In [1]:
using ForwardDiff
using PyPlot
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Hooke isotropic stiffness tensor
function hookeStiffnessTensor(E, ν)
a = 1 - ν
b = 1 - 2*ν
c = 1 + ν
multiplier = E / (b * c)
return Float64[a ν ν 0 0 0;
ν a ν 0 0 0;
ν ν a 0 0 0;
0 0 0 b 0 0;
0 0 0 0 b 0;
0 0 0 0 0 b].*multiplier
# Pick material values
E = 152.0e3
ν = 0.3
C = hookeStiffnessTensor(E, ν)
In [39]:
# Equations can be found from:
J2 plasticity
function J(σ)
e1 = (σ[1] - σ[2])^2
e2 = (σ[2] - σ[3])^2
e3 = (σ[3] - σ[1])^2
e4 = σ[4]^2
e5 = σ[5]^2
e6 = σ[6]^2
return sqrt((e1 + e2 + e3 + 6 * (e4 + e5 + e6)) / 2.)
Yield function
function f(σ, σ_y)
return J(σ) - σ_y
Viscoplastic potential
f_val: float
Yield function value
n: float
Material constant
K: float
Material constant
function viscoplastic_potential(f_val, n, K)
n_1 = n+1
return K / n_1 * ( f_val./ K) ^ n_1
Function for calculating stress
function calculate_stress(σ_old, dϵ, C, dt, σ_y, n, K)
σ_new = σ_old + C * dϵ * dt
if f(σ_new, σ_y) > 0
# Viscoplastic potential derivated via ForwardDiff
visco_wrap(x) = viscoplastic_potential(f(x, σ_y), n, K)
dϵ_vp = ForwardDiff.gradient(visco_wrap)
σ_new = σ_old + C * (dϵ - dϵ_vp(σ_new)) * dt
return σ_new
In [75]:
steps = 30
ϵ_hist = zeros(6)
max_strain = 0.0001
ϵ_hist[1] = max_strain
ϵ_hist[2] = max_strain*-0.3
ϵ_hist[3] = max_strain*-0.3;
Plotting with three different $dt$
In [78]:
ϵ_tot_1 = zeros(6)
ϵ_tot_2 = zeros(6)
ϵ_tot_3 = zeros(6)
nσ_1 = zeros(6)
nσ_2 = zeros(6)
nσ_3 = zeros(6)
dt_1 = 0.01
dt_2 = 0.1
dt_3 = 0.4
σ_1 = []
σ_2 = []
σ_3 = []
ϵ_1 = []
ϵ_2 = []
ϵ_3 = []
σ_y = 150.0
nn = 0.92
K = 180.0e3
for n=1:steps
dϵ_1 = ϵ_hist / dt_1
dϵ_2 = ϵ_hist / dt_2
dϵ_3 = ϵ_hist / dt_3
nσ_1 = calculate_stress(nσ_1, dϵ_1, C, dt_1, σ_y, nn, K)
nσ_2 = calculate_stress(nσ_2, dϵ_2, C, dt_2, σ_y, nn, K)
nσ_3 = calculate_stress(nσ_3, dϵ_3, C, dt_3, σ_y, nn, K)
ϵ_tot_1 += dϵ_1 * dt_1
ϵ_tot_2 += dϵ_2 * dt_2
ϵ_tot_3 += dϵ_3 * dt_3
push!(σ_1, nσ_1[1])
push!(σ_2, nσ_2[1])
push!(σ_3, nσ_3[1])
push!(ϵ_1, ϵ_tot_1[1])
push!(ϵ_2, ϵ_tot_2[1])
push!(ϵ_3, ϵ_tot_3[1])
In [82]:
PyPlot.plot(ϵ_1, σ_1)
PyPlot.plot(ϵ_2, σ_2)
PyPlot.plot(ϵ_1, σ_3)
PyPlot.xlabel("Total strain")
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