In [39]:
%matplotlib notebook

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from threeML import *
from import get_path_of_data_file

import warnings

Constructing plugins from TimeSeries

Many times we encounter event lists or sets of spectral histograms from which we would like to derive a single or set of plugins. For this purpose, we provide the TimeSeriesBuilder which provides a unified interface to time series data. Here we will demonstrate how to construct plugins from an different of data types.

Constructing time series objects from different data types

The TimeSeriesBuilder currently supports reading of the following data type:

  • A generic PHAII data file
  • LAT LLE files

If you would like to build a time series from your own custom data, consider creating a TimeSeriesBuilder.from_your_data() class method.

GBM Data

Building plugins from GBM is achieved in the following fashion

In [40]:
cspec_file = get_path_of_data_file('datasets/glg_cspec_n3_bn080916009_v01.pha')
tte_file = get_path_of_data_file('datasets/')
gbm_rsp = get_path_of_data_file('datasets/glg_cspec_n3_bn080916009_v00.rsp2')

gbm_cspec = TimeSeriesBuilder.from_gbm_cspec_or_ctime('nai3_cspec',

gbm_tte = TimeSeriesBuilder.from_gbm_tte('nai3_tte',

LAT LLE data

LAT LLE data is constructed in a similar fashion

In [4]:
lle_file = get_path_of_data_file('datasets/')
ft2_file = get_path_of_data_file('datasets/')
lle_rsp = get_path_of_data_file('datasets/gll_cspec_bn080916009_v10.rsp')

lat_lle = TimeSeriesBuilder.from_lat_lle('lat_lle',

Viewing Lightcurves and selecting source intervals

All time series objects share the same commands to get you to a plugin. Let's have a look at the GBM TTE lightcurve.

In [5]:
threeML_config['lightcurve']['lightcurve color'] = '#07AE44'


Perhaps we want to fit the time interval from 0-10 seconds. We make a selection like this:

In [41]:
threeML_config['lightcurve']['selection color'] = '#4C3CB7'


For event list style data like time tagged events, the selection is exact. However, pre-binned data in the form of e.g. PHAII files will have the selection automatically adjusted to the underlying temporal bins.

Several discontinuous time selections can be made.

Fitting a polynomial background

In order to get to a plugin, we need to model and create an estimated background in each channel ($ B_i$) for our interval of interest. The process that we have implemented is to fit temporal off-source regions to polynomials ($P(t;\vec{\theta})$) in time. First, a polynomial is fit to the total count rate. From this fit we determine the best polynomial order via a likelihood ratio test, unless the user supplies a polynomial order in the constructor or directly via the polynomial_order attribute. Then, this order of polynomial is fit to every channel in the data.

From the polynomial fit, the polynomial is integrated in time over the active source interval to estimate the count rate in each channel. The estimated background and background errors then stored for each channel.

$$ B_i = \int_{T_1}^{T_2}P(t;\vec{\theta}) {\rm d}t $$

In [42]:
threeML_config['lightcurve']['background color'] = '#FC2530'


Auto-determined polynomial order: 0

Unbinned 0-order polynomial fit with the Nelder-Mead method

For event list data, binned or unbinned background fits are possible. For pre-binned data, only a binned fit is possible.

In [10]:

Auto-determined polynomial order: 4

Binned 4-order polynomial fit with the Powell method

Saving the background fit

The background polynomial coefficients can be saved to disk for faster manipulation of time series data.

In [19]:

Saved fitted background to background_store.h5.

In [20]:
gbm_tte_reloaded = TimeSeriesBuilder.from_gbm_tte('nai3_tte',

Successfully restored fit from background_store.h5

In [22]:

Creating a plugin

With our background selections made, we can now create a plugin instance. In the case of GBM data, this results in a DispersionSpectrumLike plugin. Please refer to the Plugins documentation for more details.

In [11]:
gbm_plugin = gbm_tte.to_spectrumlike()

Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian

In [12]:

n. channels 128
total rate 2506.5
total bkg. rate 1287.48
total bkg. rate error NaN
bkg. exposure 9.95012
bkg. is poisson False
exposure 9.95012
is poisson True
background profiled
significance NaN
src/bkg area ratio 1
src/bkg exposure ratio 1
src/bkg scale factor 1
response None

Time-resolved binning and plugin creation

It is possible to temporally bin time series. There are up to four methods provided depending on the type of time series being used:

  • Constant cadence (all time series)
  • Custom (all time series)
  • Significance (all time series)
  • Bayesian Blocks (event lists)

Constant Cadence

Constant cadence bins are defined by a start and a stop time along with a time delta.

In [24]:
gbm_tte.create_time_bins(start=0, stop=10, method='constant', dt=2.)

Created 5 bins via constant

In [25]:

Start Stop Duration Midpoint
0 0.000412 2.000412 2.0 1.000412
1 2.000412 4.000412 2.0 3.000412
2 4.000412 6.000412 2.0 5.000412
3 6.000412 8.000412 2.0 7.000412
4 8.000412 10.000412 2.0 9.000412


Custom time bins can be created by providing a contiguous list of start and stop times.

In [26]:
time_edges = np.array([.5,.63,20.,21.])

starts = time_edges[:-1]

stops = time_edges[1:]

gbm_tte.create_time_bins(start=starts, stop=stops, method='custom')

Created 3 bins via custom

In [27]:

Start Stop Duration Midpoint
0 0.50 0.63 0.13 0.565
1 0.63 20.00 19.37 10.315
2 20.00 21.00 1.00 20.500


Time bins can be created by specifying a significance of signal to background if a background fit has been performed.

In [44]:
gbm_tte.create_time_bins(start=0., stop=50., method='significance', sigma=50)

Created 7 bins via significance

In [45]:

Start Stop Duration Midpoint
0 0.000412 2.515648 2.515236 1.258030
1 2.515648 4.391782 1.876134 3.453715
2 4.391782 6.337366 1.945584 5.364574
3 6.337366 11.448452 5.111086 8.892909
4 11.448452 20.066388 8.617936 15.757420
5 20.066388 25.355454 5.289066 22.710921
6 25.355454 34.018546 8.663092 29.687000

Bayesian Blocks

The Bayesian Blocks algorithm (Scargle et al. 2013) can be used to bin event list by looking ofr significant changes in the rate.

In [46]:
gbm_tte.create_time_bins(start=0., stop=50., method='bayesblocks', p0=.01, use_background=True)

Created 9 bins via bayesblocks

In [47]:

Start Stop Duration Midpoint
0 0.000412 0.816854 0.816442 0.408633
1 0.816854 6.983690 6.166836 3.900272
2 6.983690 8.823971 1.840281 7.903831
3 8.823971 21.723166 12.899195 15.273569
4 21.723166 25.502056 3.778890 23.612611
5 25.502056 30.894882 5.392826 28.198469
6 30.894882 38.893854 7.998972 34.894368
7 38.893854 48.517036 9.623182 43.705445
8 48.517036 49.999594 1.482558 49.258315

Working with bins

The light curve can be displayed by supplying the use_binner option to display the time binning

In [51]:

The bins can all be writted to a PHAII file for analysis via OGIPLike.

In [53]:
                              force_write_rsp = False # if you need to write the RSP to a file. We try to choose the best option for you.

Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian
Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian
Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian
Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian
Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian
Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian
Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian
Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian
Auto-probed noise models:
- observation: poisson
- background: gaussian

Similarly, we can create a list of plugins directly from the time series.

In [54]:
my_plugins = gbm_tte.to_spectrumlike(from_bins=True)

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