Look at metric data based on Stackdriver groups

In this tutorial, we see how to look at the group structure in a project, and how to use groups to filter and aggregate metric data. For this tutorial to execute completely, you need to have:

Note: It is recommended that you look at the Getting Started notebook first to familiarize yourself with the Query class and how pandas dataframes are used to represent time series data.

Load the monitoring module and set the default project

If there is no default project set already, you must do so using 'set_datalab_project_id'. Note, the project you set here must be the hosting project for a Stackdriver account, otherwise you will see the following error while loading the groups in the next cell:

`BadRequest: 400 The project 'my-project-id' is not a Stackdriver account project.`

In [1]:
# set_datalab_project_id('my-project-id')

List the Stackdriver groups

Load the Stackdriver groups in the default project, and get the dataframe containing all the information.

In [2]:
from google.datalab.stackdriver import monitoring as gcm

groups_dataframe = gcm.Groups().as_dataframe()

# Sort the dataframe by the group name, and reset the index.
groups_dataframe = groups_dataframe.sort_values(by='Group name').reset_index(drop=True)

Group ID Group name Parent ID Parent name Is cluster Filter
0 7072831048890135019 Aggregator None True resource.metadata.tag:"aggregator"
1 1200903745563401942 Alerting API None True resource.metadata.tag:"alertingapi"
2 6194133574331278967 Alerting Indexer None True resource.metadata.tag:"alerting-indexer"
3 1422901262723901359 Alerting Indexers 2622839688169354307 Gateway Cell False resource.metadata.tag:"alerting-indexer"
4 93201 Alerting-Cluster None False resource.metadata.tag."attached_to_cassandra_c...

Extract the first group

Now we initialize first_group_id from the list of Stackdriver groups. Please note:

  • If you don't have any groups so far, please create one via the Stackdriver dashboard.
  • Further, if the first group does not contain any GCE instances, please explicitly set first_group_id to the ID of a group that does have an instance.

In [3]:
import sys

if groups_dataframe.empty:
  sys.stderr.write('This project has no Stackdriver groups. The remaining notebook '
                   'will raise errors!')
  first_group_id = groups_dataframe['Group ID'][0]
  print('First group ID: %s' % first_group_id)

First group ID: 7072831048890135019

Load the CPU metric data for the instances a given group

Load the CPU Utilization for last 2 hours for the group with the ID first_group_id. The time series is further aggregated as follows:

  • The data is aligned to 5 minute intervals using the 'ALIGN_MEAN' method.
  • The data per zone and instance_name pair is combined or reduced into a single time series. This is useful to combine the time series of instances that might be restarted / redeployed continuously.

In [4]:
# Initialize the query for the CPU Utilization metric over the last 2 hours.
query_group = gcm.Query('compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization', hours=2)

# Filter the instances to the members of the first group.
query_group = query_group.select_group(first_group_id)

# Aggregate the time series.
query_group = query_group.align(gcm.Aligner.ALIGN_MEAN, minutes=5)
query_group = query_group.reduce(gcm.Reducer.REDUCE_MEAN, 'resource.zone', 'metric.instance_name')

# Create a dataframe with zone and instance name in the headers.
cpu_group_dataframe = query_group.as_dataframe(labels=['zone', 'instance_name'])

zone us-central1-a us-central1-b us-central1-c us-central1-f
instance_name aggregator-20 aggregator-21 aggregator-23 aggregator-11 aggregator-14 aggregator-17 aggregator-4 aggregator-8 aggregator-19 aggregator-22 aggregator-1 aggregator-12 aggregator-15 aggregator-18 aggregator-2 aggregator-9
2016-09-30 15:13:00 0.135458 0.101893 0.104206 0.118040 0.141747 0.175101 0.137868 0.175497 0.108193 0.141040 0.178988 0.120532 0.118997 0.147518 0.139033 0.132069
2016-09-30 15:18:00 0.145385 0.386324 0.192046 0.301170 0.186965 0.131623 0.139400 0.175684 0.128571 0.354794 0.174412 0.152978 0.180334 0.186613 0.148138 0.146208
2016-09-30 15:23:00 0.091374 0.071293 0.099174 0.089694 0.112816 0.108992 0.165491 0.155889 0.082850 0.107264 0.112423 0.128556 0.078999 0.112612 0.113608 0.081545
2016-09-30 15:28:00 0.069921 0.070801 0.125611 0.115641 0.107488 0.089655 0.097299 0.091715 0.079266 0.106138 0.092517 0.082710 0.089708 0.106778 0.102915 0.099088
2016-09-30 15:33:00 0.146956 0.203307 0.133793 0.125167 0.220768 0.122868 0.147520 0.160335 0.128537 0.164543 0.211647 0.178172 0.159379 0.182900 0.135458 0.112765

Plot the the mean of the CPU Utilization per zone

In [5]:
cpu_group_dataframe_per_zone = cpu_group_dataframe.groupby(level=0, axis=1).mean()
_ = cpu_group_dataframe_per_zone.plot().legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.8))

Plot the CPU Utilization of instances

Now, we plot the chart at the instance level. However, instances in each zone are displayed in a separate chart.

In [6]:
# Find all unique zones and sort them.
all_zones = sorted(set(cpu_group_dataframe.columns.get_level_values('zone')))

# Find the global min and max so we can set the same range for all y-axes.
min_cpu = cpu_group_dataframe.min().min()
max_cpu = cpu_group_dataframe.max().max()

for zone in all_zones:
  zone_plot = cpu_group_dataframe[zone].plot(title=zone, ylim=(min_cpu, max_cpu))
  zone_plot.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.8))