ii) loading the file that maps phenotype to cel files (i.e., the .csv file), (iii) storing the list of cel files available, (iv) reading the cel files.
Copy code from the in-class assignment Gene Expr. II, from: Q2 and Q3. These steps correspond to (i) the normalization step, and (ii) creating a box-plot of the normalized array data.
Copy code from the in-class assignment Gene Expr. II, from: Q4 and Q5. These steps correspond to (i) the group/design analysis matrices, (ii) the analysis, (iii) the empirical Bayes correction, (iv) the top table construction, and (v) print the top five results to screen.
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obtain the following annotations from ensembl stored in a new variable called "annot" for your list of affy probe ids:
probeids (for the array technology used for this experiment, affy_mouse430_2)
start position
end position
mgi gene symbol (mouse)
entrez gene id
print out to screen for the first 5 entries in your table: probeid, chr, start, end, mgi, and description
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The top 20 differentially expressed probes map to the genes: Mbl2, Mafb, Rgs1, Ubd, Pglyrp2, Il7r, Gpnmb, Lpl, Lilra6, and Gm15922.
Create a new variable called "uniqgenelist_filt" that excludes entries that are "NA" or are empty (i.e., "").
Hint #2: length(), unique(), and functions may be useful to you.
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