Import the LArray library:
In [ ]:
from larray import *
The LArray library offers two syntaxes to build axes and make selections and aggregations.
The first one is more Pythonic
(uses Python structures)
For example, you can create an age_category axis as follows:
In [ ]:
age_category = Axis(["0-9", "10-17", "18-66", "67+"], "age_category")
The second one consists of using strings
that are parsed.
It is shorter to type. The same age_category axis could have been generated as follows:
In [ ]:
age_category = Axis("age_category=0-9,10-17,18-66,67+")
In [ ]:
a = Axis('a=a0,a1,a2,a3')
The special syntax start..stop
generates a sequence of labels:
In [ ]:
a = Axis('a=a0..a3')
When creating an array, it is possible to define several axes in the same string using ;
In [ ]:
arr = zeros("a=a0..a2; b=b0,b1; c=c0..c5")
In [ ]:
immigration = load_example_data('demography_eurostat').immigration
an example of a selection using the Pythonic
syntax is:
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# since the labels 'Belgium' and 'Netherlands' also exists in the 'citizenship' axis,
# we need to explicitly specify that we want to make a selection over the 'country' axis
immigration_subset = immigration[['Belgium', 'Netherlands'], 'Female', 2015:]
Using the String
syntax, the same selection becomes:
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immigration_subset = immigration['country[Belgium,Netherlands]', 'Female', 2015:]
An example of an aggregation using the Pythonic
syntax is:
In [ ]:
immigration.mean((X.time[2014::2] >> 'even_years', X.time[::2] >> 'odd_years'), 'citizenship')
Using the String
syntax, the same aggregation becomes:
In [ ]:
immigration.mean('time[2014::2] >> even_years; time[::2] >> odd_years', 'citizenship')
where we used ;
to separate groups of labels from the same axis.