- This notebook utilizes the python modules aiogremlin and asyncio.
- The GremlinClient class of aiogremlin communicates asynchronously with the gremlin server using websockets via asyncio coroutines.
- This implementation allows you to submit additional requests to the server before any responses are recieved, which is much faster than synchronous request / response cycles.
- For more information about these modules, please visit:
- aiogremlin: http://aiogremlin.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
- asyncio: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/asyncio
In [1]:
import asyncio
import aiogremlin
In [2]:
# Create event loop and initialize gremlin client
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client = aiogremlin.GremlinClient(url='ws://localhost:8182/', loop=loop) # Default url
In [3]:
def add_vertex_routine(name, label):
yield from client.execute("graph.addVertex(label, l, 'name', n)", bindings={"l":label, "n":name})
def add_vertex(name, label):
loop.run_until_complete(add_vertex_routine(name, label))
def add_relationship_routine(who, relationship, whom):
yield from client.execute("g.V().has('name', p1).next().addEdge(r, g.V().has('name', p2).next())", bindings={"p1":who, "p2":whom, "r":relationship})
def add_relationship(who, relationship, whom):
loop.run_until_complete(add_relationship_routine(who, relationship, whom))
def remove_all_vertices_routine():
resp = yield from client.submit("g.V()")
results = []
while True:
msg = yield from resp.stream.read();
if msg is None:
if msg.data is None:
for vertex in msg.data:
yield from client.submit("g.V(" + str(vertex['id']) + ").next().remove()")
def remove_all_vertices():
results = loop.run_until_complete(remove_all_vertices_routine())
def remove_vertex_routine(name):
return client.execute("g.V().has('name', n).next().remove()", bindings={"n":name})
def remove_vertex(name):
return loop.run_until_complete(remove_vertex_routine(name));
In [4]:
def get_node_list_routine():
resp = yield from client.submit("g.V().as('node')\
.select('name', 'type')")
results = [];
while True:
msg = yield from resp.stream.read();
if msg is None:
if msg.data is None:
return results
def get_node_list():
results = loop.run_until_complete(get_node_list_routine())
return results
def get_edge_list_routine():
resp = yield from client.submit("g.E().as('edge')\
.select('source', 'relationship', 'dest')")
results = [];
while True:
msg = yield from resp.stream.read();
if msg is None:
if msg.data is None:
return results
def get_edge_list():
results = loop.run_until_complete(get_edge_list_routine())
return results
In [5]:
In [6]:
add_vertex("Paden", "Person")
add_vertex("Thibaud", "Person")
add_vertex("Leo", "Person")
add_vertex("Matt", "Person")
add_vertex("Brian", "Person")
add_vertex("Quinn", "Person")
add_vertex("Paul", "Person")
add_vertex("Lee", "Person")
add_vertex("San Francisco", "Place")
add_vertex("Oakland", "Place")
add_vertex("Berkeley", "Place")
add_vertex("Turkey", "Thing")
add_vertex("Rocks", "Thing")
add_vertex("Motorcycles", "Thing")
add_relationship("Paden", "lives in", "Oakland")
add_relationship("Quinn", "lives in", "Oakland")
add_relationship("Thibaud", "lives in", "Berkeley")
add_relationship("Matt", "lives in", "Berkeley")
add_relationship("Leo", "lives in", "San Francisco")
add_relationship("Paul", "lives in", "San Francisco")
add_relationship("Brian", "lives in", "Oakland")
add_relationship("Paden", "eats", "Turkey")
add_relationship("Quinn", "cooks", "Turkey")
add_relationship("Thibaud", "climbs", "Rocks")
add_relationship("Matt", "climbs", "Rocks")
add_relationship("Brian", "rides", "Motorcycles")
add_vertex("Graphistry", "Work")
add_relationship("Paden", "works at", "Graphistry")
add_relationship("Thibaud", "works at", "Graphistry")
add_relationship("Matt", "co-founded", "Graphistry")
add_relationship("Leo", "co-founded", "Graphistry")
add_relationship("Paul", "works at", "Graphistry")
add_relationship("Quinn", "works at", "Graphistry")
add_relationship("Brian", "works at", "Graphistry")
In [7]:
import pandas
In [8]:
nodes = pandas.DataFrame(get_node_list())
edges = pandas.DataFrame(get_edge_list())
In [9]:
# Assign different color to each type in a round robin fashion.
# For more information and coloring options please visit: https://graphistry.github.io/docs/legacy/api/0.9.2/api.html
unique_types = list(nodes['type'].unique())
nodes['color'] = nodes['type'].apply(lambda x: unique_types.index(x) % 11)
In [10]:
In [11]:
In [12]:
import graphistry
#graphistry.register(key='YOUR API KEY', server='labs.graphistry.como') #https://www.graphistry.com/api-request
g = graphistry.bind(source="source", destination="dest", node='name', point_color='color', edge_title='relationship')
g.plot(edges, nodes)
In [ ]: