
  1. (sentiment_graphs copy)
  2. import gml file
  3. write to directed and undirected gml files
  4. component and connectivity analysis
  5. plot graph components and subgraphs

In [1]:
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import os
from glob import glob

pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default') 
pd.set_option('display.width', 5000) 
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 60)

#gml_files = glob('../output/network/*/*.gml')

def calculate_graph_inf(graph):
    graph.name = filename
    info = nx.info(graph)
    print info

def plot_graph(graph):
    info = nx.info(graph)
    print info
    nx.draw_spring(graph, with_labels = True)

start here

In [2]:
graph = nx.read_gml("../output_join/article_pos1.gml")
ugraph = graph.to_undirected()
U = graph.to_undirected(reciprocal=True)
e = U.edges()

In [3]:
def drawIt(graph, what = 'graph'):
    nsize = graph.number_of_nodes()
    print "Drawing %s of size %s:" % (what, nsize)
    if nsize > 20:
        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
        if nsize > 40:
            nx.draw_spring(graph, with_labels = True, node_size = 70, font_size = 12)
            nx.draw_spring(graph, with_labels = True)
        nx.draw_spring(graph, with_labels = True)

def describeGraph(graph):
    components = sorted(nx.connected_components(graph), key = len, reverse = True)
    cc = [len(c) for c in components]
    subgraphs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph))
    params = (graph.number_of_edges(),graph.number_of_nodes(),len(cc))
    print "Graph has %s nodes, %s edges, %s connected components\n" % params
    for sub in components:
        drawIt(graph.subgraph(sub), what = 'component')

Components & connectivity

In [5]:
# list of connected components (sets of nodes), starting with largest
print "List of connected components =", [len(c) for c in sorted(nx.connected_components(ugraph), key=len, reverse=True)]

# generate connected components as subgraphs; Gc is largest component
subgraphs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(ugraph))

List of connected components = [676, 15, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

Greatest component

In [6]:
Gc = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(ugraph), key=len)
print "Size of greatest component =", len(Gc)

Size of greatest component = 676

Moody and White provide an algorithm for identifying k-components in a graph, which is based on Kanevsky’s algorithm for finding all minimum-size node cut-sets of a graph (implemented in all_node_cuts() function):

  1. Compute node connectivity, k, of the input graph G.
  2. Identify all k-cutsets at the current level of connectivity using Kanevsky’s algorithm.
  3. Generate new graph components based on the removal of these cutsets. Nodes in a cutset belong to both sides of the induced cut.
  4. If the graph is neither complete nor trivial, return to 1; else end.

In [7]:
# returns all minimum k cutsets of an undirected graph
# i.e., the set(s) of nodes of cardinality equal to the node connectivity of G
# thus if removed, would break G into two or more connected components
cutsets = list(nx.all_node_cuts(Gc))
print "# of cutsets =", len(cutsets)

# of cutsets = 148

In [8]:
# returns a set of nodes or edges of minimum cardinality that disconnects G
print "Min node cut =", nx.minimum_node_cut(Gc, s='vaccines', t='autism')
print "Min edge cut =", nx.minimum_edge_cut(Gc)

Min node cut = set([u'families', u'MMR vaccine', u'vaccinated children', u'autism risk', u'high-risk children', u'anti-vaccination', u'parents', u'scientists', u'children at higher risk for autism', u'children', u'vaccine', u'Jain study'])
Min edge cut = set([(u'anti-vaccination', u'time')])

In [9]:
nx.minimum_node_cut(Gc, s='vaccines', t='autism')

{u'Jain study',
 u'MMR vaccine',
 u'autism risk',
 u'children at higher risk for autism',
 u'high-risk children',
 u'vaccinated children',

In [10]:
a = nx.minimum_edge_cut(Gc, s='autism', t='vaccines')

{(u'autism', u'MMR vaccine'),
 (u'autism', u'anti-vaccination'),
 (u'autism', u'children'),
 (u'autism', u'children at higher risk for autism'),
 (u'autism', u'families'),
 (u'autism', u'genetic predisposition'),
 (u'autism', u'harmful association'),
 (u'autism', u'high-risk children'),
 (u'autism', u'parents'),
 (u'autism', u'protective effect of vaccines'),
 (u'autism', u'scientists'),
 (u'autism', u'vaccinated children'),
 (u'autism', u'vaccines'),
 (u'children at increased genetic risk', u'autism risk'),
 (u'children with affected older sibling', u'autism risk'),
 (u'vaccinated children and unvaccinated children', u'autism risk'),
 (u'vaccinated high-risk children', u'Jain study'),
 (u'vaccine', u'immune response')}

In [11]:
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(Gc,'edge')
edgelabels = {}
for e in labels.keys():
    e1 = e[0:2]

{(u'2014-2015 FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT flu vaccine',
  u'CDC'): u'does not recommend revaccination for people who received the recalled',
 (u'2014-2015 FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT flu vaccine',
  u'GlaxoSmithKline'): u'recalling remaining doses of',
 (u'2014-2015 FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT flu vaccine',
  u'influenza viruses'): u'is quadrivalent flu vaccine that protects against',
 (u'2014-2015 FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT flu vaccine',
  u'reduced effectiveness'): u'potentially may have',
 (u'2014-2015 FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT flu vaccine',
  u'safety concern'): u'reduced potency does not pose',
 (u'2014-2015 FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT flu vaccine',
  u'vaccine potency'): u'fell below pre-specified limit prior to expiration of',
 (u'Afghanistan', u'polio vaccine opposition'): u'much in',
 (u'Age of Autism', u'Jain study'): u'already attacked',
 (u'Age of Autism', u'anti-vaccination'): u'is such',
 (u'American Medical Association',
  u'nonmedical reasons for exemptions'): u'members voted to eliminate',
 (u'American Medical Association',
  u'personal exemption'): u'supports on both state and federal levels to end',
 (u'American Medical Association',
  u'physicians'): u"is the country's largest association of",
 (u'American Medical Association',
  u'state legislatures'): u'persuaded to end personal exemptions',
 (u'California', u'measles'): u'largest outbreak',
 (u'California', u'vaccination exemptions'): u'rates increased in',
 (u'California Coalition for Health Choice',
  u'SB 277'): u'said they would step up efforts in Assembly to highlight impact of',
 (u'California Coalition for Health Choice',
  u'vaccine opponents'): u'are from',
 (u'California Senate', u'SB 277'): u'won overwhelming approval in',
 (u'Catholic parents', u'hepatitis A vaccine'): u'some question',
 (u'Catholic parents', u'rubella vaccine'): u'some question',
 (u'Catholic parents', u'varicella vaccine'): u'some question',
 (u'Catholics', u'religious groups'): u'in support of vaccination include',
 (u'Catholics', u'vaccination'): u'support',
  u'anti-vaccine eugenics community'): u'started measles outbreak from trip to',
 (u'Disneyland', u'measles'): u'outbreak started from trip to',
 (u'Disneyland measles outbreak',
  u'highly contagious disease'): u'117 people in Orange County, California were infected by',
 (u'Disneyland measles outbreak',
  u'interest in vaccinations'): u'created a firestorm of',
 (u'Disneyland measles outbreak', u'measles'): u'showed once again that',
 (u'Disneyland measles outbreak',
  u'measles cases'): u'one sick visitor started',
 (u'Disneyland measles outbreak', u'unvaccinated children'): u'was caused by',
 (u'Disneyland measles outbreak',
  u'vaccine exemptions'): u'occurred because of',
 (u'Dr. Adams',
  u'improved immunization policy and funding'): u'is an advocate for',
 (u'Dr. Adams', u'parents'): u'is an educator for',
 (u'Dr. Adams', u'policy makers'): u'is an educator for',
 (u'Dutch reformed churches',
  u'religious groups'): u'opposed to getting vaccinated include some',
 (u'Gardasil', u'CDC'): u'recommends boys get vaccinated when 11 or 12',
 (u'Gardasil', u'Cervarix'): u'similar to',
 (u'Gardasil', u'HPV strains'): u'targets four main',
 (u'Gardasil', u'boys'): u'should get vaccinated with',
 (u'Gardasil', u'cervical cancer'): u'billed as vaccine against',
 (u'Gardasil', u'genital warts'): u'appeared to reduce risk of',
 (u'Gardasil', u'girls'): u'should get vaccinated with',
 (u'Gardasil', u'new version of Gardasil'): u'similar to',
 (u'Gardasil', u'parents'): u'many have no sense of urgency about',
 (u'German measles', u'rubella'): u'is commonly called',
 (u'GlaxoSmithKline', u'flu vaccine recall'): u'voluntarily initiated',
 (u'Governor Jerry Brown', u'SB 277'): u'has signaled that he supports',
 (u'HPV', u'boys'): u'should get vaccinated with Gardasil before exposed to',
 (u'HPV strains',
  u'Cervarix'): u'approved for use in United States targets two',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'HPV infection'): u'cannot help clear current',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'Tdap'): u'given at same time as other important vaccines',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'ages 11 or 12'): u'is recommended',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'at-risk'): u'needs to be given before',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'benefits'): u'has',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'boys'): u'is recommended',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'cancer'): u'can prevent',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'cervical cancer'): u'prevents',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'cervical dysplasia'): u'protection against',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'genital warts'): u'protection against',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'girls'): u'is recommended',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'health officials'): u'recommend',
 (u'HPV vaccine',
  u'high-risk types of HPV'): u'provides partial protection against',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'magnitude of benefits'): u'has',
 (u'HPV vaccine',
  u'meningitis'): u'given at same time as other important vaccines',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'partial protection'): u'provides',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'preventing cancer'): u'is about',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'reduction in HPV'): u'brought',
 (u'HPV vaccine', u'sex'): u"let's not make it about",
 (u'HPV vaccine',
  u'teen girls'): u'are receiving important health benefits from',
 (u'HPV vaccine',
  u'women previously exposed to HPV'): u'may provide partial protection at multiple sites in',
 (u'HPV vaccine',
  u'women without previous HPV'): u'brought greatest protection',
 (u'HPV vaccine benefits', u'high school girls'): u'can be seen in',
 (u'HPV vaccine benefits', u'vaccination recommendations'): u'strengthens',
 (u'HPV vaccine recommendations',
  u'HPV Vaccine Trial in Costa Rica'): u'findings support current',
 (u'HPV vaccine recommendations', u'age 26'): u'are to continue through',
 (u'Hilary Clinton',
  u'vaccination'): u'took a firmer stance than she had in previous years by supporting',
 (u'India', u'vaccination rates'): u'has high',
 (u'Institute of Medicine',
  u'MMR vaccine does not cause autism'): u'examined large body of epidemiological evidence and confirmed in 2004 that',
 (u'Islamic principles', u'immunization'): u'is consistent with',
 (u'JAMA paper', u'vaccine debate'): u'should end once and for all',
 (u'Jain study', u'MMR vaccine'): u'shows receipt of',
 (u'Jain study', u'MMR vaccine safety'): u'adds more weight to evidence about',
 (u'Jain study', u'anti-vaccination'): u'hope helps to end the movement of',
 (u'Jain study', u'carefully conducted study'): u'is',
 (u'Jain study', u'harmful association'): u'indicates no',
 (u'Jain study', u'observational study'): u'was by necessity',
 (u'Jain study', u'protective effect of vaccines'): u'findings indicated',
 (u'Jain study', u'suprising results'): u'did not have',
 (u'Jain study',
  u'vaccinated children'): u'are somewhat less likely to be diagnosed with autism than unvaccinated children indicated findings of',
 (u'Jain study', u'vaccine-autism link'): u'finds no',
 (u"Jehovah's Witnesses",
  u'religious groups'): u'in support of vaccination include',
 (u"Jehovah's Witnesses",
  u'vaccination'): u'does not appear to be in violation for',
 (u"Jehovah's Witnesses", u'vaccines'): u'had past opposition to',
 (u'Jewish dietary laws', u'vaccines'): u'assume against',
 (u'Jews', u'gelatin'): u'confusion since vaccines contain components',
 (u'Jews', u'pig'): u'confusion since vaccines contain components',
 (u'Jews', u'religious groups'): u'in support of vaccination include',
 (u'Jews', u'vaccination'): u'support',
 (u'Jews', u'vaccines'): u'are encouraged to use',
 (u'Journal of the American Medical Association', u'JAMA paper'): u'is in',
 (u'Los Angeles', u'vaccine exemption'): u'has increased rates of',
 (u'MMR vaccine',
  u'autism'): u'researchers were unable to find any association with',
 (u'MMR vaccine', u'autism risk'): u'may lower',
 (u'MMR vaccine', u'developmental disability'): u'might trigger',
 (u'MMR vaccine', u'environmental trigger'): u'is not that',
 (u'MMR vaccine',
  u'rubella elimination'): u'widespread use partly to thank for',
 (u'MMR vaccine', u'young children'): u'should protect',
 (u'MMR vaccine does not cause autism',
  u'CDC'): u'in 2013 tracked 256 children with autism and investigated whether they had received the MMR vaccine and found',
 (u'MMR vaccine does not cause autism', u'Jain study'): u'shows',
  u'measles vaccine'): u'had 24% higher sales in 2015 than in 2014 for',
 (u'Mina study', u'evidence'): u'provides compelling',
 (u'Mina study',
  u'parents'): u'should give more motivation to vaccinate kids to',
 (u'Mississippi', u'MMR vaccine'): u'limits vaccine exemptions for',
 (u'Mississippi', u'medical exemption'): u'has limited',
 (u'Mississippi', u'religious exemptions'): u'does not have',
 (u'Muslim fundamentalists',
  u'religious groups'): u'opposed to getting vaccinated include some',
 (u'Muslim leaders',
  u'Islamic principles'): u'say immunization is consistent with',
 (u'Muslims', u'religious groups'): u'in support of vaccination include',
 (u'Muslims', u'vaccination'): u'support',
 (u'National Infant Immunization Week',
  u'immunization programs'): u'celebrate achievements',
 (u'National Infant Immunization Week',
  u'infants'): u'highlight importance of protecting',
 (u'Neisseria meningitidis bacteria',
  u'meningococcal disease'): u'refers to any illness caused by',
 (u'Neisseria meningitidis bacteria',
  u'people'): u'can carry without getting sick',
 (u'Neisseria meningitidis bacteria',
  u'respiratory secretions'): u'spread by sharing',
 (u'Nepal', u'vaccination rates'): u'has high',
 (u'Nigeria', u'polio vaccine opposition'): u'much in',
 (u'Ohio', u'vaccination coverage'): u'has 86%',
 (u'Orthodox Jewish communities', u'measles'): u'58 cases in',
 (u'Polio', u'vaccines'): u'in U.S. have eliminated',
 (u'Prabhupada Village', u'measles'): u'21 people linked to',
 (u'SB 277', u'republicans'): u'most in California voted against',
 (u'Tdap vaccine', u'babies'): u'encouraged before meeting',
 (u'Tdap vaccine', u'important vaccine'): u'is other',
 (u'Tdap vaccine', u'parents'): u'encouraged',
 (u'Tdap vaccine',
  u'pregnant women'): u'during third trimester should recieve',
 (u'The Church', u'vaccines'): u'says it is lawful to use',
 (u'U.S.', u'HPV vaccination rates'): u'continued to lag in',
 (u'U.S.', u'vaccine-preventable diseases'): u'still circulate around',
 (u'United States',
  u'autism rate'): u'in recent years has seen a rising rate of',
 (u'United States', u'health care improvement'): u'has seen since 1960s',
 (u'United States', u'measles'): u'688 people in 27 states in 2014 contracted',
 (u'United States', u'new version of Gardasil'): u'approved for use in',
 (u'University of Minnesota',
  u'Dr. Mark Schleiss'): u'is pediatric infectious disease physician at',
 (u'Vaccine Free Family Day Care', u'anti-vaccination'): u'is group',
 (u"Victoria's health minister", u'Jill Hennessy'): u'is',
 (u'Victorian government', u'vaccinated children'): u'requires',
 (u'Wakefield study', u'debunked study'): u'is',
 (u'Wakefield study', u'fraudulent'): u'later found to be',
 (u'Wakefield study', u'misplaced fear of autism'): u'can be traced back to',
 (u'Wakefield study', u'retracted 1998 Lancet study'): u'was fraudulent and',
 (u'Wakefield study', u'vaccine-autism link'): u'usually stems from',
 (u'West Virginia', u'MMR vaccine'): u'limits vaccine exemptions for',
 (u'West Virginia', u'medical exemption'): u'has limited',
 (u'West Virginia', u'religious exemptions'): u'does not have',
 (u'William Moss', u'Johns Hopkins University'): u'is at',
 (u'William Moss', u'Mina study'): u'provides compelling evidence says',
 (u'William Moss', u'measles vaccine'): u'has studied for more than a decade',
 (u'World Health Organization',
  u'measles'): u'optimistic that can be eliminated',
 (u'World Health Organization', u'promising news'): u'announced',
 (u'aborted fetuses',
  u'hepatitis A vaccine'): u'are cultured cells originally derived from',
 (u'aborted fetuses',
  u'varicella vaccine'): u'are cultured cells originally derived from',
 (u'activism', u'anti-vaccination'): u'ongoing of',
 (u'age 11 or 12', u'HPV vaccine recommendations'): u'start at',
 (u'ages 14 to 17', u'sexually active'): u'are',
 (u'allergies', u'medical exemption'): u'includes',
 (u'alternative explanation',
  u'protective effect of vaccines'): u'Jain study authors wisely offered for',
 (u'answers', u'families'): u'are desperately seeking',
  u'Eagle Mountain International Church'): u'described as ',
  u'SB 277'): u'folks are going to make a very hard push against',
  u'argument'): u'advocates frequently move goal posts with their',
 (u'anti-vaccination', u'autism'): u'is driven by fears that shots cause',
  u'developmental disability'): u'argument is that MMR vaccine might trigger',
 (u'anti-vaccination', u'money'): u'should stop spending',
  u'religion'): u'views for many religious groups are not always about',
  u'religious groups'): u'views are not always about religion within',
  u'side effects'): u'is driven by fears that shots cause autism and other',
 (u'anti-vaccination', u'time'): u'should stop spending',
 (u'anti-vaccination', u'vaccine mandates'): u'would probably reinforce the',
  u'vaccine-autism link'): u'movement is driven by fear of',
 (u'anti-vaccination', u'we'): u'want to end the movement',
 (u'anti-vaxxer', u'anti-vaccination'): u'is',
 (u'anti-vaxxer', u'commitment'): u'has considerable',
 (u'anti-vaxxer', u'minority views'): u'has',
  u'opponent of sanity-oriented legislation'): u'is an effective',
 (u'anti-vaxxer', u'true-believer cohort'): u'has',
 (u'antibiotics', u'better health care'): u'includes more',
 (u'any shot', u'risk of fainting'): u'after getting any',
 (u'argument', u'vaccine-autism link'): u'it seems silly that this is still',
 (u'arm', u'side effects'): u'most common take place in',
 (u'at-risk', u'sexually active'): u'ages 14 to 17 are',
 (u'at-risk children', u'autism risk'): u'actually lower for',
 (u'at-risk unvaccinated children', u'autism risk'): u'had no increased',
 (u'autism rate', u'children at higher risk for autism'): u'higher among',
 (u'autism risk', u'at-risk vaccinated children'): u'had no increased',
 (u'autism risk',
  u'children with affected older sibling'): u'no evidence that MMR vaccine raised',
 (u'autism risk', u'no evidence'): u'MMR vaccine raises',
 (u'autism risk', u'unvaccinated children'): u'had no increased',
 (u'autism risk', u'vaccinated children'): u'had no increased',
 (u'autism risk',
  u'vaccinated children and unvaccinated children'): u'recurrence does not differ between',
 (u'autism risk', u'vaccination'): u'no one would suggest reduces',
 (u'autism risk',
  u'younger siblings of children with ASD'): u'did not increase even in',
 (u'babies', u'whooping cough'): u'can be protected before they are born from',
 (u'babies', u'whooping cough vaccine'): u'at 2 months can recieve first',
 (u'backfire', u'vaccine mandates'): u'would probably',
 (u'bacteria', u'carrier'): u'most often spread by',
  u'measles vaccine'): u'has additional benefits that are still poorly understood',
 (u'biologically-predisposed children',
  u'myth'): u'to adverse MMR reaction is a ',
 (u'birth defects', u'pregnant women'): u'rubella can cause in',
 (u'birth defects', u'rubella'): u'can cause in pregnant women',
 (u'booster dose', u'teens'): u'recommended to get',
 (u'boys', u'sexually active'): u'should get vaccinated with Gardasil before',
 (u'brain damage', u'long-term disabilities'): u'such as',
 (u'brain damage', u'measles'): u'can lead to',
 (u'brain development',
  u'environmental factors'): u'trigger strikes during particular window in',
 (u'cancer-causing types of HPV',
  u'Gardasil'): u'recently approved and protects against seven',
 (u'caregivers', u'Tdap vaccine'): u'encouraged',
 (u'carrier', u'meningococcal disease symptoms'): u'does not have',
 (u'cervical dysplasia', u'HPV infection'): u'tends to be earliest signs of',
 (u'cervical dysplasia', u'abnormal cells'): u'characterized by',
 (u'cervical dysplasia',
  u'becomes cancer'): u'if left untreated and unchecked',
 (u'cervical dysplasia', u'cervical cancer'): u'can lead to',
 (u'cervical dysplasia',
  u'high school girls who received Gardasil'): u'were less likely than those unvaccinated to be diagnosed with',
 (u'cervical dysplasia',
  u'sexually active'): u'can happen as soon as girl becomes',
 (u'cervical dysplasia', u'vaccinated girls'): u'5.7 fewer cases per 1000',
 (u'cervical dysplasia',
  u'vaccines'): u'teen girls who received experienced reduction in',
 (u'challenge', u'autism'): u'remains',
 (u'childcare', u'parents'): u'are being denied',
 (u'childcare', u'vaccinated children'): u'can be enrolled in',
  u'vaccination exemptions'): u'rates went down in Arizona for 2014-2015 in',
 (u'childcare benefits',
  u'parents who refuse to vaccinate their children'): u'would no longer receive',
 (u'childhood mortality',
  u'impoverished populations'): u'reduction is even larger in most',
 (u'childhood mortality',
  u'vaccination'): u'in Europe and the U.S., against measles was followed by reduction in',
 (u'children', u'JAMA paper'): u'examined insurance claims for 96,000 U.S.',
 (u'children', u'autism'): u'one in 68 kids has some form of',
  u'better health care'): u'who get measles vaccine are more likely to get',
  u'birth defects'): u'up to 20,000 a year in Latin American and the Carribean are born with rubella-related',
  u'delaying vaccination'): u'puts at risk of potentially serious infections',
 (u'children', u'diseases'): u'can disable',
 (u'children', u'early education'): u'all should have an equal chance at',
 (u'children', u'genetic predisposition'): u'some have',
  u'immunization schedule'): u'is important to follow to protect young',
 (u'children', u'life-threatening diseases'): u'are later exposed to',
 (u'children', u'measles'): u'if world can eliminate, it will help protect',
  u'measles vaccine'): u'are more likely to get better health care who receive',
  u'measles virus'): u'predisposes to other infectious diseases for up to a few years',
 (u'children', u'parental responsibility'): u'to',
 (u'children', u'parents'): u'are trying to do best for their',
 (u'children', u'recommended immunization schedule'): u'should follow',
 (u'children', u'required vaccinations'): u'can be exempted from',
 (u'children', u'vaccinated'): u'many attend school without being fully',
  u'vaccine-autism link'): u'many continue to withhold vaccines because of fear of',
 (u'children', u'vaccines'): u'many parents continue to withhold from',
 (u'children', u'withholding vaccines'): u'on purpose is unethical from',
 (u'children at higher risk for autism',
  u'autism'): u'actually less likely to receive diagnosis for',
 (u'children at higher risk for autism', u'sibling with autism'): u'have',
 (u'children at increased genetic risk',
  u'autism'): u'no increased risk even among',
 (u'children at increased genetic risk',
  u'autism risk'): u'no evidence it raises',
 (u'children with affected older sibling', u'autism'): u'7% themselves had',
 (u'children with affected older sibling and who had received MMR vaccine',
  u'autism'): u'were actually one-quarter less likely to be diagnosed with',
 (u'children with autistic sibling', u'autism'): u'more likely to have',
 (u'children with family history of autism',
  u'vaccine-autism link'): u'researchers found no association for',
 (u'children with immunosuppressive diseases', u'herd immunity'): u'depend on',
 (u'children with immunosuppressive diseases',
  u'vaccinations'): u'cannot receive',
 (u'children with neurodevelopmental issues',
  u'reassurance'): u'is about vaccinating ',
 (u'children with neurodevelopmental issues',
  u'vaccine-preventable diseases'): u'are particulary vulnerable to many',
 (u'children without affected older sibling',
  u'autism risk'): u'no evidence that MMR vaccine raised',
 (u'choice to not vaccinate younger child',
  u'autism risk'): u'did not decrease',
 (u'choice to not vaccinate younger child',
  u'measles risk'): u'only increased',
 (u'choice to not vaccinate younger child',
  u'risk of mumps'): u'only increased',
 (u'choice to not vaccinate younger child',
  u'risk of rubella'): u'only increased',
 (u'choosing not to vaccinate children',
  u'families'): u'in Arizona are choosing',
 (u'church', u'unvaccinated children'): u'people become clustered',
 (u'close contacts', u'Tdap vaccine'): u'encouraged',
 (u'close contacts', u'antibiotics'): u'should receive',
 (u'close contacts', u'infection'): u'highest risk for getting',
 (u'close contacts',
  u'prophylaxis'): u'of a person with meningococcal disease should receive',
 (u'colleges', u'meningococcal outbreak'): u'can occur in',
  u'Public health officials'): u'must work to help protect entire',
 (u'community', u'families'): u'must work to help protect entire',
  u'health care professionals'): u'must work to help protect entire',
 (u'community', u'vaccine rates'): u'are issues of',
 (u'community advocates', u'pro-vaccination'): u'parents are trained to be',
 (u'community-level', u'driving factors'): u'vary significantly at',
 (u'compromise', u'parents'): u'aimed at mollifying hundreds of',
 (u'computer models', u'Mina study'): u'used',
 (u'conscientious objectors',
  u'parents who refuse to vaccinate their children'): u'are',
  u'Muslim fundamentalists'): u'belief that polio vaccination is',
 (u'conspiracy', u'Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'): u'such as',
 (u'conspiracy', u'polio vaccine opposition'): u'comes from',
 (u'conspiracy', u'sterilize Muslims'): u'that polio vaccine is to',
 (u'controversial bill', u'SB 277'): u'is',
  u'right to personal exemptions'): u'quickly became lightening rod of',
 (u'course of autism',
  u'vaccinated children and unvaccinated children'): u'does not differ between',
 (u'cultured cells', u'hepatitis A vaccine'): u'are',
 (u'cultured cells', u'rubella vaccine'): u'are',
 (u'cultured cells', u'varicella vaccine'): u'are',
 (u'daily activities', u'side effects'): u'most do not affect',
  u'community-level immunization rates'): u'variation is putting kids in',
  u'variation'): u'community level immunization rate putting kids in',
 (u"daughters' health", u'delaying Gardasil'): u'puts at risk',
 (u"daughters' health", u'parents'): u'are putting at risk',
 (u'deaths', u'measles'): u'can lead to',
 (u'deaths', u'vaccination'): u'will prevent',
 (u'delaying Gardasil', u'parents'): u'believe no harm in',
 (u'delaying vaccination', u'parents'): u'many for young children',
 (u'developing countries', u'measles vaccine'): u'phenomenon today is seen in',
 (u'developing countries', u'reduction in mortality'): u'up to 80% in',
 (u'diarrhea deaths', u'measles vaccine'): u'cut in half after',
 (u'disease', u'vaccination'): u'reduces',
 (u'disease', u'vaccines'): u'is worse than ',
 (u'diseases', u'complications'): u'even more likely to cause serious',
 (u'distrust of medical establishment',
  u'parents'): u'some (roughly 23 percent of reluctant group) have',
 (u'distrust of medical establishment', u'vaccine hesitancy'): u'fuels',
 (u'doctors', u'vaccine refusal rates'): u'increase when',
 (u'ear infections', u'measles'): u'can lead to',
 (u'early childcare advocacy group', u'Early Childhood Australia'): u'is',
 (u'education', u'republicans'): u'concerned about opportunities for equal',
 (u'efficacious', u'vaccines'): u'science is clear',
 (u'eliminated', u'measles'): u'in the near future can be',
 (u'elite list', u'eliminated virus'): u'is',
 (u'environmental factors',
  u'autism'): u"we don't understand those contributing to the exponential rise in",
 (u'environmental factors', u'role'): u'must play a',
 (u'epidemiological data', u'Mina study'): u'used',
 (u'epidemiologist', u'William Moss'): u'is',
  u'SB 277'): u'tells that the government thinks it knows better to deeply devout',
 (u'families', u'autism'): u'remains challenge for',
 (u'fear', u'vaccine-autism link'): u'parents have that there is',
 (u'fence-sitters', u'hesitant parents'): u'are',
  u'make plans ahead of time'): u'could be encouraged to vaccinate by asking to',
 (u'fence-sitters', u'vaccine-autism link'): u'are unsure about',
 (u'fence-sitters', u'vaccines'): u'could be prodded toward getting',
 (u'fever', u'minor symptoms'): u'such as',
 (u'financial forces', u'Dr. Mark Schleiss'): u'is concerned about',
 (u'financial forces', u'anti-vaccination'): u'are driving the agenda',
 (u'financial forces',
  u'families'): u'are preying on vulnerable and resource-limited',
 (u'financial forces',
  u'unconscionable'): u'behind every anti-vaccine website is',
 (u'findings', u'field'): u'might have been expected by those in the',
 (u'findings', u'research'): u'might have been expected by anyone following',
 (u'findings', u'studies'): u'had expected',
 (u'flu shots', u'MMR vaccine'): u'are not as controversial as',
 (u'formal advice', u'religious groups'): u'have no',
 (u'free vaccine eligible girls', u'cervical dysplasia'): u'2.32 fewer cases',
 (u'free vaccine eligible girls', u'genital warts'): u'.34 fewer cases',
 (u'free vaccine eligible girls',
  u'three doses Gardasil'): u'even if eligible on 50.6% got',
  u'parents'): u'recruiting to pass on the message could be more effective for',
 (u'fully vaccinated', u'orthodox Hasidic Jews'): u'most other are',
 (u'gelatin', u'vaccines'): u'contain',
  u'autism'): u'it is known that genes make certain children more vulnerable to',
 (u'genetic component', u'autism'): u'is known to have',
 (u'genetic predisposition', u'autism'): u'makes more vulnerable to',
 (u'genetic predisposition', u'triple hit'): u'includes',
 (u'genetically-predisposed children',
  u'myth'): u'to adverse MMR reaction is a ',
 (u'genital warts', u'HPV'): u'also caused by',
 (u'genital warts', u'HPV infection'): u'tends to be earliest signs of',
 (u'genital warts', u'sexually active'): u'can happen as soon as girl becomes',
 (u'genital warts', u'vaccinated girls'): u'.83 fewer cases',
 (u'genital warts',
  u'vaccines'): u'teen girls who received suffered fewer cases',
 (u'gift from God',
  u'Dutch reformed churches'): u'subset describe vaccines as',
 (u'girls', u'HPV'): u'should get vaccinated with Gardasil before exposed to',
  u'one dose Gardasil'): u'only 57% between ages 13 and 17 had received',
 (u'girls', u'sexually active'): u'should get vaccinated with Gardasil before',
  u'three doses Gardasil'): u'only 38% between ages 13 and 17 had received',
 (u'government policy',
  u'state vaccination rates'): u'variation is driven by variation in',
 (u'government rebates',
  u'unvaccinated children'): u'still would not qualify for',
 (u'hardness of the skin', u'side effects'): u'in arm can include',
 (u'harmful association', u'autism'): u'none between MMR vaccine and',
  u'meningococcal disease symptoms'): u'may include sudden onset of',
 (u'headache', u'side effects'): u'common include',
 (u'health care providers',
  u'prevent cancer'): u'fail to grasp that HPV vaccine is first to',
 (u'health officials', u'parents who choose to delay vaccination'): u'blame',
 (u'healthy communities', u'immunization'): u'promotes',
 (u'herd immunity', u'children with cancer'): u'depend on',
 (u'herd immunity',
  u'community members'): u'estimates between 83% and 94% must be vaccinated to achieve against measles',
 (u'herd immunity', u'interventions'): u'can push past',
 (u'herd immunity', u'measles'): u'between 83% and 94% vaccinated for',
 (u'herd immunity', u'measles protection'): u'rests on',
 (u'herd immunity', u'new strategies'): u'can push past',
 (u'herd immunity', u'vaccination'): u'can provide a robust',
 (u'high fever',
  u'meningococcal disease symptoms'): u'may include sudden onset of',
 (u'high risk children', u'vaccine-autism link'): u'no link even in',
 (u'high-risk children', u'autism'): u'were not more likely to develop',
 (u'high-risk children', u'harmful association'): u'none even for',
 (u'high-risk children', u'sibling with autism'): u'have',
 (u'home schooling',
  u'unvaccinated children'): u'kindergarteners would require',
  u'vaccination'): u'among children born during 1994-2013 will prevent 21 million',
  u'meningococcal disease'): u'spread especially among people who share a room or live in the same',
 (u'human papillomavirus', u'Cervarix'): u'protects against 2 strains',
 (u'human papillomavirus', u'Gardasil 4'): u'protects against 4 strains',
 (u'human papillomavirus', u'Gardasil 9'): u'protects against 9 strains',
  u'anti-vaccination'): u'is spending time and money trying to refute long-discredited',
 (u'hypotheses', u'immune amnesia'): u'is still just a',
 (u'idea', u'doctors'): u'must inoculate people against',
 (u'idea', u'people'): u'must be inoculated against',
 (u'ill effects', u'Wakefield study'): u'had',
 (u'ill effects', u'vast amounts of money'): u'spent to counter',
 (u'ill effects', u'vast amounts of time'): u'spent to counter',
 (u'imitation infection', u'illnesses'): u'does not cause',
 (u'imitation infection',
  u'immune system'): u'causes to develp same response as to real infection',
 (u'immune amnesia', u'immune system'): u'after measles seems to have',
 (u'immune amnesia', u'testing'): u'needs more',
 (u'immune memory cells', u'measles'): u'could cause the loss of',
 (u'immune response',
  u'vaccine'): u'could be less potent after waiting longer to get',
 (u'immune response', u'waiting longer'): u'could mean less potent',
 (u'immune system', u'evidence'): u'in Mina study is that measles affects',
 (u'immune system',
  u'immune protection'): u'after measles infection has to rebuild its',
 (u'immune system disorder', u'medical exemption'): u'includes',
 (u'immunization', u'religion'): u'is used to dodge crucial',
 (u'immunization rates',
  u'community-level'): u'variation is putting kids in danger',
 (u'immunization rates', u'state-level'): u'only tell part of the story',
 (u'immunization rates', u'states'): u'all have',
 (u'immunization schedule', u'immunity'): u'provides in life early',
  u'susceptibility to other illnesses'): u"often thought to be transient, which increases the host's",
 (u'infant death', u'immunization'): u'great strides in drastically reducing',
 (u'infant disability',
  u'immunization'): u'great strides in drastically reducing',
  u'cancer'): u'of anus is primary anatomic site where persistent HPV infections can cause',
 (u'infection', u'herd immunity'): u'can provide a robust',
 (u'infection', u'high-risk types of HPV'): u'of anus is',
  u'vaccines'): u'cause the immune system to develop the same response as it does to a real',
 (u'infection at multiple sites', u'HPV vaccine'): u'is effective against',
 (u'infection of anus', u'multi-site protection'): u'includes',
 (u'infection of cervix', u'multi-site protection'): u'includes',
 (u'infection of mouth', u'multi-site protection'): u'includes',
 (u'infectious disease mortality',
  u'measles vaccine'): u'protective effects can lead to reduction in',
 (u'infectious diseases', u'childhood mortality'): u'plummeted for',
 (u'infectious diseases', u'developing countries'): u'are very high in',
 (u'infectious diseases',
  u'state-level policies'): u'could address issues driving low vaccination rates for other',
 (u'infectious diseases',
  u'vaccinations'): u'protect against by staying current with',
 (u'influenza symptoms',
  u'meningococcal disease symptoms'): u'can start similar to',
 (u'insurance claims', u'JAMA paper'): u'examined',
 (u'kindergarten', u'SB 277'): u'is required before entering',
  u'vaccination exemptions'): u'rates went down in Arizona for 2014-2015 in',
  u'SB 277'): u'supporters hope that it will clear the Assembly and be signed into',
 (u'legitimate reasons',
  u'parents'): u'who do personal belief exemption now do it for',
 (u'legitimate reasons', u'personal belief exemption'): u'is for',
 (u'life-threatening diseases', u'infants'): u'are later exposed to',
 (u'long-term benefits', u'measles vaccine'): u'has',
 (u'long-term disabilities', u'deafness'): u'such as',
 (u'long-term disabilities', u'loss of limb'): u'such as',
 (u'low vaccination rates',
  u'at-risk'): u'at community level are putting children',
 (u'low vaccination rates', u'cluster'): u'in schools',
 (u'low vaccination rates',
  u'state-level policies'): u'could address issues driving',
 (u'lower rate of autism in vaccinated children',
  u'protective effect of vaccines'): u'was shown by',
  u'Eagle Mountain International Church'): u'16 people in Texas linked to',
 (u'measles', u'Netherlands Reformed Congregation'): u'320 cases linked to',
  u'anti-vaccine eugenics community'): u'158 cases from members of an',
  u'childhood mortality'): u'infections may have contributed to as many as half of all',
 (u'measles', u'immune protection'): u'erases',
 (u'measles', u'immune system'): u'is known to suppress',
 (u'measles', u'immunity'): u'could erase previously acquired',
 (u'measles', u'immunization'): u'is crucial',
  u'immunosuppression'): u'infection typically accompanied by a severe',
  u'interventions'): u'control through vaccines is one of the most successful public health',
  u'low vaccination coverage'): u'in 2014, caused 644 people in the U.S. to be sickened by',
 (u'measles', u'measles comeback'): u'could stage permanent',
 (u'measles', u'parents'): u'critical they protect their children against',
 (u'measles', u'preventable disease'): u'is very',
  u'religion'): u'is used to dodge crucial immunizations against diseases such as',
  u'state-level policies'): u'could address issues driving low vaccination rates for',
 (u'measles', u'vaccination'): u'infections reduction through',
 (u'measles increase',
  u'vaccine-preventable diseases'): u'is an example of seriousness of',
 (u'measles outbreak', u'California'): u'began in',
 (u'measles outbreak', u'Disneyland measles outbreak'): u'became multi-state',
 (u'measles outbreak', u'United States'): u'is continuing to see',
 (u'measles outbreak',
  u'herd immunity'): u'is 92 to 94 percent of people in a community that must be vaccinated to prevent',
 (u'measles outbreak', u'orthodox Hasidic Jews'): u'were at the center',
 (u'measles outbreak',
  u'vaccination'): u'calls may have paid off after multi-state',
 (u'measles reappearance',
  u'parents who choose to delay vaccination'): u'health officials blame in part on',
 (u'measles reappearance',
  u'vaccination rates'): u'could occur because of declining',
 (u'measles vaccination rate', u'Colorado'): u'coverage is as low as 86%',
 (u'measles vaccination rate', u'Libya'): u'has 99 percent',
 (u'measles vaccination rate', u'Ohio'): u'coverage is as low as 86%',
 (u'measles vaccination rate', u'Tanzania'): u'has 99 percent',
 (u'measles vaccination rate',
  u'United States'): u'the national average is 91 percent',
 (u'measles vaccine',
  u'childhood mortality'): u'reduction is even larger in most impoverished populations, reaching up to 90 percent from',
 (u'measles vaccine', u'sales'): u'24% higher',
 (u'measles virus', u'bad news'): u'elimination has',
 (u'measles virus',
  u'herd immunity'): u'has trouble finding victims, even the unvaccinated at',
 (u'measles virus', u'immunosuppression'): u'for England and Wales, led to',
 (u'measles virus', u'models of disease'): u'shown by',
 (u'measles virus', u'rubella elimination effort'): u'also targeted',
 (u'measles virus', u'unvaccinated'): u'has trouble finding',
 (u'measles virus', u'victims'): u'has trouble finding',
 (u'medical advancement',
  u'vaccines'): u'are probably of past two centuries the greatest',
 (u'medical exemption', u'SB 277'): u'impact of difficulty of acquiring',
 (u'medical issue', u'required vaccinations'): u'can be exempt if child has',
 (u'medical issue', u'vaccination'): u'can make dangerous',
 (u'medical law', u'vaccines'): u'judged based on concepts of',
  u'religious groups'): u'most actively encourage to get vaccinated',
 (u'meningitis', u'important vaccine'): u'is',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'antibiotics'): u'prevent from getting',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'anyone'): u'can get',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'carrier'): u'people can be',
 (u'meningococcal disease',
  u'cases'): u"most cases appear to be random and aren't linked to other",
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'confusion'): u'will often cause',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'death'): u'10 to 15 out of 100 people',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'early diagnosis'): u'very important for',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'early treatment'): u'very important for',
 (u'meningococcal disease',
  u'healthy people'): u'can be devastating and often and unexpectedly strikes otherwise',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'illnesses'): u'very serious and not very common',
 (u'meningococcal disease',
  u'increased sensitivity to light'): u'will often cause',
 (u'meningococcal disease',
  u'long-term disabilities'): u'11 to 19 out of every 100 survivors will have',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'meningococcal vaccine'): u'protects against',
 (u'meningococcal disease',
  u'outbreak'): u'very few cases occur as part of an',
 (u'meningococcal disease',
  u'random cases'): u'97 or 98 out of 100 cases appear to be',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'rash'): u'will often cause',
 (u'meningococcal disease',
  u'respiratory secretions'): u'spread from person to person by sharing',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'serious illness'): u'is a very',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'teens'): u'are at increased risk for ',
 (u'meningococcal disease', u'young adults'): u'at increased risk for',
 (u'meningococcal outbreak', u'community'): u'can occur in',
 (u'meningococcal outbreak',
  u'meningococcal disease cases'): u'very few (2 or 3 out of 100) occur as part of',
 (u'meningococcal outbreak', u'other populations'): u'can occur in',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine', u'11-12 years of age'): u'recommended at',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine',
  u'11-18 year olds'): u'routinely recommended for all',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine',
  u'preteens'): u'should get the first dose at their 11-12 year old check-up',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine', u'risk of fainting'): u'after getting',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine', u'safe'): u'is',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine', u'serogroup B'): u'does not protect against',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine', u'serogroup C'): u'protects against',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine', u'serogroup Y'): u'protects against',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine', u'side effects'): u'occur from',
 (u'meningococcal vaccine', u'teens'): u'need',
 (u'mental disorders',
  u'Senator Rand Paul'): u'suggested immunization could lead to profound',
 (u'mental disorders', u'vaccinations'): u'could lead to profound',
 (u'met the bar',
  u'parents who refuse to vaccinate their children'): u'in the U.S. have not',
 (u'mild', u'side effects'): u'most are',
 (u'minor symptoms', u'expected'): u'should be',
 (u'minor symptoms',
  u'immunity'): u'are normal and should be expected as the body builds',
 (u'minority views',
  u'opponent of sanity-oriented legislation'): u'anti-vaxxer is effective despite',
 (u'miscarriage', u'pregnant women'): u'rubella can cause in',
 (u'miscarriage', u'rubella'): u'can cause in pregnant women',
 (u'misguided claims', u'activism'): u'persist thanks to ongoing',
 (u'misguided claims',
  u'anti-vaccination'): u'persist thanks to ongoing activism of groups',
 (u'misguided claims', u'conspiracy'): u'persist thanks to',
 (u'misguided claims', u'vaccines cause autism'): u'persist that',
 (u'misguided claims',
  u'vaccines cause neurological problems'): u'persist that',
 (u'misplaced fear of ASD', u'parents'): u'refuse based on',
 (u'money', u'National Institutes of Health'): u'for study came from',
 (u'money', u'other projects'): u'could have gone to any number of',
 (u'monkey studies', u'immune protection'): u'show measles erases',
 (u'mothers with pregnancy-related diabetes',
  u'autism risk'): u'among more than 322,000 children was elevated among children who had',
 (u'multi-site protection',
  u'HPV Vaccine Trial in Costa Rica'): u'previous reports looking at separate sites demonstrated HPV vaccine is highly effective in providing',
 (u'mystery', u'measles vaccine'): u'was 50-year old',
  u'mortality rate decrease'): u'following introduction of measles vaccine is',
  u'reduction in child mortality'): u'following introduction of measles vaccine is',
 (u'myth', u'Senator Jeff Stone'): u'denounced',
 (u'natural defenses', u'vaccines'): u"work with the body's",
 (u'nausea', u'meningococcal disease'): u'will often cause',
 (u'nausea', u'side effects'): u'common include',
 (u'neighbors', u'vaccine message'): u'spread by speaking directly to',
 (u'nervous system problems', u'long-term disabilities'): u'such as',
 (u'neurological problems', u'vaccines'): u'cause',
 (u'new version of Gardasil', u'HPV strains'): u'targets nine',
 (u'no brainer', u'vaccinations'): u'are a',
 (u'non-judgmental environment',
  u'vaccine-free day care centres'): u'provide a',
 (u'non-medical reasons for exemption', u'religion'): u'such as',
 (u'nonmeasles infectious diseases',
  u'childhood mortality'): u'reduction was due to',
 (u'nonmeasles infectious diseases',
  u'immunosuppression'): u'corresponded to a strengthened association between measles and',
 (u'nonmeasles infectious diseases',
  u'measles'): u'strengthened association with',
 (u'normal', u'minor symptoms'): u'are',
 (u'number of deaths from other infections',
  u'measles cases'): u'number predicted two to three years later',
 (u'numerous international studies',
  u'vaccine-autism link'): u'have found no evidence for',
 (u'opportunistic infections', u'measles vaccine'): u'appears to prevent some',
 (u'opposed', u'Amish'): u'are',
 (u'opposed', u'Dutch reformed churches'): u'are',
 (u'opposed', u'Muslim fundamentalists'): u'are',
 (u'opposed', u'absolute objection'): u'does not mean',
 (u'opt-outs', u'SB 277'): u'abolishing most',
 (u'opting out of immunization',
  u'personal preference'): u'should not be solely as a matter of',
 (u'orthodox Hasidic Jews',
  u'hepatitis A vaccine'): u'some have participated in trials for',
 (u'orthodox Hasidic Jews',
  u'mumps vaccine'): u'some have participated in trials for',
 (u'other good reasons',
  u'protective effect of vaccines'): u'Jain study authors noted for apparent',
 (u'other meningococcal disease cases',
  u'meningococcal disease cases'): u"most aren't linked to",
 (u'overseas countries', u'vaccine-preventable diseases'): u'are common in',
 (u'overwhelming approval', u'controversial bill'): u'won',
 (u'pain', u'side effects'): u'in arm can include',
 (u'parental responsibility', u'community'): u'to',
 (u'parental rights', u'California governor'): u'is sensitive to',
 (u'parental rights', u'parents'): u'concerns over asserting',
 (u'parents', u'SB 277'): u'have staged rallies and jammed hearing rooms',
  u'autism'): u'who already have a child with autism seem even more concerned',
  u'community-level'): u'driving factors to opt out of recommended vaccine schedule vary significantly at',
 (u'parents', u'daughters'): u'have been delaying vaccination for',
 (u'parents', u'driving factors'): u'vary significantly for',
  u'infectious disease'): u'critical they protect their children against',
 (u'parents', u'measles vaccine'): u'hesitant can be nudged to use',
  u'medical exemption'): u'can choose to exempt their children from required childcare and school vaccinations for',
 (u'parents', u'refuse vaccinations'): u'many for young children',
  u'religious reasons'): u'can choose to exempt their children from required childcare and school vaccinations for',
  u'scheduled appointment'): u'more likely to go through with it when informing them their child would receive vaccine at their next',
 (u'parents', u'sense of urgency'): u'many have no',
 (u'parents', u'sexually active'): u"don't think daughters are",
 (u'parents of autistic children',
  u'anti-vaccination'): u'withheld vaccines because of fears spread by movement',
 (u'parents of autistic children',
  u'delaying vaccination'): u'are more likely',
 (u'parents of autistic children',
  u'lower rate of autism in vaccinated children'): u'who withheld vaccines from their children could contribute to the apparently lower',
 (u'parents of autistic children',
  u'protective effect of vaccines'): u'could explain apparent',
 (u'parents of autistic children',
  u'vaccine avoidance'): u'among most likely for',
 (u'parents of autistic children',
  u'withholding vaccines'): u'could explain apparent protective effect of vaccines by',
 (u'parents who refuse to vaccinate their children',
  u'United States'): u'vaccination coverage dragged down by',
 (u'parents who refuse to vaccinate their children',
  u'childcare rebate'): u'would no longer receive',
 (u'parents who refuse to vaccinate their children',
  u'family tax benefit'): u'would no longer receive',
 (u'parents who refuse to vaccinate their children',
  u'government policy'): u'are being driven away by',
 (u'parents who vehemently oppose vaccines',
  u'adults'): u'Fortunately make up only about 9 percent of',
 (u'parents who vehemently oppose vaccines',
  u'vaccine safety'): u'become even less likely to vaccinate when confronted by insistence on',
 (u'party lines', u'SB 277'): u'vote and debate often crossed',
 (u'pediatricians', u'hesitant parents'): u'are the best route to reach',
  u'parents'): u'recruiting to pass on the message could be more effective for',
 (u'personal belief', u'vaccination exemptions'): u'types include',
 (u'personal belief exemption',
  u'officials'): u'only thing can do is educate about',
 (u'personal belief exemptions', u'SB 277'): u'abolishes',
 (u'personal belief exemptions',
  u'compromise'): u'was to grandfather in students whose parents have claimed',
 (u'personal belief exemptions', u'parents'): u'are not uninformed who claim',
 (u'personal beliefs',
  u'parents'): u'can choose to exempt their children from required childcare and school vaccinations for',
 (u'personal exemption',
  u'state legislatures'): u'American Medical Association members persuaded to end',
 (u'personal exemptions', u'SB 277'): u'not permitted',
 (u'personal-belief exemptions', u'religious groups'): u'are often claiming',
 (u'philosophical', u'vaccination exemptions'): u'types include',
 (u'philosophical exemption', u'personal belief exemption'): u'also called',
 (u'physician', u'Dr. Mark Schleiss'): u'is pediatric infectious disease',
 (u'physicians', u'Dr. Adams'): u'is an educator for',
  u'delaying vaccination'): u'can use findings to substantiate arguments against',
 (u'pig', u'vaccines'): u'contain components of',
 (u'pneumonia', u'measles'): u'can lead to',
 (u'pneumonia deaths', u'measles vaccine'): u'cut in half after',
 (u'policy makers', u'community health'): u'protecting it requires',
 (u'policy makers',
  u'delaying vaccination'): u'can use findings to substantiate arguments against',
 (u'policy makers',
  u'laws requiring MMR vaccination'): u'some have called for new',
 (u'policy makers',
  u'opting out of immunization'): u'should not permit individuals from',
 (u'policy makers', u'vaccine mandates'): u'some have called for',
 (u'polio', u'Amish'): u'reported multiple cases of',
 (u'polio', u'disease'): u"was America's most feared",
 (u'polio', u'eliminated virus'): u'has been declared',
 (u'polio', u'vaccination'): u'no reports in U.S. thanks to',
 (u'polio', u'vaccines'): u'example of great impact in U.S.',
 (u'polio vaccine opposition', u'Muslim fundamentalists'): u'have',
 (u'polio vaccine opposition', u'Pakistan'): u'much in',
 (u'polio vaccine opposition', u'social issues'): u'has had much to do with',
 (u'political issues',
  u'polio vaccine opposition'): u'has had much to do with',
 (u'population health',
  u'vaccines'): u'if danger exists then it is lawful to use',
 (u'population immunity',
  u'children with cancer'): u'high level important for',
 (u'population immunity',
  u'children with immunosuppressive diseases'): u'high level important for',
 (u'population immunity', u'prevent outbreaks'): u'high level required to',
 (u'positive health impact', u'Gardasil'): u'of',
 (u'positive health impact', u'strong evidence'): u'of',
 (u'potential outbreaks',
  u'vaccination'): u'neccesary to protect everyone from',
 (u'potential risks',
  u'parents'): u'if choose to send their children to a service which is not subject to any regulation, need to be aware of the',
 (u'potentially fatal childhood infectious disease', u'measles'): u'is',
 (u'potentially fatal infection',
  u'herd immunity'): u'provides protection against',
 (u'pregnant women', u'rubella'): u'can cause in',
 (u'presidential candidates',
  u'right to personal exemptions'): u'controversy extended to potential',
 (u'presidential candidates',
  u'vaccine debate'): u'were asked for their position in',
 (u'prevent cancer',
  u'parents'): u'fail to grasp that HPV vaccine is first to',
 (u'prevention opportunities',
  u'delaying vaccination'): u'may result in missed',
 (u'prior diseases',
  u'immune system'): u'after measles infection has to rebuild its immune protection against',
 (u'prisons', u'meningococcal outbreak'): u'can occur in',
 (u'promising news', u'Pan American Health Organization'): u'announced',
  u'HPV vaccine'): u'girls receive with a few years of inoculation with',
 (u'protection', u'fast'): u'from Gardasil kicks in',
  u'immune response'): u'if less potent leads to less effective',
 (u'protection', u'parents'): u'are not running to get kids',
 (u'protection', u'vaccines'): u'are necessary for',
 (u'protection', u'waiting longer'): u'leads to less effective',
 (u'protective effect of vaccines', u'autism'): u'may protect children from',
 (u'public health', u'California governor'): u'sees as major responsibility',
 (u'public health',
  u'herd immunity'): u'will keep watching and working to help our state reach ',
 (u'public health', u'responsibility'): u'is a major',
 (u'public health', u'vaccine delay'): u'can have major negative impact on',
 (u'public health', u'vaccine refusal'): u'can have major negative impact on',
 (u'public health benefits',
  u'Mina study'): u'will provide additional evidence of',
 (u'public health benefits', u'important message'): u'is',
 (u'public health benefits', u'measles vaccine'): u'has',
 (u'public health officials', u'measles'): u'still worry about',
 (u'public health tools', u'vaccines'): u'are cost-effective',
 (u'recommended immunization schedule', u'infants'): u'should follow',
 (u'recommended immunizations', u'babies'): u'should receive',
 (u'recommended vaccine schedule',
  u'driving factors'): u'vary significantly of parents to opt out of',
 (u'recommended vaccine schedule', u'parents'): u'opt out of',
 (u'reduction in child mortality',
  u'measles vaccine'): u'overall is much greater than previously believed following',
 (u'reduction in mortality',
  u'measles vaccine'): u'occurred after the introduction of',
 (u'religion', u'outbreaks'): u'that are opposed to vaccination help explain',
 (u'religions', u'vaccines'): u'few oppose',
 (u'religious communities', u'outbreaks'): u'many in',
 (u'religious communities',
  u'vaccine-preventable diseases'): u'have had many recent outbreaks of ',
 (u'religious doctrine',
  u'religious groups'): u'avoid vaccines not because of',
 (u'religious exemption',
  u'Governor Jerry Brown'): u'possibility he might urge legislators to include',
 (u'religious exemption', u'personal-belief exemption'): u'become more of a',
 (u'religious exemption', u'tenets of organized religion'): u'includes',
 (u'religious exemption', u'vaccination exemptions'): u'types include',
 (u'religious exemptions', u'SB 277'): u'not permitted',
 (u'religious exemptions', u'religious groups'): u'are not claiming',
 (u'religious groups',
  u'Amish'): u'opposed to getting vaccinated include some',
 (u'required vaccinations', u'personal belief reasons'): u'can be exempt for',
 (u'required vaccinations', u'religious reasons'): u'can be exempt for',
 (u'required vaccines', u'SB 277'): u'agreed to limit number to 10 of',
 (u'research', u'measles'): u'need to keep studying',
 (u'research', u'measles vaccine'): u'can always work to make better',
 (u'research', u'vaccine-autism link'): u'once again found no',
 (u'responsibility', u'immunization'): u'is a shared',
 (u'resurgence in potentially fatal childhood infectious diseases',
  u'decline in vaccination rates'): u'have also seen',
 (u'resurgence of measles', u'California'): u'had distressing',
 (u'resurgence of measles',
  u'decline in vaccination rates'): u'have also seen',
 (u'risk of cervical dysplasia',
  u'vaccine'): u'reduced by 44% for girls who received',
 (u'risk of infection', u'vaccines'): u'reduce the',
 (u'risk of precancerous changed', u'immunization'): u'dropped after',
 (u'risk to pregnant women',
  u'unvaccinated children'): u'has been a concern to some providers for some time because diseases pose',
 (u'rubella outbreak',
  u'birth defects'): u'last major in the United States also saw up to 20,000 a year children with rubella-related',
 (u'rubella vaccine',
  u'aborted fetuses'): u'are cultured cells originally derived from',
 (u'rubella virus', u'Western Hemisphere'): u'has been declared eliminated in',
 (u'rubella virus',
  u'eliminated virus'): u'in the Western Hemisphere declared',
 (u'rubella virus', u'new transmission'): u'none in 2009',
 (u'rubella virus',
  u'promising news'): u'is that there have been no new transmission of',
 (u'run down feeling', u'side effects'): u'common include',
 (u'safe', u'vaccines'): u'science is clear',
 (u'school', u'parents'): u'can always choose to not send children to',
 (u'school', u'vaccines'): u'are required in the U.S. to attend',
 (u'schools', u'SB 277'): u'would have impact on',
 (u'schools', u'cluster'): u'with low rates of vaccination tend to',
 (u'schools', u'herd immunity'): u'are below the WHO standard for',
 (u'schools', u'meningococcal outbreak'): u'can occur in',
 (u'schools', u'vaccine message'): u'spread at',
 (u'science', u'vaccine-autism link'): u'is settled on',
 (u'science', u'vaccines'): u'is clear about',
 (u'scientists', u'autism'): u'remains challenge for',
 (u'scientists', u'measles vaccine'): u'saw same phenomenon of',
 (u'scientists', u'mystery'): u'crack a 50-year old',
  u'vaccine-autism link'): u'you may have thought were done studying',
 (u'seizures', u'measles'): u'can lead to',
  u'California Coalition for Health Choice'): u'thanked who voted no',
 (u'serious childhood diseases',
  u'immunization'): u'best ways parents can protect children from',
 (u'serious childhood diseases', u'measles'): u'like',
 (u'serious childhood diseases',
  u'vaccination'): u'is best way to protect by age 2 from',
 (u'serious childhood diseases', u'whooping cough'): u'is an example',
 (u'serogroups of meningococcal disease',
  u'vaccines'): u'help prevent against most common',
 (u'severe symptoms', u'rubella'): u"doesn't cause",
 (u'severity', u'autism'): u'range widely in',
 (u'sexually transmitted virus', u'HPV vaccine'): u'protects against',
 (u'sexually transmitted virus', u'cervical cancer'): u'causes',
 (u'sexually transmitted virus',
  u'health care providers'): u'many are hung up on fact that vaccine is for',
 (u'sexually transmitted virus',
  u'parents'): u'many are hung up on fact that vaccine is for',
 (u'shots', u'SB 277'): u'critics concerns of ever-expanding list of',
 (u'siblings', u'reassurance'): u'is about vaccinating ',
 (u'smallpox', u'eliminated virus'): u'has been declared',
 (u'social media', u'vaccine message'): u'spread on',
 (u'social-network phenomenon', u'cluster'): u'is',
 (u'social-network phenomenon', u'vaccination'): u'is a',
 (u'spread of infectious diseases', u'vaccines'): u'reduce',
 (u'state vaccination rates', u'variation'): u'has',
 (u'states', u'MMR vaccine'): u'require children to receive',
 (u'states', u'interventions'): u'begin implementing such',
 (u'states', u'measles outbreak'): u'sickened 147 people in six',
 (u'states', u'new strategies'): u'search for',
 (u'states', u'personal exemptions'): u'most allow',
 (u'states', u'religious exemptions'): u'most allow',
 (u'states', u'vaccine rates'): u'are not just problems of',
 (u'sterilize Muslims',
  u'polio vaccine opposition'): u'because of conspiracy belief to',
 (u'stiff neck',
  u'meningococcal disease symptoms'): u'may include sudden onset of',
 (u'strong-arm tactics', u'vaccine mandates'): u'are',
 (u'studies', u'MMR vaccine safety'): u'provides further evidence of',
 (u'studies', u'money'): u'still cost',
 (u'studies', u'myth'): u'dispels',
  u'reassurance'): u'is very useful because it provides to parents',
 (u'studies', u'thimerosal is safe'): u'from several countries proved that',
 (u'studies', u'vaccine-autism link'): u'numerous show no',
 (u'studies', u'vaccines are safe'): u'numerous have found',
 (u'study', u'Jain study'): u'is large',
 (u'subgroup of church members',
  u'vaccine refusal'): u'attributed to personal religious beliefs among',
 (u'supporters', u'controversial bill'): u'bolstering hopes of',
 (u'susceptible children',
  u'developmental disability'): u'might be triggered only in certain',
 (u'swelling', u'side effects'): u'in arm can include',
 (u'symptoms', u'carrier'): u'of meningococcal disease do not have any',
 (u'tax benefits',
  u'parents who refuse to vaccinate their children'): u'would no longer receive',
 (u'teen girls',
  u'genital warts'): u'eligible for free HPV vaccine ended up with fewer cases of',
 (u'teen girls', u'health benefits'): u'are receiving important',
 (u'tenderness', u'side effects'): u'in arm can include',
 (u'tenets of organized religion',
  u'prohibits vaccinating members'): u'for religious exemption includes',
 (u'tetanus/diptheria/pertussis', u'Tdap vaccine'): u'is',
 (u'theological issues',
  u'polio vaccine opposition'): u'had nothing to do with',
 (u'theory', u'triple hit'): u'of autism is',
 (u'threat', u'low immunization cluster'): u'is real',
 (u'threat', u'measles'): u'is still a',
 (u'transient', u'measles vaccine'): u'benefits are not',
 (u'triple hit', u'environmental trigger'): u'includes',
  u'parents'): u"who do personal belief exemption don't do it because they are",
 (u'uninformed', u'personal belief exemption'): u'not because they are',
 (u'universities', u'money'): u'came from handful of major',
 (u'unlikely', u'protective effect of vaccines'): u'is scientifically',
 (u'unvaccinated children',
  u'vaccinated children'): u'less likely to be diagnosed with autism than',
 (u'unvaccinated clusters', u'outbreaks'): u'fuel large',
 (u'unvaccinated clusters',
  u'vaccine-preventable diseases'): u'fuel large outbreaks of',
 (u'unvaccinated religious community', u'rubella'): u'387 rubella cases in an',
 (u'unvaccinated-friendly day care centres',
  u'Early Childhood Australia'): u'have been described as potentially catastrophic by',
 (u'unvaccinated-friendly day care centres',
  u'Sydney, Australia'): u'lady is opening in',
 (u'unvaccinated-friendly day care centres', u'parents'): u'are opening',
 (u'unvaccinated-friendly day care centres',
  u'vaccine-free day care centres'): u'are',
 (u'vaccinated', u'SB 277'): u'require children before entering kindergarten',
 (u'vaccinated', u'community members'): u'between 83% and 94% must be',
 (u'vaccinated', u'free vaccine'): u'few girls vaccinated if not eligible for',
 (u'vaccinated', u'most religions'): u'actively encourage members to get',
 (u'vaccinated', u'religion'): u'none seem to prohibit members',
 (u'vaccinated children',
  u'autism'): u'are somewhat less likely to be diagnosed with',
 (u'vaccinated children and unvaccinated children',
  u'autism'): u'age of onset does not differ between',
 (u'vaccinated high-risk children',
  u'Jain study'): u'indicated statistically significant finding that they are less likely to be diagnosed with autism than unvaccinated high-risk children',
 (u'vaccinated high-risk children',
  u'autism'): u'are less likely to be diagnosed with',
 (u'vaccinated high-risk children',
  u'unvaccinated high-risk children'): u'are less likely to be diagnosed with autism than',
 (u'vaccinated students', u'schools'): u'615 of 5,775 had fewer than 94%',
 (u'vaccination', u'illnesses'): u'will prevent',
 (u'vaccination', u'low vaccination coverage'): u'86% is',
 (u'vaccination', u'religious groups'): u'have clear positions that support',
  u'sibling'): u'was not associated with an increased risk in children with or without an affected',
 (u'vaccination coverage', u'Colorado'): u'has 86%',
 (u'vaccination coverage', u'Libya'): u'has passed 92 to 94%',
 (u'vaccination coverage', u'Tanzania'): u'has passed 92 to 94%',
 (u'vaccination coverage', u'United States'): u'has not passed 92 to 94%',
 (u'vaccination coverage', u'herd immunity'): u'requires 92 to 94%',
 (u'vaccination exemptions', u'medical exemption'): u'types include',
 (u'vaccination exemptions',
  u'preschoolers'): u'rates increased by 26% from 2011-2012 to 2013-2014',
 (u'vaccination of pregnant women',
  u'babies'): u'helps protect from whooping cough',
 (u'vaccination rates',
  u'Dutch reformed churches'): u'have been on the rise for subset',
 (u'vaccination rates',
  u'religious communities'): u'have been on the rise for some',
 (u'vaccinations', u'Dutch reformed churches'): u'have had risiting rates of',
 (u'vaccinations', u'children with cancer'): u'cannot receive',
 (u'vaccinations', u'measles'): u'protect against by staying current with',
  u'protect the kid next to you'): u'said AMA member Dr. James Felsen',
 (u'vaccinations', u'state-level issue'): u'remain contentious',
 (u'vaccinations', u'voluntary'): u'should be',
 (u'vaccinations should be voluntary', u'Senator Rand Paul'): u'said',
 (u'vaccine', u'autism'): u'study after study found no link with',
 (u'vaccine campaign', u'elimination of rubella'): u'leads to',
 (u'vaccine campaign', u'rubella elimination effort'): u'for',
 (u'vaccine delivery',
  u'developing countries'): u'research needs to focus on making easier especially in',
 (u'vaccine delivery', u'research'): u'needs to focus on making easier',
 (u'vaccine efficacy',
  u'HPV Vaccine Trial in Costa Rica'): u'previous reports looking at separate sites demonstrated high',
 (u'vaccine exemptions', u'people'): u'have long been trying to get',
 (u'vaccine information sources',
  u'pediatricians'): u'are one of the most important',
 (u'vaccine mandates', u'Americans'): u'most would support',
 (u'vaccine message', u'community events'): u'spread at',
 (u'vaccine message', u'pro-vaccination'): u'parents spread',
 (u'vaccine refusal', u'personal religious beliefs'): u'attributed to',
 (u'vaccine refusing',
  u'Eagle Mountain International Church'): u'described as ',
 (u'vaccine safety', u'evidence'): u'study provides further for',
 (u'vaccine safety', u'vaccine debate'): u'was revived about',
 (u'vaccine safety fears', u'religious groups'): u'avoid vaccines because of',
 (u'vaccine side effects', u'parents'): u'have concerns over',
 (u'vaccine success',
  u'parents'): u"have not heard of today's vaccines because of",
 (u'vaccine-autism link',
  u'JAMA paper'): u'examined insurance claims for 96,000 U.S. children born 2001-2007 to look for',
 (u'vaccine-autism link',
  u'adults'): u'most have not made up their mind about',
 (u'vaccine-autism link', u'children at higher risk for autism'): u'not among',
 (u'vaccine-autism link', u'evidence'): u'contradicts',
 (u'vaccine-autism link', u'exist'): u'does not',
 (u'vaccine-autism link', u'high-risk children'): u'does not exist even for',
 (u'vaccine-autism link',
  u'long-discredited hypotheses'): u'of anti-vax movement include',
 (u'vaccine-autism link',
  u'no evidence'): u'even in children at higher risk for autism',
 (u'vaccine-autism link', u'parents'): u'have fear of',
 (u'vaccine-autism link', u'previous studies'): u'have already settled',
 (u'vaccine-autism link',
  u'scientific paper'): u'there has never been a single high-quality to suggest',
 (u'vaccine-free day care centre',
  u'parents'): u'are urged against sending their children to',
 (u'vaccine-free day care centres',
  u'Early Childhood Australia'): u'have been described as potentially catastrophic by',
 (u'vaccine-free day care centres',
  u'Jill Hennessy'): u'is irresponsible said',
 (u'vaccine-free day care centres', u'parents'): u'are opening',
 (u'vaccine-preventable diseases',
  u'religious groups'): u'large outbreaks are occurring among',
 (u'vaccine-preventable diseases', u'vaccination'): u'prevents harm from',
 (u'vaccines', u'Hinduism'): u'none of four major branches opposed to',
 (u'vaccines', u'Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'): u'was campaigning against',
  u'alternative to vaccines'): u'are lawful to use if no safe effective',
 (u'vaccines', u'autism'): u'cause',
 (u'vaccines', u'better health care'): u'includes other',
 (u'vaccines', u'communities'): u'help protect entire',
  u'health of children'): u'if danger exists then it is lawful to use',
  u'illnesses'): u'among children born during 1994-2013 will prevent 322 million ',
 (u'vaccines', u'immunity'): u'help the body safely develop',
 (u'vaccines', u'immunity to diseases'): u'help body safely develop',
 (u'vaccines', u'link'): u'and autism has no',
  u'minor symptoms'): u'sometimes the imitation infection can cause',
  u'parents'): u'unfortunately there still will be with reservations about',
 (u'vaccines', u'people'): u'are necessary to protect',
  u'popular religious groups'): u'because of many VPD outbreaks make you think are against',
 (u'vaccines', u'preventing disease'): u'have been succesful in',
 (u'vaccines', u'saved lives'): u'have',
  u'spread of communicable diseases'): u'scientifically proven to be best way to prevent the',
 (u'vaccines', u'vaccinated individuals'): u'help protect',
 (u'vaccines are effective', u'studies'): u'numerous have found',
 (u'vaccines cause autism', u'California'): u'where belief is widespread that',
 (u'vaccines do not cause autism', u'Federal Circuit'): u'agree that',
 (u'vaccines do not cause autism',
  u'Institute of Medicine'): u'in 2011 reviewed another eight major vaccines and found that',
 (u'vaccines do not cause autism', u'The Lancet'): u'agree that',
 (u'vaccines do not cause autism',
  u'public health organizations'): u'agree that',
 (u'vague choice', u'vaccines'): u'when presented as',
 (u'variety of medical conditions', u'Gardasil'): u'can prevent',
 (u'variety of medical conditions', u'cervical cancer'): u'some may lead to',
 (u'vomiting', u'meningococcal disease'): u'will often cause',
 (u'we', u'preventable disease'): u'will fail to prevent a very',
  u'true cause of autism'): u'want to focus on trying to understand the',
 (u'wealthier regions',
  u'Los Angeles'): u'has increased rates of vaccine exemption in',
 (u'wealthier regions', u'vaccination exemptions'): u'increased rates in',
 (u'whooping cough', u'immunization'): u'is crucial',
 (u'whooping cough',
  u'one child'): u"if there's a bulk of children unvaccinated then it is potentially catastrophic",
 (u'whooping cough',
  u'religion'): u'is used to dodge crucial immunizations against diseases such as',
 (u'withholding vaccines',
  u'protective effect of vaccines'): u'may be explained by parents of autistic children',
 (u'withholding vaccines', u'unethical'): u'on purpose from children is',
 (u'women', u'cervical cancer'): u'typically strikes in 40s or 50s',
 (u'women', u'one dose of vaccine'): u'only about half have received',
 (u'women', u'three-dose course'): u'just a third have received',
 (u'women previously exposed to HPV',
  u'multi-site protection'): u'also observed, though at lower levels, in',
 (u'women previously exposed to HPV', u'partial protection'): u'provided for',
 (u'women previously exposed to HPV', u'vaccine efficacy'): u'was lower for',
 (u'worried', u'parents'): u'still some remain',
 (u'young age group', u'HPV vaccine benefits'): u'observed in',
 (u'young age group', u'magnitude of benefits'): u'is surprising in',
 (u'young women', u'high-risk types of HPV'): u'protected from'}

In [12]:
for e in a:
    if edgelabels.has_key(e):
        print e,edgelabels[e]
        rev_e = e[::-1]
        print rev_e, edgelabels[rev_e]

(u'MMR vaccine', u'autism') researchers were unable to find any association with
(u'vaccinated children', u'autism') are somewhat less likely to be diagnosed with
(u'children', u'autism') one in 68 kids has some form of
(u'families', u'autism') remains challenge for
(u'anti-vaccination', u'autism') is driven by fears that shots cause
(u'parents', u'autism') who already have a child with autism seem even more concerned
(u'children at increased genetic risk', u'autism risk') no evidence it raises
(u'high-risk children', u'autism') were not more likely to develop
(u'harmful association', u'autism') none between MMR vaccine and
(u'immune response', u'vaccine') could be less potent after waiting longer to get
(u'scientists', u'autism') remains challenge for
(u'protective effect of vaccines', u'autism') may protect children from
(u'autism risk', u'children with affected older sibling') no evidence that MMR vaccine raised
(u'genetic predisposition', u'autism') makes more vulnerable to
(u'vaccinated high-risk children', u'Jain study') indicated statistically significant finding that they are less likely to be diagnosed with autism than unvaccinated high-risk children
(u'children at higher risk for autism', u'autism') actually less likely to receive diagnosis for
(u'vaccines', u'autism') cause
(u'autism risk', u'vaccinated children and unvaccinated children') recurrence does not differ between

In [ ]:
# this takes forever
# average connectivity k of a graph G is the average of local node connectivity over all pairs of nodes of G


In [ ]:

print "List of connected components =", [len(c) for c in sorted(nx.connected_components(ugraph), key=len, reverse=True)]
print "Size of greatest component =", len(Gc)
print "# of cutsets =", len(cutsets)
print "Min node cut =", nx.minimum_node_cut(Gc)
print "Min edge cut =", nx.minimum_edge_cut(Gc)