In this post, I will walk you through on how to value callable bonds in QuantLib Python. The approach to construct a callable bond is lot similar to creating a fixed rate bond in QuantLib. The one additional input that we need to provide here is the details on the callable schedule. If you follow the fixed rate bond example already, this should be fairly straight forward.
As always, we will start with some initializations and imports.
In [1]:
import QuantLib as ql
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
calc_date = ql.Date(16,8,2016)
ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = calc_date
For simplicity, I am going to assume that the interest rate term structure is a flat yield curve at 3.5%.
In [2]:
day_count = ql.ActualActual(ql.ActualActual.Bond)
rate = 0.035
ts = ql.FlatForward(calc_date,
ts_handle = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(ts)
The call and put schedules for the callable bond is created as shown below. I create a container for holding all the call and put dates using the CallabilitySchedule
class. You can add each call using Callability
class and noting as Callability.Call
or Callability.Put
for either a call or put.
In [3]:
callability_schedule = ql.CallabilitySchedule()
call_price = 100.0
call_date = ql.Date(15,ql.September,2016);
null_calendar = ql.NullCalendar();
for i in range(0,24):
callability_price = ql.CallabilityPrice(
call_price, ql.CallabilityPrice.Clean)
call_date = null_calendar.advance(call_date, 3, ql.Months);
What follows next is very similar to the Schedule
that we created in the vanilla fixed rate bond valuation.
In [4]:
issue_date = ql.Date(16,ql.September,2014)
maturity_date = ql.Date(15,ql.September,2022)
calendar = ql.UnitedStates(ql.UnitedStates.GovernmentBond)
tenor = ql.Period(ql.Quarterly)
accrual_convention = ql.Unadjusted
schedule = ql.Schedule(issue_date, maturity_date, tenor,
calendar, accrual_convention, accrual_convention,
ql.DateGeneration.Backward, False)
The callable bond is instantiated using the CallableFixedRateBond
class, which accepts the bond inputs and the call / put schedule.
In [5]:
settlement_days = 3
face_amount = 100
accrual_daycount = ql.ActualActual(ql.ActualActual.Bond)
coupon = 0.025
bond = ql.CallableFixedRateBond(
settlement_days, face_amount,
schedule, [coupon], accrual_daycount,
ql.Following, face_amount, issue_date,
In order to value the bond, we need an interest rate model to model the fact that the bond will get called or not in the future depending on where the future interest rates are at. The TreeCallableFixedRateBondEngine
can be used to value the callable bond. Below, the value_bond
function prices the callable bond based on the Hull-White model parameter for mean reversion and volatility.
In [6]:
def value_bond(a, s, grid_points, bond):
model = ql.HullWhite(ts_handle, a, s)
engine = ql.TreeCallableFixedRateBondEngine(model, grid_points)
return bond
The callable bond value for a 3% mean reversion and 12% volatility is shown below.
In [7]:
value_bond(0.03, 0.12, 40, bond)
print "Bond price: ",bond.cleanPrice()
The price sensitivity of callable bonds to that of volatility parameter is shown below. As volatility increases, there is a higher chance of it being callable. Hence the value of the bond decreases.
In [8]:
sigmas = np.arange(0.001, 0.15, 0.001)
prices = [value_bond(0.03, s, 40, bond).cleanPrice()
for s in sigmas]
In [9]:
plt.plot(sigmas, prices)
The static cashflows can be accessed using the cashflows
In [10]:
for c in bond.cashflows():
print, " ", c.amount()