Use OSMnx to create and analyze a NetworkX street network

OSMnx is a Python library that lets you download spatial geometries and construct, project, and visualize street networks from OpenStreetMap's API.

More about OSMnx:

Install OSMnx: conda install -c conda-forge osmnx

In [1]:
import osmnx as ox, networkx as nx, pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
ox.config(log_console=True, use_cache=True)

Calculate basic (and more advanced) street network metrics

In [2]:
# get the network for Piedmont, calculate its basic stats, then show the average circuity
stats = ox.basic_stats(ox.graph_from_place('Piedmont, California, USA', network_type='drive_service'))

In [3]:

{'circuity_avg': 1.1101568145581493,
 'count_intersections': 324,
 'edge_density_km': None,
 'edge_length_avg': 118.4376013547462,
 'edge_length_total': 116779.47493577976,
 'intersection_density_km': None,
 'k_avg': 5.3732970027247955,
 'm': 986,
 'n': 367,
 'node_density_km': None,
 'self_loop_proportion': 0.006085192697768763,
 'street_density_km': None,
 'street_length_avg': 118.47308844091958,
 'street_length_total': 60658.221281750826,
 'street_segments_count': 512,
 'streets_per_node_avg': 2.904632152588556,
 'streets_per_node_counts': {0: 0, 1: 43, 2: 2, 3: 272, 4: 48, 5: 1, 6: 1},
 'streets_per_node_proportion': {0: 0.0,
  1: 0.11716621253405994,
  2: 0.005449591280653951,
  3: 0.7411444141689373,
  4: 0.1307901907356948,
  5: 0.0027247956403269754,
  6: 0.0027247956403269754}}

In [4]:


To calculate density-based metrics, you must also pass the network's bounding area in square meters (otherwise basic_stats() will just skip them in the calculation):

In [5]:
# get the street network for a place, and its area in square meters (by projecting)
place = 'Piedmont, California, USA'
gdf = ox.gdf_from_place(place)
area = ox.project_gdf(gdf).unary_union.area
G = ox.graph_from_place(place, network_type='drive_service')

In [6]:
# calculate basic and extended network stats, merge them together, and display
stats = ox.basic_stats(G, area=area)
extended_stats = ox.extended_stats(G, ecc=True, bc=True, cc=True)
for key, value in extended_stats.items():
    stats[key] = value

avg_neighbor_degree                    {53107192: 2.6666666666666665, 53090322: 3.0, ...
avg_neighbor_degree_avg                                                          2.89668
avg_weighted_neighbor_degree           {53107192: 0.019179456801477934, 53090322: 0.0...
avg_weighted_neighbor_degree_avg                                               0.0328481
betweenness_centrality                 {53092207: 0.005202460905249439, 53107192: 0.0...
betweenness_centrality_avg                                                     0.0388068
center                                                                       [305541020]
circuity_avg                                                                     1.11016
closeness_centrality                   {53092207: 0.000522047192008307, 53107192: 0.0...
closeness_centrality_avg                                                     0.000593005
clustering_coefficient                 {53107192: 0.0, 53090322: 0.0, 53082627: 0.333...
clustering_coefficient_avg                                                     0.0744777
clustering_coefficient_weighted        {53107192: 0.0, 53090322: 0.0, 53082627: 0.023...
clustering_coefficient_weighted_avg                                            0.0115481
count_intersections                                                                  324
degree_centrality                      {53090322: 0.01639344262295082, 53090323: 0.01...
degree_centrality_avg                                                          0.0146811
diameter                                                                         5023.78
eccentricity                           {53092207: 3629.170379906616, 53090322: 3432.8...
edge_density_km                                                                  26867.6
edge_length_avg                                                                  118.438
edge_length_total                                                                 116779
intersection_density_km                                                          74.5432
k_avg                                                                             5.3733
m                                                                                    986
n                                                                                    367
node_density_km                                                                  84.4363
pagerank                               {53090322: 0.0037665428093308826, 53090323: 0....
pagerank_max                                                                  0.00854043
pagerank_max_node                                                               53036558
pagerank_min                                                                 0.000587028
pagerank_min_node                                                              682931951
periphery                                                                     [53065785]
radius                                                                           2507.94
self_loop_proportion                                                          0.00608519
street_density_km                                                                13955.7
street_length_avg                                                                118.473
street_length_total                                                              60658.2
street_segments_count                                                                512
streets_per_node_avg                                                             2.90463
streets_per_node_counts                   {0: 0, 1: 43, 2: 2, 3: 272, 4: 48, 5: 1, 6: 1}
streets_per_node_proportion            {0: 0.0, 1: 0.11716621253405994, 2: 0.00544959...
dtype: object

Notice that this returns the basic stats as a dict, which we threw into a pandas series. Degree counts and proportions are nested dicts inside it. To convert these stats to a pandas dataframe (to compare/analyze multiple networks against each other), just unpack these nested dicts first:

In [7]:
# unpack dicts into individiual keys:values
stats = ox.basic_stats(G, area=area)
for k, count in stats['streets_per_node_counts'].items():
    stats['int_{}_count'.format(k)] = count
for k, proportion in stats['streets_per_node_proportion'].items():
    stats['int_{}_prop'.format(k)] = proportion

# delete the no longer needed dict elements
del stats['streets_per_node_counts']
del stats['streets_per_node_proportion']

# load as a pandas dataframe

circuity_avg count_intersections edge_density_km edge_length_avg edge_length_total int_0_count int_0_prop int_1_count int_1_prop int_2_count ... k_avg m n node_density_km self_loop_proportion street_density_km street_length_avg street_length_total street_segments_count streets_per_node_avg
0 1.110157 324.0 26867.64835 118.437601 116779.474936 0.0 0.0 43.0 0.117166 2.0 ... 5.373297 986.0 367.0 84.436301 0.006085 13955.738025 118.473088 60658.221282 512.0 2.904632

1 rows × 30 columns

In [8]:
# proportion of intersections that are cul-de-sacs, T-intersections, and X-intersections?


In [9]:
# how many streets emanate from each intersection?

{53017091: 3,
 53018397: 3,
 53018399: 3,
 53018402: 3,
 53018404: 3,
 53018410: 3,
 53018411: 3,
 53021742: 4,
 53021743: 3,
 53021750: 3,
 53022623: 3,
 53022625: 1,
 53023513: 3,
 53025057: 3,
 53025060: 3,
 53025220: 3,
 53025222: 1,
 53027454: 3,
 53027455: 3,
 53027457: 4,
 53027459: 3,
 53027461: 3,
 53027463: 3,
 53028190: 3,
 53028192: 4,
 53033660: 4,
 53035699: 4,
 53036557: 3,
 53036558: 6,
 53037306: 3,
 53037307: 3,
 53040495: 4,
 53040794: 3,
 53041432: 3,
 53041437: 3,
 53041440: 3,
 53041442: 4,
 53041443: 4,
 53041445: 3,
 53041668: 3,
 53041670: 1,
 53042706: 3,
 53042707: 3,
 53044573: 1,
 53044575: 3,
 53044661: 3,
 53044664: 3,
 53046249: 3,
 53046250: 3,
 53046251: 3,
 53046252: 3,
 53046253: 3,
 53046254: 3,
 53046255: 4,
 53050874: 3,
 53050875: 3,
 53057697: 4,
 53057704: 3,
 53059166: 3,
 53059173: 4,
 53059175: 3,
 53059186: 3,
 53059187: 3,
 53059189: 3,
 53059885: 3,
 53060462: 3,
 53060465: 3,
 53060466: 4,
 53060467: 3,
 53060468: 4,
 53060469: 4,
 53060471: 4,
 53060473: 3,
 53062956: 4,
 53062958: 3,
 53064300: 3,
 53064302: 3,
 53064305: 3,
 53064327: 3,
 53064328: 3,
 53064329: 3,
 53064330: 3,
 53064331: 3,
 53065783: 3,
 53065785: 1,
 53066716: 4,
 53066717: 3,
 53068822: 3,
 53068826: 4,
 53068829: 3,
 53073689: 3,
 53073691: 4,
 53073816: 3,
 53073822: 3,
 53073843: 4,
 53074376: 3,
 53074377: 3,
 53074380: 3,
 53075311: 3,
 53075599: 4,
 53075602: 3,
 53075606: 4,
 53076244: 3,
 53076245: 3,
 53076246: 3,
 53076247: 3,
 53076250: 3,
 53076382: 3,
 53076384: 4,
 53076391: 3,
 53076392: 3,
 53076395: 3,
 53076399: 3,
 53077316: 1,
 53078467: 3,
 53078468: 3,
 53078469: 3,
 53078473: 3,
 53078914: 3,
 53079888: 3,
 53080198: 3,
 53081989: 3,
 53081990: 3,
 53082619: 3,
 53082621: 3,
 53082625: 3,
 53082627: 3,
 53082631: 3,
 53082632: 3,
 53082634: 3,
 53082640: 3,
 53082643: 3,
 53082644: 3,
 53082645: 3,
 53085009: 3,
 53085375: 3,
 53085377: 4,
 53085380: 3,
 53085382: 3,
 53085385: 3,
 53085387: 4,
 53085388: 4,
 53085389: 3,
 53086074: 3,
 53088880: 3,
 53088882: 3,
 53089336: 3,
 53090322: 3,
 53090323: 3,
 53090940: 3,
 53091598: 3,
 53092199: 3,
 53092201: 4,
 53092203: 3,
 53092207: 3,
 53092210: 3,
 53092214: 3,
 53092218: 4,
 53092220: 4,
 53092226: 3,
 53093356: 3,
 53093359: 4,
 53093360: 4,
 53093362: 3,
 53093365: 3,
 53093372: 3,
 53095909: 3,
 53097380: 4,
 53097585: 3,
 53097586: 3,
 53097976: 3,
 53097980: 4,
 53099375: 3,
 53100222: 3,
 53100223: 3,
 53100813: 3,
 53101282: 3,
 53101285: 3,
 53102808: 3,
 53107191: 3,
 53107192: 3,
 53108990: 3,
 53108992: 3,
 53111728: 3,
 53111730: 4,
 53112467: 3,
 53112473: 3,
 53112476: 3,
 53113943: 4,
 53113946: 4,
 53113947: 3,
 53114726: 4,
 53114727: 3,
 53114730: 3,
 53114732: 3,
 53114734: 3,
 53115407: 3,
 53116276: 3,
 53116302: 3,
 53116304: 1,
 53116661: 3,
 53116662: 3,
 53116664: 3,
 53116672: 3,
 53117097: 3,
 53117098: 3,
 53117160: 3,
 53117166: 3,
 53118296: 3,
 53118299: 3,
 53118366: 3,
 53118368: 3,
 53118372: 3,
 53118374: 3,
 53118376: 3,
 53118380: 3,
 53119042: 3,
 53119160: 4,
 53119162: 4,
 53119164: 5,
 53119166: 4,
 53119168: 4,
 53122757: 3,
 53123865: 4,
 53124803: 3,
 53124805: 4,
 53124807: 3,
 53124973: 3,
 53125573: 3,
 53125575: 3,
 53125725: 1,
 53125973: 3,
 53125974: 3,
 53125997: 4,
 53125999: 3,
 53126000: 3,
 53126347: 3,
 53126350: 3,
 53127240: 3,
 53128727: 3,
 53128729: 4,
 53128733: 3,
 53133008: 4,
 53134176: 1,
 53134227: 3,
 53137611: 3,
 53139048: 1,
 53140452: 3,
 53140454: 3,
 53142555: 3,
 53142908: 3,
 53143484: 1,
 53143485: 3,
 53144226: 3,
 53144229: 3,
 53144625: 3,
 53145205: 3,
 53145241: 3,
 53146451: 1,
 53148306: 1,
 53149343: 3,
 53149344: 1,
 53149520: 1,
 53149671: 3,
 53149673: 1,
 53152062: 3,
 53152069: 3,
 53152083: 3,
 53152921: 1,
 53155115: 3,
 53156140: 3,
 53156142: 1,
 53156408: 3,
 53156410: 3,
 53156415: 3,
 53156417: 3,
 53157145: 1,
 206141021: 3,
 206141022: 3,
 245118228: 3,
 245118288: 3,
 245118387: 3,
 245118772: 1,
 245370192: 3,
 245384115: 3,
 245386862: 3,
 245387557: 3,
 245387832: 3,
 245505298: 3,
 245505820: 3,
 246744892: 3,
 247141128: 3,
 247845825: 3,
 256338428: 1,
 256338808: 3,
 256338809: 3,
 256338812: 3,
 256338813: 3,
 256339663: 1,
 256340150: 1,
 256542898: 3,
 256543149: 3,
 260706808: 1,
 260707479: 3,
 260707482: 3,
 305541020: 3,
 305541919: 3,
 311882161: 3,
 311884105: 3,
 317295773: 3,
 317295778: 1,
 317295966: 1,
 317295988: 3,
 317295990: 2,
 317297719: 3,
 317338958: 1,
 317339068: 1,
 317339074: 4,
 317363251: 1,
 317364095: 1,
 370467066: 3,
 432431093: 1,
 433574682: 3,
 442842707: 3,
 682821166: 3,
 682931951: 3,
 683050066: 1,
 683050115: 3,
 683050120: 3,
 683050194: 3,
 683050204: 3,
 683050219: 3,
 683050221: 3,
 683790465: 1,
 683790519: 3,
 686194326: 1,
 686202982: 3,
 687156433: 3,
 697180263: 3,
 697180285: 3,
 702970702: 3,
 702970720: 1,
 741624608: 3,
 956500319: 3,
 2286923086: 3,
 2286923094: 3,
 2391023394: 3,
 2391023402: 3,
 2518218246: 3,
 2833994093: 3,
 2834031502: 3,
 2834093713: 3,
 2834814897: 4,
 2834816916: 1,
 2835329496: 1,
 2890584258: 3,
 3164025630: 2,
 3164026063: 1,
 3164026067: 3,
 3581678802: 3,
 3581678815: 1,
 3695575152: 1,
 3905291938: 1,
 4606504193: 3,
 4612591433: 1,
 4614826929: 3,
 4614826934: 1}

What's inside a NetworkX graph?

In [10]:
# nodes

[(53092207, {'osmid': 53092207, 'x': -122.2264515, 'y': 37.8155155}),
 (53090322, {'osmid': 53090322, 'x': -122.2368032, 'y': 37.8204243})]

In [11]:
# edges
list(G.edges(keys=True, data=True))[0:2]

  {'geometry': <shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString at 0x232183814e0>,
   'highway': 'residential',
   'length': 142.95143879632437,
   'name': 'La Salle Avenue',
   'oneway': False,
   'osmid': 6353636}),
  {'highway': 'residential',
   'length': 184.8626715345085,
   'name': 'Muir Avenue',
   'oneway': False,
   'osmid': 6367509})]

In [12]:
# highlight all the cul-de-sacs
nc = ['r' if G.graph['streets_per_node'][node]==1 else 'none' for node in G.nodes()]
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(G, node_color=nc, node_zorder=2, fig_height=4)

Calculate the network path from the centermost node to some other node

Let the origin node be the node nearest the location and let the destination node just be the last node in the network. Then find the shortest path between origin and destination, using weight='length' to find the shortest spatial path (otherwise it treats each edge as weight=1).

In [13]:
# define a lat-long point, create network around point, define origin/destination nodes
location_point = (37.791427, -122.410018)
G = ox.graph_from_point(location_point, distance=500, distance_type='network', network_type='walk')
origin_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, location_point)
destination_node = G.nodes()[-1]

In [14]:
# find the route between these nodes then plot it
route = nx.shortest_path(G, origin_node, destination_node, weight='length')

[65326733, 65326736, 65332818, 65332815, 65319944, 65290756, 65290750]

In [15]:
# inspect the first node in the route

{'osmid': 65326733, 'x': -122.4107711, 'y': 37.7915424}

In [16]:
# inspect the first edge in the route

{0: {'geometry': <shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString at 0x2321982b7b8>,
  'highway': 'residential',
  'length': 74.15163586589111,
  'name': 'Mason Street',
  'oneway': False,
  'osmid': 27166466}}

In [17]:
# what is the first edge's length


In [18]:
# what is the total length of the route?
nx.shortest_path_length(G, origin_node, destination_node, weight='length')


In [19]:
# plot it
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph_route(G, route)

In [20]:
# project the network to UTM (zone calculated automatically) then plot the network/route again
G_proj = ox.project_graph(G)
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph_route(G_proj, route)

Plot network path from one lat-long to another

In [21]:
# define origin/desination points then get the nodes nearest to each
origin_point = (37.792896, -122.412325)
destination_point = (37.790495, -122.408353)
origin_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, origin_point)
destination_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, destination_point)
origin_node, destination_node

(850803362, 65290756)

In [22]:
# find the shortest path between origin and destination nodes
route = nx.shortest_path(G, origin_node, destination_node, weight='length')

'[850803362, 633686735, 633686762, 633686748, 633686743, 850803353, 65295320, 65295314, 65295311, 65332818, 65332815, 65319944, 65290756]'

In [23]:
# plot the route showing origin/destination lat-long points in blue
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph_route(G, route, origin_point=origin_point, destination_point=destination_point)

Demonstrate routing with one-way streets

In [24]:
G = ox.graph_from_address('N Sicily Pl, Chandler, Arizona', distance=800, network_type='drive')
origin = (33.307792, -111.894940)
destination = (33.312994, -111.894998)
origin_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, origin)
destination_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, destination)
route = nx.shortest_path(G, origin_node, destination_node)
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph_route(G, route, save=True, filename='route')

Also, when there are parallel edges between nodes in the route, OSMnx picks the shortest edge to plot

In [25]:
location_point = (33.299896, -111.831638)
G = ox.graph_from_point(location_point, distance=500, clean_periphery=False)
origin = (33.301821, -111.829871)
destination = (33.301402, -111.833108)
origin_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, origin)
destination_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, destination)
route = nx.shortest_path(G, origin_node, destination_node)
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph_route(G, route)

In [ ]: