This notebook describes and demonstrates various methods of applying CCA to convolutional layers.
In [9]:
import os, sys
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import time
import numpy as np
import pickle
import pandas
import gzip
import cca_core
In [3]:
def _plot_helper(arr, xlabel, ylabel):
plt.plot(arr, lw=2.0)
In the introduction tutorial, we looked at a simple way of thinking of neural network representations (neurons as activation vectors and layers as subspaces) and the applicability of CCA as way to analyze these representations.
Convolutional layers have a different structure, and require a slightly different application of CCA. In the original paper, we had proposed using a Discrete Fourier Transform to speed up computations for convolutional layers.
Since then, we've identified methods that are even simpler to use when applying CCA to Convolutional layers. We'll work through some of these methods using a CNN for SVHN.
First, a quick recap on convolutional layers.
(Picture Source: an excellent tutorial on conv nets.)
As shown above, conv nets have a 3D structure, (height, width, num_channels). The height, width are sometimes called the spatial dimensions of the layer. Parameters are shared across the spatial dimensions, so the degrees of freedom of the conv layer come from the number of channels it has.
As a result, we'll want to compare the the similarity of two conv layers by comparing across channels.
SVHN consists of images that are 32 x 32 (height 32, width 32). Our architecture looks like:
conv1(3x3,32 channels)-->maxpool(2x2)-->conv2(3x3,64 channels)-->maxpool(2x2)-->batchnorm-->fc(200)-->fc(10)
We've stored activations over 1000 test datapoints for two models. Let's load them up!
In [4]:
# Load up conv 2 activations from SVHN
with"./model_activations/SVHN/model_0_lay03.p", "rb") as f:
acts1 = pickle.load(f)
with"./model_activations/SVHN/model_1_lay03.p", "rb") as f:
acts2 = pickle.load(f)
print(acts1.shape, acts2.shape)
These activations have shape: (num datapoints, height, width, num channels). The spatial dimensions (height, width) share parameters, and so to compare two conv layers, we want to be able to compare the representations learned in their channels.
There are a few ways of doing this, depending on the shapes of the layers being compared.
If the two conv layers being compared have the same spatial dimensions, we can flatten the spatial dimensions into the number of datapoints:
In [5]:
num_datapoints, h, w, channels = acts1.shape
f_acts1 = acts1.reshape((num_datapoints*h*w, channels))
num_datapoints, h, w, channels = acts2.shape
f_acts2 = acts2.reshape((num_datapoints*h*w, channels))
print(f_acts1.shape, f_acts2.shape)
The motivation for doing this is that each spatial location (i, j) in a channel sees a different image patch, and so is like an additional datapoint.
Now we can apply CCA across the channels (remembering to transpose the flattened activations)
In [13]:
start = time.time()
f_results = cca_core.get_cca_similarity(f_acts1.T, f_acts2.T, epsilon=1e-10, verbose=False)
print('Time: {:.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start))
_plot_helper(f_results["cca_coef1"], "CCA Coef idx", "CCA coef value")
We can also do this after subsampling some of the datapoints to reduce computation overheads. The results are very stable to this as the number of channels we have (64) is significantly smaller than the number of datapoints: 1000 x 16 x16. We can also see that this substantially reduces the computation time.
In [14]:
start = time.time()
f_results = cca_core.get_cca_similarity(f_acts1.T[:,::2], f_acts2.T[:,::2], epsilon=1e-10, verbose=False)
print('Time: {:.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start))
_plot_helper(f_results["cca_coef1"], "CCA Coef idx", "CCA coef value")
Suppose our two conv layers have different spatial dimensions:
In [15]:
with"./model_activations/SVHN/model_1_lay04.p", "rb") as f:
pool2 = pickle.load(f)
print("shape of first conv", acts1.shape, "shape of second conv", pool2.shape)
Here we want to compare conv2 in model 0 with the maxpool activations in model 1. We can't just turn the spatial dimensions into datapoints like before, because then the number of datapoints will be different for each layer. Remember, CCA can make comparisons across different numbers of neurons (in our case different numbers of channels) but the data dimension has to be the same.
There are a couple of other simple things we can do though.
The simplest thing one can do (can also be used when conv layers have the same spatial dimensions) is to perform an average pool over spatial dimensions. This can often work relatively well:
In [16]:
avg_acts1 = np.mean(acts1, axis=(1,2))
avg_pool2 = np.mean(pool2, axis=(1,2))
print("shapes after average pool over spatial dimensions", avg_acts1.shape, avg_pool2.shape)
a_results = cca_core.get_cca_similarity(avg_acts1.T, avg_pool2.T, epsilon=1e-10, verbose=False)
_plot_helper(a_results["cca_coef1"], "CCA Coef idx", "CCA coef value")
Another thing one can do is to interpolate the spatial dimensions of the smaller sized conv layer so that they match the large layer. There are many ways to do this, and the interpolate
library in scipy
provides access to many different methods.
In [17]:
from scipy import interpolate
num_d, h, w, _ = acts1.shape
num_c = pool2.shape[-1]
pool2_interp = np.zeros((num_d, h, w, num_c))
for d in range(num_d):
for c in range(num_c):
# form interpolation function
idxs1 = np.linspace(0, pool2.shape[1],
idxs2 = np.linspace(0, pool2.shape[2],
arr = pool2[d,:,:,c]
f_interp = interpolate.interp2d(idxs1, idxs2, arr)
# creater larger arr
large_idxs1 = np.linspace(0, pool2.shape[1],
large_idxs2 = np.linspace(0, pool2.shape[2],
pool2_interp[d, :, :, c] = f_interp(large_idxs1, large_idxs2)
print("new shape", pool2_interp.shape)
For this example, we just used the default interpolation (linear) in the interp2d
function. There are many different interpolations possible that would be interesting to explore.
Now that our two layers have the same spatial shape, we can proceed as we did before
In [19]:
num_datapoints, h, w, channels = acts1.shape
f_acts1 = acts1.reshape((num_datapoints*h*w, channels))
num_datapoints, h, w, channels = pool2_interp.shape
f_pool2 = pool2_interp.reshape((num_datapoints*h*w, channels))
f_results = cca_core.get_cca_similarity(f_acts1.T[:,::5], f_pool2.T[:,::5], epsilon=1e-10, verbose=False)
_plot_helper(f_results["cca_coef1"], "CCA Coef idx", "CCA coef value")
In this tutorial, we learned about how to apply CCA to compare convolutional layers to each other. The main point is that for conv layers, we'd like to do comparisons across channels. There are a few options: