Disaggregation - Hart Active data only

Customary imports

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from os.path import join
from pylab import rcParams
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (13, 6)
#import nilmtk
from nilmtk import DataSet, TimeFrame, MeterGroup, HDFDataStore
from nilmtk.disaggregate.hart_85 import Hart85
from nilmtk.disaggregate import CombinatorialOptimisation
from nilmtk.utils import print_dict, show_versions
from nilmtk.metrics import f1_score
#import seaborn as sns
#sns.set_palette("Set3", n_colors=12)

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") #suppress warnings, comment out if warnings required

show versions for any diagnostics

In [2]:
#uncomment if required

Load dataset

In [3]:
data_dir = '/Users/GJWood/nilm_gjw_data/HDF5/'
gjw = DataSet(join(data_dir, 'nilm_gjw_data.hdf5'))
print('loaded ' + str(len(gjw.buildings)) + ' buildings')

loaded 1 buildings

Let us perform our analysis on selected 2 days

In [4]:
gjw.store.window = TimeFrame(start='2015-09-03 00:00:00+01:00', end='2015-09-05 00:00:00+01:00')
gjw.set_window = TimeFrame(start='2015-09-03 00:00:00+01:00', end='2015-09-05 00:00:00+01:00')
elec = gjw.buildings[building_number].elec
mains = elec.mains()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x184fe748>

In [5]:
house = elec['fridge'] #only one meter so any selection will do
df = house.load().next() #load the first chunk of data into a dataframe
#df.info() #check that the data is what we want (optional)
#note the data has two columns and a time index

In [6]:

In [7]:

In [8]:

Hart Training

We'll now do the training from the aggregate data. The algorithm segments the time series data into steady and transient states. Thus, we'll first figure out the transient and the steady states. Next, we'll try and pair the on and the off transitions based on their proximity in time and value.

In [9]:
#df.ix['2015-09-03 11:00:00+01:00':'2015-09-03 12:00:00+01:00'].plot()# select a time range and plot it

In [10]:
h = Hart85()

Finding Edges, please wait ...
Edge detection complete.
Creating transition frame ...
Transition frame created.
Creating states frame ...
States frame created.

In [11]:

active average
2015-09-03 00:20:37+01:00 701.376344
2015-09-03 00:24:02+01:00 659.000000
2015-09-03 00:34:00+01:00 553.000000
2015-09-03 00:39:34+01:00 321.000000
2015-09-03 01:16:31+01:00 314.000000
2015-09-03 01:29:15+01:00 394.000000
2015-09-03 02:12:24+01:00 430.350000
2015-09-03 02:29:36+01:00 2712.000000
2015-09-03 02:36:56+01:00 2535.000000
2015-09-03 02:37:05+01:00 2584.000000
2015-09-03 02:37:21+01:00 517.000000
2015-09-03 02:44:15+01:00 472.000000
2015-09-03 02:44:17+01:00 387.000000
2015-09-03 02:45:12+01:00 2568.000000
2015-09-03 02:49:38+01:00 342.500000
2015-09-03 02:50:40+01:00 596.000000
2015-09-03 03:01:10+01:00 623.000000
2015-09-03 03:01:45+01:00 2677.000000
2015-09-03 03:03:48+01:00 542.000000
2015-09-03 03:05:07+01:00 352.000000
2015-09-03 03:15:33+01:00 515.500000
2015-09-03 03:20:17+01:00 487.839286
2015-09-03 03:23:47+01:00 511.000000
2015-09-03 03:23:49+01:00 429.000000
2015-09-03 03:24:40+01:00 436.583333
2015-09-03 03:35:05+01:00 489.000000
2015-09-03 03:35:24+01:00 2666.000000
2015-09-03 03:39:58+01:00 2501.666667
2015-09-03 03:40:23+01:00 2574.000000
2015-09-03 03:43:00+01:00 2545.000000
... ...
2015-09-04 19:17:05+01:00 2034.818182
2015-09-04 19:17:27+01:00 2124.562500
2015-09-04 19:20:58+01:00 3279.000000
2015-09-04 19:21:56+01:00 2159.916667
2015-09-04 19:22:17+01:00 3178.000000
2015-09-04 19:22:26+01:00 1958.000000
2015-09-04 19:23:00+01:00 3044.000000
2015-09-04 19:23:43+01:00 1932.000000
2015-09-04 19:30:46+01:00 746.000000
2015-09-04 19:36:46+01:00 713.000000
2015-09-04 19:38:46+01:00 621.807692
2015-09-04 19:39:40+01:00 3240.000000
2015-09-04 19:41:00+01:00 546.000000
2015-09-04 19:56:17+01:00 568.000000
2015-09-04 20:07:22+01:00 599.000000
2015-09-04 20:26:35+01:00 474.000000
2015-09-04 21:06:00+01:00 659.000000
2015-09-04 21:40:18+01:00 566.500000
2015-09-04 21:42:44+01:00 665.578947
2015-09-04 21:48:16+01:00 584.000000
2015-09-04 22:15:48+01:00 605.000000
2015-09-04 22:20:36+01:00 638.600000
2015-09-04 22:34:10+01:00 546.983607
2015-09-04 23:12:40+01:00 3302.166667
2015-09-04 23:14:38+01:00 1980.000000
2015-09-04 23:17:06+01:00 584.000000
2015-09-04 23:27:38+01:00 595.000000
2015-09-04 23:27:45+01:00 822.200000
2015-09-04 23:27:55+01:00 897.971963
2015-09-04 23:41:34+01:00 967.000000

1500 rows × 1 columns

In [12]:
ax = mains.plot()
h.steady_states['active average'].plot(style='o', ax = ax);
plt.ylabel("Power (W)")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1aa947b8>

Hart Disaggregation

In [13]:
disag_filename = join(data_dir, 'disag_gjw_hart.hdf5')
output = HDFDataStore(disag_filename, 'w')

Finding Edges, please wait ...
Edge detection complete.
Creating transition frame ...
Transition frame created.
Creating states frame ...
States frame created.

In [14]:
disag_hart = DataSet(disag_filename)

<nilmtk.dataset.DataSet at 0x1aeda0f0>

In [15]:
disag_hart_elec = disag_hart.buildings[building_number].elec

  ElecMeter(instance=1, building=1, dataset='Hart85_2015-10-05T14:26:42', site_meter, appliances=[])
  ElecMeter(instance=2, building=1, dataset='Hart85_2015-10-05T14:26:42', appliances=[Appliance(type='unknown', instance=0)])
  ElecMeter(instance=3, building=1, dataset='Hart85_2015-10-05T14:26:42', appliances=[Appliance(type='unknown', instance=1)])
  ElecMeter(instance=4, building=1, dataset='Hart85_2015-10-05T14:26:42', appliances=[Appliance(type='unknown', instance=2)])
  ElecMeter(instance=5, building=1, dataset='Hart85_2015-10-05T14:26:42', appliances=[Appliance(type='unknown', instance=3)])
  ElecMeter(instance=6, building=1, dataset='Hart85_2015-10-05T14:26:42', appliances=[Appliance(type='unknown', instance=4)])
  ElecMeter(instance=7, building=1, dataset='Hart85_2015-10-05T14:26:42', appliances=[Appliance(type='unknown', instance=5)])

Combinatorial Optimisation training

In [16]:
co = CombinatorialOptimisation()

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-9accd3555551> in <module>()
      1 co = CombinatorialOptimisation()
----> 2 co.train(mains,cols=[('power','active')])

c:\users\gjwood\nilmtk\nilmtk\disaggregate\combinatorial_optimisation.pyc in train(self, metergroup, num_states_dict, **load_kwargs)
     51                 " does not support multiple calls to `train`.")
---> 53         num_meters = len(metergroup.meters)
     54         if num_meters > 12:
     55             max_num_clusters = 2

AttributeError: 'ElecMeter' object has no attribute 'meters'

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
ax = mains.plot()
co.steady_states['active average'].plot(style='o', ax = ax);
plt.ylabel("Power (W)")

In [ ]:
disag_filename = join(data_dir, 'disag_gjw_co.hdf5')
output = HDFDataStore(disag_filename, 'w')

Can't use because no test data for comparison

In [17]:
from nilmtk.metrics import f1_score
f1_hart= f1_score(disag_hart_elec, test_elec)
f1_hart.index = disag_hart_elec.get_labels(f1_hart.index)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-631f0a07efc5> in <module>()
      1 from nilmtk.metrics import f1_score
----> 2 f1_hart= f1_score(disag_hart_elec, test_elec)
      3 f1_hart.index = disag_hart_elec.get_labels(f1_hart.index)
      4 f1_hart.plot(kind='barh')
      5 plt.ylabel('appliance');

NameError: name 'test_elec' is not defined

In [ ]: