
Interpolation is a method to construct new data points, knowing a set of data points. We will use it to convert units and provide the output result on a regular grid (which may be needed for further processing).

In this exercise we take the output of an azimuthal integration program (SPD) which provide the distance to the center and transform it into diffraction angle $2\theta$. We will evaluate the calculation time for various polynomial interpolation schemes and also the "correctness" of the interpolation.

Read the input data

Input data are created by the SPD progam and contain a 1D array of data (EDF files are usually 2D datasets), representing the diffraction intensity as function of the pixel coordinate.

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
import fabio
img ="moke-powder.edf")
data =
for k,v in img.header.items():
    print("%s: %s"%(k,v))

Compression: None
HeaderID: EH:000001:000000:000000
ProjectionType: Saxs
History-1: saxs_mac -add 9 /home/kieffer/workspace/edna/tests/data/images/Moke-2th%%-tilt0-rot0.edf,4,12 /tmp/edna-kieffer/moke.edf 1 1 1 -5.0 ... ... 2.0 0.5
History-2: spd azim_int=1 azim_pass=1 azim_ext=-powder.edf azim_r0=0 azim_r_num=300 azim_a0=0 azim_da=360 azim_a_num=1 off_1=0 off_2=0 cen_1=300 cen_2=200 dis=0.1 pix_1=1e-4 pix_2=1e-4 do_dark=0 wvl=1e-10 moke.edf
WaveLength: 1e-10 m
EDF_HeaderSize: 8192
Offset_1: 0 pixel
Offset_2: 0 pixel
SaxsDataVersion: 2.40
EDF_DataBlockID: 1.Image.Psd
EDF_BinarySize: 1536
Center_2: 0 pixel
RasterOrientation: 1
Center_1: 0 pixel
Dim_2: 1
Dim_1: 300
Dummy: -5
DDummy: 0.1
PSize_1: 0.0001 m
SampleDistance: 0.1 m
PSize_2: 6.28319 rad
DetectorRotation_3: 0_deg
DetectorRotation_2: 0_deg
DetectorRotation_1: 0_deg
BSize_2: 1
BSize_1: 1
ByteOrder: LowByteFirst
DataType: FloatValue
AxisType_2: Angle
Image: 1
Size: 1536

In [3]:

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f213b718d50>

From the EDF header information, one can read the sample distance (SampleDistance: 0.1m) and the pixel size (PSize_1: 0.0001 m).

This is enough to define the pixel position in space. Pixel i being actually located at (i+0.5)*pixel_size. The diffraction angle is then:

$tan(2\theta_i) = \frac{(i+0.5)*PixelSize}{SampleDistance}$

So one can directly use numpy functions to calculate $2\theta$:

In [4]:
tth = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(1e-4*(numpy.arange(data.size)+0.5), 0.1))
plot(tth, data)
xlabel(r"$2\theta$ ($^{o}$)")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f213b19f750>

These test data are actually triangular shaped peaks at full integer values of 2$\theta$ values in degree.

The interpolated values will be taken on a much denser grid, 2000 points instead of the 300 initial points. While this oversampling is not especially meaningful on the physical point of view it will help highlighting artifacts.

SciPy Interpolation

All 1d interpolation are available from scipy.interpolate.interp1d. One needs to provide the initial data_set as x and y and the kind on interpolator expected (often, the order of the polynomial used) and the fill value for "out_of_bound" data.

The retruned type is a function one may call on the data set of its choice.

In [5]:
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
nearest = interp1d(tth, data, kind="nearest", fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)
linear = interp1d(tth, data, kind="linear", fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)
cubic = interp1d(tth, data, kind="cubic", fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)
quintic = interp1d(tth, data, kind=5, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)

In [6]:
tth_dense = numpy.linspace(0, 17, 2000)

In [7]:
plot(tth_dense, nearest(tth_dense), label="nearest")
plot(tth_dense, linear(tth_dense), label="linear")
plot(tth_dense, cubic(tth_dense), label="cubic")
plot(tth_dense, quintic(tth_dense), label="quintic")
xlabel(r"$2\theta$ ($^{o}$)")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f2138de1710>

Performance measurement of the various interpolation schemes

In [8]:
%timeit nearest(tth_dense)

10000 loops, best of 3: 162 µs per loop

In [9]:
%timeit linear(tth_dense)

1000 loops, best of 3: 277 µs per loop

In [10]:
%timeit cubic(tth_dense)

1000 loops, best of 3: 365 µs per loop

In [11]:
%timeit quintic(tth_dense)

1000 loops, best of 3: 466 µs per loop

The calculation time increases with the order of the polynomal fitted. With elder version of scipy, the difference was much more striking.

Validation of the results

Lets zoom in the region 9.5-10.5 and see the datapoints:

In [12]:
dmin, dmax = 9.8, 10.2

tth_dense = numpy.linspace(dmin, dmax, 500)
#plot(tth_dense, nearest(tth_dense), label="nearest")
mask = (tth <= dmax) & (tth >= dmin)
plot(tth[mask], data[mask], "o", label="data")
plot(tth_dense, linear(tth_dense), label="linear")
plot(tth_dense, cubic(tth_dense), label="cubic")
plot(tth_dense, quintic(tth_dense), label="quintic")
xlabel(r"$2\theta$ ($^{o}$)")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f2138cc8a50>

Our input image had peak of triangular shape: those are peaks are continuous but discontinuous on their first derivative. This discontinuity introduces artifacts when using higher order interpolators (cubic, ...)


While cubic spline (and higher order) present smoother interpolated curves, they can introduce wobbles, hence negative intensities. The safest interpolation scheme remains the Linear interpolation which garanties integrated intensity conservation but at the price of a broadening of the signal.

In [12]: