Silk Road Bitcoin Embezzling Visualization

In [1]:
import graphistry
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#graphistry.register(key='MY_API_KEY', server='') #

Data: Load transactions CSV with Pandas

In [2]:
transactions = pd.read_csv('../../data/transactions.csv')
transactions['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(transactions['Date'],unit='ms') #coerce date format
print('# transactions', len(transactions))

('# transactions', 45117)
Amount $ Date Destination Source Transaction ID isTainted
0 3223.9752 2013-11-23 20:53:20 84a0b53e1ac008b8dd0fd6212d4b7fa2... 2dd13954e18508bb8b3a41d96a022be9... b6eb8ba20df31fa74fbe7755f58c18f82a599d6bb5fa79... 0
1 3708.0216 2014-05-31 01:33:20 3b62a891b99969042d4e6ac8158d0a18... 7c74d3afb41e536e26948a1d2455a7c7... 60df3c67063e136a0c9715edcd12ae717e6f9ed492afe2... 0
2 2.4800 2014-04-27 00:53:20 3b62a891b99969042d4e6ac8158d0a18... 50dced19b8ee41114916bf3ca894f455... a6aafd3d85600844536b8a5f2c255686c33dc4969e68a4... 0

Visualization 1: Quick Visualization & Analysis

Task: Spot the embezzling

  1. Use the histogram tool to filter for only tainted transactions
  2. Turn on the Setting "Prune Isolated Nodes" to hide wallets with no remaining transactions
  3. Use the filters or excludes tool to only show transactions over 1000 or 1000.
  4. Verify that money flowed from Ross Ulbricht to Carl Force, and explore where else it flowed.

In [23]:
g = graphistry.edges(transactions).bind(source='Source', destination='Destination')

In [24]:


Visualization 2: Summarizing Wallets

Compute how much wallets received

In [25]:
wallet_in = transactions\
  .agg({'isTainted': lambda x: 1 if x.sum() > 0 else 0, 'Amount $': np.sum})\
  .reset_index().rename(columns={'Destination': 'wallet', 'isTainted': 'isTaintedWallet'})

#not all wallets received money, tag these
wallet_in['Receivables'] = True


wallet Amount $ isTaintedWallet Receivables
0 0002b3efbc3e742ee4cfaad18d8cf221... 41118.416840 0 True
1 0005e0fbac078e609bbc3239d3302ff7... 5577.768000 1 True
2 000b3df00e3ff9b7705452071c9e4e87... 11161.133824 0 True

Compute how much wallets sent

In [26]:
wallet_out = transactions\
  .agg({'isTainted': np.sum, 'Amount $': np.max})\
  .reset_index().rename(columns={'Source': 'wallet', 'isTainted': 'isTaintedWallet'})

#not all wallets received money, tag these
wallet_out['Payables'] = True


wallet Amount $ isTaintedWallet Payables
0 0005e0fbac078e609bbc3239d3302ff7... 6197.520000 0 True
1 000b3df00e3ff9b7705452071c9e4e87... 857.923098 0 True
2 0012742095ed1c2ceb334b2a5403da7d... 3472.000000 0 True

Join data

In [27]:
wallets = pd.merge(wallet_in, wallet_out, how='outer')
wallets['Receivables'] = wallets['Receivables'].fillna(False)
wallets['Payables'] = wallets['Payables'].fillna(False)
print('# Wallets only sent or only received', len(wallet_in) + len(wallet_out) - len(wallets))

('# Wallets only sent or only received', 875)
wallet Amount $ isTaintedWallet Receivables Payables
0 0002b3efbc3e742ee4cfaad18d8cf221... 41118.416840 0 True False
1 0005e0fbac078e609bbc3239d3302ff7... 5577.768000 1 True False
2 000b3df00e3ff9b7705452071c9e4e87... 11161.133824 0 True False


Bind color to whether tainted

In [28]:
g.nodes(wallets).bind(node='wallet', point_color='isTaintedWallet').plot()


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