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#@title Copyright 2020 Google LLC. Double-click for license information.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Representation with a Feature Cross

In this exercise, you'll experiment with different ways to represent features.

Learning Objectives:

After doing this Colab, you'll know how to:

The Dataset

Like several of the previous Colabs, this exercise uses the California Housing Dataset.

Use the right version of TensorFlow

In [0]:
%tensorflow_version 2.x

Call the import statements

The following code imports the necessary code to run the code in the rest of this Colaboratory.

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#@title Load the imports

# from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import feature_column
from tensorflow.keras import layers

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# The following lines adjust the granularity of reporting.
pd.options.display.max_rows = 10
pd.options.display.float_format = "{:.1f}".format


print("Imported the modules.")

Load, scale, and shuffle the examples

The following code cell loads the separate .csv files and creates the following two pandas DataFrames:

  • train_df, which contains the training set
  • test_df, which contains the test set

The code cell then scales the median_house_value to a more human-friendly range and then suffles the examples.

In [0]:
# Load the dataset
train_df = pd.read_csv("")
test_df = pd.read_csv("")

# Scale the labels
scale_factor = 1000.0
# Scale the training set's label.
train_df["median_house_value"] /= scale_factor 

# Scale the test set's label
test_df["median_house_value"] /= scale_factor

# Shuffle the examples
train_df = train_df.reindex(np.random.permutation(train_df.index))

Represent latitude and longitude as floating-point values

Previous Colabs trained on only a single feature or a single synthetic feature. By contrast, this exercise trains on two features. Furthermore, this Colab introduces feature columns, which provide a sophisticated way to represent features.

You create feature columns as possible:

A neighborhood's location is typically the most important feature in determining a house's value. The California Housing dataset provides two features, latitude and longitude that identify each neighborhood's location.

The following code cell calls tf.feature_column.numeric_column twice, first to represent latitude as floating-point value and a second time to represent longitude as floating-point values.

This code cell specifies the features that you'll ultimately train the model on and how each of those features will be represented. The transformations (collected in fp_feature_layer) don't actually get applied until you pass a DataFrame to it, which will happen when we train the model.

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# Create an empty list that will eventually hold all feature columns.
feature_columns = []

# Create a numerical feature column to represent latitude.
latitude = tf.feature_column.numeric_column("latitude")

# Create a numerical feature column to represent longitude.
longitude = tf.feature_column.numeric_column("longitude")

# Convert the list of feature columns into a layer that will ultimately become
# part of the model. Understanding layers is not important right now.
fp_feature_layer = layers.DenseFeatures(feature_columns)

When used, the layer processes the raw inputs, according to the transformations described by the feature columns, and packs the result into a numeric array. (The model will train on this numeric array.)

Define functions that create and train a model, and a plotting function

The following code defines three functions:

  • create_model, which tells TensorFlow to build a linear regression model and to use the feature_layer_as_fp as the representation of the model's features.
  • train_model, which will ultimately train the model from training set examples.
  • plot_the_loss_curve, which generates a loss curve.

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#@title Define functions to create and train a model, and a plotting function
def create_model(my_learning_rate, feature_layer):
  """Create and compile a simple linear regression model."""
  # Most simple tf.keras models are sequential.
  model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()

  # Add the layer containing the feature columns to the model.

  # Add one linear layer to the model to yield a simple linear regressor.
  model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=1, input_shape=(1,)))

  # Construct the layers into a model that TensorFlow can execute.

  return model           

def train_model(model, dataset, epochs, batch_size, label_name):
  """Feed a dataset into the model in order to train it."""

  features = {name:np.array(value) for name, value in dataset.items()}
  label = np.array(features.pop(label_name))
  history =, y=label, batch_size=batch_size,
                      epochs=epochs, shuffle=True)

  # The list of epochs is stored separately from the rest of history.
  epochs = history.epoch
  # Isolate the mean absolute error for each epoch.
  hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history)
  rmse = hist["root_mean_squared_error"]

  return epochs, rmse   

def plot_the_loss_curve(epochs, rmse):
  """Plot a curve of loss vs. epoch."""

  plt.ylabel("Root Mean Squared Error")

  plt.plot(epochs, rmse, label="Loss")
  plt.ylim([rmse.min()*0.94, rmse.max()* 1.05])  

print("Defined the create_model, train_model, and plot_the_loss_curve functions.")

Train the model with floating-point representations

The following code cell calls the functions you just created to train, plot, and evaluate a model.

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# The following variables are the hyperparameters.
learning_rate = 0.05
epochs = 30
batch_size = 100
label_name = 'median_house_value'

# Create and compile the model's topography.
my_model = create_model(learning_rate, fp_feature_layer)

# Train the model on the training set.
epochs, rmse = train_model(my_model, train_df, epochs, batch_size, label_name)

plot_the_loss_curve(epochs, rmse)

print("\n: Evaluate the new model against the test set:")
test_features = {name:np.array(value) for name, value in test_df.items()}
test_label = np.array(test_features.pop(label_name))
my_model.evaluate(x=test_features, y=test_label, batch_size=batch_size)

Task 1: Why aren't floating-point values a good way to represent latitude and longitude?

Are floating-point values a good way to represent latitude and longitude?

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#@title Double-click to view an answer to Task 1.

# No. Representing latitude and longitude as 
# floating-point values does not have much 
# predictive power. For example, neighborhoods at 
# latitude 35 are not 36/35 more valuable 
# (or 35/36 less valuable) than houses at 
# latitude 36.

# Representing `latitude` and `longitude` as 
# floating-point values provides almost no 
# predictive power. We're only using the raw values 
# to establish a baseline for future experiments 
# with better representations.

Represent latitude and longitude in buckets

The following code cell represents latitude and longitude in buckets (bins). Each bin represents all the neighborhoods within a single degree. For example, neighborhoods at latitude 35.4 and 35.8 are in the same bucket, but neighborhoods in latitude 35.4 and 36.2 are in different buckets.

The model will learn a separate weight for each bucket. For example, the model will learn one weight for all the neighborhoods in the "35" bin", a different weight for neighborhoods in the "36" bin, and so on. This representation will create approximately 20 buckets:

  • 10 buckets for latitude.
  • 10 buckets for longitude.

In [0]:
resolution_in_degrees = 1.0 

# Create a new empty list that will eventually hold the generated feature column.
feature_columns = []

# Create a bucket feature column for latitude.
latitude_as_a_numeric_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column("latitude")
latitude_boundaries = list(np.arange(int(min(train_df['latitude'])), 
latitude = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column(latitude_as_a_numeric_column, 

# Create a bucket feature column for longitude.
longitude_as_a_numeric_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column("longitude")
longitude_boundaries = list(np.arange(int(min(train_df['longitude'])), 
longitude = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column(longitude_as_a_numeric_column, 

# Convert the list of feature columns into a layer that will ultimately become
# part of the model. Understanding layers is not important right now.
buckets_feature_layer = layers.DenseFeatures(feature_columns)

Train the model with bucket representations

Run the following code cell to train the model with bucket representations rather than floating-point representations:

In [0]:
# The following variables are the hyperparameters.
learning_rate = 0.04
epochs = 35

# Build the model, this time passing in the buckets_feature_layer.
my_model = create_model(learning_rate, buckets_feature_layer)

# Train the model on the training set.
epochs, rmse = train_model(my_model, train_df, epochs, batch_size, label_name)

plot_the_loss_curve(epochs, rmse)

print("\n: Evaluate the new model against the test set:")
my_model.evaluate(x=test_features, y=test_label, batch_size=batch_size)

Task 2: Did buckets outperform floating-point representations?

Compare the model's root_mean_squared_error values for the two representations (floating-point vs. buckets)? Which model produced lower losses?

In [0]:
#@title Double-click for an answer to Task 2.

# Bucket representation outperformed 
# floating-point representations.  
# However, you can still do far better.

Task 3: What is a better way to represent location?

Buckets are a big improvement over floating-point values. Can you identify an even better way to identify location with latitude and longitude?

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#@title Double-click to view an answer to Task 3.

# Representing location as a feature cross should 
# produce better results.

# In Task 2, you represented latitude in 
# one-dimensional buckets and longitude in 
# another series of one-dimensional buckets. 
# Real-world locations, however, exist in 
# two dimension. Therefore, you should
# represent location as a two-dimensional feature
# cross. That is, you'll cross the 10 or so latitude 
# buckets with the 10 or so longitude buckets to 
# create a grid of 100 cells. 

# The model will learn separate weights for each 
# of the cells.

Represent location as a feature cross

The following code cell represents location as a feature cross. That is, the following code cell first creates buckets and then calls tf.feature_column.crossed_column to cross the buckets.

In [0]:
resolution_in_degrees = 1.0 

# Create a new empty list that will eventually hold the generated feature column.
feature_columns = []

# Create a bucket feature column for latitude.
latitude_as_a_numeric_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column("latitude")
latitude_boundaries = list(np.arange(int(min(train_df['latitude'])), int(max(train_df['latitude'])), resolution_in_degrees))
latitude = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column(latitude_as_a_numeric_column, latitude_boundaries)

# Create a bucket feature column for longitude.
longitude_as_a_numeric_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column("longitude")
longitude_boundaries = list(np.arange(int(min(train_df['longitude'])), int(max(train_df['longitude'])), resolution_in_degrees))
longitude = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column(longitude_as_a_numeric_column, longitude_boundaries)

# Create a feature cross of latitude and longitude.
latitude_x_longitude = tf.feature_column.crossed_column([latitude, longitude], hash_bucket_size=100)
crossed_feature = tf.feature_column.indicator_column(latitude_x_longitude)

# Convert the list of feature columns into a layer that will later be fed into
# the model. 
feature_cross_feature_layer = layers.DenseFeatures(feature_columns)

Invoke the following code cell to test your solution for Task 3. Please ignore the warning messages.

In [0]:
# The following variables are the hyperparameters.
learning_rate = 0.04
epochs = 35

# Build the model, this time passing in the feature_cross_feature_layer: 
my_model = create_model(learning_rate, feature_cross_feature_layer)

# Train the model on the training set.
epochs, rmse = train_model(my_model, train_df, epochs, batch_size, label_name)

plot_the_loss_curve(epochs, rmse)

print("\n: Evaluate the new model against the test set:")
my_model.evaluate(x=test_features, y=test_label, batch_size=batch_size)

Task 4: Did the feature cross outperform buckets?

Compare the model's root_mean_squared_error values for the two representations (buckets vs. feature cross)? Which model produced lower losses?

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#@title Double-click for an answer to this question.

# Yes, representing these features as a feature 
# cross produced much lower loss values than 
# representing these features as buckets

Task 5: Adjust the resolution of the feature cross

Return to the code cell in the "Represent location as a feature cross" section. Notice that resolution_in_degrees is set to 1.0. Therefore, each cell represents an area of 1.0 degree of latitude by 1.0 degree of longitude, which corresponds to a cell of 110 km by 90 km. This resolution defines a rather large neighborhood.

Experiment with resolution_in_degrees to answer the following questions:

  1. What value of resolution_in_degrees produces the best results (lowest loss value)?
  2. Why does loss increase when the value of resolution_in_degrees drops below a certain value?

Finally, answer the following question:

  1. What feature (that does not exist in the California Housing Dataset) would be a better proxy for location than latitude X longitude.

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#@title Double-click for possible answers to Task 5.

#1. A resolution of ~0.4 degree provides the best 
#   results.

#2. Below ~0.4 degree, loss increases because the 
#   dataset does not contain enough examples in 
#   each cell to accurately predict prices for 
#   those cells.

#3. Postal code would be a far better feature 
#   than latitude X longitude, assuming that 
#   the dataset contained sufficient examples 
#   in each postal code.