Code adapted from JAX examples.
In [2]:
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import itertools
import numpy.random as npr
import jax.numpy as np
from jax.config import config
from jax import jit, grad, random
from jax.experimental import optimizers
from jax.experimental import stax
from jax.experimental.stax import Dense, Relu, LogSoftmax, BatchNorm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
# used for tensorflow datasets
import tensorflow as tf
In [14]:
rng = random.PRNGKey(0)
step_size = 0.001
num_epochs = 3
batch_size = 128
momentum_mass = 0.9
In [15]:
#load mnist
train_ds = tfds.load("mnist", split=tfds.Split.TRAIN, batch_size=-1)
numpy_ds = tfds.as_numpy(train_ds)
numpy_images, numpy_labels = numpy_ds["image"], numpy_ds["label"]
numpy_images.shape, numpy_labels.shape
train_images = numpy_images[:,:,:,0].reshape(-1, 28*28).astype(np.float32)/255.0
train_labels = np.eye(NUM_CLASSES)[numpy_labels]
test_ds = tfds.load("mnist", split=tfds.Split.TEST, batch_size=-1)
numpy_ds = tfds.as_numpy(test_ds)
numpy_images, numpy_labels = numpy_ds["image"], numpy_ds["label"]
numpy_images.shape, numpy_labels.shape
test_images = numpy_images[:,:,:,0].reshape(-1, 28*28).astype(np.float32)/255.0
test_labels = np.eye(NUM_CLASSES)[numpy_labels]
print(train_images.shape, train_labels.shape, test_images.shape, test_labels.shape)
In [16]:
num_train = train_images.shape[0]
num_complete_batches, leftover = divmod(num_train, batch_size)
num_batches = num_complete_batches + bool(leftover)
In [17]:
def data_stream():
rng = npr.RandomState(0)
while True:
perm = rng.permutation(num_train)
for i in range(num_batches):
batch_idx = perm[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
yield train_images[batch_idx], train_labels[batch_idx]
batches = data_stream()
In [18]:
init_random_params, predict = stax.serial(
Dense(1024), Relu,
Dense(1024), Relu,
Dense(10), LogSoftmax)
In [19]:
def loss(params, batch):
inputs, targets = batch
preds = predict(params, inputs)
return -np.mean(preds * targets)
def accuracy(params, batch):
inputs, targets = batch
target_class = np.argmax(targets, axis=1)
predicted_class = np.argmax(predict(params, inputs), axis=1)
return np.mean(predicted_class == target_class)
In [20]:
import jax.tree_util as tu
In [21]:
opt_init, opt_update, get_params = optimizers.momentum(step_size, mass=momentum_mass)
def update(i, opt_state, batch):
params = get_params(opt_state)
return opt_update(i, grad(loss)(params, batch), opt_state)
_, init_params = init_random_params(rng, (-1, 28 * 28))
# scale params to make spectrum more interesting
init_params = tu.tree_map(lambda x: x*10, init_params)
opt_state = opt_init(init_params)
itercount = itertools.count()
In [22]:
print("\nStarting training...")
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
start_time = time.time()
for _ in range(num_batches):
opt_state = update(next(itercount), opt_state, next(batches))
epoch_time = time.time() - start_time
params = get_params(opt_state)
train_acc = accuracy(params, (train_images, train_labels))
test_acc = accuracy(params, (test_images, test_labels))
print("Epoch {} in {:0.2f} sec".format(epoch, epoch_time))
print("Training set accuracy {}".format(train_acc))
print("Test set accuracy {}".format(test_acc))
In [23]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import density as density_lib
import lanczos as lanczos
import hessian_computation as hessian_computation
In [24]:
# make a generator that yields 1/10th and epoch
batches_list = [next(batches) for i in range(num_batches // 10)]
def batches_fn():
for b in batches_list:
yield b
In [25]:
# Hessian-vector product function + Lanczos
order = 90
hvp, unravel, num_params = hessian_computation.get_hvp_fn(loss, params, batches_fn)
hvp_cl = lambda v: hvp(params, v) / len(batches_list) # Match the API required by lanczos_alg
In [26]:
print("num_params: {}".format(num_params))
start = time.clock()
hvp_cl(np.ones(num_params)) # first call of a jitted function compiles it
end = time.clock()
print("hvp compile time: {}".format(end-start))
start = time.clock()
hvp_cl(2*np.ones(num_params)) # second+ call will be much faster
end = time.clock()
print("hvp compute time: {}".format(end-start))
In [27]:
rng, split = random.split(rng)
start = time.clock()
tridiag, vecs = lanczos.lanczos_alg(hvp_cl, num_params, order, split)
end = time.clock()
print("Lanczos time: {}".format(end-start)) # this should be ~order * hvp compute time
density, grids = density_lib.tridiag_to_density([tridiag], grid_len=10000, sigma_squared=1e-5)
In [30]:
def plot(grids, density, label=None):
plt.semilogy(grids, density, label=label)
plt.ylim(1e-10, 1e2)
In [31]:
plot(grids, density) # 30 epochs no BN
In [ ]: