Pandana network accessibility simple demo

This notebook uses pandana (v0.2) to download street network and points-of-interest data from OpenStreetMap and then calculate network accessibility to the points of interest. Note: pandana currently only runs on Python 2.

For a more in-depth demo, check out pandana-accessibility-demo-full.ipynb

In [1]:
import pandana, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pandana.loaders import osm
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
bbox = [37.76, -122.35, 37.9, -122.17] #lat-long bounding box for berkeley/oakland
amenity = 'pub' #accessibility to this type of amenity
distance = 1500 #max distance in meters

Download points of interest (POIs) and network data from OpenStreetMap

In [3]:
# first download the points of interest corresponding to the specified amenity type
pois = osm.node_query(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], tags='"amenity"="{}"'.format(amenity))
pois[['amenity', 'name', 'lat', 'lon']].tail()

amenity name lat lon
3125416915 pub Baggys 37.799867 -122.251968
3191146332 pub Jupiter 37.869789 -122.267680
3565077293 pub Independent Brewing Company 37.796430 -122.271185
3975043613 pub J K's Brickhouse Sports Bar and Grill 37.802073 -122.288592
4096030691 pub Kingfish 37.838437 -122.262396

In [4]:
# query the OSM API for the street network within the specified bounding box
network = osm.network_from_bbox(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3])

# how many network nodes did we get for this bounding box?


Process the network data then compute accessibility

In [5]:
# identify nodes that are connected to fewer than some threshold of other nodes within a given distance
# do nothing with this for now, but see full example in other notebook for more
lcn = network.low_connectivity_nodes(impedance=1000, count=10, imp_name='distance')

In [6]:
# precomputes the range queries (the reachable nodes within this maximum distance)
# so, as long as you use a smaller distance, cached results will be used
network.precompute(distance + 1)

In [7]:
# initialize the underlying C++ points-of-interest engine
network.init_pois(num_categories=1, max_dist=distance, max_pois=7)

In [8]:
# initialize a category for this amenity with the locations specified by the lon and lat columns
network.set_pois(category='my_amenity', x_col=pois['lon'], y_col=pois['lat'])

In [9]:
# search for the n nearest amenities to each node in the network
access = network.nearest_pois(distance=distance, category='my_amenity', num_pois=7)

# each df cell represents the network distance from the node to each of the n POIs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
30366199 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000
30366200 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000
30374146 202.932999 639.367004 1264.124023 1333.255005 1356.292969 1393.644043 1412.536011
33917655 1456.061035 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000
33947074 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000 1500.000000

Plot the accessibility

In [10]:
# keyword arguments to pass for the matplotlib figure
bbox_aspect_ratio = (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) / (bbox[3] - bbox[1])
fig_kwargs = {'facecolor':'w', 
              'figsize':(10, 10 * bbox_aspect_ratio)}

# keyword arguments to pass for scatter plots
plot_kwargs = {'s':5, 

In [11]:
# plot the distance to the nth nearest amenity
n = 1
bmap, fig, ax = network.plot(access[n], bbox=bbox, plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs)
ax.set_title('Walking distance (m) to nearest {} around Berkeley/Oakland'.format(amenity), fontsize=15)
fig.savefig('images/accessibility-pub-east-bay.png', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')

For a more in-depth demo, check out pandana-accessibility-demo-full.ipynb