Exploring QVEC

I want to spend some time now looking closer at QVEC's output, namely the correlations and the alignment matrix. The second main point of the original paper is that the alignments allow you to interpret individual dimensions of embeddings.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
import csv
from itertools import product
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

data_path = '../../data'
tmp_path = '../../tmp'

/home/bacon/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/statsmodels/compat/pandas.py:56: FutureWarning: The pandas.core.datetools module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use the pandas.tseries module instead.
  from pandas.core import datetools

Linguistic features

In [2]:
feature_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'evaluation/semcor/tsvetkov_semcor.csv')
subset = pd.read_csv(feature_path, index_col=0)
subset.columns = [c.replace('semcor.', '') for c in subset.columns]
subset.set_index('words', inplace=True)
subset = subset.T

Learnt embeddings

In [3]:
size = 300
fname = 'embeddings/glove.6B.{}d.txt'.format(size)
embedding_path = os.path.join(data_path, fname)
embeddings = pd.read_csv(embedding_path, sep=' ', header=None, index_col=0, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE).T

QVEC model

In [4]:
def qvec(features, embeddings):
    Returns correlations between columns of `features` and `embeddings`.
    The aligned feature is the one with the highest correlation.
    The qvec score is the sum of correlations of aligned features.
    common_words = embeddings.columns.intersection(features.columns)
    S = features[common_words]
    X = embeddings[common_words]
    correlations = pd.DataFrame({i:X.corrwith(S.iloc[i], axis=1) for i in range(len(S))})
    correlations.columns = S.index
    return correlations

In [46]:
correlations = qvec(subset, embeddings)
V = len(embeddings.columns.intersection(subset.columns))

In [47]:

noun.Tops noun.act noun.animal noun.artifact noun.attribute noun.body noun.cognition noun.communication noun.event noun.feeling ... verb.consumption verb.contact verb.creation verb.emotion verb.motion verb.perception verb.possession verb.social verb.stative verb.weather
1 -0.025195 0.103305 0.022804 0.019960 -0.005073 -0.063040 0.001746 -0.044627 0.060426 -0.000629 ... -0.000923 0.032615 -0.059228 0.002191 0.043395 0.016654 -0.000253 0.015861 -0.058195 0.027505
2 0.025052 0.003521 0.071996 0.033976 0.046986 0.000275 -0.025890 -0.093323 0.013002 -0.026363 ... 0.041451 0.004752 0.008058 -0.024316 -0.043428 0.021968 -0.003188 0.024070 0.064498 -0.034473
3 0.000335 0.132868 -0.020388 -0.043322 0.026484 -0.031252 0.051305 0.025105 0.069223 0.112211 ... -0.009357 -0.078781 -0.096304 -0.000102 -0.010545 -0.015110 -0.082116 -0.047947 -0.098220 0.008797
4 0.003880 0.020326 0.023546 -0.164084 -0.013492 -0.079157 0.008527 0.045884 -0.002118 -0.003778 ... 0.031046 -0.015342 -0.029799 0.009851 0.045801 -0.023565 0.036102 0.003050 0.059049 -0.009769
5 0.011347 0.032593 0.008034 -0.031921 -0.015440 0.030811 0.026431 -0.020380 -0.054214 0.032733 ... -0.006414 -0.024326 -0.012067 0.045959 -0.026189 -0.051913 0.013840 -0.012455 0.000732 -0.006095

5 rows × 41 columns


What dimensions and features are aligned?

The dataframe below is as follows: index is the dimension of the learnt embedding, 'feature' is the name of the linguistic feature aligned with that dimension, and 'max_corr' is the correlation between the dimension and feature. The sum of the 'max_corr' column is the qvec score.

39 dimensions pick out 'noun.person', 37 'noun.artifact', 19 'noun.body', 15 'verb.change'.

In [48]:
alignments = pd.DataFrame(correlations.idxmax(axis=1))
alignments.columns = ['feature']
alignments['max_corr'] = correlations.max(axis=1)
alignments.sort_values(by='max_corr', ascending=False).head(10)

feature max_corr
122 noun.person 0.318956
255 noun.person 0.288418
91 noun.artifact 0.268320
54 noun.person 0.254084
245 noun.person 0.224563
300 noun.person 0.215958
151 noun.group 0.207835
235 noun.artifact 0.204042
187 noun.artifact 0.200060
182 noun.person 0.197632

What is QVEC doing?

QVEC is looking at 41 correlation coefficients (or as many linguistic features as there are) and finding the maximum. Here, I show the relevant scatterplot for the highest correlation.

A consistent observation is that the distribution of the linguistic features are strongly peaked at 0. That is, almost all words have 0 for for most features. Sometimes, there is some mass at 1. This suggests to me that the linguistic features being used are not appropriate.

In [8]:
common_words = embeddings.columns.intersection(subset.columns)
S = subset[common_words]
X = embeddings[common_words]
def plot(i, j, X=X, S=S):
    """Plot ith dimension of embeddings against feature j."""
    x = X.loc[i]
    s = S.loc[j]
    sns.jointplot(x, s);

In [9]:

What do the learnt embeddings looks like?

In sum: each dimension looks pretty normal, but the formal tests I'm using suggest otherwise. Most are centered at 0 with std around 0.4.

From the marginal distribution plots above, it looks like each dimension is normally distributed. I don't know if that's purposively done during training or if it just turns out that way.

In [10]:

Graphical test of normality

I'm plotting a QQ plot and a probability plot side by side.

In [11]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2)
vector = X.loc[1]
sm.qqplot(vector, ax=axs[0]);
stats.probplot(vector, plot=axs[1]);

KS test

The preliminary results suggest that some dimensions are not normally distributed.

The KS test is clear, but I have some uncertainty about how to use it in scipy. In particular, do I give it the std or var of the distribution being tested?

In [12]:
def do_kstest(i):
    vector = X.loc[i]
    ybar = vector.mean()
    s = vector.std()
    result = stats.kstest(vector, cdf='norm', args=(ybar, s))
    return result.pvalue

p_values = [do_kstest(i) for i in X.index]

Shapiro-Wilk test

In [13]:
def do_shapirotest(i):
    vector = X.loc[i]
    result = stats.shapiro(vector)
    return result[1]

p_values = [do_shapirotest(i) for i in X.index]

Lilliefors test

In [14]:
def do_lillieforstest(i):
    vector = X.loc[i]
    result = sm.stats.lilliefors(vector)
    return result[1]

In [15]:
p_values = [do_lillieforstest(i) for i in X.index]

Location & spread of each dimension

In [16]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2)
sns.distplot(X.mean(axis=1), ax=axs[0]);
sns.distplot(X.std(axis=1), ax=axs[1]);

What does each learnt embedding look like?

In sum: Centered at 0 with std 0.4, but less clearly normal.

How to answer this effectively?

In [17]:

Location & spread of each word embedding

In [18]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2)
sns.distplot(X.mean(), ax=axs[0]);
sns.distplot(X.std(), ax=axs[1]);

What do the features look like?

The features are strongly bimodal. The usual summary statistics of mean, median and std are not appropriate for bimodal distributions.

If you were to randomly select a word, on average its feature representation would have 1.3% for an animal noun.

In [19]:

noun.artifact         0.100604
noun.person           0.081092
noun.act              0.066654
noun.communication    0.060680
verb.communication    0.050085
dtype: float64

In [20]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=4, figsize=(10, 4), sharey=True)
sns.distplot(S.loc['noun.artifact'], ax=axs[0], kde=False);
sns.distplot(S.loc['noun.person'], ax=axs[1], kde=False);
sns.distplot(S.loc['noun.act'], ax=axs[2], kde=False);
sns.distplot(S.loc['noun.communication'], ax=axs[3], kde=False);

What proportion of words in the vocab have a non-zero value for each feature?

On average across all 41 features, 6% of words have a nonzero entry for features. The highest proportion is 21%.

In [21]:
proportions = S.astype(bool).sum(axis=1) / len(S.columns)

noun.artifact         0.210702
noun.act              0.181796
noun.communication    0.151935
noun.person           0.135929
verb.communication    0.116579
dtype: float64
count    41.000000
mean      0.060783
std       0.048772
min       0.002628
25%       0.024606
50%       0.043717
75%       0.091495
max       0.210702
dtype: float64

How can I actually measure an association between linguistic features and learnt dimensions?

Knowing that the dimensions of the learnt embeddings are normally distributed and that the features are strongly bimodal, what is the best way to measure their correlation? It's clear that Pearson's $r$ and Spearman's $\rho$ are not appropriate because of the high number of ties.

I see two broad approaches:

  • Remove all 0's and use Pearson's or Spearman's.
  • Treat the feature as binary and compare means.

In sum: Neither is very insightful. I need to use different (less sparse) features.

Remove 0's

In sum: Removing 0's seems to help, but is not principled. It picks out one extremely rare feature. The fact that removing 0's helps tells me the presence of such rare features is a problem.

I changed the 0's to missing values and then use the usual QVEC code from above. I checked the source of corrwith and it looks like it ignores missing values, which is what I want.

The wierd thing is that one feature 'noun.motive' is the most highly correlated feature for 66 of the 300 dimensions. Most of the most highly correlated features are 'noun.motive'. Previously, it didn't appear at all. There are only 11 nonzero entries for it.

In [22]:
S_no_zeroes = S[(S != 0)]

words in a be have will one two more first up ... epiphysis alveolus antiserum quirt polyphosphate catkin illumine thyroglobulin pushup compulsivity
noun.Tops NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
noun.act 0.181818 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.322581 NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.0 NaN
noun.animal NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
noun.artifact 0.090909 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
noun.attribute 0.090909 NaN NaN NaN 0.111111 NaN NaN NaN 0.032258 NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.0

5 rows × 4186 columns

In [23]:
tmp = qvec(S_no_zeroes, embeddings)

noun.Tops noun.act noun.animal noun.artifact noun.attribute noun.body noun.cognition noun.communication noun.event noun.feeling ... verb.consumption verb.contact verb.creation verb.emotion verb.motion verb.perception verb.possession verb.social verb.stative verb.weather
1 -0.229182 0.111077 0.007209 0.037589 -0.083839 -0.227386 0.002934 -0.045626 -0.019186 -0.062111 ... 0.073027 0.085515 -0.244246 -0.067874 0.068440 0.070704 -0.100652 0.013106 -0.167430 0.256932
2 0.202263 -0.008259 0.200702 -0.000356 0.113172 -0.024689 -0.072588 -0.178311 -0.051213 -0.149925 ... 0.100824 -0.074187 -0.067437 -0.190583 -0.162674 0.028970 -0.054395 0.000717 0.154650 -0.111338
3 0.014284 0.214625 -0.075941 -0.117910 -0.020473 0.002985 0.049466 0.009423 0.171650 0.440297 ... 0.087655 -0.040716 -0.241742 0.112286 0.066815 0.146187 -0.137460 -0.026873 -0.175116 0.181890
4 0.155118 0.049381 0.292984 -0.116676 0.000463 0.044785 0.116891 0.058691 0.084327 -0.093920 ... 0.109172 0.019141 -0.081494 0.030214 0.161246 -0.153968 0.116954 -0.026835 0.241725 0.038425
5 -0.008214 0.055944 -0.049097 -0.014899 -0.069239 0.001092 -0.028705 -0.007390 -0.094735 0.062622 ... 0.040004 -0.034280 -0.047176 0.085783 -0.065920 -0.261270 0.037078 -0.065048 -0.029855 0.198482

5 rows × 41 columns

In [24]:
alignments = pd.DataFrame(tmp.idxmax(axis=1))
alignments.columns = ['feature']
alignments['max_corr'] = tmp.max(axis=1)
alignments.sort_values(by='max_corr', ascending=False).head()

feature max_corr
160 noun.motive 0.865133
164 noun.motive 0.727977
213 noun.motive 0.705146
200 noun.motive 0.678975
218 noun.motive 0.676393

The following dimensions and features were aligned previously:

  • 122 noun.person
  • 255 noun.person
  • 91 noun.artifact
  • 54 noun.person
  • 245 noun.person

In [25]:
plot(122, 'noun.person', S=S_no_zeroes);

In [26]:
plot(255, 'noun.person', S=S_no_zeroes);

Treat linguistic features as binary

In sum: I binarize S, so the linguistic features are now presence/absence. For each dimension-feature pair, you can look at the distribution of the dimension for words with and without that feature. Dimension-features that are aligned using the original method show separation. But quantifying the separation across all dimension-feature pairs is problematic, using either t-test or KS test. You get seemingly significant results for unaligned pairs. I have not done any multiple test corrections. This approach does not seem as promising as changing the features to less sparse ones.*

One suggestion here is to compare the means directly. Below, I plot the distribution of a dimension split by words that have that feature and those that don't. For dimensions and features that were identified above as aligned, this plot shows some good separation. For non-aligned dimension-feature pairs, there is no separation. However, I perform a two-tailed t-test for a difference of means between the two. I get "significant" results even when there is no visible difference. Thus, I cannot blindly trust the t test results here. To show this, I perform all $(41 \times 300)$ t tests and plot the p values. The plot suggests most pairs are significantly different, in line with my eyeball checks previously.

In [27]:
def do_ttest(i, feature, X=X, S=S):
    """Do two sample t test for difference of means between the ith dimension 
    of words with feature and those without."""
    dim = X.loc[i]
    have = S.loc[feature].astype(bool)
    result = stats.ttest_ind(dim[have], dim[~have])
    return result[1]

In [28]:
def do_2kstest(i, feature, X=X, S=S):
    """Returns p value from 2 sided KS test that the ith dimension from words with 
    feature and those from words without feature come from the same distribution."""
    dim = X.loc[i]
    have = S.loc[feature].astype(bool)
    result = stats.ks_2samp(dim[have], dim[~have])
    return result[1]

In [29]:
def plot_by_presence(i, feature, X=X, S=S):
    """Plot distribution of the ith dimension of X for those that have
    feature and those that don't."""
    dim = X.loc[i]
    have = S.loc[feature].astype(bool)
    has_label = feature
    has_not_label = 'no {}'.format(feature)
    sns.distplot(dim[have], label=has_label);
    sns.distplot(dim[~have], label=has_not_label);
    t_test = do_ttest(i, feature, X, S)
    ks_test = do_2kstest(i, feature, X, S)
    plt.title('t: {}\nks: {}'.format(t_test, ks_test))

This dimension-feature pair was aligned in the original method using correlation between raw values. I see good separation between the distributions, which is consistent with a relationship between the variables. The t test result strongly suggests the population means are different (but I can see that from the plot).

In [30]:
plot_by_presence(255, 'noun.person')

This dimension-feature pair is weakly negatively correlated using the original method ($r=-0.06$). Consistent with that, the distributions overlap a lot. However, a t test gives a small p value, suggesting the population means are different.

In [31]:
plot_by_presence(1, 'noun.body')

This is the distribution of p values from a t test for all dimension-feature pairs. I think it shows the inappropriateness of a t test more than anything else.

In [32]:
tmp = [do_ttest(i, f) for (i, f) in product(X.index, S.index)]

In [33]:
tmp = [do_2kstest(i, f) for (i, f) in product(X.index, S.index)]

How sparse is the feature matrix?

93% of the entries in the feature matrix are zero.

In [34]:
(subset.size - np.count_nonzero(subset.values)) / subset.size


How correlated are the features and learnt dimensions?

This plot says that the correlations are normally distributed around 0.

In [36]:

The following summary shows that the $(41*300)$ correlations are centered at 0 with std 0.05. The largest is 0.32, and the smallest is -0.30. These don't seem like very high numbers. The 75% percentile is 0.03. By looking back at the histogram above, it's obviously these dimensions are not highly correlated with these linguistic features.

Another important point from this is that the distribution of correlations is symmetric. So using the the max, rather than the max absolute, seems arbitrary. It doesn't allow for reversed dimensions.

In [37]:

count    12300.000000
mean        -0.000063
std          0.048710
min         -0.298277
25%         -0.028078
50%          0.000444
75%          0.028427
max          0.318956
dtype: float64

What do the maximum correlations look like?

These are all positive. But are they different enough from 0? What test can I use here?

In [38]:

In the heatmap below, nothing really sticks out. It does not look like these features are captured well by these dimensions.

In [14]:

Which features are not the most correlated with any dimension?

'verb.weather' doesn't seem like a good feature, but the others do. So leaving them out isn't great.

In [53]:

Index(['noun.Tops', 'noun.event', 'noun.motive', 'noun.relation',
       'verb.competition', 'verb.consumption', 'verb.perception',

Top K words

NB: This stinks with the whole embedding matrix, but looks promising with smaller vocab.

In the paper they give the top K words for a dimension. The code prints, for each dimension, the dimension number, the aligned linguistic feature, the correlation between the two previous things, and the top k words associated with the dimension. I understand the last bit to mean "the k words with the highest value in the dimension".

Importantly, it matters whether you look for the top K words in the whole embedding matrix, or the reduced vocab in the matrix X (the one you have linguistic features for). You get much better results when you use X. Ideally, the method would generalize to the larger vocab. Clearly, X will have words with much higher frequency. This may give more sensible (stable?) results.

How can I assess whether these top K words are "correct" or not?

  • Are the top k words of the right POS?
  • Look at the smallest values associated with each dimension.

In [112]:
def highest_value(i, k=20, X=X):
    """Return the top `k` words with highest values for ith dimension in X."""
    dim = X.loc[i]
    return dim.nlargest(n=k).index

In [113]:
k = 10
largest = pd.DataFrame([highest_value(i, k) for i in alignments.index], index=alignments.index)
top_k = pd.merge(alignments, largest, left_index=True, right_index=True)
top_k.sort_values(by='max_corr', ascending=False).head()

feature max_corr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
122 noun.person 0.318956 amateur educator physician bodybuilder linguist politician legislator philosopher teacher dancer
255 noun.person 0.288418 soldier writer army farmer man father disease son horse yard
91 noun.artifact 0.268320 rotor barrel drum brass steel batting bicycle pace piano hit
54 noun.person 0.254084 platoon apprentice sergeant regiment corps mars mortar president conductor retailer
245 noun.person 0.224563 ambassador minister deputy interior counterpart policeman summon swear wail dispatch

In [120]:
def get_dims(feature, df=top_k):
    """Return the dimensions aligned with `feature` in `df`."""
    return df[df['feature']==feature].sort_values(by='max_corr', ascending=False)


feature max_corr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
180 noun.time 0.152026 minority debt qualify percent leaders percentage nation income cup losses
84 noun.time 0.134748 bomb doctor milligram summary interruption peace lawyer fraud noon trial
166 noun.time 0.122093 clap nazi german germany dipole dividend transmission thaw confirmation swiss
4 noun.time 0.118316 hr creep sneak average deduction pound expire procreation orient theologian
239 noun.time 0.105017 earthquake index congress magnitude anemia classification ruling rating retention boundary


  • Explore top k words more.
  • How can I assess whether the top K words are "correct" or not?
  • Look at more than the most highly correlated feature.
  • Do embeddings capture POS/syntactic information?
  • Are dimensions that capture the same feature giving complimentary information?
  • Rotate the vector space.