Approximating the Hessian for large neural networks.

This notebook describes how to use the spectral-density package with Tensorflow2. The main entry point of this package is the lanczos_algorithm.approximate_hessian function, compatible with Keras models. This function takes the following arguments:

  • model: The Keras model for which we want to compute the Hessian.
  • dataset: Dataset on which the model is trained. Can be a Tensorflow dataset, or more generally any iterator yielding tuples of data (X, y). If a Tensorflow dataset is used, it should be batched beforehand.
  • order: Rank of the approximation of the Hessian. The higher the better the approximation. See paper for more details.
  • reduce_op: Whether the loss function averages or sums the per sample loss. The default value is MEAN and should be compatible with most Keras losses, provided you didn't specify another reduction when instantiating it.
  • random_seed: Seed to use to sample the first vector in the Lanczos algorithm.

Example 1: Full rank estimation for linear model.

We start with a simplistic usecase: we wish to train the following model:

$$ \mbox{arg}\max_\beta \sum_i (y_i - \beta^Tx_i)^2$$

As this optimization problem is quadratic, the Hessian of the loss is independent of $\beta$ and is equal to $2X^TX$. Let's verify this using lanczos_algorithm.approximate_hessian, and setting the order of the approximation to the number of features, thus recovering the exact Hessian.

We first generate some random inputs and outputs:

In [0]:
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

import lanczos_algorithm

In [0]:
num_samples = 50
num_features = 16
X = tf.random.normal([num_samples, num_features])
y = tf.random.normal([num_samples])

We then define a linear model using the Keras API:

In [0]:
linear_model = tf.keras.Sequential(
     tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, use_bias=False)])

Finally, we define a loss function that takes as input the model and a batch of examples, and return a scalar loss. Here, we simply compute the mean squared error between the predictions of the model and the desired output.

In [0]:
def loss_fn(model, inputs):
  x, y = inputs
  preds = linear_model(x)
  return tf.keras.losses.mse(y, preds)

Fnally, we call approximate_hessian, setting order to the number of parameters to compute the exact Hessian. This function returns two tensors $(V, T)$ of shapes (num_parameters, order) and (order, order), such that : $$ H \approx V T V^T $$ with an equality if order = num_parameters.

In [6]:
V, T = lanczos_algorithm.approximate_hessian(

Iteration 0/16 done in 1.85s (MVP: 1.85s).
Iteration 1/16 done in 0.08s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 2/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 3/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 4/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 5/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 6/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 7/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 8/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 9/16 done in 0.08s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 10/16 done in 0.08s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 11/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.06s).
Iteration 12/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 13/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 14/16 done in 0.08s (MVP: 0.07s).
Iteration 15/16 done in 0.07s (MVP: 0.07s).

We can check that the reconstructed Hessian is indeed equal to $2X^TX$:

In [7]:
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5))
H = tf.matmul(V, tf.matmul(T, V, transpose_b=True))
plt.title("Hessian as estimated by Lanczos")
sns.heatmap(2 * tf.matmul(X, X, transpose_a=True))

Example 2: Convnet on Cifar10

We first define a VGG16-like model (15.2M parameters) that we train a bit on Cifar10:

In [57]:
def preprocess_images(tfrecord):
  image, label = tfrecord['image'], tfrecord['label']
  image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / 255.0
  return image, label

cifar_dataset_train = tfds.load("cifar10", split="train").map(preprocess_images).cache()
cifar_dataset_test = tfds.load("cifar10", split="test").map(preprocess_images).cache()

model = tf.keras.Sequential([
  tf.keras.Input([32, 32, 3]),
  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=3, activation='relu'),
  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=3, activation='relu'),
  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=128, kernel_size=3, activation='relu'),
  tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=128, kernel_size=3, activation='relu'),
  tf.keras.layers.Dense(1024, activation='relu'),



_ =,

Model: "sequential_23"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
conv2d_31 (Conv2D)           (None, 30, 30, 64)        1792      
conv2d_32 (Conv2D)           (None, 28, 28, 64)        36928     
max_pooling2d_16 (MaxPooling (None, 14, 14, 64)        0         
conv2d_33 (Conv2D)           (None, 12, 12, 128)       73856     
conv2d_34 (Conv2D)           (None, 10, 10, 128)       147584    
max_pooling2d_17 (MaxPooling (None, 5, 5, 128)         0         
flatten_4 (Flatten)          (None, 3200)              0         
dense_37 (Dense)             (None, 1024)              3277824   
dense_38 (Dense)             (None, 10)                10250     
Total params: 3,548,234
Trainable params: 3,548,234
Non-trainable params: 0
Epoch 1/5
1563/1563 [==============================] - 9s 6ms/step - loss: 1.3764 - accuracy: 0.4998 - val_loss: 1.0746 - val_accuracy: 0.6177
Epoch 2/5
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 4ms/step - loss: 0.9059 - accuracy: 0.6833 - val_loss: 0.8607 - val_accuracy: 0.7103
Epoch 3/5
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 4ms/step - loss: 0.6986 - accuracy: 0.7546 - val_loss: 0.8410 - val_accuracy: 0.7226
Epoch 4/5
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 4ms/step - loss: 0.5355 - accuracy: 0.8101 - val_loss: 0.9354 - val_accuracy: 0.7227
Epoch 5/5
1563/1563 [==============================] - 7s 4ms/step - loss: 0.4030 - accuracy: 0.8575 - val_loss: 1.0839 - val_accuracy: 0.7120

Our loss function is a bit different from the previous one, as we now use cross-entropy to train our model. Don't forget to set training=False to deactivate dropouts and similar mechanisms.

Computing an estimation of the Hessian will take a bit of time. A good rule of thumb is that the algorithm will take $T = order \times 2 T_{epoch}$ units of time, where $T_{epoch}$ stands for the time needed to perform one training epoch.

In [67]:
SCCE = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)

def loss_fn(model, inputs):
  x, y = inputs
  preds = model(x, training=False)
  return SCCE(y, preds)

V, T = lanczos_algorithm.approximate_hessian(

Iteration 0/90 done in 8.42s (MVP: 8.42s).
Iteration 1/90 done in 8.25s (MVP: 8.23s).
Iteration 2/90 done in 8.28s (MVP: 8.26s).
Iteration 3/90 done in 8.29s (MVP: 8.26s).
Iteration 4/90 done in 8.27s (MVP: 8.23s).
Iteration 5/90 done in 8.29s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 6/90 done in 8.31s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 7/90 done in 8.41s (MVP: 8.34s).
Iteration 8/90 done in 8.37s (MVP: 8.28s).
Iteration 9/90 done in 8.34s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 10/90 done in 8.32s (MVP: 8.21s).
Iteration 11/90 done in 8.35s (MVP: 8.23s).
Iteration 12/90 done in 8.40s (MVP: 8.27s).
Iteration 13/90 done in 8.39s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 14/90 done in 8.41s (MVP: 8.26s).
Iteration 15/90 done in 8.42s (MVP: 8.25s).
Iteration 16/90 done in 8.50s (MVP: 8.33s).
Iteration 17/90 done in 8.41s (MVP: 8.22s).
Iteration 18/90 done in 8.40s (MVP: 8.21s).
Iteration 19/90 done in 8.44s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 20/90 done in 8.46s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 21/90 done in 8.49s (MVP: 8.26s).
Iteration 22/90 done in 8.48s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 23/90 done in 8.52s (MVP: 8.27s).
Iteration 24/90 done in 8.58s (MVP: 8.32s).
Iteration 25/90 done in 8.55s (MVP: 8.27s).
Iteration 26/90 done in 8.52s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 27/90 done in 8.50s (MVP: 8.21s).
Iteration 28/90 done in 8.55s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 29/90 done in 8.56s (MVP: 8.25s).
Iteration 30/90 done in 8.66s (MVP: 8.33s).
Iteration 31/90 done in 8.60s (MVP: 8.26s).
Iteration 32/90 done in 8.55s (MVP: 8.20s).
Iteration 33/90 done in 8.62s (MVP: 8.26s).
Iteration 34/90 done in 8.61s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 35/90 done in 8.56s (MVP: 8.18s).
Iteration 36/90 done in 8.56s (MVP: 8.17s).
Iteration 37/90 done in 8.60s (MVP: 8.19s).
Iteration 38/90 done in 8.59s (MVP: 8.18s).
Iteration 39/90 done in 8.61s (MVP: 8.18s).
Iteration 40/90 done in 8.59s (MVP: 8.16s).
Iteration 41/90 done in 8.61s (MVP: 8.16s).
Iteration 42/90 done in 8.62s (MVP: 8.16s).
Iteration 43/90 done in 8.63s (MVP: 8.16s).
Iteration 44/90 done in 8.62s (MVP: 8.15s).
Iteration 45/90 done in 8.82s (MVP: 8.34s).
Iteration 46/90 done in 8.77s (MVP: 8.27s).
Iteration 47/90 done in 8.71s (MVP: 8.20s).
Iteration 48/90 done in 8.75s (MVP: 8.23s).
Iteration 49/90 done in 8.82s (MVP: 8.29s).
Iteration 50/90 done in 8.76s (MVP: 8.21s).
Iteration 51/90 done in 8.75s (MVP: 8.20s).
Iteration 52/90 done in 8.73s (MVP: 8.17s).
Iteration 53/90 done in 8.89s (MVP: 8.32s).
Iteration 54/90 done in 9.03s (MVP: 8.45s).
Iteration 55/90 done in 8.96s (MVP: 8.36s).
Iteration 56/90 done in 8.89s (MVP: 8.29s).
Iteration 57/90 done in 8.80s (MVP: 8.18s).
Iteration 58/90 done in 8.87s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 59/90 done in 8.87s (MVP: 8.23s).
Iteration 60/90 done in 8.82s (MVP: 8.17s).
Iteration 61/90 done in 8.90s (MVP: 8.24s).
Iteration 62/90 done in 8.89s (MVP: 8.22s).
Iteration 63/90 done in 8.85s (MVP: 8.17s).
Iteration 64/90 done in 8.88s (MVP: 8.19s).
Iteration 65/90 done in 8.92s (MVP: 8.22s).
Iteration 66/90 done in 8.93s (MVP: 8.22s).
Iteration 67/90 done in 8.91s (MVP: 8.19s).
Iteration 68/90 done in 8.93s (MVP: 8.20s).
Iteration 69/90 done in 8.97s (MVP: 8.22s).
Iteration 70/90 done in 9.98s (MVP: 9.23s).
Iteration 71/90 done in 8.97s (MVP: 8.21s).
Iteration 72/90 done in 8.98s (MVP: 8.20s).
Iteration 73/90 done in 8.98s (MVP: 8.20s).
Iteration 74/90 done in 9.10s (MVP: 8.30s).
Iteration 75/90 done in 9.06s (MVP: 8.25s).
Iteration 76/90 done in 9.24s (MVP: 8.42s).
Iteration 77/90 done in 9.06s (MVP: 8.23s).
Iteration 78/90 done in 9.08s (MVP: 8.23s).
Iteration 79/90 done in 9.05s (MVP: 8.20s).
Iteration 80/90 done in 9.10s (MVP: 8.23s).
Iteration 81/90 done in 9.09s (MVP: 8.22s).
Iteration 82/90 done in 9.20s (MVP: 8.31s).
Iteration 83/90 done in 9.10s (MVP: 8.20s).
Iteration 84/90 done in 9.07s (MVP: 8.16s).
Iteration 85/90 done in 9.23s (MVP: 8.32s).
Iteration 86/90 done in 9.11s (MVP: 8.18s).
Iteration 87/90 done in 9.09s (MVP: 8.15s).
Iteration 88/90 done in 9.10s (MVP: 8.15s).
Iteration 89/90 done in 9.14s (MVP: 8.18s).

Finally, you can use the visualization functions provided in jax.density to plot the spectum (no actual JAX code is involved in this operation).

In [64]:
import ..jax.density as density_lib

def plot(grids, density, label=None):
  plt.semilogy(grids, density, label=label)
  plt.ylim(1e-10, 1e2)

density, grids = density_lib.tridiag_to_density(
    [T.numpy()], grid_len=10000, sigma_squared=1e-3)

plot(grids, density)