Numerical Quadrature

Numerical quadrature refers to approximating a definite integral numerically, $$~~ \int_a^b f(x) dx.$$ Many numerical analysis textbooks describe a variety of quadrature methods or "rules".

First define a simple function for which we know the exact answer:

In [ ]:
def f1(x):
    return 1. + x**3

a1 = 0.
b1 = 2.
int_true1 = (b1-a1) + (b1**4 -a1**4) / 4.
print "true integral: %22.14e" % int_true1

The Trapezoid Rule

We will first look at the Trapezoid method. This method is implemented by evaluating the function at $n$ points and then computing the areas of the trapezoids defined by a piecewise linear approximation to the original function defined by these points. In the figure below, we are approximating the integral of the blue curve by the sum of the areas of the red trapezoids.

In [ ]:
def plot_trap(f,a,b,n):
    x = linspace(a-0.2, b+0.2, 10000) # points for smooth plot
    xj = linspace(a,b,n)
    for xi in xj:
        plot([xi,xi], [0,f(xi)], 'r')
    plot([a,b], [0,0], 'r') # along x-axis


The Trapezoid rule formula

The area of a single trapezoid is the width of the base times the average height, so between points $x_j$ and $x_{j+1}$ this gives: $$ \frac{h}{2} (f(x_j) + f(x_{j+1}). $$

Summing this up over all the trapezoids gives: $$ h\left(\frac 1 2 f(x_0) + f(x_1) + f(x_2) + \cdots + f(x_{n-2}) + \frac 1 2 f(x_{n-1})\right) = h\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} f(x_j) - \frac h 2 \left(f(x_0) + f(x_{n-1})\right) = h\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} f(x_j) - \frac h 2 \left(f(a) + f(b))\right). $$

This can be implemented as follows (note that in Python fj[-1] refers to the last element of fj, and similarly fj[-2] would be the next to last element).

In [ ]:
def trapezoid(f,a,b,n):
    h = (b-a)/(n-1)
    xj = linspace(a,b,n)
    fj = f(xj)
    int_trapezoid = h*sum(fj) - 0.5*h*(fj[0] + fj[-1])
    return int_trapezoid

We can test it out for the points used in the figure above:

In [ ]:
n = 5
int_trap = trapezoid(f1,a1,b1,n)
error = abs(int_trap - int_true1)
print "trapezoid rule approximation: %22.14e,  error: %10.3e" % (int_trap, error)

Using more points will give a better approximation, try changing it in the cell above.

Convergence tests

If we increase n, the number of points used, and hence decrease h, the spacing between points, we expect the error to converge to zero for reasonable functions $f(x)$.

The trapezoid rule is "second order accurate", meaning that the error goes to zero like $O(h^2)$ for a function that is sufficiently smooth (for example if its second derivative is continuous). For small $h$, the error is expected to be behave like $Ch^2 + O(h^3)~$ as $h$ goes to zero, where $C$ is some constant that depends on how smooth $h$ is.

If we double n (and halve h) then we expect the error to go down by a factor of 4 roughly (from $Ch^2$ to $C(h/2)^2~$).

We can check this by trying several values of n and making a table of the errors and the ratio from one n to the next:

In [ ]:
def error_table(f,a,b,nvals,int_true,method=trapezoid):
    An improved version that takes the function defining the method as an
    input argument.
    print "      n         approximation        error       ratio"
    last_error = 0.  # need something for first ratio
    for n in nvals:
        int_approx = method(f,a,b,n)
        error = abs(int_approx - int_true)
        ratio = last_error / error
        last_error = error # for next n
        print "%8i  %22.14e  %10.3e  %10.3e" % (n,int_approx, error, ratio)
nvals = array([5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320])

(Note that the first ratio reported is meaningless.)

Convergence might be easier to see in a plot. If a method is p'th order accurate then we expect the error to behave like $E\approx Ch^p$ for some constant $C$, for small $h$. This is hard to visualize. It is much easier to see what order accuracy we are achieving if we produce a log-log plot instead, since $E = Ch^p~$ means that $\log E = \log C + p\log h$

In other words $\log E~$ is a linear function of $\log h~$.

In [ ]:
def error_plot(f,a,b,nvals,int_true,method=trapezoid):
    errvals = zeros(nvals.shape)  # initialize to right shape
    for i in range(len(nvals)):
        n = nvals[i]
        int_approx = method(f,a,b,n)
        error = abs(int_approx - int_true)
        errvals[i] = error
    hvals = (b - a) / (nvals - 1)  # vector of h values for each n
    loglog(hvals,errvals, 'o-')
    xlabel('spacing h')

An oscillatory function

If the function $f(x)$ is not as smooth (has larger second derivative at various places) then the accuracy with a small number of points will not be nearly as good. For example, consider the function $f_2(x) = 1 + x^3 + \sin(kx)~~~$ where $k$ is a parameter. For large $k$ this function is very oscillatory. In order to experiment with different values of $k$, we can define a "function factory" that creates this function for any given $k$, and also returns the true integral over a given interval:

In [ ]:
def f2_factory(k, a, b):
    def f2(x):
        return 1 + x**3 + sin(k*x)
    int_true = (b-a) + (b**4 - a**4) / 4. - (1./k) * (cos(k*b) - cos(k*a))
    return f2, int_true

First create a version of $f_2$ with $k=50$:

In [ ]:
k = 50.
a2 = 0.
b2 = 2.
f2, int_true2 = f2_factory(k, a2, b2)
print "true integral: %22.14e" % int_true2

For this function with k=50, using n=10 points is not going to give a very good approximation:

In [ ]:

This doesn't look very good, but for larger values of $n$ we still see the expected convergence rate:

In [ ]:

Now make the function much more oscillatory with a larger value of $k$...

In [ ]:
k = 1000.
f2, int_true2 = f2_factory(k,a2,b2)
print "true integral: %22.14e" % int_true2

For the previous choice of nvals the method does not seem to be doing well:

In [ ]:
nvals = array([5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320])
print "nvals = ",nvals
error_plot(f2,a2,b2,nvals,int_true2, trapezoid)

In this case the $O(h^2)~$ behavior does not become apparent unless we use much smaller $h$ values so that we are resolving the oscillations:

In [ ]:
nvals = array([5 * 2**i for i in range(12)])
print "nvals = ",nvals

Eventually we see second order convergence and ratios that approach 4:

In [ ]:

Simpson's Rule

There are much better methods than the Trapezoidal rule that are not much harder to implement but get much smaller errors with the same number of function evaluations. One such method is Simpson’s rule, which approximates the integral over a single interval from $x_i$ to $x_{i+1}$ by $$\int_{x_i}^{x_{i+1}} f(x)\, dx \approx \frac h 6 (f(x_i) + 4f(x_{i+1/2}) + f(x_{i+1})),$$ where $x_{i+1/2} = \frac 1 2 (x_i + x_{i+1}) = x_i + h/2.$

Derivation: The trapezoid method is derived by approximating the function on each interval by a linear function interpolating at the two endpoints of each interval and then integrating this linear function. Simpson's method is derived by approximating the function by a quadratic function interpolating at the endpoints and the center of the interval and integrating this quadratic function.

Adding this up over $n-1$ intervals gives the approximation $$\frac{h}{6}[f(x_0) + 4f(x_{1/2}) + 2f(x_1) + 4f(x_{3/2}) + 2f(x_2) + \cdots + 2f(x_{n-2}) + 4f(x_{n-3/2}) + f(x_{n-1})].$$ In Python this can be implemented by the following code:

In [ ]:
def simpson(f,a,b,n):
    h = (b-a)/(n-1)
    xj = linspace(a,b,n)
    fj = f(xj)
    xc = linspace(a+h/2,b-h/2,n-1)  # midpoints of cells
    fc = f(xc)
    int_simpson = (h/6.) * (2.*sum(fj) - (fj[0] + fj[-1]) + 4.*sum(fc))
    return int_simpson

This method is 4th order accurate, which means that on fine enough grids the error is proportional to $\Delta x^4$. Hence increasing $n$ by a factor of 2 should decrease the error by a factor of $2^4 = 16$. Let's try it on the last function we were experimenting with above.

In [ ]:
k = 1000.0
f2, int_true2 = f2_factory(k,a2,b2)
print "true integral: %22.14e" % int_true2


Note that the errors get smaller much faster and the ratio approaches 16. The improvement over the trapezoid method is seen more clearly if we plot the errors together:

In [ ]:

You might want to experiment with changing $k$ in the two cells above.

Simpson's method integrates cubic functions exactly

Simpson's method is derived by integrating a quadratic approximation of the function (as opposed to a linear approximation as with the Trapezoid Rule). In fact, Simpson's method integrates cubic polynomials exactly; we can see this when we try it out with the function f1 defined at the top of this notebook. (This is because the error between the cubic and the quadratic approximation on each interval is not zero but does have integral equal to zero since it turns out to be an odd function about the midpoint.) For this reason, Simpson's Rule is fourth-order accurate in general rather than only third-order (as one might expect when going from a linear to quadratic approximation).

As a result, the error ratios computed when trying to compute the error_table associated with f1 appear nonsensical. Notice also that the errors are not precisely zero; they are effectively zero to within machine precision.

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