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%matplotlib inline

Doc2Vec Model

Introduces Gensim's Doc2Vec model and demonstrates its use on the Lee Corpus.

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import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

Doc2Vec is a core_concepts_model that represents each core_concepts_document as a core_concepts_vector. This tutorial introduces the model and demonstrates how to train and assess it.

Here's a list of what we'll be doing:

  1. Review the relevant models: bag-of-words, Word2Vec, Doc2Vec
  2. Load and preprocess the training and test corpora (see core_concepts_corpus)
  3. Train a Doc2Vec core_concepts_model model using the training corpus
  4. Demonstrate how the trained model can be used to infer a core_concepts_vector
  5. Assess the model
  6. Test the model on the test corpus

Review: Bag-of-words

.. Note:: Feel free to skip these review sections if you're already familiar with the models.

You may be familiar with the bag-of-words model <>_ from the core_concepts_vector section. This model transforms each document to a fixed-length vector of integers. For example, given the sentences:

  • John likes to watch movies. Mary likes movies too.
  • John also likes to watch football games. Mary hates football.

The model outputs the vectors:

  • [1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  • [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1]

Each vector has 10 elements, where each element counts the number of times a particular word occurred in the document. The order of elements is arbitrary. In the example above, the order of the elements corresponds to the words: ["John", "likes", "to", "watch", "movies", "Mary", "too", "also", "football", "games", "hates"].

Bag-of-words models are surprisingly effective, but have several weaknesses.

First, they lose all information about word order: "John likes Mary" and "Mary likes John" correspond to identical vectors. There is a solution: bag of n-grams <>__ models consider word phrases of length n to represent documents as fixed-length vectors to capture local word order but suffer from data sparsity and high dimensionality.

Second, the model does not attempt to learn the meaning of the underlying words, and as a consequence, the distance between vectors doesn't always reflect the difference in meaning. The Word2Vec model addresses this second problem.

Review: Word2Vec Model

Word2Vec is a more recent model that embeds words in a lower-dimensional vector space using a shallow neural network. The result is a set of word-vectors where vectors close together in vector space have similar meanings based on context, and word-vectors distant to each other have differing meanings. For example, strong and powerful would be close together and strong and Paris would be relatively far.

Gensim's :py:class:~gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec class implements this model.

With the Word2Vec model, we can calculate the vectors for each word in a document. But what if we want to calculate a vector for the entire document\ ? We could average the vectors for each word in the document - while this is quick and crude, it can often be useful. However, there is a better way...

Introducing: Paragraph Vector

.. Important:: In Gensim, we refer to the Paragraph Vector model as Doc2Vec.

Le and Mikolov in 2014 introduced the Doc2Vec algorithm <>__, which usually outperforms such simple-averaging of Word2Vec vectors.

The basic idea is: act as if a document has another floating word-like vector, which contributes to all training predictions, and is updated like other word-vectors, but we will call it a doc-vector. Gensim's :py:class:~gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec class implements this algorithm.

There are two implementations:

  1. Paragraph Vector - Distributed Memory (PV-DM)
  2. Paragraph Vector - Distributed Bag of Words (PV-DBOW)

.. Important:: Don't let the implementation details below scare you. They're advanced material: if it's too much, then move on to the next section.

PV-DM is analogous to Word2Vec CBOW. The doc-vectors are obtained by training a neural network on the synthetic task of predicting a center word based an average of both context word-vectors and the full document's doc-vector.

PV-DBOW is analogous to Word2Vec SG. The doc-vectors are obtained by training a neural network on the synthetic task of predicting a target word just from the full document's doc-vector. (It is also common to combine this with skip-gram testing, using both the doc-vector and nearby word-vectors to predict a single target word, but only one at a time.)

Prepare the Training and Test Data

For this tutorial, we'll be training our model using the Lee Background Corpus <>_ included in gensim. This corpus contains 314 documents selected from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s news mail service, which provides text e-mails of headline stories and covers a number of broad topics.

And we'll test our model by eye using the much shorter Lee Corpus <>_ which contains 50 documents.

In [ ]:
import os
import gensim
# Set file names for train and test data
test_data_dir = os.path.join(gensim.__path__[0], 'test', 'test_data')
lee_train_file = os.path.join(test_data_dir, 'lee_background.cor')
lee_test_file = os.path.join(test_data_dir, 'lee.cor')

Define a Function to Read and Preprocess Text

Below, we define a function to:

  • open the train/test file (with latin encoding)
  • read the file line-by-line
  • pre-process each line (tokenize text into individual words, remove punctuation, set to lowercase, etc)

The file we're reading is a corpus. Each line of the file is a document.

.. Important:: To train the model, we'll need to associate a tag/number with each document of the training corpus. In our case, the tag is simply the zero-based line number.

In [ ]:
import smart_open

def read_corpus(fname, tokens_only=False):
    with, encoding="iso-8859-1") as f:
        for i, line in enumerate(f):
            tokens = gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(line)
            if tokens_only:
                yield tokens
                # For training data, add tags
                yield gensim.models.doc2vec.TaggedDocument(tokens, [i])

train_corpus = list(read_corpus(lee_train_file))
test_corpus = list(read_corpus(lee_test_file, tokens_only=True))

Let's take a look at the training corpus

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And the testing corpus looks like this:

In [ ]:

Notice that the testing corpus is just a list of lists and does not contain any tags.

Training the Model

Now, we'll instantiate a Doc2Vec model with a vector size with 50 dimensions and iterating over the training corpus 40 times. We set the minimum word count to 2 in order to discard words with very few occurrences. (Without a variety of representative examples, retaining such infrequent words can often make a model worse!) Typical iteration counts in the published Paragraph Vector paper <>__ results, using 10s-of-thousands to millions of docs, are 10-20. More iterations take more time and eventually reach a point of diminishing returns.

However, this is a very very small dataset (300 documents) with shortish documents (a few hundred words). Adding training passes can sometimes help with such small datasets.

In [ ]:
model = gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(vector_size=50, min_count=2, epochs=40)

Build a vocabulary

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Essentially, the vocabulary is a dictionary (accessible via model.wv.vocab\ ) of all of the unique words extracted from the training corpus along with the count (e.g., model.wv.vocab['penalty'].count for counts for the word penalty\ ).

Next, train the model on the corpus. If the BLAS library is being used, this should take no more than 3 seconds. If the BLAS library is not being used, this should take no more than 2 minutes, so use BLAS if you value your time.

In [ ]:
model.train(train_corpus, total_examples=model.corpus_count, epochs=model.epochs)

Now, we can use the trained model to infer a vector for any piece of text by passing a list of words to the model.infer_vector function. This vector can then be compared with other vectors via cosine similarity.

In [ ]:
vector = model.infer_vector(['only', 'you', 'can', 'prevent', 'forest', 'fires'])

Note that infer_vector() does not take a string, but rather a list of string tokens, which should have already been tokenized the same way as the words property of original training document objects.

Also note that because the underlying training/inference algorithms are an iterative approximation problem that makes use of internal randomization, repeated inferences of the same text will return slightly different vectors.

Assessing the Model

To assess our new model, we'll first infer new vectors for each document of the training corpus, compare the inferred vectors with the training corpus, and then returning the rank of the document based on self-similarity. Basically, we're pretending as if the training corpus is some new unseen data and then seeing how they compare with the trained model. The expectation is that we've likely overfit our model (i.e., all of the ranks will be less than 2) and so we should be able to find similar documents very easily. Additionally, we'll keep track of the second ranks for a comparison of less similar documents.

In [ ]:
ranks = []
second_ranks = []
for doc_id in range(len(train_corpus)):
    inferred_vector = model.infer_vector(train_corpus[doc_id].words)
    sims = model.docvecs.most_similar([inferred_vector], topn=len(model.docvecs))
    rank = [docid for docid, sim in sims].index(doc_id)


Let's count how each document ranks with respect to the training corpus

NB. Results vary between runs due to random seeding and very small corpus

In [ ]:
import collections

counter = collections.Counter(ranks)

Basically, greater than 95% of the inferred documents are found to be most similar to itself and about 5% of the time it is mistakenly most similar to another document. Checking the inferred-vector against a training-vector is a sort of 'sanity check' as to whether the model is behaving in a usefully consistent manner, though not a real 'accuracy' value.

This is great and not entirely surprising. We can take a look at an example:

In [ ]:
print('Document ({}): «{}»\n'.format(doc_id, ' '.join(train_corpus[doc_id].words)))
for label, index in [('MOST', 0), ('SECOND-MOST', 1), ('MEDIAN', len(sims)//2), ('LEAST', len(sims) - 1)]:
    print(u'%s %s: «%s»\n' % (label, sims[index], ' '.join(train_corpus[sims[index][0]].words)))

Notice above that the most similar document (usually the same text) is has a similarity score approaching 1.0. However, the similarity score for the second-ranked documents should be significantly lower (assuming the documents are in fact different) and the reasoning becomes obvious when we examine the text itself.

We can run the next cell repeatedly to see a sampling other target-document comparisons.

In [ ]:
# Pick a random document from the corpus and infer a vector from the model
import random
doc_id = random.randint(0, len(train_corpus) - 1)

# Compare and print the second-most-similar document
print('Train Document ({}): «{}»\n'.format(doc_id, ' '.join(train_corpus[doc_id].words)))
sim_id = second_ranks[doc_id]
print('Similar Document {}: «{}»\n'.format(sim_id, ' '.join(train_corpus[sim_id[0]].words)))

Testing the Model

Using the same approach above, we'll infer the vector for a randomly chosen test document, and compare the document to our model by eye.

In [ ]:
# Pick a random document from the test corpus and infer a vector from the model
doc_id = random.randint(0, len(test_corpus) - 1)
inferred_vector = model.infer_vector(test_corpus[doc_id])
sims = model.docvecs.most_similar([inferred_vector], topn=len(model.docvecs))

# Compare and print the most/median/least similar documents from the train corpus
print('Test Document ({}): «{}»\n'.format(doc_id, ' '.join(test_corpus[doc_id])))
for label, index in [('MOST', 0), ('MEDIAN', len(sims)//2), ('LEAST', len(sims) - 1)]:
    print(u'%s %s: «%s»\n' % (label, sims[index], ' '.join(train_corpus[sims[index][0]].words)))


Let's review what we've seen in this tutorial:

  1. Review the relevant models: bag-of-words, Word2Vec, Doc2Vec
  2. Load and preprocess the training and test corpora (see core_concepts_corpus)
  3. Train a Doc2Vec core_concepts_model model using the training corpus
  4. Demonstrate how the trained model can be used to infer a core_concepts_vector
  5. Assess the model
  6. Test the model on the test corpus

That's it! Doc2Vec is a great way to explore relationships between documents.

Additional Resources

If you'd like to know more about the subject matter of this tutorial, check out the links below.

  • Word2Vec Paper <>_
  • Doc2Vec Paper <>_
  • Dr. Michael D. Lee's Website <>_
  • Lee Corpus <>__
  • IMDB Doc2Vec Tutorial <doc2vec-IMDB.ipynb>_