In [6]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as pd_sql
import sqlite3 as sql

%matplotlib inline

In [24]:
con = sql.connect("mooc.db")

In [25]:
    'max video',

In [26]:
df = pd.read_csv("ml3.csv", sep=',')

In [27]:
    0: 'NotComplete',
    1: 'Completed',

In [28]:
for k,v in LABEL_MAP.items():
    df.ix[df.is_complete == k, 'is_complete'] = v

In [29]:

studentid clicks plays pauses seeks loads transcript max_video module videos_clicked percent_clicked seeks_neutral seeks_fastforward seeks_rewind speed_changes len_vid_sum seek_ff_rate seek_rw_rate spd_ch_rate pause_rate
0 126 37 5 NaN 5 11 11 33 4 9 10.112360 NaN NaN 5 4 5880 NaN 0.000850 0.000680 NaN ...
1 644 599 155 103 26 137 93 88 8 79 88.764045 NaN 15 11 3 27640 0.000543 0.000398 0.000109 0.003726 ...
2 651 294 69 23 27 83 86 80 8 49 55.056180 NaN NaN 27 2 26402 NaN 0.001023 0.000076 0.000871 ...
3 884 80 3 2 NaN 36 37 14 2 14 15.730337 NaN NaN NaN 2 7352 NaN NaN 0.000272 0.000272 ...
4 406 40 6 5 NaN 9 15 7 1 7 7.865169 NaN NaN NaN 3 2116 NaN NaN 0.001418 0.002363 ...

5 rows × 22 columns

In [30]:

studentid clicks plays pauses seeks loads transcript max_video module videos_clicked percent_clicked seeks_neutral seeks_fastforward seeks_rewind speed_changes len_vid_sum seek_ff_rate seek_rw_rate spd_ch_rate pause_rate
count 7241.000000 7241.000000 5496.000000 5182.000000 3533.000000 7153.000000 6579.000000 7241.000000 7241.000000 7241.000000 7241.000000 2054.000000 2674.000000 2517.000000 1405.000000 7241.000000 2674.000000 2517.000000 1405.000000 5182.000000 ...
mean 3823.911614 216.028173 73.735808 55.423003 29.844325 48.633301 46.146375 32.718409 3.628919 21.766193 24.456396 7.537001 16.321990 18.400477 8.444128 10228.345947 0.001033 0.001302 0.000890 0.004153 ...
std 2216.635832 428.697923 173.554488 119.017611 116.814556 85.033568 83.488052 33.454869 2.894172 28.986440 32.569034 26.625368 36.822888 103.019926 15.317273 13329.233300 0.002214 0.004450 0.001951 0.007186 ...
min 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 62.000000 0.000025 0.000025 0.000025 0.000025 ...
25% 1898.000000 10.000000 4.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 6.000000 1.000000 2.000000 2.247191 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 593.000000 0.000193 0.000151 0.000154 0.001457 ...
50% 3824.000000 41.000000 16.000000 12.000000 8.000000 11.000000 10.000000 14.000000 2.000000 7.000000 7.865169 3.000000 5.000000 4.000000 3.000000 4500.000000 0.000474 0.000355 0.000373 0.002711 ...
75% 5741.000000 219.000000 79.000000 61.750000 25.000000 54.000000 47.000000 68.000000 7.000000 29.000000 32.584270 6.000000 16.000000 12.000000 8.000000 12048.000000 0.001100 0.000958 0.000922 0.004695 ...
max 7674.000000 9144.000000 4164.000000 2279.000000 4017.000000 877.000000 902.000000 88.000000 8.000000 88.000000 98.876404 698.000000 879.000000 3075.000000 205.000000 40001.000000 0.055556 0.088889 0.042254 0.274468 ...

8 rows × 21 columns

In [31]:
print "{} instances with {} features\n".format(*df.shape)

print df.groupby('module')['module'].count()

7241 instances with 22 features

0          377
1         2402
2          903
3          449
4          551
5          356
6          264
7          358
8         1581
dtype: int64

In [32]:
df = df.drop(['studentid'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['plays'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['pauses'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['seeks'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['loads'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['transcript'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['seeks_neutral'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['seeks_fastforward'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['seeks_rewind'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['speed_changes'], axis=1)

In [33]:
df['max_module_genomics'] = 8

#df['clicks_per_module'] = df['clicks']/df['videos_clicked']
## doesn't work b/c some students only got to module 0

In [34]:

clicks max_video module videos_clicked percent_clicked len_vid_sum seek_ff_rate seek_rw_rate spd_ch_rate pause_rate click_rate is_complete max_module_genomics
0 37 33 4 9 10.112360 5880 NaN 0.000850 0.000680 NaN 0.006293 NotComplete 8
1 599 88 8 79 88.764045 27640 0.000543 0.000398 0.000109 0.003726 0.021671 Completed 8
2 294 80 8 49 55.056180 26402 NaN 0.001023 0.000076 0.000871 0.011136 NotComplete 8
3 80 14 2 14 15.730337 7352 NaN NaN 0.000272 0.000272 0.010881 NotComplete 8
4 40 7 1 7 7.865169 2116 NaN NaN 0.001418 0.002363 0.018904 NotComplete 8

5 rows × 13 columns

In [35]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.hist(df['videos_clicked'], bins = 10, range = (0,95))
plt.title('Videos Clicked Count distribution')
plt.xlabel('Videos Clicked')
plt.ylabel('No. of Students')

In [36]:
a = df['seek_ff_rate'].isnull()


In [37]:
df = df.fillna(0)

In [38]:
df['seek_ff_rate'] = df['seek_ff_rate'].multiply(3600)
df['seek_rw_rate'] = df['seek_rw_rate'].multiply(3600)
df['spd_ch_rate'] = df['spd_ch_rate'].multiply(3600)
df['pause_rate'] = df['pause_rate'].multiply(3600)
df['click_rate'] = df['click_rate'].multiply(3600)

In [39]:

clicks max_video module videos_clicked percent_clicked len_vid_sum seek_ff_rate seek_rw_rate spd_ch_rate pause_rate click_rate is_complete max_module_genomics
0 37 33 4 9 10.112360 5880 0.00000 3.061224 2.448980 0.000000 22.653061 NotComplete 8
1 599 88 8 79 88.764045 27640 1.95369 1.432706 0.390738 13.415340 78.017366 Completed 8
2 294 80 8 49 55.056180 26402 0.00000 3.681539 0.272707 3.136126 40.087872 NotComplete 8
3 80 14 2 14 15.730337 7352 0.00000 0.000000 0.979325 0.979325 39.173014 NotComplete 8
4 40 7 1 7 7.865169 2116 0.00000 0.000000 5.103970 8.506616 68.052930 NotComplete 8

5 rows × 13 columns

In [40]:
df[df.is_complete == "Completed"].head()

clicks max_video module videos_clicked percent_clicked len_vid_sum seek_ff_rate seek_rw_rate spd_ch_rate pause_rate click_rate is_complete max_module_genomics
1 599 88 8 79 88.764045 27640 1.953690 1.432706 0.390738 13.415340 78.017366 Completed 8
22 1053 88 8 86 96.629213 39803 3.165591 14.923498 0.271336 18.360425 95.239052 Completed 8
26 446 88 8 72 80.898876 33996 0.529474 0.847158 0.105895 6.777268 47.229086 Completed 8
27 1666 88 8 88 98.876404 40001 7.829804 5.849854 3.869903 26.639334 149.936252 Completed 8
28 1102 88 8 84 94.382022 38817 5.842801 1.947600 4.637144 17.157431 102.202643 Completed 8

5 rows × 13 columns

In [41]:
df[df.is_complete == "NotComplete"].head()

clicks max_video module videos_clicked percent_clicked len_vid_sum seek_ff_rate seek_rw_rate spd_ch_rate pause_rate click_rate is_complete max_module_genomics
0 37 33 4 9 10.112360 5880 0 3.061224 2.448980 0.000000 22.653061 NotComplete 8
2 294 80 8 49 55.056180 26402 0 3.681539 0.272707 3.136126 40.087872 NotComplete 8
3 80 14 2 14 15.730337 7352 0 0.000000 0.979325 0.979325 39.173014 NotComplete 8
4 40 7 1 7 7.865169 2116 0 0.000000 5.103970 8.506616 68.052930 NotComplete 8
5 179 85 8 39 43.820225 12534 0 0.861656 0.287219 10.339876 51.412159 NotComplete 8

5 rows × 13 columns

In [42]:
len(df[df.is_complete == "Completed"])


In [43]:
len(df[df.is_complete == "NotComplete"])


In [44]:
df = df.drop(['len_vid_sum'], axis=1)

In [45]:
df = df.drop(['videos_clicked'], axis=1)

In [46]:
df = df.drop(['max_video'], axis=1)

In [47]:
df = df.drop(['max_module_genomics'], axis=1)

In [48]:
df = df.drop(['clicks'], axis=1)

In [61]:
# Create a scatter matrix of the dataframe features
from import scatter_matrix
scatter_matrix(df, alpha=0.2, figsize=(12, 12), diagonal='kde')

In [62]:
from import parallel_coordinates
parallel_coordinates(df, 'is_complete')

In [63]:
from import radviz
radviz(df, 'is_complete')

In [49]:
# These features are skewing the ML estimator results.  F1 scores of .985 and 1.0 are 
#   not realistic.  Given how the data is laid out, these features need to be dropped.  
#   If the data was organized differently, as in, percent_completed up to this specific
#   point in time, then that would be a very helpful feature.  But percent_complete of 
#   the entire course, run at the end of the course, skews the data towards those who
#   completed the course.  It does not help when we are half-way through the course and
#   we want to predict drop-outs and completers.  A good next step would be to calculate
#   the percent_complete based the specific point in time the estimator is run.  And then,
#   I would assume, this information would be applicable and would not skew the results.

df = df.drop(['module'], axis=1)
df = df.drop(['percent_clicked'], axis=1)

In [50]:
from import radviz
radviz(df, 'is_complete')

In [66]:
#df = df.drop(['click_rate'], axis=1)

In [67]:
from import radviz
radviz(df, 'is_complete')

In [51]:
df.loc[df.is_complete == "NotComplete", 'is_complete'] = 0
df.loc[df.is_complete == "Completed", 'is_complete'] = 1

In [52]:

seek_ff_rate seek_rw_rate spd_ch_rate pause_rate click_rate is_complete
0 0.00000 3.061224 2.448980 0.000000 22.653061 0
1 1.95369 1.432706 0.390738 13.415340 78.017366 1
2 0.00000 3.681539 0.272707 3.136126 40.087872 0
3 0.00000 0.000000 0.979325 0.979325 39.173014 0
4 0.00000 0.000000 5.103970 8.506616 68.052930 0

5 rows × 6 columns

In [53]:
df.to_csv('capstone_ml/mooc_dataset.csv', sep=' ')
data: array of shape n_samples * n_features target: array of length n_samples feature_names: names of the features target_names: names of the targets filenames: names of the files that were loaded DESCR: contents of the readme

In [2]:
import os
import json
import time
import pickle

In [4]:
from sklearn.datasets.base import Bunch

DATA_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(".", "..", "capstone_ml"))

# Show the contents of the data directory
for name in os.listdir(DATA_DIR):
    if name.startswith("."): continue
    print "- {}".format(name)

- mooc-random-forest-classifier.pickle
- meta.json
- mooc_dataset.txt~
- meta.json~
- mooc-knn-classifier.pickle
- mooc_dataset.csv
- ml3.csv
- mooc_dataset.csv~
- mooc2_capstone.ipynb
- mooc-svm-classifier.pickle

In [7]:
def load_data(root=DATA_DIR):
    # Construct the `Bunch` for the mooc dataset
    filenames     = {
        'meta': os.path.join(root, 'meta.json'),
        'rdme': os.path.join(root, ''),
        'data': os.path.join(root, 'mooc_dataset.csv'),

    # Load the meta data from the meta json
    with open(filenames['meta'], 'r') as f:
        meta = json.load(f)
        target_names  = meta['target_names']
        feature_names = meta['feature_names']

    # Load the description from the README. 
    with open(filenames['rdme'], 'r') as f:
        DESCR =

    # Load the dataset from the text file.
    dataset = np.loadtxt(filenames['data'])

    # Extract the target from the data
    data   = dataset[:, 1:-1]  #colon means all the rows; 0:-1 means rows from first to second to last
    target = dataset[:, -1]    #take last column for all the rows

    # Create the bunch object
    return Bunch(

# Save the dataset as a variable we can use.
dataset = load_data()


(7241, 5)

In [52]:
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn import cross_validation
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold

from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier

In [12]:
def fit_and_evaluate(dataset, model, label, **kwargs):
    Because of the Scikit-Learn API, we can create a function to
    do all of the fit and evaluate work on our behalf!
    start  = time.time() # Start the clock! 
    scores = {'precision':[], 'recall':[], 'accuracy':[], 'f1':[]}
    for train, test in KFold([0], n_folds=12, shuffle=True):
        X_train, X_test =[train],[test]
        y_train, y_test =[train],[test]
        estimator = model(**kwargs), y_train)
        expected  = y_test
        predicted = estimator.predict(X_test)
        # Append our scores to the tracker
        scores['precision'].append(metrics.precision_score(expected, predicted, average='binary'))
        scores['recall'].append(metrics.recall_score(expected, predicted, average='binary'))
        scores['accuracy'].append(metrics.accuracy_score(expected, predicted))
        scores['f1'].append(metrics.f1_score(expected, predicted, average='binary'))

    # Report
    print "Build and Validation of {} took {:0.3f} seconds".format(label, time.time()-start)
    print "Validation scores are as follows:\n"
    print pd.DataFrame(scores).mean()
    # Write official estimator to disk
    estimator = model(**kwargs),
    outpath = label.lower().replace(" ", "-") + ".pickle"
    with open(outpath, 'w') as f:
        pickle.dump(estimator, f)

    print "\nFitted model written to:\n{}".format(os.path.abspath(outpath))

In [61]:
# Perform SVC Classification
fit_and_evaluate(dataset, SVC, "MOOC SVM Classifier")

Build and Validation of MOOC SVM Classifier took 44.649 seconds
Validation scores are as follows:

accuracy     0.839805
f1           0.090153
precision    0.379591
recall       0.051426
dtype: float64

Fitted model written to:

In [45]:
# Perform kNN Classification
fit_and_evaluate(dataset, KNeighborsClassifier, "MOOC kNN Classifier", n_neighbors=3)

Build and Validation of MOOC kNN Classifier took 0.318 seconds
Validation scores are as follows:

accuracy     0.812460
f1           0.304932
precision    0.357549
recall       0.269098
dtype: float64

Fitted model written to:

In [55]:
# Perform Random Forest Classification
fit_and_evaluate(dataset, RandomForestClassifier, "MOOC Random Forest Classifier")

Build and Validation of MOOC Random Forest Classifier took 1.790 seconds
Validation scores are as follows:

accuracy     0.879708
f1           0.558248
precision    0.647145
recall       0.495473
dtype: float64

Fitted model written to:

In [61]:
# Perform Decision Tree Classifier
fit_and_evaluate(dataset, DecisionTreeClassifier, "MOOC Decision Tree Classifier")

Build and Validation of MOOC Decision Tree Classifier took 0.554 seconds
Validation scores are as follows:

accuracy     0.864525
f1           0.558030
precision    0.561890
recall       0.556953
dtype: float64

Fitted model written to:

In [62]:
# Perform Decision Tree Regressor
fit_and_evaluate(dataset, DecisionTreeRegressor, "MOOC Decision Tree Regressor")

Build and Validation of MOOC Decision Tree Regressor took 0.476 seconds
Validation scores are as follows:

accuracy     0.857889
f1           0.545271
precision    0.541599
recall       0.553453
dtype: float64

Fitted model written to:

In [59]:
# Perform Gaussian Naive Bayes
fit_and_evaluate(dataset, GaussianNB, "MOOC Gaussian Naive Bayes")

Build and Validation of MOOC Gaussian Naive Bayes took 0.183 seconds
Validation scores are as follows:

accuracy     0.838971
f1           0.048020
precision    0.261156
recall       0.026682
dtype: float64

Fitted model written to:

In [63]:
# Perform AdaBoost Classifier
fit_and_evaluate(dataset, AdaBoostClassifier, "MOOC AdaBoost Classifier")

Build and Validation of MOOC AdaBoost Classifier took 5.718 seconds
Validation scores are as follows:

accuracy     0.874050
f1           0.486864
precision    0.658405
recall       0.388496
dtype: float64

Fitted model written to:

In [46]:
# Perform SGD Classifier
fit_and_evaluate(dataset, SGDClassifier, "MOOC SGD Classifier")

Build and Validation of MOOC SGD Classifier took 0.124 seconds
Validation scores are as follows:

accuracy     0.828192
f1           0.059208
precision    0.085229
recall       0.063860
dtype: float64

Fitted model written to:

In [ ]: