Reverse-geocode lat-long to census geography


In [1]:
import time, pandas as pd, requests

Define helper functions

In [2]:
def census_geocode(lon, lat, benchmark='Public_AR_Current', vintage='Current_Current',
                   output_format='json', layers='Census Tracts'):
    url = (''
    prepared_url = url.format(benchmark=benchmark, vintage=vintage, lon=lon, lat=lat, 
                              output_format=output_format, layers=layers)

    response = requests.get(prepared_url)
    return response

In [3]:
def geocode_row(row):

    response = census_geocode(lon=row['longitude'], lat=row['latitude'])
    result = response.json()['result']
    tract = result['geographies']['Census Tracts'][0]
    return pd.Series(tract)

Load the data and reverse geocode it

In [4]:
# load the dataset of rental listings
listings = pd.read_csv('data/listings.csv')

In [5]:
# reverse geocode each listing's lat-long to tract
tracts = listings.apply(lambda row: geocode_row(row), axis=1)

In [6]:
# look at the tracts we got back
tracts[['GEOID', 'AREALAND', 'AREAWATER']].head()

0 06083001304 5090828 144119
1 51153900701 2702493 43468
2 24031705000 4552733 14831
3 06073016301 1068848 0
4 22063040806 69992596 1310597

In [7]:
# merge the listings with the tracts' geoids
geoids = pd.DataFrame(tracts['GEOID'])
listings_geoids = pd.concat([listings, geoids], axis=1)

pid date region neighborhood rent bedrooms sqft rent_sqft rent_sqft_cat longitude latitude GEOID
0 4454264047 2014-05-11 santabarbara NaN 3500.0 3.0 1200.0 2.916667 5 -119.726987 34.399757 06083001304
1 4468128892 2014-05-13 washingtondc 14300 Jeffries Rd Ste 1207 1099.0 2.0 775.0 1.418065 4 -77.268300 38.635600 51153900701
2 4474037012 2014-05-16 washingtondc Bethesda 2743.0 1.0 714.0 3.841737 5 -77.102200 39.000300 24031705000
3 4482003715 2014-05-21 sandiego escondido 995.0 1.0 614.0 1.620521 4 -116.950989 32.807693 06073016301
4 4488888498 2014-05-26 batonrouge Denham Springs 1000.0 3.0 1100.0 0.909091 2 -90.942121 30.438018 22063040806

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