Compare regridded elevation data

Lee Murray regridded a high resolution USGS elevation map to the GEOS-Chem grids (the files are in IDL save format). We compare these regridded elevation data with results from the Resample_GMTED2010_2_GCGrid notebook.

1. Imports

In [1]:
import os

import numpy as np
from import readsav

import iris
import iris.quickplot as qiplot

2. Paths to files

In [2]:
gmted2010_awm_path = '/home/bovy/Grids/'
lm_path = '/home/bovy/Grids/'

3. Load Data and compare

In [3]:
gmted2010_2x15_cube = iris.load_cube(os.path.join(gmted2010_awm_path, ''))
gmted2010_4x5_cube = iris.load_cube(os.path.join(gmted2010_awm_path, ''))

lm_2x15 = readsav('/home/mahieu/geos.runs/elev.2x25.sav')
lm_4x5 = readsav('/home/mahieu/geos.runs/elev.4x5.sav')

lm_2x15_cube = gmted2010_2x15_cube.copy() = lm_2x15['elev2x25_m']
lm_2x15_cube.var_name = "LM-ELEV_2x25"

lm_4x5_cube = gmted2010_4x5_cube.copy() = lm_4x5['elev4x5_m']
lm_4x5_cube.var_name = "LM-ELEV_4x5"

In [4]:
diff_2x15_cube = gmted2010_2x15_cube - lm_2x15_cube
diff_2x15_cube.var_name = "Diff_GMTED2010-LM_2x25"

diff_4x5_cube = gmted2010_4x5_cube - lm_4x5_cube
diff_4x5_cube.var_name = "Diff_GMTED2010-LM_4x5"

print diff_2x15_cube
print diff_4x5_cube

Diff_GMTED2010-LM_2x25 / (m)        (latitude: 91; longitude: 144)
     Dimension coordinates:
          latitude                           x              -
          longitude                          -              x
Diff_GMTED2010-LM_4x5 / (m)         (latitude: 46; longitude: 72)
     Dimension coordinates:
          latitude                           x              -
          longitude                          -              x

4. Plot

In [5]:
%pylab inline

qiplot.pcolormesh(diff_2x15_cube, vmin=-200, vmax=200, cmap=cm.RdBu)

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [6]:
qiplot.pcolormesh(diff_4x5_cube, vmin=-200, vmax=200, cmap=cm.RdBu)

In [6]: